0.1 First compilation, changed object names to include "~" 0.2 Added basic fof~ object 0.3 added Windows nt support (no sfread yet) 0.4 added the format message to streamout~ (will be autodetected by streamin~). improved fof~ (offset bug, signal frequency) added adsr~ object. 0.5 fixed deadlock bug in streamin~ - streamout~ added 8bit format, fixed makefile flags for alpha (-mieee) added host message and default arguments to streamout~ 0.6 added sfwrite object compilation support for Windows added state object (savestate) added slider object 0.7 envgen~ prototype bugfixes in sfread (multichannel, added loop switch) initialization bug in state object, added support for saving with symbols toddle object (was here in 0.6 already) 0.8 state - in order to prevent overwriting of states, the save messages stays only valid for 2 seconds now. state - initialization bug slider - made slider thicker envgen - added freeze message to envgen, fixed bug in duration setting delete points when deleting widget, reorganized durations structure, fixed bug during object instantiation. 0.9 envgen is a message object now, which sends messages to a line~ implemented state for envgen. 0.10 added stk object. 0.11 - 0.12 fixed bug in ticker (moving when on) added several objects serial (speeks the Micosoft Mouse protocol) rtout (for sending realtime (raw) midi messages) locals, localr (sending messages locally) 1/x~ , 1/x ... simple shortcuts for the inverse fasor~ ( a phasor which changes it's frequency only on phase 0) sfplay ... from Winfried Ritsch unwonk .. an unpack which sends it's rest through the last outlet atan2~ ... the signal arctan to figure out phase values. This is very slow. 0.14 - slider: now has a width argument, thanks to dieter@rhiz.org fixed the "drawing when hidden" bug. - readserial: several updates for the MicroTouch ThruGlass controller - log~, exp~, .. just what they say, very bad performers .... - envgen memory bug fixed. - sfread fixed segfault when open fails during play 0.15 - added different filter objects, which create lists suitable for biquad. - again several other minor bugfixes - first implementation of a dynamic mixer object - added wave header for sfwrite, improved performance 0.16 - renamed ggext to ggee, new compilation scheme which produces single externals - speed improvments for sfread~ 0.17 - fixed build problem for "make ggext" 0.18 0.19 - rewrote selections for envgen. - added (endoffile) bang to sfplay if file is not found 0.20 - fixed shell external 0.21 - added patch from <jdl@xdv.org> to serialize - fixed pipe exhaustion problem in shell 0.22 - removed the GUI Objects Slider, HSlider, toddle, ticker 0.23 - updated the stk external to use stk 3.2 0.24 - moved moog~ to filters, improved stability. 0.25 - big GUI revival with face lifting 0.26 - fixed for packaging for Debian