path: root/matlab_src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'matlab_src')
2 files changed, 135 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/matlab_src/README.txt b/matlab_src/README.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a4a7832
--- /dev/null
+++ b/matlab_src/README.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+This directory contains matlab source code used in our project.
+For now, the only available code consists in concerting CIPIC hrtf database, stored in matlab binary file, into wav files that could be used by our system.
+The CIPIC hrtf database can be downloaded there: http://interface.idav.ucdavis.edu/data/CIPIC_hrtf_database.zip
diff --git a/matlab_src/cipicdb2wav.m b/matlab_src/cipicdb2wav.m
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a5151b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/matlab_src/cipicdb2wav.m
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+function cipicdb2wav(src_path, output_path)
+%CIPICDB2WAV Summary of this function goes here
+% src_path correspond to the root of extracted archive containing
+% the CIPIC hrtf database which can be downloaded there
+% http://interface.idav.ucdavis.edu/data/CIPIC_hrtf_database.zip
+% output_path is the directory where the converted database will
+% be stored, if the directory does not exists, it will be created
+ mkdir(output_path)
+ % get a list corresponding the the sets of measures to process
+ pl = build_processing_list(src_path);
+ % those value indexes are given in the cipic documentation,
+ % they correspond to the azimuths and elevations available in the db
+ azimuths = [-80 -65 -55 -45:5:45 55 65 80];
+ elevations = -45 + 5.625*(0:49);
+ % the external uses listen database formalism
+ % see http://recherche.ircam.fr/equipes/salles/listen/
+ % in listen database, angle(90,0) correspond to a point directly to the
+ % left, and angle(-90,0) correspond to a point directely to the right
+ % in CIPIC, this is inversed, meaning (90,0) correspond to right
+ % and so on
+ % consequenly, we intersed the azimuth angle label to correspond to
+ % listen formalism
+ azimuths = -1 * azimuths
+ for ihrtf = 1:length(pl)
+ 'processing'
+ fname = char(pl(ihrtf,1))
+ outdir_name = [output_path '/' char(pl(ihrtf,2))]
+ mkdir(outdir_name)
+ data = load(fname)
+ for azn=1:length(azimuths)
+ for eln=1:length(elevations)
+ az = azimuths(azn)
+ el = elevations(eln)
+ leftir = squeeze(data.hrir_l(azn, eln,:));
+ rightir = squeeze(data.hrir_r(azn, eln,:));
+ stereo(:,1) = leftir;
+ stereo(:,2) = rightir;
+ wav_name = sprintf('%s/%s_azim_%.3f_elev_%.3f.wav', outdir_name, char(pl(ihrtf,2)), az, el)
+ wavwrite(stereo, 44100, 32, wav_name);
+ end
+ end
+ end
+% out_dir='C:\\Users\\david\\Desktop\\\CIPIC_hrtf_database\\rudk_cipic_new';
+% azimuths = [-80 -65 -55 -45:5:45 55 65 80];
+% elevations = -45 + 5.625*(0:49);
+% for ifile = 1:nfiles
+% cur_dir = char(dir_list(ifile, :));
+% if cur_dir(1:8) == 'subject_'
+% disp(cur_dir)
+% cur_dir = strtrim(cur_dir);
+% cur_out = [out_dir '\\' cur_dir]
+% mkdir(cur_out);
+% load([cur_dir '\\\\hrir_final.mat']);
+% % indexed by azimuth, elevation, and time
+% for iazi = 1:length(azimuths)
+% for ielev = 1:length(elevations)
+% left_data = hrir_l(iazi, ielev, :);
+% right_data = hrir_r(iazi, ielev, :);
+% [az, el] = normalize_az_el(azimuths(iazi), elevations(ielev));
+% wav_name = sprintf('%s\\%s_az_%d_elev_%.2f.wav', cur_out, cur_dir, az, el)
+% stereo_data(:,1) = left_data;
+% stereo_data(:,2) = right_data;
+% wavwrite(stereo_data, 44100, 32, wav_name);
+% if abs(el - 90) < .01
+% wav_name = sprintf('%s\\%s_az_%d_elev_%.2f.wav', cur_out, cur_dir, mod(az+180, 360), el);
+% wavwrite(stereo_data, 44100, 32, wav_name);
+% end
+% end
+% end
+% end
+% end
+% function [res_az, res_el] = normalize_az_el(az, el)
+% % elevation should be between - 90 and + 90
+% if el > 226 %% HACK
+% 'hack'
+% el = -(el - 225);
+% az = az + 180;
+% end
+% if el > 90 + .005
+% el = 180 -el;
+% az = 180 + az;
+% end
+% az = mod(az, 360);
+% if (az < 0)
+% az = az + 360;
+% end
+% res_az = az;
+% res_el = el;
+ function res = build_processing_list(path)
+ res = []
+ c = {'tutu','tata','titi'}
+ d = [c; {'tutu2','tata2','titi2'}]
+ e = [d; {'tutu3','tata4','titi5'}]
+ path
+ l = dir([path '/standard_hrir_database/subject_*'])
+ for i=1:length(l)
+ fullname = [path '/standard_hrir_database/' l(i).name '/hrir_final.mat']
+ res = [res; {fullname, char(l(i).name)}]
+ end
+% those files do not contains the same fields
+% p = [path '/special_kemar_hrir/kemar_frontal/large_pinna_frontal.mat']
+% res = [res; {p, 'kemar_frontal_large_pinna'}]
+% p = [path '/special_kemar_hrir/kemar_frontal/small_pinna_frontal.mat']
+% res = [res; {p, 'kemar_frontal_small_pinna'}]
+% p = [path '/special_kemar_hrir/kemar_horizontal/large_pinna_final.mat']
+% res = [res; {p, 'kemar_horizontal_large_pinna'}]
+% p = [path '/special_kemar_hrir/kemar_horizontal/small_pinna_final.mat']
+% res = [res; {p, 'kemar_horizontal_small_pinna'}]
+ end
+end \ No newline at end of file