/* (C) Guenter Geiger */ #include #include #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning( disable : 4244 ) #pragma warning( disable : 4305 ) #endif /* ------------------------ fofsynth~ ----------------------------- */ #ifndef _WIN32 void garray_usedindsp(t_garray *x); #endif #define DEBUG(a,b) if (x->debug) post(a,b); #define MAXGRAINS 1000 #define PD_PI 3.14159 #if PD_MINOR_VERSION < 38 static float* cos_table; #endif static float* halfcos_table; static float* exp_table; static void cos_maketable(void) { int i; float *fp, phase, phsinc = (2. * PD_PI) / COSTABSIZE; if (cos_table) return; cos_table = (float *)getbytes(sizeof(float) * (COSTABSIZE+1)); for (i = COSTABSIZE + 1, fp = cos_table, phase = 0; i--; fp++, phase += phsinc) *fp = cos(phase); } static void halfcos_maketable(void) { int i; float *fp, phase, phsinc = (PD_PI) / COSTABSIZE; if (halfcos_table) return; halfcos_table = (float *)getbytes(sizeof(float) * (COSTABSIZE+1)); for (i = COSTABSIZE + 1, fp = halfcos_table, phase = PD_PI; i--; fp++, phase += phsinc) *fp = 0.5*(cos(phase) + 1.0); } static void exp_maketable(void) { int i; float *fp, phase, phsinc = (2 * PD_PI) / COSTABSIZE; if (exp_table) return; exp_table = (float *)getbytes(sizeof(float) * (COSTABSIZE+1)); for (i = COSTABSIZE + 1, fp = exp_table, phase = 0; i--; fp++, phase += phsinc) *fp = exp(-phase); } static t_class *fofsynth_class; typedef struct _grain { struct _grain *next; t_float formph; /* 0 ... 1 */ t_float formphinc; t_float envph; int falling; } t_grain; typedef struct _fofsynth { t_object x_obj; /* it is possible to use 2 array, prob change this one int the future */ t_symbol* x_arrayname; /* template */ int x_npoints; t_float *x_vec; /* fof */ int debug; int maxgrains; int numgrains; float* x_envelope; /* the queue of grains */ t_grain* grainbase; t_grain* grainstart; t_grain* grainend; t_float fundph; /* 0 to 1; if 1 -> add a new grain */ t_float fundfreq; /* input parameter 1 */ t_float formfreq; /* input paramter 2 */ t_float risedur; /* input parameter 3 ( in % of total duration )*/ t_float falldur; /* input parameter 5 ( in % of total duration */ /* other */ int neednewgrain; } t_fofsynth; /* build a cyclic list */ static t_grain* grain_makecyclic(t_grain* base,int num) { t_grain* cur = base; while (--num) { cur->next = cur+1; cur++; } cur->next = base; return base; } static t_int *fofsynth_perform(t_int *w) { t_fofsynth* x = (t_fofsynth*) (w[1]); t_sample *in = (t_sample *)(w[2]); t_sample *out = (t_sample *)(w[3]); int n = (int)(w[4]); t_float totaldur = (x->risedur+ x->falldur)*0.01/ *in; t_sample srate = 44100.0; /*((t_signal*)w[2])->s_sr;*/ t_sample israte = 1.0/srate; t_float fundphase = x->fundph; t_float numperiods = totaldur*x->formfreq; t_float formphinc = (x->formfreq/srate); t_sample risinc; t_sample fallinc; t_grain* cur; risinc = (x->risedur == 0.0) ? 1.0 : 1.0/ (srate*totaldur*0.01*x->risedur); fallinc = (x->falldur == 0.0) ? 1.0 : 1.0/ (srate*totaldur*0.01*x->falldur); DEBUG(" fundph %3.2f",x->fundph); DEBUG(" fundfreq %3.2f",x->fundfreq); DEBUG(" formfreq %3.2f",x->formfreq); DEBUG(" risedur %3.2f %",x->risedur); DEBUG(" falldur %3.2f %",x->falldur); DEBUG(" totaldur %3.2f s",totaldur); DEBUG(" risinc %0.6f",risinc); DEBUG(" fallinc %0.6f",fallinc); DEBUG(" formant increase %3.2f",formphinc); DEBUG(" numgrains %d",x->numgrains); while (n--) { fundphase+=*++in*israte; *out = 0.0; if (x->neednewgrain) { /* new grain, they are deleted separetely */ t_grain* newgrain = x->grainend; /* DEBUG("new grain created",0); */ if (newgrain->next == x->grainstart) { post("fof: grain overflow"); x->neednewgrain = 0; } else { x->numgrains++; x->grainend = newgrain->next; newgrain->formphinc = formphinc; newgrain->falling = 0; newgrain->formph = newgrain->envph = 0.0; x->neednewgrain = 0; } } cur = x->grainstart; while (cur != x->grainend) { t_sample formphase = cur->formph; t_sample envelope; t_sample tph = (formphase - (t_sample)((int) formphase)); t_sample val = *(x->x_vec + (int) (tph * x->x_npoints)); /* Apply the envelope */ if (!cur->falling && (cur->envph <= 1.0)) { envelope = *(halfcos_table + (int) (cur->envph * COSTABSIZE)); cur->envph+=risinc; val *= envelope; } else if (!cur->falling) { cur->falling = 1; cur->envph = 0; } if (cur->falling) { envelope = *(exp_table + (int) (cur->envph * COSTABSIZE)); cur->envph+=fallinc; val *= envelope; } /* end of envelope code */ formphase+=cur->formphinc; cur->formph = formphase; if (formphase >= numperiods) { /* dead */ DEBUG("grain died",0); x->grainstart = cur->next; x->numgrains--;/* not needed */ } cur = cur->next; *out += val; } if (fundphase > 1.0) { fundphase -= 1.0; x->neednewgrain=1; } out++; } x->fundph=fundphase; x->debug = 0; return (w+5); } void fofsynth_usearray(t_symbol* s,int* points,t_float** vec) { t_garray *a; if (!(a = (t_garray *)pd_findbyclass(s, garray_class))) error("%s: no such array", s->s_name); else if (!garray_getfloatarray(a,points,vec)) error("%s: bad template for fof~", s->s_name); else garray_usedindsp(a); } static void fofsynth_dsp(t_fofsynth *x, t_signal **sp) { if (x->x_arrayname) fofsynth_usearray(x->x_arrayname,&x->x_npoints, &x->x_vec); else { x->x_npoints=COSTABSIZE; x->x_vec = cos_table; } dsp_add(fofsynth_perform, 4, x, sp[0]->s_vec,sp[1]->s_vec, sp[0]->s_n); } static void fofsynth_free(t_fofsynth *x) { freebytes(x->grainbase,sizeof(t_grain)*x->maxgrains); } static void fofsynth_debug(t_fofsynth* x) { x->debug = 1; } static void fofsynth_float(t_fofsynth* x,t_float f) { x->fundfreq = f > 0.0 ? f : -f; } static void *fofsynth_new(t_symbol* s,t_float a,t_float b,t_float c,t_float d) { int maxgrains = MAXGRAINS; t_fofsynth *x = (t_fofsynth *)pd_new(fofsynth_class); x->debug = 0; x->x_arrayname = s; if (s == &s_) x->x_arrayname = NULL; /* setup the grain queue */ x->grainbase = getbytes(sizeof(t_grain)*maxgrains); x->maxgrains = maxgrains; grain_makecyclic(x->grainbase,maxgrains); x->grainstart = x->grainbase; x->grainend = x->grainbase; x->numgrains = 0; /* some of them could be signals too */ floatinlet_new(&x->x_obj, &x->formfreq); floatinlet_new(&x->x_obj, &x->risedur); floatinlet_new(&x->x_obj, &x->falldur); x->fundph = 0.0; x->fundfreq = 200.0; x->formfreq = 600.0; x->risedur = 5.0; x->falldur = 140.0; if (a) x->fundfreq = a; if (b) x->formfreq = b; if (c) x->risedur = c; if (d) x->falldur = d; outlet_new(&x->x_obj, &s_signal); return (x); } void fofsynth_tilde_setup(void) { cos_table = NULL; halfcos_table = NULL; fofsynth_class = class_new(gensym("fof~"), (t_newmethod) fofsynth_new,(t_method) fofsynth_free, sizeof(t_fofsynth), 0,A_DEFSYM, A_DEFFLOAT,A_DEFFLOAT,A_DEFFLOAT,A_DEFFLOAT,0); class_addcreator((t_newmethod)fofsynth_new,gensym("fofsynth~"),A_DEFSYM, A_DEFFLOAT,A_DEFFLOAT,A_DEFFLOAT,A_DEFFLOAT,0); class_addmethod(fofsynth_class, nullfn, gensym("signal"), 0); class_addmethod(fofsynth_class, (t_method) fofsynth_dsp, gensym("dsp"), 0); class_addfloat(fofsynth_class, (t_method) fofsynth_float); class_addmethod(fofsynth_class,(t_method) fofsynth_debug, gensym("debug"),0); cos_maketable(); halfcos_maketable(); exp_maketable(); }