For the copyright  notice read the file LICENCE.txt.
I would like to be notified if you use this code, change it for your own
project or would like to have some improvement. I will even accept patches
if the don't break anything.

Installation Instructions for ggee

To compile ggee under Linux and IRIX:

Unpack ggee.**.tar.gz (you have already done that).

cd to the ggee directory and type

"configure"  followed by
"make" for building single externals
"make ggext" for building the "classical" ggext library.

that should do it for Linux. Any other platform I haven't tested
yet, and I would like to hear how the compilation works there.

For building on NT, use the build.bat script.
Before doing that, take a look if there are some dll's hanging around,
I may have included them.

ggee now comes with support for pd-0.32. If you want to compile ggee for
earlier versions of pd, copy the files m_pd.h, m_imp.h and !! g_canvas.h
to the ggee "include" directory and configure with 

./configure --with-minor-version=30

STK external  (with STK 3.2)

Get the STK toolkit from: 


To use the stk object, you have to download Perry Cooks  STK toolkit.
Unpack it besides ggee.

Then you have to remove the file stk/include/Object.h

call configure with 
   configure --with-stk=../stk

and then do a make.

  and finally, as stk needs some sound samples, you have to call
make install_stk

  as root.


To use the ggext library within pd you have to load it with the "-lib" switch. (see pd -help)
If you built the single externals you can copy them either to a common place and use the
"-path" option for pd (e.g. copy them to /usr/lib/pd/externs and call pd like 
"pd -path /usr/lib/pd/externs". Or, you can just put them into the same 
directory as you put the patches which use them.

make install by default puts either ggext.pd_linux or all the single externals into /usr/lib/pd/externs.

You can put these default options into your ".pdrc" file. 

Guenter <>