-------------------------- cxc pd eternals library powered by zt0ln d4ta -------------------------- USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! NO WARRANTY WHATSOEVER! THIS IS GPL SOFTWARE. see gpl.txt in this directory or http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt install: adjust makefile settings then type $ make $ make install (install cxc.pd_linux in $PREFIX/lib/pd/externs and in $PREFIX/lib/pd/doc/5.refernce/cxc included objects: ixprint: print data on console without prefix (needed for ascwave) ======== binshift: binary shift objects (<<,>>) ========= ascseq: ascii-sequencer: input anything, which is output again sequentially ======= character by character with a given delay ascwave: print funny ascii constructions on console ======== bfilt alias bangfilter: re-output every argumen-th event ======================= useful for modulo-sequencers internal: modulo x -> sel 0 bfilt2: features internal counter, input just bangs ======= counter: cloned out of markex so i dont need to load gem to have these ======== reson: same as above ====== prepend aka cxc.prepend: prepend stuff with another symbol ======================== utime: output seconds since epoch and microsecond fraction ====== random1, random_fl, random_icg, random_tw, dist_normal: ======================================================= various PRNG algorithms from http://remus.rutgers.edu/~rhoads/Code ENV: get and set environment variables and certain defines like RAND_MAX ==== proc: get stuff out of the linux proc directory (so far: ===== cpuinfo,loadavg,version,uptime) delta~: emit distance to last sample as signal. ========== cx.mean, cx.avgdev, cx.stddev: calculate mean, standard and average deviation ============================== of a signal in an array ... x_connective*.diffs: patch for pd-src to make receives have inlets and set ==================== method. see reference folder for objects in action jdl@xdv.org, 20020922 ------------------------------ references see REFERENCES file bla