path: root/README.txt
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authorHans-Christoph Steiner <eighthave@users.sourceforge.net>2005-11-10 05:52:11 +0000
committerHans-Christoph Steiner <eighthave@users.sourceforge.net>2005-11-10 05:52:11 +0000
commitceac394c2133d44e81db2eb633ff54a9ad6ce7c5 (patch)
treeadc534407af80a976263c907897907cb13ef1c82 /README.txt
This commit was generated by cvs2svn to compensate for changes in r3865,svn2git-root
which included commits to RCS files with non-trunk default branches. svn path=/trunk/extensions/gripd/; revision=3866
Diffstat (limited to 'README.txt')
1 files changed, 181 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/README.txt b/README.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d00f577
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+GrIPD: Graphical Interface for Pure Data
+-What is GrIPD-
+GrIPD is a cross-platform extension to Miller Puckette's Pure Data
+software that allows the one to design custom graphical user
+interfaces for Pd patches. GrIPD is not a replacement for the Pd
+Tcl/Tk GUI, but instead is intended to allow one to create a front end
+to a Pd patch. The concept is to create your PD patch normally and
+then your GUI using GrIPD. You can then lauch Pd using the -nogui
+command line argument (although this is certainly not necessary) so
+only your custom front end will be displayed. GrIPD, itself, consists
+of two parts: the "gripd" Pd object and an external GUI
+window/editor. The Pd object was written in C and the external GUI was
+written in Python using the wxWindows. GrIPD is released under the
+GNU General Public License.
+-How GrIPD works-
+The two parts of GrIPD communicate via TCP/IP sockets so they can run
+on one machine or on separate machines over a network; so, for
+example, the GUI could be on a laptop on stage controlling or
+displaying info from the Pd audio engine in the house next to the
+mixer. The communication works through Pd's implimentation of
+"send" and "receive" objects. Basically, each GrIPD control object has
+a send and receive symbol associated with it.
+-Supported platforms-
+GrIPD is currently available for Linux/GTK+ and MS Windows
+platforms. It may work on other Unix's, but as of yet it has not been
+tested. Since wxPython and C are both highly portable, most of GrIPD
+is as well. The only issues should be the C socket and multi-process
+ For Win32:
+ * Pd
+ For Linux:
+ * Pd
+ * GTK+
+ To compile under Win32:
+ * Python (v2.2 or later)
+ * wxPython- wxWindows for Python (v2.4.0 or later)
+ * a C/C++ compiler
+ * to make a stand-alone .exe file you'll also need
+ py2exe v0.3.1 (http://starship.python.net/crew/theller/py2exe/)
+ To compile under Linux:
+ * Python (v2.2 or later)
+ * wxPython- wxWindows for Python (v2.4.0 or later)
+ * GTK+ and wxGTK
+ * C/C++ compiler
+ * to make a stand-alone binary executable you'll also need
+ Installer v5b4 (http://www.mcmillan-inc.com/install5_ann.html)
+All of the above are, of course, free.
+For Windows: the package includes compiled binaries of the gripd.dll Pd object
+ and the gripd.exe GUI executeable.
+For Linux: stand-alone binary packages are available for x86 the architecture
+ with either OSS or ALSA MIDI support.
+ 1) Unzip contents of gripd-*.zip to .\pd\gripd\
+ 2) Put gripd.dll where Pd can find it
+ To compile from source
+ 1) In .\pd\gripd\src:
+ a) edit makefile
+ b) run: nmake gripd_nt
+ 2) gripd.exe is included, but to recompile run:
+ python gripdSetup.py py2exe -w -O2 --icon icon.pic
+ 1) Ungzip/untar contents of gripd-*.tar.gz to ./pd/gripd/
+ 2) Put gripd.pd_linux where Pd can find it
+ To compile from source:
+ 2) In ./pd/gripd/src
+ a) edit makefile
+ b) run: make gripd_linux
+ 3) to build a stand-alone binary executable of the GrIPD GUI run:
+ python -OO Build.py gripd.spec (Build.py is part of Installer v5b4)
+Be sure to have gripd.dll or gripd.pd_linux in your Pd path
+-Using GrIPD-
+To use GrIPD, launch Pd with the -lib gripd command line
+argument, and put the gripd Pd object on your patch; it's scope will be
+global throughout all canvases. Then send it an "open <optional
+filename>" message to launch the GUI (gripd.exe or gripd.py).
+You can also send a "open_locked <filename>" message which will open the
+GUI in locked mode. This will prevent any changes from being made to
+the GUI itself.
+You may need to set the path to gripd.py or gripd.exe by sending a
+"set_path <path>" message to the gripd Pd object. For Windows users not using
+gripd.exe, you may also have to set the path to python.exe by sending a
+"set_python_path <path>" message.
+You may also send a "connect" message to set the gripd Pd object to wait for
+an incomming connection and launch gripd.exe or gripd.py separately.
+If the path supplied to either an "open" message or a "set_path" message
+is relative (i.e. begins with ./ or ../) they will be considered relative
+to the directory containing the Pd executable file (pd.exe for Windows and
+pd for Linux). This keeps behavior consistent no matter where Pd is launched
+If the GUI is launched from PD, When the GUI window is closed you can re-open
+it by sending the gripd Pd object a "show" message. You can also hide it by
+sending the gripd Pd object a "hide" message.
+The GrIPD GUI itself has two modes: "Performance Mode" and "Edit
+Mode". In "Edit Mode" you can add and remove controls using the
+"Edit" menu, move them around by selecting them and dragging them by
+their tag with the mouse or use the arrow keys (note: ctrl+<arrow key>
+will move controls a greater distance). You can edit a controls
+properties by either selecting "Edit" from the "Edit" menu or
+right-clicking the control's tab. In "Performance Mode" the controls
+properties are locked and when activated (e.g. clicked, slid, checked,
+etc.) they will send a message via their send symbol. Conversely,
+they will receive messages sent within the Pd patch using their
+receive symbol. Look at gripd.pd and gripdExamples.pd.
+GrIPD can forward MIDI input to Pd from up to two devices. To enable MIDI
+function, select "Enable MIDI" from the "Configure" menu. GrIPD will send
+note information via the "midi<n>note" symbol where <n> is either 0 or 1.
+It will also send controller information via "midi<n>ctl" and program change
+information via "midi<n>pgm".
+GrIPD also allows for the use of up to two joysticks. To enable joystick
+function, select "Enable Joystick" from the "Configure" menu. Joystick
+axis and button information are sent to Pd with the send symbols
+"joy<n>axis<m>" and "joy<n>button<m>" where <n> is 0 or 1 and ,<m> is
+0,1,... for the number of axes and buttons your joystick supports. For
+example, to read from joystick 0 axis 0, put a "r joy0axis0" object in your
+Pd patch. Axes will send integers in a range that will depend on your
+joystick, and buttons will send 1 when depressed and 0 when released.
+GrIPD will also catch keystrokes and send the ASCII value to Pd while in
+performance mode via a "keystroke" send symbol. Simply put a "r keystroke"
+object in your Pd patch.
+Note about duplicating radio buttons:
+When creating radio buttons, the first button created in a group is the
+group marker. Duplicating any of the buttons in a group other than the
+group marker button will add a button of the last group created.
+Duplicating the group marker button will start a new group.
+Note about image paths:
+When a path to an image is relative (i.e. begins with ./ or ../), it is
+considered relative to the .gpd file containing the image. If no file
+has been opened or saved, the path is considered relative to the directory
+containing the gripd executable file (gripd.exe for Windows and gripd.py
+for Linux). It is therefore recommended that all images used in a GUI be
+placed in a directory directly lower than the directory containing the .gpd
+file. For example if your .gpd file is in c:\pd-guis put all images in
+c:\pd-guis\images. This will make distributing GUIs much simpler.
+Note about MIDI and joystick input:
+If problems occur due to MIDI or joystick input, you can disable them by
+editing gripd.opt
+-New in 0.1.1
+Added graph control
+Added openpanel and savepanel
+added MIDI and joystick activity blinking
+Fixed zombie bug
+Fixed multiple opens bug
+Fixed checkbox and radio buttons bug
+Fixed rectangle redrawing problem
+Fixed selecting inside rectangle problem
+Drop me a line at jsarlo@ucsd.edu