These are the source code files files for the Destroy FX VST plugins pack. More information about them, as well as ready-to-use plugins, can be found at our web page: Also included in this package are CodeWarrior 6 project files & Visual Studio 6 project files which will hopefully make compiling the plugins a little easier for you. All of the plugins use the VST standard, & should be (nearly) source-portable to any platform which supports VST. Some advanced features may not work on all platforms or in all hosts. These plugins are Copyright (c) Marc Poirier & Tom Murphy 7. You can use them in your music however you like, without royalties. You can also modify them to your liking. However, if you distribute them (or derivative/modifed versions of them), then you must also distribute the source package in order to be in compliance with the license. This software is distributed under the terms of the Gnu Public License; see the file COPYING for details. This software comes with no warranty (see the file COPYING). If you make any nice modifications or fix anything, please let us know: