#N canvas 256 119 556 379 10; #X text 23 15 loops a sound file between a startframe and endframe ; #X text 163 188 start; #X text 164 200 frame; #X text 288 199 frame; #X text 288 189 end; #X text 27 238 audio out; #X text 49 197 filename; #X obj 170 57 frameclock 400; #X obj 54 285 output~; #X text 311 214 args: filename startframe# endframe#; #X text 26 146 This will loop the voice.wav sound file starting at frame 50 and ending at frame 200:; #X obj 54 216 fsfilelooper~ ../../sound/voice.wav 15 111; #X connect 11 0 8 0;