path: root/chords_memory.c
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authorDavide Morelli <morellid@users.sourceforge.net>2005-10-18 23:10:53 +0000
committerDavide Morelli <morellid@users.sourceforge.net>2005-10-18 23:10:53 +0000
commiteb9ef05774af20edb43118182834c18a4ac70707 (patch)
treec7ae7be5449dc270e37f3f62ada9840d4efdf0cd /chords_memory.c
initial checkinsvn2git-root
svn path=/trunk/externals/frankenstein/; revision=3734
Diffstat (limited to 'chords_memory.c')
1 files changed, 1137 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chords_memory.c b/chords_memory.c
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9695940
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chords_memory.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1137 @@
+an external that using graph
+learns the played style
+and reproduces chords sequences
+for an idea of what graphs are (but we'll use weights also)
+------- NODES
+each node of the graph is a chord
+each node has a name like "Imin Imaj ... IImin IImaj .... etc"
+We'll cover each possible grade and form, each grade can be
+(tot 13 forms)
+we have 12 grades:
+for a total of 12x13=156 nodes
+------- ARCS
+each node is connected to any other node
+each node has a weight
+the weight is augmented each time the human plays this chord sequence
+so probably I V will have high weight
+and I VI#7 will be very light
+this will be a table of 156x156 int (24336 elements)
+what can i do with the graph?
+i can do questions like:
+simple questions like:
+starting from IIImin tell me a chord so i have a high weight (no novelty)
+starting from IIImin tell me a chord so I have hight novelty (low weight)
+(the graph simply must select the arc starting from IIImin with the desired weight)
+i can build walks giving starting chord:
+as before but more than 1 passage
+i can build walks giving target chord:
+- "build a walk from current chord to target chord with high novelty"
+- "build the shortest walk from current chord to target chord with novelty less than ..."
+- "build a 4 chords long walk from here to there with ... average novelty"
+all these questions are usefull if there is a "form manager" that decides
+the piece structure,for example it wants the 2nd theme to start in 4 measures
+and asks for a chord sequence with medium novelty ending on the dominant (V),
+when the piece is ending it can ask for a coming back to the first tone..
+once we have all the arcs building walks is simply a matter of apply search methods
+like http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A%2A_search_algorithm
+there are plenty of such algos, we must just copy them down.
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <math.h>
+// for random, we may want to use it when building walks
+#include <time.h>
+// for file io
+#include <stdio.h>
+// for string manipulation
+#include <string.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include "m_pd.h"
+#define DEBUG 1 // messaggi di debug
+#define DEBUG_VERBOSE 0 // messaggi di debug
+// is this system Little Endian? (thanks to Mathieu Bouchard)
+// TODO: use this code in file writing/reading
+// instead of forcing little endian!
+//static inline int is_le() {int x=1; return ((char *)&x)[0];}
+// ------------------------------- declaration of used types
+static t_class *chords_memory_class;
+// how can a chord be?
+#define TYPES_NUM 10 // keep me updated
+typedef enum {
+ kMaj=0,
+ kMin=1,
+ kDim=2,
+ kAug=3,
+ kDom7=4,
+ kMaj7=5,
+ kMin7=6,
+ kMinMaj7=7,
+ kDim7=8,
+ kHalfDim7=9
+ } chord_type_t;
+// how many tones do we have in our octave?
+#define TONES_NUM 12 // keep me updated
+typedef enum {I=0,
+ Id=1,
+ II=2,
+ IId=3,
+ III=4,
+ IV=5,
+ IVd=6,
+ V=7,
+ Vd=8,
+ VI=9,
+ VId=10,
+ VII=11
+ } chord_tone_t;
+// how many nodes does this graph have?
+// when we introduce modulation
+// we'll have more
+// this defines a chord in a tonality
+typedef struct _chord
+ chord_type_t mode;
+ chord_tone_t note;
+} chord_t;
+// enumeration of absolute notes
+// i'll need this when parsing strings like "C major"
+typedef enum {C=0,
+ Db=1,
+ D=2,
+ Eb=3,
+ E=4,
+ F=5,
+ Gb=6,
+ G=7,
+ Ab=8,
+ A=9,
+ Bb=10,
+ B=11
+ } abs_note_t;
+// enumeration of modes
+// i'll start with minor and major only
+// but we could add phrigian, doric, misolidian ,e tc...
+#define MODES_NUM 2
+typedef enum {
+ MAJOR=0,
+ MINOR=1 } modes_t;
+// data type for the steps of a walk
+typedef struct _step
+ // 1 if i must modulate to tonality before computing chord
+ int modulate;
+ // this chord
+ chord_t chord;
+ // new tonality to be applied before chord
+ int tonality_note;
+ int tonality_mode;
+} step_t;
+// struct defining this external's memory space
+typedef struct _chords_memory
+ t_object x_obj; // myself
+ t_outlet *x_outchordname; /* chord name, e.g. "Cmajor7" */
+ t_outlet *x_outtonalityname; /* chord name, e.g. "Cmajor7" */
+ t_outlet *x_outchordssequence; /* sequence of chords,a walk */
+ // the matrix : arcs of the graph
+ // each tonality mode has his matrix
+ // each matrix is in this form:
+ // from which chord to which chord
+ short int arcs[MODES_NUM][NODES_NUM][NODES_NUM];
+ // modulations matrix
+ // same as above
+ // but for modulations
+ short int modulations[MODES_NUM][NODES_NUM][MODULATIONS_NUM];
+ // I use this to normalize weights 0-1
+ short int maxweight[MODES_NUM];
+ // to convert from absolute tones (C, D, E, ..) to relative ones (I, II, III) and back
+ abs_note_t fundamental_note; // describes current tonality
+ modes_t fundamental_mode; // describes current tonality
+ // to save and load my status
+ t_symbol *filename;
+ // to normalize weights to 0-1
+ chord_t last_chord;
+ int last_chord_set;
+ // to use for walks
+ step_t *walk;
+ int steps;
+ int using_walk;
+ int current_step;
+} t_chords_memory;
+//static inline int mod(int a, int b) {int c=a%b; c+=b&-(c&&(a<0)^(b<0)); return c;}
+// bring this number in 0 12 range
+int clean_note(int src)
+ while (src>12)
+ src-=12;
+ while (src<0)
+ src+=12;
+ return src;
+// or use this one:
+#define MOD(x,y) (((x%y)+y)%y)
+// ------------------------------- init functions
+// initializes the graphs to 0 (everything is new)
+void chords_memory_init_graph(t_chords_memory *x)
+ int i, j, m;
+ for (m=0; m<MODES_NUM; m++)
+ {
+ x->maxweight[m]=1;
+ for (i=0; i<NODES_NUM; i++)
+ {
+ for (j=0; j<NODES_NUM; j++)
+ {
+ // initially every chord sequence is a novelty
+ x->arcs[m][i][j]=0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ x->last_chord_set=0;
+void chords_memory_init(t_chords_memory *x, t_floatarg f)
+ chords_memory_init_graph(x);
+// ------------- function for string manipulation (from string to chords)
+// tries to find out absolute tones names in this string
+abs_note_t from_string_to_abs_tone(const char *substr)
+ if (strstr(substr, "C"))
+ return C;
+ if (strstr(substr, "Db"))
+ return Db;
+ if (strstr(substr, "D"))
+ return D;
+ if (strstr(substr, "Eb"))
+ return Eb;
+ if (strstr(substr, "E"))
+ return E;
+ if (strstr(substr, "F"))
+ return F;
+ if (strstr(substr, "Gb"))
+ return Gb;
+ if (strstr(substr, "G"))
+ return G;
+ if (strstr(substr, "Ab"))
+ return Ab;
+ if (strstr(substr, "A"))
+ return A;
+ if (strstr(substr, "Bb"))
+ return Bb;
+ if (strstr(substr, "B"))
+ return B;
+ return C;
+chord_type_t from_string_to_type(const char *substr)
+ if (strstr(substr, "minor/major 7th"))
+ return kMinMaj7;
+ if (strstr(substr, "major 7th"))
+ return kMaj7;
+ if (strstr(substr, "major"))
+ return kMaj;
+ if (strstr(substr, "minor 7th"))
+ return kMin7;
+ if (strstr(substr, "minor"))
+ return kMin;
+ if (strstr(substr, "half diminished 7th"))
+ return kHalfDim7;
+ if (strstr(substr, "diminished 7th"))
+ return kDim7;
+ if (strstr(substr, "diminished"))
+ return kDim;
+ if (strstr(substr, "augmented"))
+ return kAug;
+ if (strstr(substr, "dominant 7th"))
+ return kDom7;
+ // TODO: other chords
+ // beware when adding new chords
+ // put shorter names at end of this function!
+ return C;
+// find the tonality mode in this string
+modes_t from_string_to_mode(const char *substr)
+ if (strstr(substr, "major"))
+ return MAJOR;
+ if (strstr(substr, "minor"))
+ return MINOR;
+ // TODO: other modes (doric, misolidian , custom, etc..
+ return C;
+// builds a string for this chord
+// the string is in maxlib's chord format
+void chords_memory_chord2string(t_chords_memory *x, char *string, chord_t chord)
+ abs_note_t newnote;
+ memset( string, '\0', sizeof(string) );
+ newnote = clean_note(chord.note + x->fundamental_note);
+ switch (newnote)
+ {
+ case C: strcat(string, "C "); break;
+ case Db: strcat(string, "Db "); break;
+ case D: strcat(string, "D "); break;
+ case Eb: strcat(string, "Eb "); break;
+ case E: strcat(string, "E "); break;
+ case F: strcat(string, "F "); break;
+ case Gb: strcat(string, "Gb "); break;
+ case G: strcat(string, "G "); break;
+ case Ab: strcat(string, "Ab "); break;
+ case A: strcat(string, "A "); break;
+ case Bb: strcat(string, "Bb "); break;
+ case B: strcat(string, "B "); break;
+ }
+ switch (chord.mode)
+ {
+ case kMaj: strcat(string, "major"); break;
+ case kMin: strcat(string, "minor"); break;
+ case kDim: strcat(string, "diminished"); break;
+ case kAug: strcat(string, "augmented"); break;
+ case kMaj7: strcat(string, "major 7th"); break;
+ case kDom7: strcat(string, "dominant 7th"); break;
+ case kMin7: strcat(string, "minor 7th"); break;
+ case kHalfDim7: strcat(string, "half diminished 7th"); break;
+ case kDim7: strcat(string, "diminished 7th"); break;
+ case kMinMaj7: strcat(string, "minor/major 7th"); break;
+ }
+// helper function that returns a substring of str
+// starting from start and ending in end
+char* substring_r(char* buffer, char* str, int start, int end)
+ int i, x = 0;
+ for(i = start ; i <= end; i++)
+ buffer[x++] = str[i];
+ buffer[x] = '\0';
+ return buffer;
+// TODO: function to translate a string to chord
+// used both from inlet and from textfile
+chord_t chords_memory_string2chord(t_chords_memory *x, char *string)
+ chord_t chord;
+ int index1;
+ int interval;
+ abs_note_t absnote;
+ char substr[32]; // is 32 ok?
+ if (DEBUG)
+ post("chords_memory_string2chord: string='%s'",string);
+ // c strings ends with \0
+ // so I set the substring to \0
+ memset( substr, '\0', sizeof(substr) );
+ // I assume the input is from maxlib's [chord]
+ // i don't need the notes before ":"
+ index1 = strcspn( string, ":");
+ if (index1 == strlen(string))
+ {
+ // : not found
+ // then the input was not from maxlib's [chord]
+ // i hope they passed me the right string...
+ strncpy( substr, string, strlen(string));
+ } else
+ {
+ // I will work on the right substring split by ":"
+ substring_r(substr, string, index1+1, strlen(string)-1);
+ if (isspace(substr[0]))
+ {
+ // substring inizia con uno spazio, lo tolgo
+ index1 = strlen(substr)-1;
+ memmove(substr, substr+1, index1);
+ substr[index1] = '\0';
+ }
+ }
+ // now in substr i *should* have a string like this
+ // "C dominant 7th"
+ if (DEBUG)
+ post("chords_memory_string2chord: substr='%s'",substr);
+ // now I need to understand how many semitones there are
+ // between x->current_fundamental and this chord
+ absnote = from_string_to_abs_tone(substr);
+ interval = clean_note(absnote - x->fundamental_note);
+ chord.note = interval;
+ chord.mode=from_string_to_type(substr);
+ if (DEBUG)
+ post("chords_memory_string2chord: chord.note=%i chord.mode=%i",chord.note, chord.mode);
+ return chord;
+// ------------------------------- search functions
+// internal function
+// find the better chord starting from chord1
+// using the desired weight which is a value between 0 and 1
+// so i have to normalize weights to 0-1 interval
+// i use maxweight to do that
+// TODO: add random, don't simply select the best but make a list with candidates
+// and select randomly
+chord_t chords_memory_find_better(t_chords_memory *x, chord_t chord1, float desired_weight)
+ // chords are integers
+ // to know what this integer means do that:
+ // int tone = chord1 / TONES_NUM
+ // int type = chord1 % TYPES_NUM
+ // the use a switch(tone) and a switch(type)
+ // to know what kind of chord is this
+ int chord1int, chord2int, i, best_index;
+ float best_value;
+ float tmp;
+ double rnd;
+ chord_t chord2;
+ chord1int = chord1.note*TYPES_NUM + chord1.mode;
+ //rnd = rand()/((double)RAND_MAX + 1);
+ //best_index = rnd * NODES_NUM;
+ tmp = 0;
+ //best_value = fabs(((float) x->arcs[chord1int][best_index]) / ((float) x->maxweight) - desired_weight);
+ // post("chords_memory_find_better: initial %i best value = %f",best_index, best_value);
+ best_index = x->fundamental_mode; // fallback is I
+ best_value = 2; // higher than everyone
+ for (i=0; i<NODES_NUM; i++)
+ {
+ // i don't want it if has never been used
+ // i wouldn't know where to go then
+ // and i'd end up wondering blind
+ if (x->arcs[x->fundamental_mode][chord1int][i]>0)
+ {
+ tmp = fabs(((float)x->arcs[x->fundamental_mode][chord1int][i]) / ((float)x->maxweight[x->fundamental_mode]) - desired_weight);
+ post("chords_memory_find_better: x->arcs[%i][%i][%i]=%i x->maxweight[%i]=%i desired_weight=%f tmp=%f",x->fundamental_mode,chord1int,i, x->arcs[x->fundamental_mode][chord1int][i], x->fundamental_mode, x->maxweight[x->fundamental_mode], desired_weight, tmp);
+ if (tmp < best_value)
+ {
+ {
+ post("chords_memory_find_better: new best with value = %f", tmp);
+ post("chords_memory_find_better: x->arcs[%i][chord1int][%i]=%i x->maxweight[%i]=%i desired_weight=%f",x->fundamental_mode,i, x->arcs[x->fundamental_mode][chord1int][i], x->fundamental_mode, x->maxweight[x->fundamental_mode], desired_weight);
+ }
+ best_value = tmp;
+ best_index = i;
+ }
+ if (tmp == best_value)
+ {
+ rnd = rand()/((double)RAND_MAX + 1);
+ if (rnd < 0.5)
+ {
+ best_value = tmp;
+ best_index = i;
+ {
+ post("chords_memory_find_better: new best with value = %f", tmp);
+ post("chords_memory_find_better: x->arcs[%i][chord1int][%i]=%i x->maxweight[%i]=%i desired_weight=%f",x->fundamental_mode,i, x->arcs[x->fundamental_mode][chord1int][i],x->fundamental_mode,x->maxweight[x->fundamental_mode], desired_weight);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // now in best_index I have the best chord
+ // i build the chord back from the integer
+ chord2.mode = best_index % TYPES_NUM;
+ chord2.note = best_index / TYPES_NUM;
+ if (DEBUG)
+ post("chords_memory_find_better: chord.note=%i chord.mode=%i",chord2.note, chord2.mode);
+ return chord2;
+// data structures to be used by build_walk
+// to sort arrays
+#include "sglib.h"
+// the data set we will work on it a matrix of candidates steps
+// this define each possibile chord and/or modulation
+// that can be chosen at each step
+typedef struct _possible_step
+ int chordInt;
+ int cost; // NB integers!
+ int modulation; // 1 if needs modulations before new chord
+ int tonalityInt;
+} possible_step_t;
+typedef struct _possible_step2
+ int index;
+ int cost; // NB integers!
+} possible_step2_t;
+// a row of our data set
+// each row is a step in the walk
+typedef struct _step_row
+ possible_step_t cell[NODES_NUM+MODULATIONS_NUM];
+ int curr_cell;
+} step_row_t;
+// this is the real searching function
+// implementing a modified version of the
+// depth limited search
+// the difference is that we don't accept solutions
+// in less than the wanted number of steps
+// sglib comparator for an array of possible_step_t
+#define POSSIBLE_STEP_COMPARATOR(e1, e2) (e1.cost - e2.cost)
+#define MY_ARRAY_ELEMENTS_EXCHANGER(type, a, i, j) {type tmp;tmp=a[i];a[i]=a[j];a[j]=tmp;}
+// recursive function
+// returns 0 if solutions was not found
+// 1 if a solution was found
+// the way i implement this changes the search function
+// actually is a greedy one:
+// i always select the lower cost
+// and take the first solution
+// this algo is:
+// complexity (where s=steps, n=nodes:
+// best case: n*s
+// worst case: n^s
+// this will surely need threads!
+int chords_memory_build_walk_recursive(t_chords_memory *x,
+ int chord_from_int,
+ int tonality_from_int,
+ int chord_to_int,
+ int tonality_to_int,
+ int this_step,
+ int wanted_steps,
+ float desired_weight,
+ step_row_t *step_matrix)
+ int i, cost_tmp, ret;
+ int this_tonality_note;
+ int this_tonality_mode;
+ float cost_float;
+ //test
+ possible_step2_t *ordered_list;
+ ordered_list = malloc(sizeof(possible_step2_t)*(NODES_NUM+MODULATIONS_NUM));
+ this_tonality_note = tonality_from_int / MODES_NUM;
+ this_tonality_mode = tonality_from_int % MODES_NUM;
+ if (DEBUG)
+ post("chords_memory_build_walk_recursive: recursive function called, this_step=%i,this_tonality_mode=%i",
+ this_step,this_tonality_mode);
+ // first of all, I write all costs in step_matrix[this_step];
+ // chords first
+ for (i=0; i<NODES_NUM; i++)
+ {
+ step_matrix[this_step].cell[i].chordInt = i;
+ step_matrix[this_step].cell[i].modulation = 0;
+ // evaluate this cost
+ if (x->arcs[this_tonality_mode][chord_from_int][i]>0)
+ {
+ cost_float = fabs(((float)x->arcs[this_tonality_mode][chord_from_int][i]) / ((float)x->maxweight[this_tonality_mode]) - desired_weight);
+ } else
+ {
+ cost_float = 2; // never used this chord, so very costly
+ }
+ cost_tmp = cost_float * 1000;
+ step_matrix[this_step].cell[i].cost = cost_tmp;
+ //test
+ ordered_list[i].index=i;
+ ordered_list[i].cost=cost_tmp;
+ post("%i: cost_float=%f cost_tmp=%i chordInt=%i",
+ i,cost_float,step_matrix[this_step].cell[i].cost, step_matrix[this_step].cell[i].chordInt);
+ }
+ // then modulations
+ {
+ step_matrix[this_step].cell[i].tonalityInt = i-NODES_NUM;
+ step_matrix[this_step].cell[i].modulation = 1;
+ // step_matrix[this_step].cell[i].chordInt = ?? TODO
+ //step_matrix[this_step].cell[i].cost = ?? TODO
+ step_matrix[this_step].cell[i].cost = 2;
+ }
+ step_matrix[this_step].curr_cell=0;
+ post("sorting...");
+ // now order the costs using sglib
+ // as i am greedy i follow the cheaper path first
+ // this function is called recursively
+ //base case is then this_step==wanted_steps-1
+// for (step_matrix[this_step].curr_cell=0;
+// step_matrix[this_step].curr_cell<(NODES_NUM+MODULATIONS_NUM);
+// step_matrix[this_step].curr_cell++)
+ for (i=0; i<(NODES_NUM+MODULATIONS_NUM); i++)
+ {
+ step_matrix[this_step].curr_cell = ordered_list[i].index;
+ // i don't want solutions that use never heard chords...
+ if (ordered_list[i].cost < 2000)
+ {
+ {
+ post("step_matrix[%i].curr_cell=%i chodInt=%i cost=%i",
+ this_step,step_matrix[this_step].curr_cell,
+ step_matrix[this_step].cell[step_matrix[this_step].curr_cell].chordInt,
+ step_matrix[this_step].cell[step_matrix[this_step].curr_cell].cost
+ );
+ }
+ if (this_step==wanted_steps-1)
+ {
+ // base case
+ // look for the solution
+ if ((step_matrix[this_step].cell[step_matrix[this_step].curr_cell].chordInt == chord_to_int) &&
+ (step_matrix[this_step].cell[step_matrix[this_step].curr_cell].tonalityInt == tonality_to_int))
+ {
+ // i just found a solution!
+ if (DEBUG)
+ post("chords_memory_build_walk_recursive: solution found! chord_note=%i chord_to_int=%i",
+ chord_to_int/TYPES_NUM,chord_to_int);
+ free(ordered_list);
+ return 1; // as i am greedy (and lazy) i return immediatly
+ }
+ } else
+ {
+ // recurive case
+ ret = chords_memory_build_walk_recursive(x,
+ step_matrix[this_step].cell[step_matrix[this_step].curr_cell].chordInt,
+ step_matrix[this_step].cell[step_matrix[this_step].curr_cell].tonalityInt,
+ chord_to_int,
+ tonality_to_int,
+ this_step+1,
+ wanted_steps,
+ desired_weight,
+ step_matrix);
+ if (ret == 1)
+ {
+ // solution found below me!
+ if (DEBUG)
+ post("chords_memory_build_walk_recursive: solution found! chordInt=%i cost=%i",
+ step_matrix[this_step].cell[step_matrix[this_step].curr_cell].chordInt,
+ step_matrix[this_step].cell[step_matrix[this_step].curr_cell].cost);
+ free(ordered_list);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ free(ordered_list);
+ return 0;
+// TODO: add ending tonality !!!!
+void chords_memory_build_walk(t_chords_memory *x, chord_t starting_chord, chord_t ending_chord, float desired_weight, int steps)
+ int i,j,s,n, ret;
+ int chord_from_int, chord_to_int, tonality_from_int, tonality_to_int;
+ step_row_t *step_matrix;
+ // for output
+ t_atom *chords_sequence;
+ char stringTMP[25];
+ // alloc arrays
+ if (x->using_walk)
+ free(x->walk);
+ x->walk = malloc(sizeof(step_t)*steps);
+ step_matrix = malloc(sizeof(step_row_t)*steps);
+ chords_sequence = malloc(sizeof(t_atom)*steps);
+ // for each step:
+ // fill this step with costs
+ // order the list
+ // take the first
+ // use it to fill the next level until you get to the desired step
+ // if you don't find a solution then step back
+ // select the second alternative and again
+ chord_from_int = starting_chord.note * TYPES_NUM + starting_chord.mode ;
+ tonality_from_int = x->fundamental_note * MODES_NUM + x->fundamental_mode;
+ chord_to_int = ending_chord.note * TYPES_NUM + ending_chord.mode ;
+ tonality_to_int = tonality_from_int; // TODO !!!!!
+ if (DEBUG)
+ post("chords_memory_build_walk: calling recursive function");
+ ret = chords_memory_build_walk_recursive(x, chord_from_int, tonality_from_int, chord_to_int, tonality_to_int,
+ 0, steps, desired_weight, step_matrix);
+ if (ret==0)
+ {
+ // no solution found
+ // what do i do now?!?!
+ if (DEBUG)
+ post("no solution found");
+ return;
+ }
+ // copy the solution to the x->walk
+ // and set all needed vars
+ for (i=0; i<steps; i++)
+ {
+ int chordIntTMP = step_matrix[i].cell[step_matrix[i].curr_cell].chordInt;
+ int tonalityIntTMP = step_matrix[i].cell[step_matrix[i].curr_cell].tonalityInt;
+ int modulationTMP = step_matrix[i].cell[step_matrix[i].curr_cell].modulation;
+ // i copy this chord/modulation to the walk
+ x->walk[i].modulate = modulationTMP;
+ x->walk[i].chord.note = chordIntTMP / TYPES_NUM;
+ x->walk[i].chord.mode = chordIntTMP % TYPES_NUM;
+ x->walk[i].tonality_note = tonalityIntTMP / MODULATIONS_NUM;
+ x->walk[i].tonality_mode = tonalityIntTMP % MODULATIONS_NUM;
+ // build a list to send out to the
+ // right outlet
+ chords_memory_chord2string(x,stringTMP,x->walk[i].chord);
+ if (DEBUG)
+ post("chord: %s", stringTMP);
+ //outlet_symbol(x->x_outtonalityname, gensym(stringTMP));
+ SETSYMBOL(chords_sequence+1, gensym(stringTMP));
+ //SETSYMBOL(chords_sequence+1, stringTMP);
+ }
+ // send the solution list to outlet x_outchordssequence
+ outlet_list(x->x_outchordssequence,
+ gensym("list") ,
+ steps,
+ chords_sequence);
+ // TODO: set other vars for walk
+ // free arrays
+ free(step_matrix);
+ free(chords_sequence);
+ // don't free walk, will be freed by someone else
+// ------------------------------- from now on there are functions directly called by pd
+// when you send a |next x( message...
+// function actually invoked when sending a "next x" message to the external
+void chords_memory_next(t_chords_memory *x, t_floatarg f)
+ float desired_weight;
+ chord_t best;
+ char string[32];
+ desired_weight = f;
+ best = chords_memory_find_better(x, x->last_chord, desired_weight);
+ chords_memory_chord2string(x, string, best);
+ outlet_symbol(x->x_outchordname, gensym(string));
+// when you send a search message
+void chords_memory_search(t_chords_memory *x, t_symbol *sl, int argc, t_atom *argv)
+ int steps;
+ chord_t chord2;
+ float desired_weight;
+ // parse the list
+ // you need chord_dest, steps and desired_weight
+ // (later desired tonality also)
+ if (argc<4)
+ {
+ error("usage: search chord-note chord-type steps weight");
+ return;
+ }
+ chord2.note = atom_getint(argv);
+ chord2.mode= atom_getint(argv+1);
+ steps = atom_getint(argv+2);
+ desired_weight = atom_getfloat(argv+3);
+ chords_memory_build_walk(x, x->last_chord, chord2, desired_weight, steps);
+// ------------------------------- functions to set and add chords/tonality
+// sets the current chord
+void chords_memory_set_chord(t_chords_memory *x, t_symbol *s) {
+ if (! x->last_chord_set)
+ {
+ x->last_chord_set=1;
+ }
+ x->last_chord = chords_memory_string2chord(x, s->s_name);
+ if (DEBUG)
+ post("chords_memory_set_chord: chord.note=%i chord.mode=%i",x->last_chord.note, x->last_chord.mode);
+// add a chord sequence to the graph
+void chords_memory_add(t_chords_memory *x, chord_t chord1, chord_t chord2)
+ // chords are integers
+ // to know what this integer means do that:
+ // int tone = chord1 / TONES_NUM
+ // int type = chord1 % TYPES_NUM
+ // the use a switch(tone) and a switch(type)
+ // to know what kind of chord is this
+ int chord1int, chord2int;
+ chord1int = chord1.note*TYPES_NUM + chord1.mode;
+ chord2int = chord2.note*TYPES_NUM + chord2.mode;
+ // now that i've translated chords in integers i can add
+ // 1 to its wheight (a bit less new)
+ x->arcs[x->fundamental_mode][chord1int][chord2int] = x->arcs[x->fundamental_mode][chord1int][chord2int] + 1;
+ // is this the new maxweight?
+ if (x->arcs[x->fundamental_mode][chord1int][chord2int] > x->maxweight[x->fundamental_mode])
+ {
+ x->maxweight[x->fundamental_mode] = x->arcs[x->fundamental_mode][chord1int][chord2int];
+ if (DEBUG)
+ post("x->maxweight[%i] = %i",x->fundamental_mode, x->maxweight[x->fundamental_mode]);
+ }
+// function invoked when a new chord is added at the graph
+// the external remembers the previous played chord
+void chords_memory_add_chord(t_chords_memory *x, t_symbol *s) {
+ chord_t chord1;
+ chord1 = chords_memory_string2chord(x, s->s_name);
+ if (x->last_chord_set)
+ {
+ chords_memory_add(x, x->last_chord, chord1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ x->last_chord_set=1;
+ }
+ x->last_chord = chord1;
+ if (DEBUG)
+ post("chord added: %s", s->s_name);
+// sets the current tonality
+void chords_memory_set_tonality(t_chords_memory *x, t_symbol *s) {
+ chord_t c;
+ int old_tonality;
+ int interval;
+ old_tonality = x->fundamental_note;
+ //x->fundamental_note = (x->fundamental_note + from_string_to_abs_tone(s->s_name)) % 12;
+ x->fundamental_note = from_string_to_abs_tone(s->s_name);
+ x->fundamental_mode = from_string_to_mode(s->s_name);
+ // when i set the tonality i always
+ // go on the I grade
+ if (! x->last_chord_set)
+ {
+ x->last_chord_set=1;
+ }
+ interval = x->fundamental_note - old_tonality;
+ x->last_chord.note = clean_note(x->last_chord.note - interval);
+ outlet_symbol(x->x_outtonalityname, gensym(s->s_name));
+ if (DEBUG)
+ {
+ post("chords_memory_set_tonality: new tonality note=%i mode=%i",x->fundamental_note,x->fundamental_mode);
+ post("chords_memory_set_tonality: chord.note=%i chord.mode=%i",x->last_chord.note, x->last_chord.mode);
+ }
+// adds this modulation to memory
+// code similar to chords_memory_add
+// but adds a modulation instead of a chord
+void chords_memory_add_modulation(t_chords_memory *x, t_symbol *s) {
+ chord_t c;
+ int old_tonality;
+ int newnote,newmode,newabsnote,chord1int;
+ short int modulationInt;
+ old_tonality = x->fundamental_note;
+ //x->fundamental_note = (x->fundamental_note + from_string_to_abs_tone(s->s_name)) % 12;
+ newabsnote = from_string_to_abs_tone(s->s_name);
+ newmode = from_string_to_mode(s->s_name);
+ // when i set the tonality i always
+ // go on the I grade
+ if (! x->last_chord_set)
+ {
+ x->last_chord_set=1;
+ }
+ newnote = clean_note(newabsnote - old_tonality);
+ modulationInt = newnote*MODES_NUM + newmode;
+ chord1int = x->last_chord.note*TYPES_NUM + x->last_chord.mode;
+ x->modulations[x->fundamental_mode][chord1int][modulationInt] = x->modulations[x->fundamental_mode][chord1int][modulationInt] + 1;
+ // is this the new maxweight?
+ if (x->modulations[x->fundamental_mode][chord1int][modulationInt] > x->maxweight[x->fundamental_mode])
+ {
+ x->maxweight[x->fundamental_mode] = x->modulations[x->fundamental_mode][chord1int][modulationInt];
+ }
+ if (DEBUG)
+ {
+ post("chords_memory_add_modulation: new tonality note=%i mode=%i",newnote,newmode);
+ }
+ chords_memory_set_tonality(x, gensym(s->s_name));
+// ---------------------- file I/O
+// function to read graph from a file
+void chords_memory_read_from_file(t_chords_memory *x, t_symbol *s)
+ FILE *fp;
+ int i, j, m;
+ unsigned char tmp[2];
+ if ((fp=fopen(s->s_name, "r+b"))==NULL)
+ {
+ post("error: can't open file %s", s->s_name);
+ return;
+ }
+ for (m=0; m<MODES_NUM; m++)
+ {
+ // i read maxweight
+ x->maxweight[m] = (fgetc(fp)<<16)|(fgetc(fp));
+ // i read the matrix
+ for (i=0; i<NODES_NUM; i++)
+ {
+ for (j=0; j<NODES_NUM; j++)
+ {
+ // this should avoids problems little/big endian
+ // i force little endian (most significant byte first)
+ tmp[0] = fgetc(fp);
+ tmp[1] = fgetc(fp);
+ x->arcs[m][i][j] = (tmp[0]<<8)|(tmp[1]);
+ {
+ if (x->arcs[m][i][j]>0)
+ {
+ post("x->arcs[%i][%i][%i] = %i",m,i,j,x->arcs[m][i][j]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (j=0; j<MODES_NUM; j++)
+ {
+ // this should avoids problems little/big endian
+ // i force little endian (most significant byte first)
+ tmp[0] = fgetc(fp);
+ tmp[1] = fgetc(fp);
+ x->modulations[m][i][j] = (tmp[0]<<8)|(tmp[1]);
+ {
+ if (x->modulations[m][i][j]>0)
+ {
+ post("x->modulations[%i][%i][%i] = %i",m,i,j,x->modulations[m][i][j]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (DEBUG)
+ post("x->maxweight[%i] = %i",m, x->maxweight[m]);
+ }
+ if (DEBUG)
+ post("graph read from file %s",s->s_name);
+ fclose(fp);
+// function to write graph to a file (for later loading)
+void chords_memory_write_to_file(t_chords_memory *x, t_symbol *s)
+ FILE *fp;
+ int i, j, m, tmp;
+ fp=fopen(s->s_name, "w+b");
+ for (m=0; m<MODES_NUM; m++)
+ {
+ // i write down maxweight
+ fputc(x->maxweight[m]>>8, fp);
+ tmp = x->maxweight[m]<<8;
+ tmp = tmp >> 8;
+ fputc(tmp, fp);
+ // i write down the matrix
+ for (i=0; i<NODES_NUM; i++)
+ {
+ for (j=0; j<NODES_NUM; j++)
+ {
+ // this should avoids problems little/big endian
+ // i force little endian (most significant byte first)
+ fputc(x->arcs[m][i][j]>>8, fp);
+ tmp = x->arcs[m][i][j]<<8;
+ tmp = tmp >> 8;
+ fputc(tmp, fp);
+ }
+ for (j=0; j<MODES_NUM; j++)
+ {
+ // this should avoids problems little/big endian
+ // i force little endian (most significant byte first)
+ fputc(x->modulations[m][i][j]>>8, fp);
+ tmp = x->modulations[m][i][j]<<8;
+ tmp = tmp >> 8;
+ fputc(tmp, fp);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (DEBUG)
+ post("graph wrote to file %s",s->s_name);
+ fclose(fp);
+// TODO: function that reads chords from a textfile and trains the graph
+// TODO: recursive function that builds a walk from chord1 to chord2 using desired novelty
+// set filename
+void chords_memory_set_filename(t_chords_memory *x, t_symbol *s) {
+ x->filename = s;
+void *chords_memory_new(t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv)
+ int i;
+ time_t a;
+ t_chords_memory *x = (t_chords_memory *)pd_new(chords_memory_class);
+ x->x_outchordname = outlet_new(&x->x_obj, gensym("symbol"));
+ x->x_outtonalityname = outlet_new(&x->x_obj, gensym("symbol"));
+ x->x_outchordssequence = outlet_new(&x->x_obj, &s_list);
+ srand(time(&a));
+ chords_memory_init_graph(x);
+ x->fundamental_note = C;
+ x->fundamental_mode = MAJOR;
+ // example parameter
+ if (argc>0)
+ {
+ x->filename = atom_getsymbolarg(0, argc, argv);
+ chords_memory_read_from_file(x, x->filename);
+ }
+ return (x);
+// here I free allocated memory if any
+void chords_memory_free(t_chords_memory *x)
+// free(x->current_fundamental);
+// TEST
+typedef struct _bla
+ int value;
+ int index;
+} bla_t;
+typedef struct _bla2
+ bla_t array[10];
+} bla2_t;
+#define BLA_COMPARATOR(e1, e2) (e1.value - e2.value)
+void chords_memory_bang(t_chords_memory *x)
+ int i;
+ bla2_t test[2];
+ for (i=0; i<10; i++)
+ {
+ test[1].array[i].index = i;
+ test[1].array[i].value = 10-i;
+ }
+ for (i=0; i<10; i++)
+ {
+ post("array[%i].value = %i, array[%i].index = %i",i, test[1].array[i].value,i, test[1].array[i].index );
+ }
+void chords_memory_setup(void)
+ chords_memory_class = class_new(gensym("chords_memory"), (t_newmethod)chords_memory_new,
+ (t_method)chords_memory_free, sizeof(t_chords_memory), CLASS_DEFAULT, A_GIMME, 0);
+class_addbang(chords_memory_class, (t_method)chords_memory_bang);
+ // file I/O
+ class_addmethod(chords_memory_class, (t_method)chords_memory_write_to_file, gensym("write"),A_SYMBOL, 0);
+ class_addmethod(chords_memory_class, (t_method)chords_memory_read_from_file, gensym("read"),A_SYMBOL, 0);
+ // ask for the best choice form here
+ class_addmethod(chords_memory_class, (t_method)chords_memory_next, gensym("next"), A_DEFFLOAT, 0);
+ // ask for a path from here to desired destination
+ class_addmethod(chords_memory_class, (t_method)chords_memory_search, gensym("search"), A_GIMME, 0);
+ // add or set chord
+ class_addmethod(chords_memory_class, (t_method)chords_memory_add_chord, gensym("add"),A_SYMBOL, 0);
+ class_addmethod(chords_memory_class, (t_method)chords_memory_set_chord, gensym("set"),A_SYMBOL, 0);
+ // change current tonality
+ class_addmethod(chords_memory_class, (t_method)chords_memory_set_tonality, gensym("tonality"),A_SYMBOL, 0);
+ class_addmethod(chords_memory_class, (t_method)chords_memory_add_modulation, gensym("modulation"),A_SYMBOL, 0);
+ // reinit memory
+ class_addmethod(chords_memory_class, (t_method)chords_memory_init, gensym("init"), A_DEFFLOAT, 0);