2005 by Gerda Strobl, Georg Holzmann adaptive is a PD-external library for adaptive systems and filters. An adaptive system tries to learn from signals of the past. Mostly it is a simple FIR filter, whoes coefficients can be learned to model or predict an other system. Some applications: system identification, echo cancelation, linear prediction, interference cancelation, self-tuning control, ... For a lecture at the TU-Graz we implemented various versions of the LMS and NLMS algorithm (= least mean square and normalized least mean square adaptation algorithm). We also added a lot of examples (see PD-patches in example folder): system identification, interference cancelation, adaptive equalization, decision-directed equalization, ... A RLS (recursive least square) algorithm and more example patches (e.g. echo cancelation, ...) will follow when I have to learn for the exam ... For more documentation look through the help and example patches! -------------------------------------------------------------------- adaptive is published under a Gnu General Public License (see GnuGPL.txt in this distribution. To get compiled binaries and tarballs: http://grh.mur.at send complaints, bug, thoughts, ... to: grh@mur.at ---------------------------------------------------------------------