path: root/pvtuner~.c
diff options
authorHans-Christoph Steiner <eighthave@users.sourceforge.net>2006-02-09 16:18:39 +0000
committerHans-Christoph Steiner <eighthave@users.sourceforge.net>2006-02-09 16:18:39 +0000
commitb418fb91e7bb45d7b5f1eb8b19703441ae94eb13 (patch)
tree3f4a32d0b99d4ea0ac602bec59f0d2accba46719 /pvtuner~.c
got everything building and working, including building single-object/single-file objects with a shared dylib. Now got to get it integrated into the build systemsvn2git-root
svn path=/trunk/externals/fftease/; revision=4574
Diffstat (limited to 'pvtuner~.c')
1 files changed, 1232 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pvtuner~.c b/pvtuner~.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a142680
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pvtuner~.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1232 @@
+#include "MSPd.h"
+#include "fftease.h"
+#if MSP
+void *pvtuner_class;
+#if PD
+static t_class *pvtuner_class;
+#define OBJECT_NAME "pvtuner~"
+#define MAXTONES (1024)
+#define BASE_FREQ (27.5) /* low A */
+#define DIATONIC 0
+#define EASTERN 1
+#define MINOR 2
+#define EQ12 3
+#define PENTATONIC 4
+#define EQ8 10
+#define PENTACLUST 11
+#define QUARTERCLUST 12
+#define EQ5 13
+#define SLENDRO 14
+#define PELOG 15
+#define IMPORTED_SCALE 16
+typedef struct _pvtuner
+#if MSP
+ t_pxobject x_obj;
+#if PD
+ t_object x_obj;
+ float x_f;
+ int R;
+ int N;
+ int N2;
+ int Nw;
+ int Nw2;
+ int D;
+ int i;
+ int inCount;
+ float *Wanal;
+ float *Wsyn;
+ float *input;
+ float *Hwin;
+ float *buffer;
+ float *channel;
+ float *output;
+ float *bindex;
+ // for convert
+ float *c_lastphase_in;
+ float *c_lastphase_out;
+ float c_fundamental;
+ float c_factor_in;
+ float c_factor_out;
+ // for oscbank
+ int NP;
+ float P;
+ int L;
+ int first;
+ float Iinv;
+ float *lastamp;
+ float *lastfreq;
+ // float *osc_index;
+ float *table;
+ float myPInc;
+ float ffac;
+ //
+ int lo_bin;
+ int hi_bin;
+ int hi_tune_bin;
+ float topfreq;
+ float synt;
+ // for fast fft
+ float mult;
+ float *trigland;
+ int *bitshuffle;
+ //
+ // float *prebuffer;
+ // float *postbuffer;
+ //
+ int bypass_state;
+ int pitch_connected;
+ int synt_connected;
+ float *pitchgrid ;
+ float pbase ;
+ int scale_steps;
+ short current_scale;
+ short mute;
+ //
+ float lofreq;
+ float hifreq;
+ int vs;
+ float funda;
+ float curfreq;
+ int overlap;
+ int winfac;
+ float tabscale;
+ // int quality;
+ int scale_len;
+} t_pvtuner;
+float closestf(float test, float *arr) ;
+void pvtuner_diatonic( t_pvtuner *x );
+void pvtuner_eastern( t_pvtuner *x );
+void pvtuner_minor( t_pvtuner *x );
+void pvtuner_eq12( t_pvtuner *x );
+void pvtuner_pentatonic( t_pvtuner *x );
+void pvtuner_major_added_sixth( t_pvtuner *x );
+void pvtuner_minor_added_sixth( t_pvtuner *x );
+void pvtuner_major_seventh_chord( t_pvtuner *x );
+void pvtuner_minor_seventh_chord( t_pvtuner *x );
+void pvtuner_dominant_seventh_chord( t_pvtuner *x );
+void pvtuner_eq8( t_pvtuner *x );
+void pvtuner_pentaclust( t_pvtuner *x );
+void pvtuner_quarterclust( t_pvtuner *x );
+void pvtuner_eq5( t_pvtuner *x );
+void pvtuner_slendro( t_pvtuner *x );
+void pvtuner_pelog( t_pvtuner *x );
+void pvtuner_update_imported( t_pvtuner *x );
+void pvtuner_init(t_pvtuner *x,short initialized);
+void *pvtuner_new(t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv);
+void pvtuner_import_scale(t_pvtuner *x, t_symbol *filename);
+void pvtuner_list (t_pvtuner *x, t_symbol *msg, short argc, t_atom *argv);
+void pvtuner_topfreq( t_pvtuner *x, t_floatarg f );
+void pvtuner_toptune( t_pvtuner *x, t_floatarg f );
+void pvtuner_frequency_range(t_pvtuner *x, t_floatarg lo, t_floatarg hi);
+t_int *pvtuner_perform(t_int *w);
+void pvtuner_basefreq( t_pvtuner *x, t_floatarg bassfreq);
+void pvtuner_free(t_pvtuner *x);
+void pvtuner_assist (t_pvtuner *x, void *b, long msg, long arg, char *dst);
+void pvtuner_bypass(t_pvtuner *x, t_floatarg state);
+void pvtuner_mute(t_pvtuner *x, t_floatarg state);
+void pvtuner_dsp(t_pvtuner *x, t_signal **sp, short *count);
+void pvtuner_float(t_pvtuner *x, double f) ;
+void pvtuner_toptune(t_pvtuner *x, t_floatarg f);
+void pvtuner_topfreq(t_pvtuner *x, t_floatarg f);
+void pvtuner_list (t_pvtuner *x, t_symbol *msg, short argc, t_atom *argv);
+void pvtuner_fftinfo(t_pvtuner *x);
+void pvtuner_overlap(t_pvtuner *x, t_floatarg f);
+void pvtuner_winfac(t_pvtuner *x, t_floatarg f);
+void pvtuner_binfo(t_pvtuner *x);
+void *pvtuner_new(t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv)
+#if MSP
+ t_pvtuner *x = (t_pvtuner *)newobject(pvtuner_class);
+ dsp_setup((t_pxobject *)x,3);
+ outlet_new((t_pxobject *)x, "signal");
+#if PD
+ t_pvtuner *x = (t_pvtuner *)pd_new(pvtuner_class);
+ inlet_new(&x->x_obj, &x->x_obj.ob_pd,gensym("signal"), gensym("signal"));
+ inlet_new(&x->x_obj, &x->x_obj.ob_pd,gensym("signal"), gensym("signal"));
+ outlet_new(&x->x_obj, gensym("signal"));
+ x->R = sys_getsr();
+ x->D = sys_getblksize();
+ x->lofreq = atom_getfloatarg(0, argc, argv);
+ x->hifreq = atom_getfloatarg(1, argc, argv);
+ x->overlap = atom_getfloatarg(2, argc, argv);
+ x->winfac = atom_getfloatarg(3, argc, argv);
+ if(x->lofreq <= 0 || x->lofreq >= x->R/2)
+ x->lofreq = 0;
+ if(x->hifreq <= 0 || x->hifreq > x->R/2)
+ x->hifreq = 4000.0;
+ pvtuner_init(x,0);
+ return (x);
+void pvtuner_init(t_pvtuner *x,short initialized)
+ int i, j;
+ int mem;
+ float curfreq;
+ if(!x->R)//temp init if MSP functions returned zero
+ x->R = 44100;
+ if(!x->D)
+ x->D = 256;
+ if(!power_of_two(x->overlap))
+ x->overlap = 4;
+ if(!power_of_two(x->winfac))
+ x->winfac = 2;
+ x->Iinv = 1./x->D;
+ x->N = x->D * x->overlap;
+ x->Nw = x->N * x->winfac;
+ limit_fftsize(&x->N,&x->Nw,OBJECT_NAME);
+ x->N2 = (x->N)>>1;
+ x->Nw2 = (x->Nw)>>1;
+ x->inCount = -(x->Nw);
+ x->mult = 1. / (float) x->N;
+ x->c_fundamental = (float) x->R/(float)( (x->N2)<<1 );
+ x->c_factor_in = (float) x->R/((float)x->D * TWOPI);
+ x->c_factor_out = TWOPI * (float) x->D / (float) x->R;
+ if(!initialized){
+ x->P = 1.0 ; // default
+ x->bypass_state = 0;
+ x->mute = 0;
+ x->L = 8192;
+ x->synt = .000001;
+ mem = (MAX_Nw)*sizeof(float);
+ x->Wanal = (float *) getbytes(mem);
+ x->Wsyn = (float *) getbytes(mem);
+ x->Hwin = (float *) getbytes(mem);
+ x->input = (float *) getbytes(mem);
+ x->output = (float *) getbytes(mem);
+ mem = (MAX_N)*sizeof(float);
+ x->buffer = (float *) getbytes(mem);
+ mem = (MAX_N+2)*sizeof(float);
+ x->channel = (float *) getbytes(mem);
+ mem = (MAX_N*2)*sizeof(int);
+ x->bitshuffle = (int *) getbytes(mem);
+ mem = (MAX_N*2)*sizeof(float);
+ x->trigland = (float *) getbytes(mem);
+ mem = (MAXTONES+1)*sizeof(float);
+ x->pitchgrid = (float *) getbytes(mem);
+ mem = (MAX_N+1)*sizeof(float);
+ x->lastamp = (float *) getbytes(mem);
+ x->lastfreq = (float *) getbytes(mem);
+ x->bindex = (float *) getbytes(mem);
+ mem = (x->L)*sizeof(float);
+ x->table = (float *) getbytes(mem);
+ mem = (MAX_N2+1)*sizeof(float);
+ x->c_lastphase_in = (float *) getbytes(mem);
+ x->c_lastphase_out = (float *)getbytes(mem);
+ x->pbase = BASE_FREQ;
+ pvtuner_diatonic(x);// default scale
+ }
+ memset((char *)x->input,0,x->Nw * sizeof(float));
+ memset((char *)x->output,0,x->Nw * sizeof(float));
+ memset((char *)x->lastamp,0,(x->N+1) * sizeof(float));
+ memset((char *)x->lastfreq,0,(x->N+1) * sizeof(float));
+ memset((char *)x->bindex,0,(x->N+1) * sizeof(float));
+ memset((char *)x->c_lastphase_in,0,(x->N2+1) * sizeof(float));
+ memset((char *)x->c_lastphase_out,0,(x->N2+1) * sizeof(float));
+ for ( i = 0; i < x->L; i++ ) {
+ x->table[i] = (float) x->N * cos((float)i * TWOPI / (float)x->L);
+ }
+ if( x->hifreq < x->c_fundamental ) {
+ x->hifreq = 3000.0 ;
+ }
+ x->hi_bin = 1;
+ x->curfreq = 0;
+ while( x->curfreq < x->hifreq ) {
+ ++(x->hi_bin);
+ x->curfreq += x->c_fundamental ;
+ }
+ x->lo_bin = 0;
+ x->curfreq = 0;
+ while( x->curfreq < x->lofreq ) {
+ ++(x->lo_bin);
+ x->curfreq += x->c_fundamental ;
+ }
+ if( x->hi_bin >= x->N2 )
+ x->hi_bin = x->N2 - 1;
+ x->hi_tune_bin = x->hi_bin;
+ x->myPInc = x->P*x->L/x->R;
+ x->ffac = x->P * PI/x->N;
+ init_rdft( x->N, x->bitshuffle, x->trigland);
+ makehanning( x->Hwin, x->Wanal, x->Wsyn, x->Nw, x->N, x->D, 0);
+void pvtuner_toptune(t_pvtuner *x, t_floatarg f)
+ int tbin;
+ float curfreq;
+ float fundamental = x->c_fundamental;
+ tbin = 1;
+ curfreq = 0;
+ if( f < 0 || f > x->R / 2.0 ){
+ error("frequency %f out of range", f);
+ return;
+ }
+ while( curfreq < f ) {
+ ++tbin;
+ curfreq += fundamental ;
+ }
+ if( tbin > x->lo_bin && tbin <= x->hi_bin ){
+ x->hi_tune_bin = tbin;
+ } else {
+ error("bin %d out of range", tbin);
+ }
+void pvtuner_topfreq(t_pvtuner *x, t_floatarg f)
+ int tbin;
+ float curfreq;
+ float fundamental = x->c_fundamental;
+ tbin = 1;
+ curfreq = 0;
+ if( f < 0 || f > x->R / 2.0 ){
+ error("frequency %f out of range", f);
+ return;
+ }
+ while( curfreq < f ) {
+ ++tbin;
+ curfreq += fundamental ;
+ }
+ if( tbin > x->lo_bin && tbin < x->N2 - 1 ){
+ x->hi_bin = tbin;
+ } else {
+ error("bin %d out of range", tbin);
+ }
+void pvtuner_list (t_pvtuner *x, t_symbol *msg, short argc, t_atom *argv)
+ float val;
+ float *pitchgrid = x->pitchgrid;
+ int i = 0;
+ if( ! atom_getfloatarg(i,argc,argv) ){
+ error("either zero length scale or 0.0 (prohibited) is first value");
+ return;
+ }
+ /* first set every value to maximum */
+ for(i=0; i < MAXTONES; i++){
+ pitchgrid[i] = (float)x->R / 2.0;
+ }
+ for( i = 0; i < argc; i++ ){
+ pitchgrid[ i ] = atom_getfloatarg(i,argc,argv) ;
+ }
+ x->scale_len = i;
+ // post("list scale is length %d", i);
+ x->current_scale = IMPORTED_SCALE;
+void pvtuner_import_scale(t_pvtuner *x, t_symbol *filename) // seems to be broken now
+ FILE *fp;
+ float val;
+ float *pitchgrid = x->pitchgrid;
+ int scale_len = x->scale_len;
+ if( ! (fp = fopen( filename->s_name, "r")) ){
+ error("could not open file %s", filename);
+ return;
+ }
+ scale_len = 0;
+ while( ( (fscanf(fp, "%f", &val)) != EOF) && (scale_len < MAXTONES) ){
+ pitchgrid[ scale_len++ ] = val;
+ }
+ fclose( fp );
+ x->scale_len = scale_len;
+ x->current_scale = IMPORTED_SCALE;
+ // post("read %s", filename->s_name);
+void pvtuner_binfo(t_pvtuner *x)
+ post("%s: frequency targets: %f %f", OBJECT_NAME, x->lofreq, x->hifreq);
+ post("synthesizing %d bins, from %d to %d",(x->hi_bin - x->lo_bin), x->lo_bin, x->hi_bin);
+void pvtuner_frequency_range(t_pvtuner *x, t_floatarg lo, t_floatarg hi)
+ x->lofreq = lo ;
+ x->hifreq = hi;
+ if( lo >= hi ){
+ error("low frequency must be lower than high frequency");
+ return;
+ }
+ x->curfreq = 0;
+ x->hi_bin = 0;
+ while( x->curfreq < x->hifreq ) {
+ ++(x->hi_bin);
+ x->curfreq += x->c_fundamental ;
+ }
+ x->curfreq = 0;
+ x->lo_bin = 0;
+ while( x->curfreq < x->lofreq ) {
+ ++(x->lo_bin);
+ x->curfreq += x->c_fundamental ;
+ }
+t_int *pvtuner_perform(t_int *w)
+ int i,j, in,on;
+ int amp,freq,chan;
+ float a,ainc,f,finc,address;
+ int breaker = 0;
+ t_pvtuner *x = (t_pvtuner *) (w[1]);
+ t_float *inbuf = (t_float *)(w[2]);
+ t_float *in2 = (t_float *)(w[3]);
+ t_float *in3 = (t_float *)(w[4]);
+ t_float *outbuf = (t_float *)(w[5]);
+ int n = (int)(w[6]);
+ int D = x->D;
+ int I = D;
+ int R = x->R;
+ int Nw = x->Nw;
+ int N = x->N ;
+ int N2 = x-> N2;
+ int Nw2 = x->Nw2;
+ float fundamental = x->c_fundamental;
+ float factor_in = x->c_factor_in;
+ float factor_out = x->c_factor_out;
+ int *bitshuffle = x->bitshuffle;
+ float *trigland = x->trigland;
+ float mult = x->mult;
+ float synt = x->synt;
+ float P = x->P; // myPItchfac
+ float Iinv = x->Iinv;
+ float myPInc = x->myPInc;
+ int L = x->L;
+ /* assign pointers */
+ float *table = x->table;
+ float *lastamp = x->lastamp ;
+ float *lastfreq = x->lastfreq ;
+ float *bindex = x->bindex;
+ float *lastphase_in = x->c_lastphase_in;
+ float *lastphase_out = x->c_lastphase_out;
+ float *Wanal = x->Wanal;
+ float *Wsyn = x->Wsyn;
+ float *input = x->input;
+ float *Hwin = x->Hwin;
+ float *buffer = x->buffer;
+ float *channel = x->channel;
+ float *output = x->output;
+ float *pitchgrid = x->pitchgrid;
+ int hi_bin = x->hi_bin;
+ int lo_bin = x->lo_bin;
+ int hi_tune_bin = x->hi_tune_bin;
+ int inCount = x->inCount;
+ in = on = x->inCount ;
+ if( x->pitch_connected ) {
+ x->P = *in2++ ; // myPItchfac
+ x->myPInc = x->P*(float)x->L/(float)x->R;
+ }
+ if ( x->synt_connected ) {
+ synt = *in3++ ;
+ }
+ if (x->bypass_state) { // just send through
+ for( j = 0; j < D; j++ ) {
+ *outbuf++ = *inbuf++;
+ }
+ return (w+7);
+ }
+ if (x->mute) {
+ for( j = 0; j < D; j++ ) {
+ *outbuf++ = 0.0;
+ }
+ return (w+7);
+ }
+ inCount += D;
+ for ( j = 0 ; j < (Nw - D) ; j++ ){
+ input[j] = input[j+D];
+ }
+ for ( j = (Nw-D), i = 0 ; j < Nw; j++, i++ ) {
+ input[j] = *inbuf++;
+ }
+ fold( input, Wanal, Nw, buffer, N, inCount );
+ rdft( N, 1, buffer, bitshuffle, trigland );
+ convert( buffer, channel, N2, lastphase_in, fundamental, factor_in );
+ // start osc bank
+ for ( chan = lo_bin; chan < hi_bin; chan++ ) {
+ freq = ( amp = ( chan << 1 ) ) + 1;
+ if ( channel[amp] < synt ){
+ breaker = 1;
+ }
+ if( breaker ) {
+ breaker = 0 ;
+ } else {
+ if(chan <= hi_tune_bin){
+ channel[freq] = closestf(channel[freq], pitchgrid);
+ }
+ channel[freq] *= myPInc;
+ finc = ( channel[freq] - ( f = lastfreq[chan] ) )*Iinv;
+ ainc = ( channel[amp] - ( a = lastamp[chan] ) )*Iinv;
+ address = bindex[chan];
+ for ( n = 0; n < I; n++ ) {
+ output[n] += a*table[ (int) address ];
+ address += f;
+ while ( address >= L )
+ address -= L;
+ while ( address < 0 )
+ address += L;
+ a += ainc;
+ f += finc;
+ }
+ lastfreq[chan] = channel[freq];
+ lastamp[chan] = channel[amp];
+ bindex[chan] = address;
+ }
+ }
+ for ( j = 0; j < D; j++ ){
+ *outbuf++ = output[j] * mult;
+ }
+ for ( j = 0; j < Nw - D; j++ ){
+ output[j] = output[j+D];
+ }
+ for ( j = Nw - D; j < Nw; j++ ){
+ output[j] = 0.;
+ }
+ x->inCount = inCount % Nw;
+ return (w+7);
+void pvtuner_basefreq( t_pvtuner *x, t_floatarg bassfreq)
+ if( bassfreq < 10. )
+ bassfreq = 10. ;
+ if( bassfreq > 10000. )
+ bassfreq = 10000.;
+ x->pbase = bassfreq;
+ if( x->current_scale == IMPORTED_SCALE ){
+ pvtuner_update_imported( x );
+ }
+ else if( x->current_scale == DIATONIC ){
+ pvtuner_diatonic( x );
+ }
+ else if( x->current_scale == EASTERN) {
+ pvtuner_eastern( x );
+ }
+ else if( x->current_scale == MINOR) {
+ pvtuner_minor( x );
+ }
+ else if( x->current_scale == EQ12) {
+ pvtuner_eq12( x );
+ }
+ else if( x->current_scale == PENTATONIC) {
+ pvtuner_pentatonic( x );
+ }
+ else if( x->current_scale == MAJOR_ADDED_SIXTH) {
+ pvtuner_major_added_sixth( x );
+ }
+ else if( x->current_scale == MINOR_ADDED_SIXTH) {
+ pvtuner_minor_added_sixth( x );
+ }
+ else if( x->current_scale == MAJOR_SEVENTH_CHORD) {
+ pvtuner_major_seventh_chord( x );
+ }
+ else if( x->current_scale == MINOR_SEVENTH_CHORD) {
+ pvtuner_minor_seventh_chord( x );
+ }
+ else if( x->current_scale == DOMINANT_SEVENTH_CHORD) {
+ pvtuner_dominant_seventh_chord( x );
+ }
+ else if( x->current_scale == EQ8) {
+ pvtuner_eq8( x );
+ }
+ else if( x->current_scale == PENTACLUST) {
+ pvtuner_pentaclust( x );
+ }
+ else if( x->current_scale == QUARTERCLUST ) {
+ pvtuner_quarterclust( x );
+ }
+ else if( x->current_scale == EQ5 ) {
+ pvtuner_eq5( x );
+ }
+ else if( x->current_scale == SLENDRO ) {
+ pvtuner_slendro( x );
+ }
+ else if( x->current_scale == PELOG ) {
+ pvtuner_pelog( x );
+ }
+ else {
+ post("unknown scale");
+ }
+void pvtuner_free(t_pvtuner *x)
+#if MSP
+ dsp_free( (t_pxobject *) x);
+ freebytes(x->c_lastphase_in,0);
+ freebytes(x->c_lastphase_out,0);
+ freebytes(x->trigland,0);
+ freebytes(x->bitshuffle,0);
+ freebytes(x->Wanal,0);
+ freebytes(x->Wsyn,0);
+ freebytes(x->input,0);
+ freebytes(x->Hwin,0);
+ freebytes(x->buffer,0);
+ freebytes(x->channel,0);
+ freebytes(x->output,0);
+ freebytes(x->lastamp,0);
+ freebytes(x->lastfreq,0);
+ freebytes(x->bindex,0);
+ freebytes(x->table,0);
+ freebytes(x->pitchgrid,0);
+#if MSP
+void pvtuner_assist (t_pvtuner *x, void *b, long msg, long arg, char *dst)
+ if (msg==ASSIST_INLET) {
+ switch (arg) {
+ case 0:
+ sprintf(dst,"(signal) Input");
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ sprintf(dst,"(signal/float) Pitch Modification Factor");
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ sprintf(dst,"(signal/float) Synthesis Threshold");
+ break;
+ }
+ } else if (msg==ASSIST_OUTLET) {
+ sprintf(dst,"(signal) Output");
+ }
+#if PD
+void pvtuner_assist (t_pvtuner *x, void *b, long msg, long arg, char *dst)
+ post("INLETS: input pitch_factor synthesis_threshold");
+ post("ARGUMENTS: lo_freq hi_freq");
+void pvtuner_update_imported( t_pvtuner *x ){
+ float *pitchgrid = x->pitchgrid;
+ float factor = x->pbase / pitchgrid[0];
+ int i;
+ for( i = 0; i < x->scale_len; i++ )
+ pitchgrid[i] *= factor;
+void pvtuner_diatonic( t_pvtuner *x ){
+ int i, j;
+ // post("calling diatonic for vs %d",x->vs);
+ x->pitchgrid[0] = x->pbase;
+ x->pitchgrid[1] = x->pbase * (9./8.);
+ x->pitchgrid[2] = x->pbase * (5./4.);
+ x->pitchgrid[3] = x->pbase * (4./3.);
+ x->pitchgrid[4] = x->pbase * (3./2.);
+ x->pitchgrid[5] = x->pbase * (27./16.);
+ x->pitchgrid[6] = x->pbase * (15./8.);
+ x->scale_steps = 7;
+ for( i = 1; i < 10; i++ ){
+ for( j = 0; j < x->scale_steps; j++ ){
+ x->pitchgrid[ i*x->scale_steps + j] = x->pitchgrid[j] * pow(2.0,(float)i);
+ }
+ }
+ x->current_scale = DIATONIC ;
+void pvtuner_minor( t_pvtuner *x ){
+ int i, j;
+ x->pitchgrid[0] = x->pbase;
+ x->pitchgrid[1] = x->pbase * (9./8.);
+ x->pitchgrid[2] = x->pbase * (6./5.);
+ x->pitchgrid[3] = x->pbase * (4./3.);
+ x->pitchgrid[4] = x->pbase * (3./2.);
+ x->pitchgrid[5] = x->pbase * (8./5.);
+ x->pitchgrid[6] = x->pbase * (9./5.);
+ x->scale_steps = 7;
+ for( i = 1; i < 10; i++ ){
+ for( j = 0; j < x->scale_steps; j++ ){
+ x->pitchgrid[ i*x->scale_steps + j] = x->pitchgrid[j] * pow(2.0,(float)i);
+ }
+ }
+ x->current_scale = MINOR ;
+void pvtuner_pentatonic( t_pvtuner *x ){
+ int i, j;
+ x->pitchgrid[0] = x->pbase;
+ x->pitchgrid[1] = x->pbase * (9./8.);
+ x->pitchgrid[2] = x->pbase * (81./64.);
+ x->pitchgrid[3] = x->pbase * (3./2.);
+ x->pitchgrid[4] = x->pbase * (27./16.);
+ x->scale_steps = 5;
+ for( i = 1; i < 10; i++ ){
+ for( j = 0; j < x->scale_steps; j++ ){
+ x->pitchgrid[ i*x->scale_steps + j] = x->pitchgrid[j] * pow(2.0,(float)i);
+ }
+ }
+ x->current_scale = PENTATONIC ;
+void pvtuner_eq12( t_pvtuner *x ){
+ int i, j;
+ float expon;
+ x->pitchgrid[0] = x->pbase;
+ for( i = 0; i < 12; i++ ){
+ expon = (float) i / 12.0 ;
+ x->pitchgrid[i] = x->pbase * pow(2.0,expon);
+ }
+ x->scale_steps = 12;
+ for( i = 1; i < 10; i++ ){
+ for( j = 0; j < x->scale_steps; j++ ){
+ x->pitchgrid[ i*x->scale_steps + j] = x->pitchgrid[j] * pow(2.0,(float)i);
+ }
+ }
+ x->current_scale = EQ12 ;
+void pvtuner_major_added_sixth( t_pvtuner *x ){
+ int i, j;
+ float *pitchgrid = x->pitchgrid;
+ float pbase = x->pbase;
+ int scale_steps;
+ pitchgrid[0] = pbase;
+ pitchgrid[1] = pbase * 1.259921;
+ pitchgrid[2] = pbase * 1.498307;
+ pitchgrid[3] = pbase * 1.681793;
+ scale_steps = 4 ;
+ for( i = 1; i < 10; i++ ){
+ for( j = 0; j < scale_steps; j++ ){
+ pitchgrid[ i * scale_steps + j] = pitchgrid[j] * pow(2.0,(float)i);
+ }
+ }
+ x->current_scale = MAJOR_ADDED_SIXTH;
+ x->scale_steps = scale_steps;
+void pvtuner_minor_added_sixth( t_pvtuner *x ){
+ int i, j;
+ float *pitchgrid = x->pitchgrid;
+ float pbase = x->pbase;
+ int scale_steps;
+ pitchgrid[0] = pbase;
+ pitchgrid[1] = pbase * 1.189207;
+ pitchgrid[2] = pbase * 1.498307;
+ pitchgrid[3] = pbase * 1.587401;
+ scale_steps = 4 ;
+ for( i = 1; i < 10; i++ ){
+ for( j = 0; j < scale_steps; j++ ){
+ pitchgrid[ i * scale_steps + j] = pitchgrid[j] * pow(2.0,(float)i);
+ }
+ }
+ x->current_scale = MINOR_ADDED_SIXTH;
+ x->scale_steps = scale_steps;
+void pvtuner_major_seventh_chord( t_pvtuner *x ){
+ int i, j;
+ float *pitchgrid = x->pitchgrid;
+ float pbase = x->pbase;
+ int scale_steps;
+ pitchgrid[0] = pbase;
+ pitchgrid[1] = pbase * 1.25;
+ pitchgrid[2] = pbase * 1.5;
+ pitchgrid[3] = pbase * 1.875;
+ scale_steps = 4 ;
+ for( i = 1; i < 10; i++ ){
+ for( j = 0; j < scale_steps; j++ ){
+ pitchgrid[ i * scale_steps + j] = pitchgrid[j] * pow(2.0,(float)i);
+ }
+ }
+ x->current_scale = MAJOR_SEVENTH_CHORD;
+ x->scale_steps = scale_steps;
+void pvtuner_minor_seventh_chord( t_pvtuner *x ){
+ int i, j;
+ float *pitchgrid = x->pitchgrid;
+ float pbase = x->pbase;
+ int scale_steps;
+ pitchgrid[0] = pbase;
+ pitchgrid[1] = pbase * 1.2;
+ pitchgrid[2] = pbase * 1.5;
+ pitchgrid[3] = pbase * 1.781797;
+ scale_steps = 4 ;
+ for( i = 1; i < 10; i++ ){
+ for( j = 0; j < scale_steps; j++ ){
+ pitchgrid[ i * scale_steps + j] = pitchgrid[j] * pow(2.0,(float)i);
+ }
+ }
+ x->current_scale = MINOR_SEVENTH_CHORD;
+ x->scale_steps = scale_steps;
+void pvtuner_dominant_seventh_chord( t_pvtuner *x ){
+ int i, j;
+ float *pitchgrid = x->pitchgrid;
+ float pbase = x->pbase;
+ int scale_steps;
+ pitchgrid[0] = pbase;
+ pitchgrid[1] = pbase * 1.25;
+ pitchgrid[2] = pbase * 1.5;
+ pitchgrid[3] = pbase * 1.781797;
+ scale_steps = 4 ;
+ for( i = 1; i < 10; i++ ){
+ for( j = 0; j < scale_steps; j++ ){
+ pitchgrid[ i * scale_steps + j] = pitchgrid[j] * pow(2.0,(float)i);
+ }
+ }
+ x->current_scale = DOMINANT_SEVENTH_CHORD;
+ x->scale_steps = scale_steps;
+void pvtuner_eq8( t_pvtuner *x ){
+ int i, j;
+ float *pitchgrid = x->pitchgrid;
+ float pbase = x->pbase;
+ int scale_steps;
+ pitchgrid[0] = pbase;
+ pitchgrid[1] = pbase * 1.090508;
+ pitchgrid[2] = pbase * 1.189207;
+ pitchgrid[3] = pbase * 1.296840;
+ pitchgrid[4] = pbase * 1.414214;
+ pitchgrid[5] = pbase * 1.542211;
+ pitchgrid[6] = pbase * 1.681793;
+ pitchgrid[7] = pbase * 1.834008;
+ scale_steps = 8 ;
+ for( i = 1; i < 10; i++ ){
+ for( j = 0; j < scale_steps; j++ ){
+ pitchgrid[ i * scale_steps + j] = pitchgrid[j] * pow(2.0,(float)i);
+ }
+ }
+ x->current_scale = EQ8;
+ x->scale_steps = scale_steps;
+void pvtuner_pentaclust( t_pvtuner *x ){
+ int i, j;
+ float *pitchgrid = x->pitchgrid;
+ float pbase = x->pbase;
+ int scale_steps;
+ pitchgrid[0] = pbase;
+ pitchgrid[1] = pbase * 1.059463;
+ pitchgrid[2] = pbase * 1.122462;
+ pitchgrid[3] = pbase * 1.189207;
+ pitchgrid[4] = pbase * 1.259921;
+ scale_steps = 5 ;
+ for( i = 1; i < 10; i++ ){
+ for( j = 0; j < scale_steps; j++ ){
+ pitchgrid[ i * scale_steps + j] = pitchgrid[j] * pow(2.0,(float)i);
+ }
+ }
+ x->current_scale = PENTACLUST;
+ x->scale_steps = scale_steps;
+void pvtuner_quarterclust( t_pvtuner *x ){
+ int i, j;
+ float *pitchgrid = x->pitchgrid;
+ float pbase = x->pbase;
+ int scale_steps;
+ pitchgrid[0] = pbase;
+ pitchgrid[1] = pbase * 1.029302;
+ pitchgrid[2] = pbase * 1.059463;
+ pitchgrid[3] = pbase * 1.090508;
+ pitchgrid[4] = pbase * 1.122462;
+ pitchgrid[5] = pbase * 1.155353;
+ pitchgrid[6] = pbase * 1.189207;
+ pitchgrid[7] = pbase * 1.224054;
+ scale_steps = 8 ;
+ for( i = 1; i < 10; i++ ){
+ for( j = 0; j < scale_steps; j++ ){
+ pitchgrid[ i * scale_steps + j] = pitchgrid[j] * pow(2.0,(float)i);
+ }
+ }
+ x->current_scale = QUARTERCLUST;
+ x->scale_steps = scale_steps;
+void pvtuner_eq5( t_pvtuner *x ){
+ int i, j;
+ float *pitchgrid = x->pitchgrid;
+ float pbase = x->pbase;
+ int scale_steps;
+ pitchgrid[0] = pbase;
+ pitchgrid[1] = pbase * 1.148698;
+ pitchgrid[2] = pbase * 1.319508;
+ pitchgrid[3] = pbase * 1.515717;
+ pitchgrid[4] = pbase * 1.741101;
+ scale_steps = 5 ;
+ for( i = 1; i < 10; i++ ){
+ for( j = 0; j < scale_steps; j++ ){
+ pitchgrid[ i * scale_steps + j] = pitchgrid[j] * pow(2.0,(float)i);
+ }
+ }
+ x->current_scale = EQ5;
+ x->scale_steps = scale_steps;
+void pvtuner_pelog( t_pvtuner *x ){
+ int i, j;
+ float *pitchgrid = x->pitchgrid;
+ float pbase = x->pbase;
+ int scale_steps;
+ pitchgrid[0] = pbase;
+ pitchgrid[1] = pbase * 1.152;
+ pitchgrid[2] = pbase * 1.340;
+ pitchgrid[3] = pbase * 1.532;
+ pitchgrid[4] = pbase * 1.756;
+ scale_steps = 5 ;
+ for( i = 1; i < 10; i++ ){
+ for( j = 0; j < scale_steps; j++ ){
+ pitchgrid[ i * scale_steps + j] = pitchgrid[j] * pow(2.0,(float)i);
+ }
+ }
+ x->current_scale = PELOG;
+ x->scale_steps = scale_steps;
+void pvtuner_slendro( t_pvtuner *x ){
+ int i, j;
+ float *pitchgrid = x->pitchgrid;
+ float pbase = x->pbase;
+ int scale_steps;
+ pitchgrid[0] = pbase;
+ pitchgrid[1] = pbase * 1.104;
+ pitchgrid[2] = pbase * 1.199;
+ pitchgrid[3] = pbase * 1.404;
+ pitchgrid[4] = pbase * 1.514;
+ pitchgrid[5] = pbase * 1.615;
+ pitchgrid[6] = pbase * 1.787;
+ scale_steps = 7 ;
+ for( i = 1; i < 10; i++ ){
+ for( j = 0; j < scale_steps; j++ ){
+ pitchgrid[ i * scale_steps + j] = pitchgrid[j] * pow(2.0,(float)i);
+ }
+ }
+ x->current_scale = SLENDRO;
+ x->scale_steps = scale_steps;
+void pvtuner_eastern( t_pvtuner *x ){
+ int i, j;
+ x->pitchgrid[0] = x->pbase;
+ x->pitchgrid[1] = x->pbase * 1.059463;
+ x->pitchgrid[2] = x->pbase * 1.259921;
+ x->pitchgrid[3] = x->pbase * 1.334840;
+ x->pitchgrid[4] = x->pbase * 1.498307;
+ x->pitchgrid[5] = x->pbase * 1.587401;
+ x->pitchgrid[6] = x->pbase * 1.887749;
+ x->scale_steps = 7 ;
+ for( i = 1; i < 10; i++ ){
+ for( j = 0; j < x->scale_steps; j++ ){
+ x->pitchgrid[ i*x->scale_steps + j] = x->pitchgrid[j] * pow(2.0,(float)i);
+ }
+ }
+ x->current_scale = EASTERN ;
+ // post("eastern scale");
+#if MSP
+void pvtuner_float(t_pvtuner *x, double f)
+ // int inlet = ((t_pxobject*)x)->z_in;
+ int inlet = x->x_obj.z_in;
+ if (inlet == 1)
+ {
+ x->P = f;
+ x->myPInc = x->P*x->L/x->R;
+ // post("P set to %f",f);
+ }
+ else if (inlet == 2)
+ {
+ x->synt = f;
+ // post("synt set to %f",f);
+ }
+float closestf(float test, float *arr)
+ int i;
+ i = 0;
+ if( test <= arr[0] ){
+ return arr[0];
+ }
+ while( i < MAXTONES ){
+ if( arr[i] > test ){
+ break;
+ }
+ ++i;
+ }
+ if( i >= MAXTONES - 1) {
+ return arr[MAXTONES - 1];
+ }
+ if( (test - arr[i-1]) > ( arr[i] - test) ) {
+ return arr[i];
+ } else {
+ return arr[i-1];
+ }
+void pvtuner_bypass(t_pvtuner *x, t_floatarg state)
+ x->bypass_state = state;
+void pvtuner_mute(t_pvtuner *x, t_floatarg state)
+ x->mute = state;
+ // post("mute: %d", state);
+void pvtuner_overlap(t_pvtuner *x, t_floatarg f)
+ int i = (int) f;
+ if(!power_of_two(i)){
+ error("%f is not a power of two",f);
+ return;
+ }
+ x->overlap = i;
+ pvtuner_init(x,1);
+void pvtuner_winfac(t_pvtuner *x, t_floatarg f)
+ int i = (int)f;
+ if(!power_of_two(i)){
+ error("%f is not a power of two",f);
+ return;
+ }
+ x->winfac = i;
+ pvtuner_init(x,2);
+void pvtuner_fftinfo(t_pvtuner *x)
+ if( ! x->overlap ){
+ post("zero overlap!");
+ return;
+ }
+ post("%s: FFT size %d, hopsize %d, windowsize %d", OBJECT_NAME, x->N, x->N/x->overlap, x->Nw);
+void pvtuner_dsp(t_pvtuner *x, t_signal **sp, short *count)
+#if MSP
+ x->pitch_connected = count[1];
+ x->synt_connected = count[2];
+#if PD
+ x->pitch_connected = 1;
+ x->synt_connected = 1;
+ if(sp[0]->s_n != x->vs || x->R != sp[0]->s_sr ){
+ x->D = sp[0]->s_n;
+ x->R = sp[0]->s_sr;
+ pvtuner_init(x,1);
+ }
+ dsp_add(pvtuner_perform, 6, x,
+ sp[0]->s_vec, sp[1]->s_vec, sp[2]->s_vec, sp[3]->s_vec,
+ sp[0]->s_n);
+#if MSP
+void main(void)
+ setup((t_messlist **)&pvtuner_class, (method)pvtuner_new, (method)pvtuner_free,
+ (short)sizeof(t_pvtuner), 0, A_GIMME, 0);
+ addmess((method)pvtuner_dsp, "dsp", A_CANT, 0);
+ addmess((method)pvtuner_assist,"assist",A_CANT,0);
+ addmess((method)pvtuner_bypass,"bypass",A_DEFFLOAT,0);
+ addmess((method)pvtuner_mute,"mute",A_DEFFLOAT,0);
+ addmess((method)pvtuner_basefreq,"basefreq",A_DEFFLOAT,0);
+ addmess((method)pvtuner_diatonic,"diatonic",0);
+ addmess((method)pvtuner_eastern,"eastern",0);
+ addmess((method)pvtuner_minor,"minor",0);
+ addmess((method)pvtuner_eq12,"eq12",0);
+ addmess((method)pvtuner_pentatonic,"pentatonic",0);
+ addmess((method)pvtuner_major_added_sixth,"added_sixth_major",0);
+ addmess((method)pvtuner_minor_added_sixth,"added_sixth_minor",0);
+ addmess((method)pvtuner_major_seventh_chord,"major_seventh_chord",0);
+ addmess((method)pvtuner_minor_seventh_chord,"minor_seventh_chord",0);
+ addmess((method)pvtuner_dominant_seventh_chord,"dominant_seventh_chord",0);
+ addmess((method)pvtuner_eq8,"eq8",0);
+ addmess((method)pvtuner_pentaclust,"pentaclust",0);
+ addmess((method)pvtuner_quarterclust,"quarterclust",0);
+ addmess((method)pvtuner_eq5,"eq5",0);
+ addmess((method)pvtuner_slendro,"slendro",0);
+ addmess((method)pvtuner_pelog,"pelog",0);
+ addmess((method)pvtuner_import_scale,"import_scale",A_DEFSYM,0);
+ addmess((method)pvtuner_list,"list",A_GIMME,0);
+ addmess((method)pvtuner_topfreq,"topfreq",A_DEFFLOAT,0);
+ addmess((method)pvtuner_toptune,"toptune",A_DEFFLOAT,0);
+ addmess((method)pvtuner_frequency_range,"frequency_range",A_FLOAT,A_FLOAT, 0);
+ addmess((method)pvtuner_overlap,"overlap",A_DEFFLOAT,0);
+ addmess((method)pvtuner_winfac,"winfac",A_DEFFLOAT,0);
+ addmess((method)pvtuner_fftinfo,"fftinfo",0);
+ addmess((method)pvtuner_binfo,"binfo",0);
+ addfloat((method)pvtuner_float);
+ dsp_initclass();
+#if PD
+void pvtuner_tilde_setup(void)
+ pvtuner_class = class_new(gensym("pvtuner~"), (t_newmethod)pvtuner_new,
+ (t_method)pvtuner_free ,sizeof(t_pvtuner), 0,A_GIMME,0);
+ CLASS_MAINSIGNALIN(pvtuner_class, t_pvtuner, x_f );
+ class_addmethod(pvtuner_class, (t_method)pvtuner_dsp, gensym("dsp"), 0);
+ class_addmethod(pvtuner_class, (t_method)pvtuner_mute, gensym("mute"), A_DEFFLOAT,0);
+ class_addmethod(pvtuner_class, (t_method)pvtuner_bypass, gensym("bypass"), A_DEFFLOAT,0);
+ class_addmethod(pvtuner_class, (t_method)pvtuner_assist, gensym("assist"), 0);
+ class_addmethod(pvtuner_class, (t_method)pvtuner_basefreq,gensym("basefreq"),A_DEFFLOAT,0);
+ class_addmethod(pvtuner_class, (t_method)pvtuner_frequency_range,gensym("frequency_range"),A_DEFFLOAT,A_DEFFLOAT,0);
+ class_addmethod(pvtuner_class, (t_method)pvtuner_diatonic,gensym("diatonic"),0);
+ class_addmethod(pvtuner_class, (t_method)pvtuner_eastern,gensym("eastern"),0);
+ class_addmethod(pvtuner_class, (t_method)pvtuner_minor,gensym("minor"),0);
+ class_addmethod(pvtuner_class, (t_method)pvtuner_eq12,gensym("eq12"),0);
+ class_addmethod(pvtuner_class, (t_method)pvtuner_pentatonic,gensym("pentatonic"),0);
+ /* Pd cannot disambiguate */
+ /*
+ class_addmethod(pvtuner_class, (t_method)pvtuner_added_sixth_major,gensym("added_sixth_major"),0);
+ class_addmethod(pvtuner_class, (t_method)pvtuner_added_sixth_minor,gensym("added_sixth_minor"),0);
+ */
+ class_addmethod(pvtuner_class, (t_method)pvtuner_major_added_sixth,gensym("major_added_sixth"),0);
+ class_addmethod(pvtuner_class, (t_method)pvtuner_minor_added_sixth,gensym("minor_added_sixth"),0);
+ class_addmethod(pvtuner_class, (t_method)pvtuner_major_seventh_chord,gensym("major_seventh_chord"),0);
+ class_addmethod(pvtuner_class, (t_method)pvtuner_minor_seventh_chord,gensym("minor_seventh_chord"),0);
+ class_addmethod(pvtuner_class, (t_method)pvtuner_dominant_seventh_chord,gensym("dominant_seventh_chord"),0);
+ class_addmethod(pvtuner_class, (t_method)pvtuner_eq8,gensym("eq8"),0);
+ class_addmethod(pvtuner_class, (t_method)pvtuner_pentaclust,gensym("pentaclust"),0);
+ class_addmethod(pvtuner_class, (t_method)pvtuner_quarterclust,gensym("quarterclust"),0);
+ class_addmethod(pvtuner_class, (t_method)pvtuner_eq5,gensym("eq5"),0);
+ class_addmethod(pvtuner_class, (t_method)pvtuner_slendro,gensym("slendro"),0);
+ class_addmethod(pvtuner_class, (t_method)pvtuner_pelog,gensym("pelog"),0);
+ class_addmethod(pvtuner_class, (t_method)pvtuner_import_scale,gensym("import_scale"),A_DEFSYM,0);
+ class_addmethod(pvtuner_class, (t_method)pvtuner_toptune,gensym("toptune"),A_FLOAT, 0);
+ class_addmethod(pvtuner_class, (t_method)pvtuner_topfreq,gensym("topfreq"),A_FLOAT, 0);
+ class_addmethod(pvtuner_class, (t_method)pvtuner_list,gensym("list"),A_GIMME, 0);
+ class_addmethod(pvtuner_class, (t_method)pvtuner_frequency_range,gensym("frequency_range"),A_FLOAT,A_FLOAT, 0);
+ class_addmethod(pvtuner_class, (t_method)pvtuner_overlap,gensym("overlap"),A_FLOAT, 0);
+ class_addmethod(pvtuner_class, (t_method)pvtuner_winfac,gensym("winfac"),A_FLOAT, 0);
+ class_addmethod(pvtuner_class, (t_method)pvtuner_fftinfo,gensym("fftinfo"), 0);
+ class_addmethod(pvtuner_class, (t_method)pvtuner_binfo,gensym("binfo"), 0);