path: root/dfx-library/dfxmisc.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'dfx-library/dfxmisc.h')
1 files changed, 194 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dfx-library/dfxmisc.h b/dfx-library/dfxmisc.h
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1f70aa2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dfx-library/dfxmisc.h
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+#ifndef __dfxmisc
+#define __dfxmisc
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#ifdef WIN32
+/* turn off warnings about default but no cases in switch, etc. */
+ #pragma warning( disable : 4065 57 4200 4244 )
+ #include <windows.h>
+// constants & macros
+#define onOffTest(fvalue) ((fvalue) > 0.5f)
+#define paramRangeScaled(value,min,max) ( ((value) * ((max)-(min))) + (min) )
+#define paramRangeUnscaled(value,min,max) ( ((value)-(min)) / ((max)-(min)) )
+#define paramRangeSquaredScaled(value,min,max) ( ((value)*(value) * ((max)-(min))) + (min) )
+#define paramRangeSquaredUnscaled(value,min,max) ( sqrtf(((value)-(min)) / ((max)-(min))) )
+#define paramRangeCubedScaled(value,min,max) ( ((value)*(value)*(value) * ((max)-(min))) + (min) )
+#define paramRangeCubedUnscaled(value,min,max) ( powf(((value)-(min)) / ((max)-(min)), 1.0f/3.0f) )
+#define paramRangePowScaled(value,min,max,power) ( (powf((value),(power)) * ((max)-(min))) + (min) )
+#define paramRangePowUnscaled(value,min,max,power) ( powf(((value)-(min)) / ((max)-(min)), 1.0f/(power)) )
+#define paramRangeExpScaled(value,min,max) ( expf(logf((max)-(min)+1.0f)*(value)) + (min) - 1.0f )
+#define paramRangeExpUnscaled(value,min,max) ( logf(1.0f-(min)+(value)) / logf(1.0f-(min)+(max)) )
+#define paramSteppedScaled(value,numSteps) ( (long)((value) * ((float)(numSteps)-0.01f)) )
+#define paramSteppedUnscaled(step,numSteps) ( (float)(step) / ((float)((numSteps)-1)) )
+#define paramRangeIntScaled(value,min,max) ( (long)((value) * ((float)((max)-(min)+1)-0.01f)) + (min) )
+#define paramRangeIntUnscaled(step,min,max) ( (float)((step)-(min)) / (float)((max)-(min)) )
+// scale logarithmicly from 20 Hz to 20 kHz
+#define paramFrequencyScaled(value) (20.0f * powf(2.0f, (value) * 9.965784284662088765571752446703612804412841796875f))
+#define paramFrequencyUnscaled(value) ( (logf((value)/20.0f)/logf(2.0f)) / 9.965784284662088765571752446703612804412841796875f )
+#define dBconvert(fvalue) ( 20.0f * log10f((fvalue)) )
+#ifndef PI
+#define PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795f
+#ifndef PId
+#define PId 3.1415926535897932384626433832795
+// reduces wasteful casting & division
+const float ONE_DIV_RAND_MAX = 1.0f / (float)RAND_MAX;
+#define randFloat() ( (float)rand() * ONE_DIV_RAND_MAX )
+#ifndef clip
+#define clip(fvalue) (if (fvalue < -1.0f) fvalue = -1.0f; else if (fvalue > 1.0f) fvalue = 1.0f)
+#ifndef undenormalize
+#define undenormalize(fvalue) if (fabs(fvalue) < 1.0e-15) fvalue = 0.0
+//#define undenormalize(fvalue) (((*(unsigned int*)&(fvalue))&0x7f800000)==0)?0.0f:(fvalue)
+//#define kBeatSyncTimeInfoFlags (kVstTempoValid | kVstTransportChanged | kVstBarsValid | kVstPpqPosValid | kVstTimeSigValid)
+#define kBeatSyncTimeInfoFlags 1
+/* return the parameter with larger magnitude */
+inline float magmax(float a, float b) {
+ if (fabs(a) > fabs(b)) return a;
+ else return b;
+// function prototypes
+//long samplesToNextBar(VstTimeInfo *timeInfo);
+// pi
+//void processProgramChangeEvents(VstEvents *events, AudioEffectX *effect);
+double LambertW(double input);
+// inline functions
+inline float interpolateHermite(float *data, double address, long arraysize)
+ long pos = (long)address;
+ float posFract = (float) (address - (double)pos);
+ long posMinus1 = (pos == 0) ? arraysize-1 : pos-1;
+ long posPlus1 = (pos+1) % arraysize;
+ long posPlus2 = (pos+2) % arraysize;
+ float a = ( (3.0f*(data[pos]-data[posPlus1])) - data[posMinus1] + data[posPlus2] ) * 0.5f;
+ float b = (2.0f*data[posPlus1]) + data[posMinus1] - (2.5f*data[pos]) - (data[posPlus2]*0.5f);
+ float c = (data[posPlus1] - data[posMinus1]) * 0.5f;
+ return (( ((a*posFract)+b) * posFract + c ) * posFract) + data[pos];
+inline float interpolateLinear(float *data, double address, long arraysize)
+ long pos = (long)address;
+ float posFract = (float) (address - (double)pos);
+ return (data[pos] * (1.0f-posFract)) + (data[(pos+1)%arraysize] * posFract);
+inline float interpolateRandom(float randMin, float randMax)
+ float randy = (float)rand() * ONE_DIV_RAND_MAX;
+ return ((randMax-randMin) * randy) + randMin;
+inline float interpolateLinear2values(float point1, float point2, double address)
+ float posFract = (float) (address - (double)((long)address));
+ return (point1 * (1.0f-posFract)) + (point2 * posFract);
+// I found this somewhere on the internet
+inline float anotherSqrt(float x)
+ float result = 1.0f;
+ float store = 0.0f;
+ while (store != result)
+ {
+ store = result;
+ result = 0.5f * (result + (x / result));
+ }
+// mutex stuff
+#if WIN32
+struct dfxmutex {
+ dfxmutex() { InitializeCriticalSection(&c); }
+ ~dfxmutex() { DeleteCriticalSection(&c); }
+ void grab() { EnterCriticalSection(&c); }
+ void release() { LeaveCriticalSection(&c); }
+#elif MAC
+// Multiprocessing Services
+#include <Multiprocessing.h>
+struct dfxmutex {
+ OSStatus initErr, deleteErr, enterErr, exitErr;
+ MPCriticalRegionID c;
+ Duration timeout; // in ms (available constants: kDurationImmediate, kDurationForever, kDurationMillisecond, kDurationMicrosecond)
+ dfxmutex() { initErr = MPCreateCriticalRegion(&c); }
+ ~dfxmutex() { deleteErr = MPDeleteCriticalRegion(c); }
+ void grab () { enterErr = MPEnterCriticalRegion(c, kDurationForever); }
+ void release () { exitErr = MPExitCriticalRegion(c); }
+// can this even work for CFM? perhaps only mach-o
+#include <pthread.h>
+//#include <Carbon/Carbon.h>
+struct dfxmutex {
+ int initErr, deleteErr, enterErr, exitErr;
+ pthread_mutex_t c;
+ dfxmutex() { initErr = pthread_mutex_init(&c, NULL); }
+ ~dfxmutex() { deleteErr = pthread_mutex_destroy(&c); }
+ void grab () { enterErr = pthread_mutex_lock(&c); }
+ void release () { exitErr = pthread_mutex_unlock(&c);
+ //pthread_testcancel();
+ }
+struct dfxmutex {
+ dfxmutex() {}
+ ~dfxmutex() {}
+ void grab () {}
+ void release () {}