#N struct 411-color-select float x float y; #N canvas 0 0 1004 682 12; #X obj 633 24 pal 411 help; #X obj 501 -2 namecanvas help; #X text 478 69 1 Click to start-->; #X text 480 407 6 Click the L -->; #X text 496 423 to enable labels; #X text 292 453 the word "LABEL"; #X text 292 485 the right to change; #X text 498 514 from the palette; #X text 481 497 8 Click a color; #X text 293 500 font size/ left number; #X text 64 -1 <-- 2 Click and drag the red anchor; #X text 629 -4 <-- namecanvas object (required); #X text 110 17 (in non-editmode = stretch \; in editmode = move); #X text 492 306 & color menus -->; #X text 289 423 <-- 7 In non-editmode \,; #X text 293 438 click and drag; #X text 22 508 5 Click and drag the; #X text 38 524 color bars above \, or; #X text 38 541 scroll the numbers to; #X text 36 558 change rgb values; #X text 32 577 (You can also click the; #X text 37 594 number and type the value); #X text 290 469 (Scroll the number on; #X text 292 516 chooses font face); #X text 460 327 9 Click for handle-->; #X text 87 255 10 In non-editmode \, click and drag the; #X text 0 356 3 Move object; #X text 60 372 here -->; #X text 110 286 all GUI properties (Click the; #X text 639 251 f; #X text 109 302 anchor to make them reappear); #X text 496 603 GUI properties; #X text 492 531 ( for; #X text 494 549 shortcuts \, then; #X text 494 566 type "x" to to; #X text 495 584 toggle between; #X obj 12 80 cnv 15 438 163 empty empty empty 20 12 0 10 -233017 -66577 0; #X obj 7 75 cnv 15 438 163 empty empty empty 20 12 0 10 -1 -1 0; #X obj 8 76 cnv 15 436 161 empty empty empty 20 12 0 10 -262144 -1 0; #X text 43 100 pal is an abstraction to aid in creating and; #X text 42 118 developing GUI frontends in pure data. It uses; #X text 43 136 pd's native data structures to provide easy; #X text 21 79 pal- GUI Editor and Customizable Color Palette; #X text 42 153 access to all the properties of pd's GUI objects.; #X text 43 180 To use multiple pal objects in different windows \, ; #X text 43 195 give each pal a different number for its first; #X text 43 211 creation argument; #X obj 747 200 cnv 15 183 447 empty empty empty 20 12 0 10 -233017 -66577 0; #X obj 742 195 cnv 15 183 447 empty empty empty 20 12 0 10 -1 -1 0 ; #X obj 743 196 cnv 15 181 445 empty empty empty 20 12 0 10 -253760 -1 0; #X text 755 232 hide all ds anchors; #X text 755 270 constrain x/y; #X text 753 250 = on/ f = off; #X text 758 536 you can type "e" to; #X text 757 554 toggle editmode; #X text 779 201 -- Buttons --; #X text 756 305 rgb motion; #X text 755 288 textbox motion; #X text 755 367 reinit helpers; #X text 756 432 Hex!; #X text 795 459 then .; #X text 797 476 Also turns on; #X text 797 493 shortcuts); #X text 756 407 <--- Type the label; #X text 756 385 move anchors to top; #X text 795 441 to type label \,; #X text 794 424 (or use ; #X text 759 520 With shortcuts on \,; #X text 750 587 send name on Clean_up; #X text 750 607 recv name on Clean_up; #X text 460 288 4 Click for label -->; #X text 112 270 red triangle toward the right to reveal; #X obj 747 29 cnv 15 187 103 empty empty empty 20 12 0 10 -233017 -66577 0; #X obj 742 24 cnv 15 187 103 empty empty empty 20 12 0 10 -1 -1 0; #X obj 743 25 cnv 15 185 101 empty empty empty 20 12 0 10 -257981 -1 0; #X text 746 25 <-- pal creation args:; #X text 769 83 (optional/ defaults; #X text 771 101 to "patch"); #X text 748 45 * a number (required); #X text 748 64 * name of patch;