/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* Copyright (c) 2009 Federico Ferri. */ /* For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL */ /* WARRANTIES, see the file, "LICENSE.txt," in this distribution. */ /* */ /* composer: a music composition framework for pure-data */ /* */ /* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or */ /* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License */ /* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 */ /* of the License, or (at your option) any later version. */ /* */ /* See file LICENSE for further informations on licensing terms. */ /* */ /* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */ /* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */ /* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the */ /* GNU General Public License for more details. */ /* */ /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */ /* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, */ /* Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /* */ /* Based on PureData by Miller Puckette and others. */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ #ifndef COMPOSER_COMMON_H_INCLUDED #define COMPOSER_COMMON_H_INCLUDED #include #include #include #include "m_pd.h" #include "m_imp.h" #include "g_canvas.h" #include "s_stuff.h" #include "t_tk.h" #include #include #include "arraylist.h" #define PTR "0x%x" #ifdef DEBUG #define debugprint(args...) post( args ) #define DEBUG_BOOL 1 #else #define debugprint(args...) #define DEBUG_BOOL 0 #endif #define STRINGIFY(x) #x #define WRAP(v, w) (((v) < 0 ? (1+(int)((-(v))/(w)))*(w) : (v)) % w) #define TRACK_SELECTOR "#TRACK" #define SONG_SELECTOR "#SONG" extern t_symbol s_list; struct _track; struct _pattern; typedef struct _song { t_symbol* x_name; ArrayListDeclare(x_tracks, struct _track*, t_int); } t_song; typedef struct _song_proxy { t_object x_obj; t_outlet* outlet; t_song* x_song; t_int b_editor_open; } t_song_proxy; typedef struct _track { t_symbol* x_name; t_song* x_song; t_int x_ncolumns; t_outlet* outlet; ArrayListDeclare(x_patterns, struct _pattern*, t_int); t_float x_currentpat; } t_track; typedef struct _track_proxy { t_object x_obj; t_outlet* outlet; t_track* x_track; t_int b_editor_open; t_symbol* rcv; } t_track_proxy; typedef struct _pattern { t_symbol* x_name; t_track* x_track; ArrayListDeclare(x_rows, t_atom*, t_int); } t_pattern; static t_song* song_new(t_symbol* song_name); static void song_free(t_song* x); static t_song* song_get(t_symbol* song_name); static int song_exists(t_symbol* song_name); static t_track* track_new(t_symbol* song_name, t_symbol* track_name, t_int columns); static void track_free(t_track* x); static t_track* track_get(t_symbol* song_name, t_symbol* track_name); static int track_exists(t_symbol* song_name, t_symbol* track_name); static t_pattern* pattern_new(t_track* track, t_symbol* name, t_int rows); static t_pattern* pattern_clone(t_pattern* src, t_symbol* newname); static void pattern_free(t_pattern* x); static void pattern_rename(t_pattern* x, t_symbol* newname); static void pattern_resize(t_pattern *x, t_int newsize); static void pattern_new_empty_row(t_pattern* x); static t_atom* pattern_getrow(t_pattern* x, t_int row); static t_atom* pattern_clone_row(t_pattern* x, t_atom* row); static t_atom* pattern_getcell(t_pattern* x, t_int row, t_int col); static void pattern_setrow(t_pattern* x, t_int row, t_atom* rowdata); static void pattern_setcell(t_pattern* x, t_int row, t_int col, t_atom* a); static t_pattern* pattern_get(t_symbol* song_name, t_symbol* track_name, t_symbol* pattern_name); static int pattern_exists(t_symbol* song_name, t_symbol* track_name, t_symbol* pattern_name); void song_proxy_setup(void); static t_song_proxy* song_proxy_new(t_symbol* song_name); static void song_proxy_free(t_song_proxy* x); static void song_proxy_float(t_song_proxy* x, t_floatarg f); static void song_proxy_properties(t_gobj* z, t_glist* owner); static void song_proxy_save(t_gobj* z, t_binbuf* b); void track_proxy_setup(void); static t_track_proxy* track_proxy_new(t_symbol* song_name, t_symbol* track_name, t_floatarg cols); static void track_proxy_free(t_track_proxy* x); static void track_proxy_reload(t_track_proxy* x); static void track_proxy_properties(t_gobj* z, t_glist* owner); static void track_proxy_properties_close(t_gobj* z, t_glist* owner); static void track_proxy_save(t_gobj* z, t_binbuf* b); static void track_proxy_sendrow(t_track_proxy* x, t_pattern* pat, t_int row); static void track_proxy_anything(t_track_proxy* x, t_symbol* s, int argc, t_atom* argv); static void track_proxy_loaddata(t_track_proxy* x, t_symbol* s, int argc, t_atom* argv); static t_atom* track_proxy_getpatternlength(t_track_proxy* x, t_symbol* pat_name); static void track_proxy_editcmd(t_track_proxy* x, t_symbol* s, int argc, t_atom* argv); static void track_proxy_sendgui(t_track_proxy* x, t_symbol* s, int argc, t_atom* argv); static void track_proxy_float(t_track_proxy* x, t_floatarg f); static void track_proxy_setrow(t_track_proxy* x, t_symbol* sel, int argc, t_atom* argv); static t_atom* track_proxy_getrow(t_track_proxy* x, t_symbol* pat_name, t_floatarg rownum); static t_atom* track_proxy_getrow_with_header(t_track_proxy* x, t_symbol* pat_name, t_floatarg rownum); static void track_proxy_getrow_o(t_track_proxy* x, t_symbol* pat_name, t_floatarg rownum); static void track_proxy_setcell(t_track_proxy* x, t_symbol* sel, int argc, t_atom* argv); static t_atom* track_proxy_getcell(t_track_proxy* x, t_symbol* pat_name, t_floatarg rownum, t_floatarg colnum); static t_atom* track_proxy_getcell_with_header(t_track_proxy* x, t_symbol* pat_name, t_floatarg rownum, t_floatarg colnum); static void track_proxy_getcell_o(t_track_proxy* x, t_symbol* pat_name, t_floatarg rownum, t_floatarg colnum); static t_pattern* track_proxy_addpattern(t_track_proxy* x, t_symbol* name, t_floatarg rows); static int track_proxy_removepattern(t_track_proxy* x, t_symbol* name); static t_pattern* track_proxy_resizepattern(t_track_proxy* x, t_symbol* name, t_floatarg rows); static t_pattern* track_proxy_renamepattern(t_track_proxy* x, t_symbol* name, t_symbol* newname); static t_pattern* track_proxy_copypattern(t_track_proxy* x, t_symbol* src, t_symbol* dst); ArrayListDeclareWithPrefix(extern, songs, t_song*, int); void composer_setup(void); #endif // COMPOSER_COMMON_H_INCLUDED