# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Copyright (c) 2009 Federico Ferri. # For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL # WARRANTIES, see the file, "LICENSE.txt," in this distribution. # # composer: a music composition framework for pure-data # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # See file LICENSE for further informations on licensing terms. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # Based on PureData by Miller Puckette and others. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ package require Tcl 8.5 package require Tk 8.5 package require Tktable 2.9 namespace eval pd::composer { variable debug variable w array set w {} variable songname array set songname {} variable trackname array set trackname {} variable currentpattern array set currentpattern {} variable size array set size {} variable columns array set columns {} variable patterns array set patterns {} variable tracks array set tracks {} variable quirks_fix_int_floats 0 variable symbolmap {empty {}} # set to 1 until startup, for getting soon a pattern list # affects the behavior of dispatcher::patterns branch variable startup array set startup {} variable showpattern array set showpattern {} proc debugPrint {args} { variable debug if {![info exists debug]} {set debug 0} if {$debug} {puts stderr "composer-TCL: $args"} } proc sendGui {what} { debugPrint "sendGui $what" catch {netsend $what} lappend what \;\n catch {pdsend $what} catch {pd {*}$what} } proc editCommand {method args} { linsert $args 0 [uplevel {set id}] ${method}E } proc createPattern {id name rows cols} { debugPrint [info level 0] variable patterns if {$name in $patterns($id)} { return -code error "Pattern '$name' already exists" } set rows [expr {int($rows)}] set cols [expr {int($cols)}] if {$rows <= 0 || $cols <= 0} { return -code error "Pattern dimensions must pe positive integer" } sendGui [editCommand addpattern $name $rows $cols] } proc removePattern {id name} { debugPrint [info level 0] sendGui [editCommand removepattern $name] } proc copyPattern {id src dst} { debugPrint [info level 0] sendGui [editCommand copypattern $src $dst] } proc resizePattern {id name rows cols} { debugPrint [info level 0] variable currentpattern; variable size; if {[list $rows $cols] == [dict get $size($id) $name]} return set rows [expr {int($rows)}] set cols [expr {int($cols)}] if {$rows <= 0 || $cols <= 0} { return -code error "Pattern dimensions must pe positive integer" } sendGui [editCommand resizepattern $name $rows $cols] } proc renamePattern {id name newName} { debugPrint [info level 0] variable patterns; if {$name == $newName} return if {$newName in $patterns($id)} { return -code error "Pattern name '$newName' already exists" } set idx [lsearch -exact $patterns($id) $name] if {$idx == -1} { return -code error "No such pattern: '$name'" } sendGui [editCommand renamepattern $name $newName] } proc generateNewPatternName {id} { debugPrint [info level 0] variable patterns; set n 0 while 1 { set t "P[format %.02d $n]" if {$t in $patterns($id)} {incr n} else {return $t} } } proc displayPattern {id name} { debugPrint "request-pattern-size" variable showpattern set showpattern($id) 1 sendGui [editCommand getpatternsize $name] } proc updateTitle {id} { variable w variable songname variable trackname variable currentpattern set t "Song: $songname($id)" if {$currentpattern($id) == "Arrangement"} { append t " Arrangement" } else { append t " Track: $trackname($id)" if {$currentpattern($id) != {}} { append t " Pattern: $currentpattern($id)" } } wm title $w($id) $t } proc displayPattern_async {id name} { debugPrint [info level 0] variable currentpattern variable patterns variable size variable columns variable w variable songname variable trackname variable [getDataVar $id] set currentpattern($id) $name updateTitle $id if {$currentpattern($id) == {}} { grid forget $w($id).t return } #set cols $columns($id) lassign [dict get $size($id) $name] rows cols grid $w($id).t -row 10 -column 0 -sticky news debugPrint "resizing tktable widget to ${rows}x${cols}" $w($id).t configure -state normal -variable [getDataVar $id] -rows $rows -cols [expr {1+$cols}] $w($id).f.p configure -values $patterns($id) $w($id).f.p current [lsearch -exact $patterns($id) $name] } proc displayCurrentPattern {id} { debugPrint [info level 0] variable currentpattern variable w debugPrint "current pattern is {$currentpattern($id)}" displayPattern $id $currentpattern($id) } proc rowTag {id r} { if {$r % $::div1 == 0} {return "alt0"} if {$r % $::div2 == 0} {return "alt1"} } proc refreshGrid {id} { debugPrint [info level 0] variable currentpattern debugPrint "currentPattern is {$currentpattern($id)}" variable w $w($id).t configure -padx [$w($id).t cget -padx] } proc edit {id r c bwrite value} { # NOT USED #if {$bwrite} { # sendGui [editCommand setcell $currentpattern($id) $r $c $value] #} else { #} } proc getDataVar {id {P {}}} { variable currentpattern variable songname variable trackname if {$P == ""} {set P $currentpattern($id)} set n "[namespace current]::data_$songname($id)_$trackname($id)_$P" if {![info exists $n]} {array set $n {}} return $n } proc createMainWindow {id} { debugPrint [info level 0] variable currentpattern; variable w variable songname variable trackname variable patterns variable startup variable showpattern variable [getDataVar $id] catch {destroy $w($id)} debugPrint "creating window with path = '$w($id)'" toplevel $w($id) debugPrint "top-toolbar(frame)" grid [ttk::frame $w($id).f] \ -row 5 -columnspan 2 -sticky news debugPrint "label" grid [ttk::label $w($id).f.l -text "Pattern: "] \ -row 0 -column 0 -in $w($id).f debugPrint "combobox patterns" grid [ttk::combobox $w($id).f.p -textvariable "[namespace current]::currentpattern($id)"] \ -row 0 -column 1 -in $w($id).f debugPrint "divs" grid [ttk::label $w($id).f.ld1 -text "Div1: "] \ -row 0 -column 2 -in $w($id).f grid [spinbox $w($id).f.d1 -command "[namespace current]::refreshGrid $id" -from 8 -to 64 \ -increment 1 -format %3.0f -width 3 -textvar ::div1] \ -row 0 -column 3 -in $w($id).f grid [ttk::label $w($id).f.ld2 -text "Div2: "] \ -row 0 -column 4 -in $w($id).f grid [spinbox $w($id).f.d2 -command "[namespace current]::refreshGrid $id" -from 2 -to 64 \ -increment 1 -format %3.0f -width 3 -textvar ::div2] \ -row 0 -column 5 -in $w($id).f debugPrint "step2" $w($id).f.p state readonly debugPrint "bindevent" bind $w($id).f.p <> "[namespace current]::displayCurrentPattern $id" debugPrint "table" table $w($id).t -state disabled \ -insertofftime 0 \ -bordercursor sb_h_double_arrow \ -colorigin -1 -sparsearray 1 \ -relief ridge -takefocus 1 -borderwidth 1 -colwidth 4 \ -browsecmd "[namespace current]::activeCellChanges $id %r %c" \ -cols 0 -rows 0 \ -cache 0 \ -usecommand 0 -command "[namespace current]::edit $id %r %c %i %s" \ -colstretchmode none -rowstretchmode none \ -flashmode 1 -flashtime 2 -autoclear 1 \ -justify left -multiline 0 -resizeborders col \ -selectmode extended -selecttype cell \ -titlecols 1 -titlerows 0 -validate 1 \ -validatecommand "[namespace current]::validateCommand $id %r %c %s %S" \ -variable [getDataVar $id] -exportselection 1 \ -xscrollcommand "$w($id).hscroll set" \ -yscrollcommand "$w($id).vscroll set" \ -rowtagcommand "[namespace current]::rowTag $id" #grid $w($id).t -row 10 -column 0 -sticky news debugPrint "scrollbars" grid [ttk::scrollbar $w($id).vscroll -orient vertical -command "$w($id).t yview"] -row 10 -column 1 -sticky ns grid [ttk::scrollbar $w($id).hscroll -orient horizontal -command "$w($id).t xview"] -row 15 -column 0 -sticky ew #grid [ttk::sizegrip $w($id).resize] -row 15 -column 1 -sticky se grid [ttk::entry $w($id).eval] -row 20 -columnspan 2 -sticky ew bind $w($id).eval "set cmd \[$w($id).eval get]; namespace eval [namespace current] \$cmd; $w($id).eval delete 0 end" debugPrint "grid" grid columnconfigure $w($id) 0 -weight 1 grid rowconfigure $w($id) 10 -weight 1 debugPrint "table-tags" $w($id).t tag configure active -relief solid -background gray -foreground black $w($id).t tag configure flash -background red -foreground white $w($id).t tag configure sel -background blue -foreground white $w($id).t tag configure title -background gray -foreground white -justify right $w($id).t tag configure alt0 -background "#20a8b8" $w($id).t tag configure alt1 -background "#0f7f9f" $w($id).t tag configure notecol -background "#dddded" debugPrint "wm" wm minsize $w($id) 300 150 wm protocol $w($id) WM_DELETE_WINDOW [list [namespace current]::sendGui [editCommand editor 0]] debugPrint "menu" menu $w($id).m -tearoff 0 $w($id).m add command -label "New pattern..." \ -command "[namespace current]::newPatternDialog $id" $w($id).m add command -label "Pattern properties..." \ -command "[namespace current]::patternPropertiesDialog $id" $w($id).m add command -label "Remove pattern..." \ -command "[namespace current]::removePatternConfirm $id" $w($id).m add command -label "Create copy..." \ -command "[namespace current]::copyPatternDialog $id" menu $w($id).mb $w($id) configure -menu $w($id).mb menu $w($id).mb.tools -tearoff 0 $w($id).mb.tools add command -label {Reload} \ -command {uplevel 0 {source $argv0}} $w($id).mb add cascade -label {Pattern} -menu $w($id).m $w($id).mb add cascade -label {Utils} -menu $w($id).mb.tools debugPrint "more-bind-events" bind $w($id).t "$w($id).t activate @%x,%y; tk_popup $w($id).m %X %Y" bind $w($id).t "switchColumnType $id" set startup($id) 1 set showpattern($id) 0 debugPrint "request-patterns" sendGui [editCommand getpatterns] #sendGui [editCommand gettracks] return $w($id) } proc switchColumnType {id} { debugPrint [info level 0] variable w global colType set curcol [$w($id).t index active col] set tag {} if {![info exists colType(c$curcol)]} { set colType(c$curcol) {notes} set tag {notecol} } elseif {$colType(c$curcol) == {notes}} { unset colType(c$curcol) } $w($id).t tag col $tag $curcol #refreshGrid } proc activeCellChanges {id row col} { debugPrint [info level 0] variable w if {$col < 0} {$w($id).t activate $row,[incr col]} } proc validateCommand {id row col curVal newVal} { debugPrint [info level 0] variable currentpattern variable symbolmap debugPrint "BEFORE: newVal = '$newVal'" set newVal [dict get [dict merge [list $newVal $newVal] [lreverse $symbolmap]] $newVal] debugPrint "AFTER: newVal = '$newVal'" sendGui [editCommand setcell $currentpattern($id) $row $col $newVal] return 1 } proc patternPropertiesDialog_common {id options} { debugPrint [info level 0] variable currentpattern variable w set bname 1 set brows 1 set bcols 0 set old_name {} catch {set old_name $currentpattern($id)} set vname {} set vrows {} set vcols {} set action_cancel {destroy %w} set action_ok $action_cancel set opts {vname vrows vcols bname brows bcols action_ok action_cancel} foreach opt $opts { catch {set $opt [dict get $options $opt]} } foreach {o v} $options { if {$o ni $opts} { return -code error "Invalid option: $o" } } set w_ $w($id).patternProps catch {destroy $w_} toplevel $w_ foreach v {action_ok action_cancel} { set $v [string map [list %ns [namespace current] %id $id %w $w_ %old_name $old_name] [set $v]] } grid [ttk::label $w_.lname -text "Name: "] -row 0 -column 0 grid [ttk::label $w_.lrows -text "Rows: "] -row 1 -column 0 grid [ttk::label $w_.lcols -text "Cols: "] -row 2 -column 0 grid [ttk::entry $w_.ename] -row 0 -column 1 grid [ttk::entry $w_.erows] -row 1 -column 1 grid [ttk::entry $w_.ecols] -row 2 -column 1 grid [ttk::frame $w_.b] -row 999 -columnspan 2 grid [ttk::button $w_.b.ok -text Ok -command $action_ok] -row 0 -column 0 -in $w_.b grid [ttk::button $w_.b.cancel -text Cancel -command $action_cancel] -row 0 -column 1 -in $w_.b $w_.ename insert 0 $vname $w_.erows insert 0 $vrows $w_.ecols insert 0 $vcols if {!$bname} {$w_.ename configure -state disabled} if {!$brows} {$w_.erows configure -state disabled} if {!$bcols} {$w_.ecols configure -state disabled} } proc patternPropertiesDialog {id {options {}}} { debugPrint [info level 0] variable currentpattern; variable size; dict set options action_ok { %ns::resizePattern %id %old_name [%w.erows get] [%w.ecols get] %ns::renamePattern %id %old_name [%w.ename get] destroy %w } dict set options vname $currentpattern($id) lassign [dict get $size($id) $currentpattern($id)] pat_rows pat_cols dict set options vrows $pat_rows dict set options vcols $pat_cols patternPropertiesDialog_common $id $options } proc copyPatternDialog {id {options {}}} { debugPrint [info level 0] variable w; variable size; dict set options brows 0 dict set options bcols 0 dict set options vname [generateNewPatternName $id] lassign [dict get $size($id) $currentpattern($id)] pat_rows pat_cols dict set options vrows $pat_rows dict set options vcols $pat_rows dict set options action_ok { %ns::copyPattern %id %old_name [%w.ename get] destroy %w } patternPropertiesDialog_common $id $options } proc removePatternConfirm {id} { debugPrint [info level 0] variable currentpattern; if {[tk_messageBox \ -type yesno -default no \ -title "Question" \ -icon question -message "Do you confirm pattern delete?" \ -detail "The operation cannot be undone" \ -parent $w] == {yes}} { removePattern $id $currentpattern($id) } } proc newPatternDialog {id {options {}}} { debugPrint [info level 0] dict set options action_ok { %ns::createPattern %id [%w.ename get] [%w.erows get] [%w.ecols get] destroy %w } dict set options vname [generateNewPatternName $id] dict set options vrows 16 dict set options vcols 8 patternPropertiesDialog_common $id $options } #entrypoint proc init {id song_name track_name cols set_current_pattern debug_flag} { debugPrint [info level 0] variable debug set debug [expr {$debug_flag != 0}] variable w variable songname variable trackname variable size variable currentpattern variable columns set w($id) .w_${song_name}_${track_name} set songname($id) $song_name set trackname($id) $track_name if {$set_current_pattern == {NULL}} { set currentpattern($id) {} } else { set currentpattern($id) $set_current_pattern } set size($id) {} set columns($id) $cols } proc openWindow {id} { debugPrint [info level 0] createMainWindow $id } proc closeWindow {id} { debugPrint [info level 0] variable w destroy $w($id) } proc setCellValueUI {id pat r c v} { upvar 0 [getDataVar $id $pat] data variable symbolmap set data($r,$c) [dict get [dict merge [list $v $v] $symbolmap] $v] } proc dispatch {id args} { debugPrint [info level 0] variable w variable patterns variable size variable currentpattern variable startup variable showpattern variable columns variable quirks_fix_int_floats switch -exact [lindex $args 0] { patternnames { # for track mode set patterns($id) [lrange $args 1 end] debugPrint "patterns <- $patterns($id)" $w($id).f.p configure -values $patterns($id) if {$startup($id)} { set startup($id) 0 if {[llength $patterns($id)] > 0} { displayPattern $id [lindex $patterns($id) 0] } } } tracks { # for song mode set tracks($id) [lrange $args 1 end] debugPrint "tracks <- $tracks($id)" set cols [llength $tracks($id)] #debugPrint "resizing tktable widget to ${cols} cols" #$w($id).t configure -state normal -cols $cols set columns($id) $cols } patternsize { set pat_name [lindex $args 1] set pat_rows [lindex $args 2] set pat_cols [lindex $args 3] set new_size [list $pat_rows $pat_cols] debugPrint "got patternsize: '$pat_name' (size = $pat_rows x $pat_cols)" if {![dict exists $size($id) $pat_name] || [dict get $size($id) $pat_name] != $new_size || $showpattern($id)} { dict set size($id) $pat_name $new_size for {set i 0} {$i < $pat_rows} {incr i} { sendGui [editCommand getrow $pat_name $i] } } } patternrow { set pat_name [lindex $args 1] if {$quirks_fix_int_floats} { set row_num [expr {int([lindex $args 2])}] } else { set row_num [lindex $args 2] } set row [lrange $args 3 end] debugPrint "got row: '$pat_name' ($row_num) {$row}" setCellValueUI $id $pat_name $row_num -1 [expr {1+$row_num}] for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $row]} {incr i} { setCellValueUI $id $pat_name $row_num $i [lindex $row $i] } lassign [dict get $size($id) $pat_name] pat_rows pat_cols if {$row_num + 1 == $pat_rows} { if {$showpattern($id)} { set showpattern($id) 0 displayPattern_async $id $pat_name } } } patterncell { set pat_name [lindex $args 1] if {$quirks_fix_int_floats} { set row_num [expr {int([lindex $args 2])}] set col_num [expr {int([lindex $args 3])}] } else { set row_num [lindex $args 2] set col_num [lindex $args 3] } set cell [lindex $args 4] debugPrint "got cell: '$pat_name' ($row_num,$col_num) {$cell}" debugPrint "dataVar = [getDataVar $id $pat_name]" setCellValueUI $id $pat_name $row_num $col_num $cell } } } }