/* * * callbacks.c * implementation of the callback FIFO * * this is the (modified) FIFO of the idle callbacks from pd_devel_0.38 * (implemented in m_sched.c) */ #include "threadlib.h" // global callback fifo t_fifo * h_callback_fifo = NULL; // global clock callback to trigger // the callback fifo t_clock *h_callback_clock = NULL; /* linked list of callbacks * callback will be freed after returning 0 */ typedef struct _sched_callback { struct _sched_callback* next; /* next callback in ringbuffer / in fifo */ t_int (*function) (t_int* argv); t_int* argv; t_int argc; } t_sched_callback; // forward declaration static void h_run_callbacks(); void h_init_callbacks() { h_callback_fifo = fifo_init(); h_callback_clock = clock_new(NULL, (t_method)h_run_callbacks); } void h_free_callbacks() { clock_free(h_callback_clock); fifo_destroy(h_callback_fifo); } void h_set_callback(t_int (*callback) (t_int* argv), t_int* argv, t_int argc) { t_sched_callback* new = (t_sched_callback*) getbytes (sizeof(t_sched_callback)); new->function = callback; new->argv = (t_int*) copybytes (argv, argc * sizeof (t_int)); new->argc = argc; new->next = NULL; fifo_put(h_callback_fifo, new); // TODO find solution without lock sys_lock(); clock_delay(h_callback_clock, 0); sys_unlock(); } static t_sched_callback *ringbuffer_head; void h_run_callbacks() { t_sched_callback * new_callback; sys_unlock(); /* append idle callback to ringbuffer */ while ( (new_callback = (t_sched_callback*) fifo_get(h_callback_fifo)) ) { t_sched_callback * next; /* set the next field to NULL ... it might be set in the fifo */ new_callback->next = NULL; if (ringbuffer_head == NULL) { ringbuffer_head = new_callback; } else { next = ringbuffer_head; while (next->next != 0) next = next->next; next->next = new_callback; } } if (ringbuffer_head != NULL) { t_sched_callback * idle_callback = ringbuffer_head; t_sched_callback * last = NULL; t_sched_callback * next; do { int status; sys_lock(); status = (idle_callback->function)(idle_callback->argv); sys_unlock(); switch (status) { /* callbacks returning 0 will be deleted */ case 0: next = idle_callback->next; freebytes (idle_callback->argv, idle_callback->argc); freebytes ((void*)idle_callback, sizeof(t_sched_callback)); if (last == NULL) ringbuffer_head = next; else last->next = next; idle_callback = next; /* callbacks returning 1 will be run again */ case 1: break; /* callbacks returning 2 will be run during the next idle callback */ case 2: last = idle_callback; idle_callback = idle_callback->next; } } while (idle_callback != NULL); } sys_lock(); }