/* header file for common functions used by the externals of the "frank framework". the frank framework is a set of pd externals implementing AI agents for improvisation. Authors: Davide Morelli http://www.davidemorelli.it David Plans Casal http://www.studios.uea.ac.uk/people/staff/casal */ // here i put common data structures and functions // ------------------------------------------------ data structures // --------- theme notation typedef struct t_note t_note; typedef struct t_duration t_duration; typedef struct t_note_event t_note_event; typedef struct t_note { unsigned short int chord; // 0 if is not a chord (strong) note, 1 if it is unsigned short int diatonic; // 0 if is a note not belonging to this tonality int interval; // semitones from prefious note }; typedef struct t_duration { unsigned short int numerator; // like in music notation: in a 1/4 note the numerator is 1 unsigned short int denominator; // like in music notation: in a 1/4 note the denominator is 4 }; struct t_note_event { unsigned short int voice; t_note note; t_duration start; // moment of the noteon event t_duration duration; // duration of this event t_note_event *previous; // this is a list, link to the previous element t_note_event *next; // this is a list, link to the next element }; // --------- rhythm notation // data structures // this describes a rhythm typedef struct t_rhythm_event t_rhythm_event; struct t_rhythm_event { unsigned short int voice; t_duration start; // moment of the noteon event t_duration duration; // duration of this event t_rhythm_event *previous; // this is a list, link to the previous element t_rhythm_event *next; // this is a list, link to the next element }; // rhythms memory graph // list implementation // this implements a graph that stores the memory of the current rhythm sub-elements // list of links // the actual implementation will be an array of nodes, each node // this describes a probability transition table typedef struct t_rhythm_memory_arc t_rhythm_memory_arc; typedef struct t_rhythm_memory_node t_rhythm_memory_node; // graph node struct t_rhythm_memory_node { // start is implicit: // this is in an array // use int2duration and duration2int // against the index in the array to get its value unsigned short int first; // how many times this has been the first event unsigned short int weight; // how many times this has been an event t_rhythm_memory_arc *arcs; // the list of arcs to other nodes } ; // graph arc: related to t_rhythm_memory_node struct t_rhythm_memory_arc { unsigned short int to_node_index; // the target of this link (arc) t_rhythm_memory_arc *next_arc; // next link in the list } ; // it will be arranged in a heap list.. ? //#define num_possible_denominators 11 //static unsigned short int possible_denominators[] = {1,2,3,4,6,8,12,16,18,24,32}; #define num_possible_denominators 7 static unsigned short int possible_denominators[] = {1,2,3,4,6,8,12}; // the minimum percentage for a beat to be considered part of the main rhythm #define min_to_be_main_rhythm_beat 0.7 // minimum value to be considered a subrhythm of this rhythm #define min_to_be_same_rhythm 0.7 // minimum percentage to be considered this exact rhythm #define min_to_be_same_subrhythm 0.9 // this defines a space for rhythms, variations, transitions and representations typedef struct t_rhythm_memory_representation t_rhythm_memory_representation; typedef struct t_rhythm_memory_element t_rhythm_memory_element; typedef struct t_rhythm_memory_first_node t_rhythm_memory_first_node; // element of a list of rhythms struct t_rhythm_memory_element { t_rhythm_event *rhythm; // this rhythm t_rhythm_memory_element *next; // next element of the list unsigned short int id; // its sub id } ; // a rhythm in memory, each rhythm is : // - its probability transition table // - similar rhythms played // - each one has its main id and each different played rhythm its sub-id struct t_rhythm_memory_representation { t_rhythm_memory_node *transitions; unsigned short int max_weight; t_rhythm_memory_element *rhythms; unsigned short int id; // its main id unsigned short int last_sub_id; // last sub assigned // I can express a list of representations with this data structure t_rhythm_memory_representation *next; } ; // define a return value to express "rhythm not found in this representation" #define INVALID_RHYTHM 65535 // chords data structure // tells you how many durations there // how can a chord be? #define TYPES_NUM 69 // keep me updated typedef enum { /* kMaj=0, kMin=1, kDim=2, kAug=3, kDom7=4, kMaj7=5, kMin7=6, kMinMaj7=7, kDim7=8, kHalfDim7=9, //pland adding 9ths 30.11.05 and beyond kDomb9=10, kMaj9=11, kDom9=12, kMin9=13, kHalfDim9=14, kMinMaj9=15, kDimMaj9=16 */ // this enumerators are from maxlib chord kUnison = 0, kMaj = 1, kMin = 2, kDim = 3, kAug = 4, kMaj7 = 5, kDom7 = 6, kMin7 = 7, kHalfDim7 = 8, kDim7 = 9, kMinMaj7 = 10, kMaj7s5 = 11, kMaj7b5 = 12, kDom7s5 = 13, kDom7b5 = 14, kDomb9 = 15, kMaj9 = 16, kDom9 = 17, kMin9 = 18, kHalfDim9 = 19, kMinMaj9 = 20, kDimMaj9 = 21, kMaj9b5 = 22, kDom9b5 = 23, kDom9b13 = 24, kMin9s11 = 25, kmM9b11 = 26, kMaj7b9 = 27, kMaj7s5b9 = 28, kDom7b9 = 29, kMin7b9 = 30, kMinb9s11 = 31, kHalfDimb9 = 32, kDim7b9 = 33, kMinMajb9 = 34, kDimMajb9 =35, kMaj7s9 = 36, kDom7s9 = 37, kMaj7s11 = 38, kMs9s11 = 39, kHDimb11 = 40, kMaj11 = 41, kDom11 = 42, kMin11 = 43, kHalfDim11 = 44, kDim11 = 45, kMinMaj11 =46, kDimMaj11 =47, kMaj11b5 = 48, kMaj11s5 = 49, kMaj11b9 = 50, kMaj11s9 = 51, kMaj11b13 = 52, kMaj11s13 = 53, kM11b5b9 = 54, kDom11b5 = 55, kDom11b9 = 56, kDom11s9 = 57, kHalfDim11b9 = 58, kDom7s11 = 59, kMin7s11 = 60, kDom13s11 = 61, kM7b913 = 62, kMaj7s13 = 63, kMaj9s13 = 64, kM7b9s13 = 65, kDom7b13 = 66, kChrom = 67, kNone = 68 } chord_type_t; // how many tones do we have in our octave? #define TONES_NUM 12 // keep me updated typedef enum { I=0, Id=1, II=2, IId=3, III=4, IV=5, IVd=6, V=7, Vd=8, VI=9, VId=10, VII=11 } chord_tone_t; // how many nodes does this graph have? // for now TYPES_NUM*TONES_NUM // when we introduce modulation // we'll have more #define NODES_NUM TYPES_NUM*TONES_NUM // this defines a chord in a tonality typedef struct _chord { chord_type_t mode; chord_tone_t note; } chord_t; // enumeration of absolute notes // i'll need this when parsing strings like "C major" typedef enum { C=0, Db=1, D=2, Eb=3, E=4, F=5, Gb=6, G=7, Ab=8, A=9, Bb=10, B=11 } abs_note_t; // enumeration of modes // i'll start with minor and major only // but we could add phrigian, doric, misolidian ,e tc... #define MODES_NUM 2 typedef enum { MAJOR=0, MINOR=1 } modes_t; #define MODULATIONS_NUM MODES_NUM*TONES_NUM // ------------------------------------------------ functions // ----------- rhythm manipolation functions // converts from integer to duration: used to know this table index // what corresponds in terms of duration t_duration int2duration(int n); // converts from duration to integer: used to know this duration // what corresponds in terms table index unsigned short int duration2int(t_duration dur); int possible_durations(); // converts from float (0-1) to duration. it performs quantization t_duration float2duration(float fduration); // converts from numerator/denominator to a float (0-1) float duration2float(t_duration duration); // --- rhythms creation and manupulation functions // set the first beat of a sequence // this also creates a new rhythm void setFirstBeat(t_rhythm_event **firstEvent, unsigned short int voice, float fstart, float fduration); //adds a beat at the end of this list void concatenateBeat(t_rhythm_event *currentEvent, unsigned short int voice, float fstart, float fduration); // used to free the memory allocated by this list void freeBeats(t_rhythm_event *currentEvent); // --- memory representation of rhythms // create an array of nodes (without arcs?) to express the beats in this rhythm (the noteon moments) void create_array_beats(unsigned short int **this_array, t_rhythm_event *currentEvent); // add an arc to this node void add_t_rhythm_memory_arc(t_rhythm_memory_node *srcNode, unsigned short int dstNode); // create and initialize this representation, allocate memory for the pointers // I must pass its id also void create_rhythm_memory_representation(t_rhythm_memory_representation **this_rep, unsigned short int id); // add a new rhythm in the list of similar rhythms related to one main rhythm // the sub id is auto-generated and returned unsigned short int add_t_rhythm_memory_element(t_rhythm_memory_representation *this_rep, t_rhythm_event *new_rhythm); // free the list of representations void free_memory_representations(t_rhythm_memory_representation *this_rep); // compares this rhythm to this representation // and tells you how close it is to it // I return values using pointers // the unsigned short and the 2 floats should be already allocated void compare_rhythm_vs_representation(t_rhythm_memory_representation *this_rep, t_rhythm_event *src_rhythm, // the src rhythm unsigned short int *sub_id, // the sub-id of the closest sub-rhythm float *root_closeness, // how much this rhythm is close to the root (1=identical, 0=nothing common) float *sub_closeness // how much this rhythm is close to the closest sub-rhythm (1=identical, 0=nothing common) ); // same as before but search all available representations void find_rhythm_in_memory(t_rhythm_memory_representation *rep_list, t_rhythm_event *src_rhythm, // the src rhythm unsigned short int *id, // the id of the closest rhythm unsigned short int *sub_id, // the sub-id of the closest sub-rhythm float *root_closeness, // how much this rhythm is close to the root (1=identical, 0=nothing common) float *sub_closeness // how much this rhythm is close to the closest sub-rhythm (1=identical, 0=nothing common) ); // the following are the functions that externals should use /* usage: // first of all declare a pointer for the memory t_rhythm_memory_representation *rhythms_memory; // initialize it rhythm_memory_create(&this_rep); // then each time you get a rhythm let the memory evaluate it and // tell you if is a new rhythm or a old one float root_closeness, sub_closeness; unsigned short int id, subid, is_it_a_new_rhythm; rhythm_memory_evaluate(rhythms_memory, rhythm, &is_it_a_new_rhythm, &id, &subid, &root_closeness, &sub_closeness); if (is_it_a_new_rhythm==1) { // it was a completely new rhythm // id tells us new id assigned // and subid tells us the new sub id assigned } if (is_it_a_new_rhythm==2) { // it was a new sub-rhythm of a known rhythm // id tells us rht root rhythm id // and subid tells us the new sub id assigned } if (is_it_a_new_rhythm==0) { // it was a known rhythm and subrhythm // id and subid tell us the identificator } // i can also use root_closeness and sub_closeness and is_it_a_new_rhythm // to know how much novelty there was in this rhythm // i can ask the memory to give me back a specific rhythm t_rhythm_event *wanted_rhythm int rhythm_found = rhythm_memory_get_rhythm(rhythms_memory, wanted_rhythm, id, // the id of the main rhythm wanted sub_id // the sub-id of the sub-rhythm wanted ); if (rhythm_found == 0) { // that rhythm was not present! } // when i am ready I should free the memory rhythm_memory_free(rhythms_memory); */ // create a new memory for rhythms void rhythm_memory_create(t_rhythm_memory_representation **this_rep); // free the space void rhythm_memory_free(t_rhythm_memory_representation *rep_list); // evaluate this rhythm and add it to the memory if is new void rhythm_memory_evaluate(t_rhythm_memory_representation *rep_list, // the memory t_rhythm_event *src_rhythm, // the rhythm to evaluate // is it a new rhythm? (0 if no, 1 if new main rhythm, 2 if new subrhythm) unsigned short int *new_rhythm, // the id of the closest rhythm or the new id assigned unsigned short int *id, // the sub-id of the closest sub-rhythm or the new sub-id assigned unsigned short int *sub_id, // how much this rhythm is close to the root (1=identical, 0=nothing common) float *root_closeness, // how much this rhythm is close to the closest sub-rhythm (1=identical, 0=nothing common) float *sub_closeness ); // return 0 if failed finding the rhythm, 1 if the rhythm was found int rhythm_memory_get_rhythm(t_rhythm_memory_representation *rep_list, // the memory t_rhythm_event **out_rhythm, // a pointer to the returned rhythm // the id of the main rhythm wanted unsigned short int id, // the sub-id of the sub-rhythm wanted unsigned short int sub_id); // -------- notes manipulation functions // set the first beat of a sequence void setFirstNote(t_note_event **firstEvent, unsigned short int voice, float fstart, float fduration, t_note note); //adds a beat at the end of this list void concatenateNote(t_note_event *currentEvent, unsigned short int voice, float fstart, float fduration, t_note note); // used to free the memory allocated by this list void freeNotes(t_note_event *currentEvent); // ------------- function for string manipulation (from string to chords) // tries to find out absolute tones names in this string abs_note_t from_string_to_abs_tone(const char *substr); chord_type_t from_string_to_type(const char *substr); modes_t from_string_to_mode(const char *substr); chord_type_t string2mode(const char *substr); abs_note_t string2note(const char *substr);