/* RT binaural filter: earplug~ */ /* based on KEMAR impulse measurement */ /* Pei Xiang, summer 2004 */ /* Revised in Fall 2006 by Jorge Castellanos */ #include #include #include "m_pd.h" #include "earplug~.h" #ifdef _MSC_VER /* Thes pragmas only apply to Microsoft's compiler */ #pragma warning( disable : 4244 ) #pragma warning( disable : 4305 ) #endif /* elevation degree: -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 */ /* index array: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 */ /* impulse reponse number: 29 31 37 37 37 37 37 31 29 23 19 13 7 1 */ /* 0 degree reponse index: 0 29 60 97 134 171 208 245 276 305 328 347 360 367 */ static t_class *earplug_class; typedef struct _earplug { t_object x_obj; t_outlet *left_channel ; t_outlet *right_channel ; t_float azimuth ; /* from 0 to 360 degrees */ t_float elevation ; /* from -40 to 90 (degrees) */ t_float azi ; t_float ele ; t_float crossCoef[8192] ; t_float azimScale[13] ; t_int azimOffset[13] ; t_float previousImpulse[2][128] ; t_float currentImpulse[2][128] ; t_float convBuffer[128] ; t_float (*impulses)[2][128]; /* a 3D array of 368x2x128 */ t_float f ; /* dummy float for dsp */ t_int bufferPin; } t_earplug; static t_int *earplug_perform(t_int *w) { t_earplug *x = (t_earplug *)(w[1]) ; t_float *in = (t_float *)(w[2]); t_float *right_out = (t_float *)(w[3]); t_float *left_out = (t_float *)(w[4]); int blocksize = (int)(w[5]); unsigned ch_L, ch_R, i; x->azi = x->azimuth ; x->ele = x->elevation ; if (x->ele < -40) x->ele = -40; if (x->ele > 90) x->ele = 90; if (x->azi < 0 || x->azi > 360) x->azi = 0; if (x->azi <= 180) { ch_L = 0; ch_R = 1; } else { ch_L = 1; ch_R = 0; x->azi = 360.0 - x->azi; } x->ele *= 0.1; /* divided by 10 since each elevation is 10 degrees apart */ if (x->ele < 8.) // if elevation is less than 80 degrees... { int elevInt = (int)floor(x->ele); // A quantized version of the elevation unsigned elevGridIndex = elevInt + 4; // Used as the index to the array of scaling factors for the azimuth (adding 4 because the lowest elevation is -4, so it starts at 0) unsigned azimIntUp = (unsigned)(x->azi * x->azimScale[elevGridIndex+1]); // float azimFracUp = azimIntUp + 1.0 - x->azi * x->azimScale[elevGridIndex+1]; float azimFracUpInv = 1.0 - azimFracUp; float elevFracUp = x->ele - elevInt * 1.0; unsigned azimIntDown = (unsigned)(x->azi * x->azimScale[elevGridIndex]); float azimFracDown = azimIntDown + 1.0 - x->azi * x->azimScale[elevGridIndex]; float azimFracDownInv = 1.0 - azimFracDown; float elevFracDown = 1.0 - elevFracUp; unsigned lowerIdx = x->azimOffset[elevGridIndex] + azimIntDown; unsigned upperIdx = x->azimOffset[elevGridIndex + 1] + azimIntUp; for (i = 0; i < 128; i++) { x->currentImpulse[ch_L][i] = elevFracDown * // Interpolate the lower two HRIRs and multiply them by their "fraction" (azimFracDown * x->impulses[lowerIdx][0][i] + azimFracDownInv * x->impulses[lowerIdx + 1][0][i]) + elevFracUp * // Interpolate the upper two HRIRs and multiply them by their "fraction" (azimFracUp * x->impulses[upperIdx][0][i] + azimFracUpInv * x->impulses[upperIdx + 1][0][i]); x->currentImpulse[ch_R][i] = elevFracDown * (azimFracDown * x->impulses[lowerIdx][1][i] + azimFracDownInv * x->impulses[lowerIdx + 1][1][i]) + elevFracUp * (azimFracUp * x->impulses[upperIdx][1][i] + azimFracUpInv * x->impulses[upperIdx + 1][1][i]); } } else // if elevation is 80 degrees or more the interpolation requires only three points (because there's only one HRIR at 90 deg) { unsigned azimIntDown = (unsigned)(x->azi * 0.033333); // Scale the azimuth to 12 (the number of HRIRs at 80 deg) discreet points float azimFracDown = azimIntDown + 1.0 - x->azi * 0.033333; float elevFracUp = x->ele - 8.0; float elevFracDown = 9.0 - x->ele; for (i = 0; i < 128; i++) { x->currentImpulse[ch_L][i] = elevFracDown * ( azimFracDown * x->impulses[360+azimIntDown][0][i] + // These two lines interpolate the lower two HRIRs (1.0 - azimFracDown) * x->impulses[361+azimIntDown][0][i] ) + elevFracUp * x->impulses[367][0][i]; // multiply the 90 degree HRIR with its corresponding fraction x->currentImpulse[ch_R][i] = elevFracDown * (azimFracDown * x->impulses[360+azimIntDown][1][i] + (1.0 - azimFracDown) * x->impulses[361+azimIntDown][1][i]) + elevFracUp * x->impulses[367][1][i]; } } float inSample; float convSum[2]; // to accumulate the sum during convolution. int blockScale = 8192 / blocksize; // Convolve the - interpolated - HRIRs (Left and Right) with the input signal. while (blocksize--) { convSum[0] = 0; convSum[1] = 0; inSample = *(in++); x->convBuffer[x->bufferPin] = inSample; unsigned scaledBlocksize = blocksize * blockScale; unsigned blocksizeDelta = 8191 - scaledBlocksize; for (i = 0; i < 128; i++) { convSum[0] += (x->previousImpulse[0][i] * x->crossCoef[blocksizeDelta] + x->currentImpulse[0][i] * x->crossCoef[scaledBlocksize]) * x->convBuffer[(x->bufferPin - i) &127]; convSum[1] += (x->previousImpulse[1][i] * x->crossCoef[blocksizeDelta] + x->currentImpulse[1][i] * x->crossCoef[scaledBlocksize]) * x->convBuffer[(x->bufferPin - i) &127]; x->previousImpulse[0][i] = x->currentImpulse[0][i]; x->previousImpulse[1][i] = x->currentImpulse[1][i]; } x->bufferPin = (x->bufferPin + 1) & 127; *left_out++ = convSum[0]; *right_out++ = convSum[1]; } return (w+6); } static void earplug_dsp(t_earplug *x, t_signal **sp) { // callback, params, userdata, in_samples, out_L, out_R, blocksize. dsp_add(earplug_perform, 5, x, sp[0]->s_vec, sp[1]->s_vec, sp[2]->s_vec, sp[0]->s_n); } static void *earplug_new(t_floatarg azimArg, t_floatarg elevArg) { t_earplug *x = (t_earplug *)pd_new(earplug_class); x->left_channel = outlet_new(&x->x_obj, gensym("signal")); x->right_channel = outlet_new(&x->x_obj, gensym("signal")); floatinlet_new(&x->x_obj, &x->azimuth) ; /* 0 to 360 degrees */ floatinlet_new(&x->x_obj, &x->elevation) ; /* -40 to 90 degrees */ x->azimuth = azimArg ; x->elevation = elevArg ; int i, j; FILE *fp; char buff[1024], *bufptr; int filedesc; filedesc = open_via_path(canvas_getdir(canvas_getcurrent())->s_name, "earplug_data.txt", "", buff, &bufptr, 1024, 0 ); if (filedesc < 0) // If there was an error opening the text file... { x->impulses = earplug_impulses; post("warning: didn't find impulse reponse file 'earplug_data.txt', using defaults.\n") ; } else { post("let's try loading"); //x->impulses = getbytes(sizeof(t_float)*368*2*128); fp = fdopen(filedesc, "r") ; for (i = 0; i < 368; i++) { fprintf(stderr, "i%d ", i); while(fgetc(fp) != 10) ; for (j = 0 ; j < 128 ; j++) { fprintf(stderr, "j%d ", j); fscanf(fp, "%f %f ", &x->impulses[i][0][j], &x->impulses[i][1][j]); } } fclose(fp) ; } post(" earplug~: binaural filter with measured reponses\n") ; post(" elevation: -40 to 90 degrees. azimuth: 360") ; post(" dont let blocksize > 8192\n"); for (i = 0; i < 128 ; i++) { x->convBuffer[i] = 0; x->previousImpulse[0][i] = 0; x->previousImpulse[1][i] = 0; } x->bufferPin = 0; for (i = 0; i < 8192 ; i++) { x->crossCoef[i] = 1.0 * i / 8192; } // This is the scaling factor for the azimuth so that it corresponds to an HRTF in the KEMAR database x->azimScale[0] = 0.153846153; x->azimScale[8] = 0.153846153; /* -40 and 40 degree */ x->azimScale[1] = 0.166666666; x->azimScale[7] = 0.166666666; /* -30 and 30 degree */ x->azimScale[2] = 0.2; x->azimScale[3]=0.2; x->azimScale[4]=0.2; x->azimScale[5]=0.2; x->azimScale[6]=0.2; /* -20 to 20 degree */ x->azimScale[9] = 0.125; /* 50 degree */ x->azimScale[10] = 0.1; /* 60 degree */ x->azimScale[11] = 0.066666666; /* 70 degree */ x->azimScale[12] = 0.033333333; /* 80 degree */ x->azimOffset[0] = 0 ; x->azimOffset[1] = 29 ; x->azimOffset[2] = 60 ; x->azimOffset[3] = 97 ; x->azimOffset[4] = 134 ; x->azimOffset[5] = 171 ; x->azimOffset[6] = 208 ; x->azimOffset[7] = 245 ; x->azimOffset[8] = 276 ; x->azimOffset[9] = 305 ; x->azimOffset[10] = 328 ; x->azimOffset[11] = 347 ; x->azimOffset[12] = 360 ; return (x); } void earplug_tilde_setup(void) { earplug_class = class_new(gensym("earplug~"), (t_newmethod)earplug_new, 0, sizeof(t_earplug), CLASS_DEFAULT, A_DEFFLOAT, A_DEFFLOAT, 0); CLASS_MAINSIGNALIN(earplug_class, t_earplug, f); class_addmethod(earplug_class, (t_method)earplug_dsp, gensym("dsp"), 0); }