#ifndef PD #include "MSPd.h" #include "fftease.h" /* #include "buffer.h" */ /* Not ported to Pd due to array/buffer difference */ // #define FLEN 1024 #if MSP void *resident_class; #endif #if PD static t_class *resident_class; #endif #define OBJECT_NAME "residency_buffer~" typedef struct _resident { #if MSP t_pxobject x_obj; #endif #if PD t_object x_obj; float x_f; #endif int R; int N; int N2; int Nw; int Nw2; int D; int i; int inCount; float *Wanal; float *Wsyn; float *input; float *Hwin; float *buffer; float *channel; float *output; float current_frame; int framecount; // float frame_increment ; float fpos; float last_fpos; float tadv; // for convert float *c_lastphase_in; float *c_lastphase_out; float c_fundamental; float c_factor_in; float c_factor_out; // faster fft float mult; float *trigland; int *bitshuffle; int read_me; int frames_read; int MAXFRAMES; short mute; short in2_connected; short in3_connected; int buffer_frame_count; // buffer t_symbol *l_sym; t_buffer *l_buf; short initialized; float *tmpframe; int hopsize; int overlap; int winfac; short playthrough; float sync; short buffer_is_hosed; } t_resident; void *resident_new(t_symbol *msg, short argc, t_atom *argv); t_int *offset_perform(t_int *w); t_int *resident_perform(t_int *w); void resident_dsp(t_resident *x, t_signal **sp, short *count); void resident_assist(t_resident *x, void *b, long m, long a, char *s); void resident_bangname ( t_resident *x ) ; void resident_meminfo( t_resident *x ) ; void resident_float(t_resident *x, double f) ; void resident_mute(t_resident *x, long toggle); void resident_calcbuf(t_resident *x, double desired_duration); void resident_dsp_free( t_resident *x ); void resident_fftinfo(t_resident *x); void resident_winfac(t_resident *x, t_floatarg f); void resident_playthrough(t_resident *x, t_floatarg f); void resident_overlap(t_resident *x, t_floatarg f); resident_init(t_resident *x, short initialized); void main(void) { setup((t_messlist **)&resident_class, (method)resident_new, (method)resident_dsp_free, (short)sizeof(t_resident), 0L, A_GIMME,0); addmess((method)resident_dsp, "dsp", A_CANT, 0); addmess((method)resident_assist,"assist",A_CANT,0); addfloat((method) resident_float); addbang( (method) resident_bangname ); addmess ((method)resident_mute, "mute", A_LONG, 0); addmess ((method)resident_fftinfo, "meminfo", 0); addmess ((method)resident_calcbuf, "calcbuf", A_FLOAT, 0); addmess ((method)resident_winfac, "winfac", A_FLOAT, 0); addmess ((method)resident_overlap, "overlap", A_FLOAT, 0); addmess ((method)resident_playthrough, "playthrough", A_FLOAT, 0); addmess ((method)resident_fftinfo, "fftinfo", 0); dsp_initclass(); post("%s %s",OBJECT_NAME,FFTEASE_ANNOUNCEMENT); } void resident_meminfo( t_resident *x ) { post("%d frames in buffer", x->buffer_frame_count); post("frame_duration: %f, actual time in buffer: %f", x->tadv, (float)(x->buffer_frame_count) * x->tadv); post("actual time in buffer: %f", (float)(x->buffer_frame_count) * x->tadv); } void resident_fftinfo(t_resident *x) { if( ! x->overlap ){ post("zero overlap!"); return; } post("%s: FFT size %d, hopsize %d, windowsize %d", OBJECT_NAME, x->N, x->N/x->overlap, x->Nw); } void resident_dsp_free( t_resident *x ){ dsp_free( (t_pxobject *) x); freebytes(x->c_lastphase_in,0); freebytes(x->c_lastphase_out,0); freebytes(x->trigland,0); freebytes(x->bitshuffle,0); freebytes(x->Wanal,0); freebytes(x->Wsyn,0); freebytes(x->input,0); freebytes(x->Hwin,0); freebytes(x->buffer,0); freebytes(x->channel,0); freebytes(x->output,0); freebytes(x->tmpframe,0); } void resident_calcbuf(t_resident *x, double desired_duration) { float ms_calc; float frames_needed; float seconds; float frames; float samples; seconds = desired_duration / 1000.0; frames = seconds / x->tadv; samples = frames * (float) (x->N + 2); ms_calc = (samples / x->R) * 1000.0; post("you need %.0f milliseconds in buffer to get %.0f frames", ms_calc, frames); } void resident_assist (t_resident *x, void *b, long msg, long arg, char *dst) { if (msg==1) { switch (arg) { case 0: sprintf(dst,"(signal/bang) Input, Sampling Trigger"); break; case 1: sprintf(dst,"(signal/float) Frame Increment"); break; case 2: sprintf(dst,"(signal/float) Frame Position [0-1]"); break; } } else if (msg==2) { switch(arg) { case 1: sprintf(dst,"(signal) Output"); break; case 2: sprintf(dst,"(signal) Record Sync"); break; } } } void *resident_new(t_symbol *msg, short argc, t_atom *argv) { t_resident *x = (t_resident *)newobject(resident_class); dsp_setup((t_pxobject *)x,3); outlet_new((t_pxobject *)x, "signal"); outlet_new((t_pxobject *)x, "signal"); x->D = sys_getblksize(); x->R = sys_getsr(); /* args: bufname, overlap, winfac */ x->l_sym = atom_getsymarg(0, argc, argv); x->overlap = atom_getintarg(1, argc, argv); x->winfac = atom_getintarg(2, argc, argv); // post("argc is %d", argc); it is the number of arguments, not including name of external if(argc < 1){ error("%s: you must provide the name of a valid buffer.",OBJECT_NAME); x->x_obj.z_disabled = 1; return 0; // kills object for good } else { x->x_obj.z_disabled = 0; } resident_init(x,0); return (x); } resident_init(t_resident *x, short initialized) { int i; if(!power_of_two(x->overlap)) x->overlap = 4; if(!power_of_two(x->winfac)) x->winfac = 1; x->N = x->D * x->overlap; x->Nw = x->N * x->winfac; limit_fftsize(&x->N,&x->Nw,OBJECT_NAME); x->hopsize = x->D; x->tadv = (float) x->D / (float) x->R; x->N2 = (x->N)>>1; x->Nw2 = (x->Nw)>>1; x->inCount = -(x->Nw); x->mult = 1. / (float) x->N; x->c_fundamental = (float) x->R/( (x->N2)<<1 ); x->c_factor_in = (float) x->R/((float)x->D * TWOPI); x->c_factor_out =TWOPI * (float) x->D / (float) x->R; if(!initialized){ x->mute = 0; x->sync = 0; x->initialized = 1; x->current_frame = x->framecount = 0; x->frame_increment = 1.0 ; x->fpos = x->last_fpos = 0; x->Wanal = (float *) getbytes( MAX_Nw * sizeof(float) ); x->Wsyn = (float *) getbytes( MAX_Nw * sizeof(float) ); x->Hwin = (float *) getbytes( MAX_Nw * sizeof(float) ); x->input = (float *) getbytes( MAX_Nw * sizeof(float) ); x->output = (float *) getbytes( MAX_Nw * sizeof(float) ); x->buffer = (float *) getbytes( MAX_N * sizeof(float) ); x->channel = (float *) getbytes( (MAX_N+2) * sizeof(float) ); x->tmpframe = (float *) getbytes( (MAX_N+2) * sizeof(float) ); x->bitshuffle = (int *) getbytes( (MAX_N * 2) * sizeof( int ) ); x->trigland = (float *) getbytes( (MAX_N * 2) * sizeof( float ) ); x->c_lastphase_in = (float *) getbytes( (MAX_N2+1) * sizeof(float) ); x->c_lastphase_out = (float *) getbytes( (MAX_N2+1) * sizeof(float) ); } memset((char *)x->input,0,x->Nw * sizeof(float)); memset((char *)x->output,0,x->Nw * sizeof(float)); memset((char *)x->c_lastphase_in,0,(x->N2+1) * sizeof(float)); memset((char *)x->c_lastphase_out,0,(x->N2+1) * sizeof(float)); init_rdft( x->N, x->bitshuffle, x->trigland); makewindows( x->Hwin, x->Wanal, x->Wsyn, x->Nw, x->N, x->D); } t_int *resident_perform(t_int *w) { float sample, outsamp ; int index_offset; int i, j; ////////////////////////////////////////////// t_resident *x = (t_resident *) (w[1]); t_float *in = (t_float *)(w[2]); t_float *increment = (t_float *)(w[3]); t_float *position = (t_float *)(w[4]); t_float *out = (t_float *)(w[5]); t_float *vec_sync = (t_float *)(w[6]); t_int n = w[7]; /* dereference structure */ int inCount = x->inCount; int R = x->R; int N = x->N; int N2 = x->N2; int D = x->D; int Nw = x->Nw; float *Wanal = x->Wanal; float *Wsyn = x->Wsyn; float *input = x->input; float *output = x->output; float *buffer = x->buffer; float *channel = x->channel; float fframe = x->current_frame ; float fincr = x->frame_increment; float fpos = x->fpos; float last_fpos = x->last_fpos ; int framecount = x->framecount; float sync = x->sync; float mult = x->mult ; int *bitshuffle = x->bitshuffle; float *trigland = x->trigland ; float *c_lastphase_in = x->c_lastphase_in; float *c_lastphase_out = x->c_lastphase_out; float c_fundamental = x->c_fundamental; float c_factor_in = x->c_factor_in; float c_factor_out = x->c_factor_out; float *tmpframe = x->tmpframe; t_buffer *l_buf = x->l_buf; int frames_read = x->frames_read; int buffer_frame_count = x->buffer_frame_count; if (x->in2_connected) { fincr = *increment++; } if (x->in3_connected) { fpos = *position++; } inCount += D; if( (! x->initialized) || x->mute || x->x_obj.z_disabled ) { for ( j = 0; j < D; j++ ){ *out++ = 0.0; *vec_sync++ = sync; } return (w+8); // must be index of "n" + 1 } if( x->read_me ) { for ( j = 0 ; j < Nw - D ; j++ ){ input[j] = input[j+D]; } for ( j = Nw - D; j < Nw; j++ ) { input[j] = *in++; } fold( input, Wanal, Nw, buffer, N, inCount ); rdft( N, 1, buffer, bitshuffle, trigland ); convert( buffer, tmpframe, N2, c_lastphase_in, c_fundamental, c_factor_in ); index_offset = (N+2) * frames_read; for( i = index_offset, j = 0; i < index_offset + N + 2; i++, j++ ){ l_buf->b_samples[i] = tmpframe[j]; } ++frames_read; // output empty buffers while reading sync = (float)frames_read/(float)(x->buffer_frame_count); if(x->playthrough){ for ( i=0, j = Nw - D; j < Nw; j++, i++ ) { out[i] = input[j]; vec_sync[j] = sync; } } else { for ( j = 0; j < D; j++ ){ out[j] = 0.0; vec_sync[j] = sync; } } if( frames_read >= x->buffer_frame_count){ x->read_me = 0; // post("resident_buffer: data acquisition completed"); } } else if (x->mute ) { // Process Muted for ( j = 0; j < D; j++ ){ out[j] = 0.0; vec_sync[j] = sync; } } else { if( fpos < 0 ) fpos = 0; if( fpos > 1 ) fpos = 1; if( fpos != last_fpos ){ fframe = fpos * (float) buffer_frame_count ; last_fpos = fpos; } fframe += fincr; while( fframe >= buffer_frame_count ) { fframe -= buffer_frame_count; } while( fframe < 0. ) { fframe += buffer_frame_count ; } index_offset = (N+2) * (int) fframe; for( i = index_offset, j = 0; i < index_offset + N + 2; i++, j++ ){ tmpframe[j] = l_buf->b_samples[i]; } // REPLACE loveboat with buffer unconvert( tmpframe, buffer, N2, c_lastphase_out, c_fundamental, c_factor_out ); rdft( N, -1, buffer, bitshuffle, trigland ); overlapadd( buffer, N, Wsyn, output, Nw, inCount ); for ( j = 0; j < D; j++ ){ *out++ = output[j] * mult; } for ( j = 0; j < Nw - D; j++ ){ output[j] = output[j+D]; } for ( j = Nw - D; j < Nw; j++ ){ output[j] = 0.; vec_sync[0] = sync; } } /* restore state variables */ x->inCount = inCount % Nw; x->current_frame = fframe; x->frame_increment = fincr; x->fpos = fpos; x->last_fpos = last_fpos; x->frames_read = frames_read; x->sync = sync; return (w+8); } void resident_float(t_resident *x, double f) // Look at floats at inlets { // int inlet = ((t_pxobject*)x)->z_in; int inlet = x->x_obj.z_in; if (inlet == 1) { x->frame_increment = f; } else if (inlet == 2) { if (f < 0 ){ f = 0; } else if(f > 1) { f = 1.; } x->fpos = f; } } void resident_bangname ( t_resident *x ) { // int i, j; x->read_me = 1; x->frames_read = 0; // post("resident_buffer: beginning spectral data acquisition"); return; } void resident_mute(t_resident *x, long toggle) { x->mute = (short)toggle; } void resident_playthrough(t_resident *x, t_floatarg toggle) { x->playthrough = (short)toggle; } void resident_winfac(t_resident *x, t_floatarg f) { int i = (int)f; if(!power_of_two(i)){ error("%f is not a power of two",f); return; } x->winfac = i; resident_init(x,2); } void resident_overlap(t_resident *x, t_floatarg f) { int i = (int) f; if(!power_of_two(i)){ error("%f is not a power of two",f); return; } x->overlap = i; resident_init(x,1); } void resident_dsp(t_resident *x, t_signal **sp, short *count) { long i; int buffer_samples; t_buffer *b; x->in2_connected = count[1]; x->in3_connected = count[2]; if(x->R != sp[0]->s_sr || x->D != sp[0]->s_n){ x->R = sp[0]->s_sr; x->D = sp[0]->s_n; resident_init(x,1); } /* post("value of disabled is: %d",x->x_obj.z_disabled); post("value of initialized is: %d",x->initialized); */ /* if(x->l_sym->s_name == ""){ post("this buffer was not even dignified with a name"); } */ /* if(!x->l_sym->s_thing){ error("residency_buffer~: not linked to a valid buffer"); } */ // else if(!x->initialized){ if ((b = (t_buffer *)(x->l_sym->s_thing)) && ob_sym(b) == gensym("buffer~")) { x->l_buf = b; x->initialized = 1; if( x->l_buf->b_nchans != 1 ){ error("resident_buffer~: buffer \"%s\" must have 1 channel, not %d", x->l_sym->s_name, x->l_buf->b_nchans); x->x_obj.z_disabled = 1; } } else { error("%s: buffer \"%s\" not found",OBJECT_NAME, x->l_sym->s_name); x->x_obj.z_disabled = 1; } if( ! x->x_obj.z_disabled ){ x->buffer_frame_count = (float) (x->l_buf->b_frames) / (float)(x->N + 2 ); } // } dsp_add(resident_perform, 7, x, sp[0]->s_vec, sp[1]->s_vec, sp[2]->s_vec, sp[3]->s_vec, sp[4]->s_vec, sp[0]->s_n); } #endif /* PD */