/* * dwt.c - code for discrete wavelet transform * (symmetric interpolating biorthogonal wavelets using the lifting transform) * Copyright (c) 2000-2003 by Tom Schouten * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include "m_pd.h" #include #include #include #include #define MAXORDER 64 typedef enum{DWT,IDWT,DWT16,IDWT16} t_dwttype; typedef struct dwtctl { t_float c_update[MAXORDER]; t_float c_predict[MAXORDER]; t_int c_nupdate; t_int c_npredict; t_int c_levels; t_int c_fakein; t_float c_fakeval; t_int c_mask; char c_name[16]; t_int *c_clutter; t_int *c_unclutter; t_int c_permute; t_dwttype c_type; } t_dwtctl; typedef struct dwt { t_object x_obj; t_float x_f; t_dwtctl x_ctl; } t_dwt; static void dwt_even(t_dwt *x, t_floatarg f) { int k = (int)f; int i, j; t_float *p = x->x_ctl.c_predict; t_float *u = x->x_ctl.c_update; t_float l, xi, xj; if ((k>0) && (kx_ctl.c_npredict = 2*k; x->x_ctl.c_nupdate = 2*k; } } static void dwt_wavelet(t_dwt *x, t_floatarg f) { int k = (int)f; t_float *p = x->x_ctl.c_predict; t_float *u = x->x_ctl.c_update; t_int *np = &x->x_ctl.c_npredict; t_int *nu = &x->x_ctl.c_nupdate; switch(k) { default: case 1: /* haar */ *np = *nu = 2; /* actual order is one */ p[0] = 1; p[1] = 0; u[0] = 0; u[1] = .5; break; case 2: /* hat */ case 3: *np = *nu = 2; p[0] = .5; p[1] = .5; u[0] = .25; u[1] = .25; break; case 4: /* N = 4, N~ = 4 */ case 5: *np = *nu = 4; p[0] = -0.0625; p[1] = 0.5625; p[2] = 0.5625; p[3] = -0.0625; u[0] = -0.03125; u[1] = 0.28125; u[2] = 0.28125; u[3] = -0.03125; break; case 6: case 7: *np = *nu = 6; p[0] = 0.01171875000000; p[1] = -0.09765625000000; p[2] = 0.58593750000000; p[3] = 0.58593750000000; p[4] = -0.09765625000000; p[5] = 0.01171875000000; u[0] = 0.00585937500000; u[1] = -0.04882812500000; u[2] = 0.29296875000000; u[3] = 0.29296875000000; u[4] = -0.04882812500000; u[5] = 0.00585937500000; break; } } static inline void dwt_perform_permutation(t_float *S, int n, t_int *f) { t_int k,l; t_float swap; for(k=0; kx_ctl; t_int k, L=0, l, start, power; t_int nsave = n; while(nsave>>=1) L++; if (ctl->c_clutter) free(ctl->c_clutter); if (ctl->c_unclutter) free(ctl->c_unclutter); ctl->c_clutter = (t_int *)malloc(n*sizeof(t_int)); ctl->c_unclutter = (t_int *)malloc(n*sizeof(t_int)); for(l = L, start = n/2, power=1; l>0; l--, start /=2, power *=2) { for(k=0; kc_unclutter[start+k] = (1 + 2*k) * power; } } ctl->c_unclutter[0] = 0; for(k=0; kc_clutter[ctl->c_unclutter[k]] = k; return; /* debug */ for(k=0; kc_clutter[k]); for(k=0; kc_unclutter[k]); exit(1); } static void idwt_coef(t_dwt *x, t_floatarg index, t_floatarg value) { x->x_ctl.c_fakein = (int)index; x->x_ctl.c_fakeval = value; } static void dwt_print(t_dwt *x) { int i; printf("%s: predict: [ ", x->x_ctl.c_name); for (i=0; ix_ctl.c_npredict; i++) printf("%f ", x->x_ctl.c_predict[i]); printf("], "); printf("update: [ "); for (i=0; ix_ctl.c_nupdate; i++) printf("%f ", x->x_ctl.c_update[i]); printf("]\n"); } static void dwt_filter(t_dwt *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) { int invalid_argument = 0; int i; char *name = x->x_ctl.c_name; t_float *pfilter = x->x_ctl.c_predict; t_float *ufilter = x->x_ctl.c_update; t_float *mask = NULL; t_int *length = NULL; t_float sum = 0; if (s == gensym("predict")) { mask = pfilter; length = &(x->x_ctl.c_npredict); } else if (s == gensym("update")) { mask = ufilter; length = &(x->x_ctl.c_nupdate); } else if (s == gensym("mask")) { mask = NULL; } else { return; } if (argc >= MAXORDER) post("%s: error, maximum order exceeded.",name); else if ((x->x_ctl.c_type == DWT16 || x->x_ctl.c_type == IDWT16 ) && (argc != 16)) post("%s: error, need to have 16 coefficients.",name); else if (argc == 0) post("%s: no arguments given.",name); else if (argc & 1) post("%s: error, only an even number of coefficients is allowed.", name); else { for (i=0; ix_ctl.c_npredict = argc; x->x_ctl.c_nupdate = argc; } } } } static inline void dwtloop(t_float *vector, int source, int dest, int increment, int backup, int numcoef, int mask, t_float *filter, int filtlength, t_float sign) { int k,m; t_float acc; for (k = 0; k < numcoef; k++) { acc = 0; for (m = 0; m < filtlength; m++) { acc += filter[m] * vector[source]; source += increment; source &= mask; } vector[dest] += sign * acc; dest += increment; source -= backup; source &= mask; } } static inline void dwtloop16(t_float *vector, int source, int dest, int increment, int backup, int numcoef, int mask, t_float *filter, int filtlength, /* ignored, set to 16 */ t_float sign) { int k,m; t_float acc; for (k = 0; k < numcoef; k++) { acc = 0; acc += filter[0] * vector[source]; source += increment; source &= mask; acc += filter[1] * vector[source]; source += increment; source &= mask; acc += filter[2] * vector[source]; source += increment; source &= mask; acc += filter[3] * vector[source]; source += increment; source &= mask; acc += filter[4] * vector[source]; source += increment; source &= mask; acc += filter[5] * vector[source]; source += increment; source &= mask; acc += filter[6] * vector[source]; source += increment; source &= mask; acc += filter[7] * vector[source]; source += increment; source &= mask; acc += filter[8] * vector[source]; source += increment; source &= mask; acc += filter[9] * vector[source]; source += increment; source &= mask; acc += filter[10] * vector[source]; source += increment; source &= mask; acc += filter[11] * vector[source]; source += increment; source &= mask; acc += filter[12] * vector[source]; source += increment; source &= mask; acc += filter[13] * vector[source]; source += increment; source &= mask; acc += filter[14] * vector[source]; source += increment; source &= mask; acc += filter[15] * vector[source]; source += increment; source &= mask; vector[dest] += sign * acc; dest += increment; source -= backup; source &= mask; } } static t_int *dwt_perform(t_int *w) { t_float *in = (t_float *)(w[3]); t_float *out = (t_float *)(w[4]); t_dwtctl *ctl = (t_dwtctl *)(w[1]); t_int n = (t_int)(w[2]); int i; int numcoef = n/2; /* int source_u = ((1 - ctl->c_nupdate)/2 - 1); * int source_p = ((1 - ctl->c_npredict)/2); */ int source_u = ((2 - ctl->c_nupdate) - 1); int source_p = ((2 - ctl->c_npredict)); int increment = 2; int dest = 1; int backup_u = (ctl->c_nupdate-1)*2; int backup_p = (ctl->c_npredict-1)*2; /* copy input to output */ if (in != out) for (i=0; ic_levels; i++){ /* foreward predict */ dwtloop(out, (source_p & (n-1)), dest, increment, backup_p, numcoef, n-1, ctl->c_predict, ctl->c_npredict, -1); /* foreward update */ dwtloop(out, (source_u & (n-1)), 0, increment, backup_u, numcoef, n-1, ctl->c_update, ctl->c_nupdate, +1); /* update control parameters */ numcoef /= 2; source_p *= 2; source_u *= 2; backup_p *= 2; backup_u *= 2; increment *= 2; dest *= 2; } if (ctl->c_permute) dwt_perform_permutation(out, n, ctl->c_unclutter); return (w+5); } static t_int *idwt_perform(t_int *w) { t_float *in = (t_float *)(w[3]); t_float *out = (t_float *)(w[4]); t_dwtctl *ctl = (t_dwtctl *)(w[1]); t_int n = (t_int)(w[2]); int i; int numcoef = 1; int source_u = ((2 - ctl->c_nupdate) - 1) * (n/2); int source_p = ((2 - ctl->c_npredict)) * (n/2); int increment = n; int dest = n/2; int backup_u = (ctl->c_nupdate-1)*n; int backup_p = (ctl->c_npredict-1)*n; int fake_in = ctl->c_fakein; t_float fake_val = ctl->c_fakeval; /* copy input to output */ if (in != out) for (i=0; i= 0) && (fake_inc_permute) dwt_perform_permutation(out, n, ctl->c_clutter); /* backward transform */ /* iterate over all levels */ for (i=0; i < ctl->c_levels; i++){ /* backward update */ dwtloop(out, (source_u & (n-1)), 0, increment, backup_u, numcoef, n-1, ctl->c_update, ctl->c_nupdate, -1); /* backward predict */ dwtloop(out, (source_p & (n-1)), dest, increment, backup_p, numcoef, n-1, ctl->c_predict, ctl->c_npredict, +1); /* update control parameters */ numcoef *= 2; source_p /= 2; source_u /= 2; backup_p /= 2; backup_u /= 2; increment /= 2; dest /= 2; } return (w+5); } static t_int *dwt16_perform(t_int *w) { t_float *in = (t_float *)(w[3]); t_float *out = (t_float *)(w[4]); t_dwtctl *ctl = (t_dwtctl *)(w[1]); t_int n = (t_int)(w[2]); int i; int numcoef = n/2; /* int source_u = ((1 - ctl->c_nupdate)/2 - 1); * int source_p = ((1 - ctl->c_npredict)/2); */ int source_u = ((2 - ctl->c_nupdate) - 1); int source_p = ((2 - ctl->c_npredict)); int increment = 2; int dest = 1; int backup_u = (ctl->c_nupdate-1)*2; int backup_p = (ctl->c_npredict-1)*2; /* copy input to output */ if (in != out) for (i=0; ic_levels; i++){ /* foreward predict */ dwtloop16(out, (source_p & (n-1)), dest, increment, backup_p, numcoef, n-1, ctl->c_predict, 16, -1); /* foreward update */ dwtloop16(out, (source_u & (n-1)), 0, increment, backup_u, numcoef, n-1, ctl->c_update, 16, +1); /* update control parameters */ numcoef /= 2; source_p *= 2; source_u *= 2; backup_p *= 2; backup_u *= 2; increment *= 2; dest *= 2; } if (ctl->c_permute) dwt_perform_permutation(out, n, ctl->c_unclutter); return (w+5); } static t_int *idwt16_perform(t_int *w) { t_float *in = (t_float *)(w[3]); t_float *out = (t_float *)(w[4]); t_dwtctl *ctl = (t_dwtctl *)(w[1]); t_int n = (t_int)(w[2]); int i; int numcoef = 1; int source_u = ((2 - ctl->c_nupdate) - 1) * (n/2); int source_p = ((2 - ctl->c_npredict)) * (n/2); int increment = n; int dest = n/2; int backup_u = (ctl->c_nupdate-1)*n; int backup_p = (ctl->c_npredict-1)*n; int fake_in = ctl->c_fakein; t_float fake_val = ctl->c_fakeval; /* copy input to output */ if (in != out) for (i=0; i= 0) && (fake_inc_permute) dwt_perform_permutation(out, n, ctl->c_clutter); /* backward transform */ /* iterate over all levels */ for (i=0; i < ctl->c_levels; i++){ /* backward update */ dwtloop16(out, (source_u & (n-1)), 0, increment, backup_u, numcoef, n-1, ctl->c_update, 16, -1); /* backward predict */ dwtloop16(out, (source_p & (n-1)), dest, increment, backup_p, numcoef, n-1, ctl->c_predict, 16, +1); /* update control parameters */ numcoef *= 2; source_p /= 2; source_u /= 2; backup_p /= 2; backup_u /= 2; increment /= 2; dest /= 2; } return (w+5); } static void dwt_dsp(t_dwt *x, t_signal **sp) { int n = sp[0]->s_n; int ln = 0; dwt_permutation(x, n); x->x_ctl.c_mask = n-1; while (n >>= 1) ln++; x->x_ctl.c_levels = ln; switch(x->x_ctl.c_type){ case DWT: dsp_add(dwt_perform, 4, &x->x_ctl, sp[0]->s_n, sp[0]->s_vec, sp[1]->s_vec); break; case IDWT: dsp_add(idwt_perform, 4, &x->x_ctl, sp[0]->s_n, sp[0]->s_vec, sp[1]->s_vec); break; case DWT16: dsp_add(dwt16_perform, 4, &x->x_ctl, sp[0]->s_n, sp[0]->s_vec, sp[1]->s_vec); break; case IDWT16: dsp_add(idwt16_perform, 4, &x->x_ctl, sp[0]->s_n, sp[0]->s_vec, sp[1]->s_vec); break; } } void dwt_free(t_dwt *x) { if (x->x_ctl.c_clutter) free(x->x_ctl.c_clutter); if (x->x_ctl.c_unclutter) free(x->x_ctl.c_unclutter); } t_class *dwt_class, *idwt_class, *dwt16_class, *idwt16_class; static void dwt_reset(t_dwt *x) { bzero(x->x_ctl.c_update, 16*sizeof(t_float)); bzero(x->x_ctl.c_predict, 16*sizeof(t_float)); x->x_ctl.c_update[7] = .25; x->x_ctl.c_update[8] = .25; x->x_ctl.c_nupdate = 16; x->x_ctl.c_predict[7] = .5; x->x_ctl.c_predict[8] = .5; x->x_ctl.c_npredict = 16; x->x_ctl.c_fakein = -1; x->x_ctl.c_fakeval = 0; } static void *dwt_new_common(t_floatarg permute) { t_dwt *x = (t_dwt *)pd_new(dwt_class); int i; outlet_new(&x->x_obj, gensym("signal")); /* init data */ dwt_reset(x); x->x_ctl.c_clutter = NULL; x->x_ctl.c_unclutter = NULL; x->x_ctl.c_permute = (t_int) permute; return (void *)x; } static void *dwt_new(t_floatarg permute) { t_dwt *x = dwt_new_common(permute); sprintf(x->x_ctl.c_name,"dwt"); x->x_ctl.c_type = DWT; return (void *)x; } static void *idwt_new(t_floatarg permute) { t_dwt *x = dwt_new_common(permute); sprintf(x->x_ctl.c_name,"idwt"); x->x_ctl.c_type = IDWT; return (void *)x; } static void *dwt16_new(t_floatarg permute) { t_dwt *x = dwt_new_common(permute); sprintf(x->x_ctl.c_name,"dwt16"); x->x_ctl.c_type = DWT16; return (void *)x; } static void *idwt16_new(t_floatarg permute) { t_dwt *x = dwt_new_common(permute); sprintf(x->x_ctl.c_name,"idwt16"); x->x_ctl.c_type = IDWT16; return (void *)x; } void dwt_tilde_setup(void) { //post("dwt~ v0.1"); dwt_class = class_new(gensym("dwt~"), (t_newmethod)dwt_new, (t_method)dwt_free, sizeof(t_dwt), 0, A_DEFFLOAT, 0); CLASS_MAINSIGNALIN(dwt_class, t_dwt, x_f); class_addmethod(dwt_class, (t_method)dwt_print, gensym("print"), 0); class_addmethod(dwt_class, (t_method)dwt_reset, gensym("reset"), 0); class_addmethod(dwt_class, (t_method)dwt_dsp, gensym("dsp"), 0); class_addmethod(dwt_class, (t_method)dwt_filter, gensym("predict"), A_GIMME, 0); class_addmethod(dwt_class, (t_method)dwt_filter, gensym("update"), A_GIMME, 0); class_addmethod(dwt_class, (t_method)dwt_filter, gensym("mask"), A_GIMME, 0); class_addmethod(dwt_class, (t_method)dwt_even, gensym("even"), A_DEFFLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(dwt_class, (t_method)idwt_coef, gensym("coef"), A_DEFFLOAT, A_DEFFLOAT, 0); /*class_addmethod(dwt_class, (t_method)dwt_wavelet, gensym("wavelet"), A_DEFFLOAT, 0); */ idwt_class = class_new(gensym("idwt~"), (t_newmethod)idwt_new, (t_method)dwt_free, sizeof(t_dwt), 0, A_DEFFLOAT, 0); CLASS_MAINSIGNALIN(idwt_class, t_dwt, x_f); class_addmethod(idwt_class, (t_method)dwt_print, gensym("print"), 0); class_addmethod(idwt_class, (t_method)dwt_dsp, gensym("dsp"), 0); class_addmethod(idwt_class, (t_method)dwt_filter, gensym("predict"), A_GIMME, 0); class_addmethod(idwt_class, (t_method)dwt_filter, gensym("update"), A_GIMME, 0); class_addmethod(idwt_class, (t_method)dwt_filter, gensym("mask"), A_GIMME, 0); class_addmethod(idwt_class, (t_method)idwt_coef, gensym("coef"), A_DEFFLOAT, A_DEFFLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(idwt_class, (t_method)dwt_even, gensym("even"), A_DEFFLOAT, 0); dwt16_class = class_new(gensym("dwt16~"), (t_newmethod)dwt16_new, (t_method)dwt_free, sizeof(t_dwt), 0, A_DEFFLOAT, 0); CLASS_MAINSIGNALIN(dwt16_class, t_dwt, x_f); class_addmethod(dwt16_class, (t_method)dwt_print, gensym("print"), 0); class_addmethod(dwt16_class, (t_method)dwt_reset, gensym("reset"), 0); class_addmethod(dwt16_class, (t_method)dwt_dsp, gensym("dsp"), 0); class_addmethod(dwt16_class, (t_method)dwt_filter, gensym("predict"), A_GIMME, 0); class_addmethod(dwt16_class, (t_method)dwt_filter, gensym("update"), A_GIMME, 0); class_addmethod(dwt16_class, (t_method)dwt_filter, gensym("mask"), A_GIMME, 0); idwt16_class = class_new(gensym("idwt16~"), (t_newmethod)idwt16_new, (t_method)dwt_free, sizeof(t_dwt), 0, A_DEFFLOAT, 0); CLASS_MAINSIGNALIN(idwt16_class, t_dwt, x_f); class_addmethod(idwt16_class, (t_method)dwt_print, gensym("print"), 0); class_addmethod(idwt16_class, (t_method)dwt_dsp, gensym("dsp"), 0); class_addmethod(idwt16_class, (t_method)dwt_filter, gensym("predict"), A_GIMME, 0); class_addmethod(idwt16_class, (t_method)dwt_filter, gensym("update"), A_GIMME, 0); class_addmethod(idwt16_class, (t_method)dwt_filter, gensym("mask"), A_GIMME, 0); class_addmethod(idwt16_class, (t_method)idwt_coef, gensym("coef"), A_DEFFLOAT, A_DEFFLOAT, 0); }