path: root/w32mote/wiimote4pd.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'w32mote/wiimote4pd.cpp')
1 files changed, 525 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/w32mote/wiimote4pd.cpp b/w32mote/wiimote4pd.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea089c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/w32mote/wiimote4pd.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,525 @@
+#ifdef _WIN32
+# define MSW
+// linker->befehlsausgabe: zusätzliche flags: "/export:wiimote_setup"
+// TODO:
+// use RefreshState(): copy internal state to actual instance
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+# pragma warning(disable: 4091)
+# define WIIEXTERN __declspec(dllexport) extern
+# define WIIEXTERN extern
+#include <m_pd.h>
+#include "wiimote.h"
+#include <map>
+// class and struct declarations for wiimote pd external:
+class wiimote4pd : public wiimote {
+ t_object*m_obj;
+ t_outlet *m_dataOut;
+ t_outlet *m_statusOut;
+ t_clock *m_clock;
+ bool m_changed;
+ typedef std::pair<std::string, std::vector<t_float> > datavec;
+ std::vector < datavec> m_data;
+ bool m_reportAccel, m_reportIR, m_reportNunchuk, m_reportClassic, m_reportBalance, m_reportMPlus, m_reportExt;
+ bool m_connected;
+ wiimote4pd(t_object*obj, t_outlet*dOut, t_outlet*sOut) : wiimote(),
+ m_obj(obj),
+ m_dataOut(dOut), m_statusOut(sOut),
+ m_clock(NULL),
+ m_changed(NO_CHANGE),
+ m_reportAccel(false), m_reportIR(false),
+ m_reportNunchuk(false), m_reportClassic(false), m_reportBalance(false),
+ m_reportMPlus(false),
+ m_reportExt(false),
+ m_connected(false)
+ {
+ InitializeCriticalSection(&DataLock);
+ m_clock = clock_new(this, (t_method)wiimote_tickCallback);
+ }
+ virtual ~wiimote4pd(void) {
+ clock_free(m_clock);
+ DeleteCriticalSection(&DataLock);
+ }
+ static void wiimote_tickCallback(wiimote4pd*x) {
+ x->tick();
+ }
+ void error(std::string s) {
+ if(m_obj)
+ pd_error(m_obj, "%s", s.c_str());
+ else
+ ::error("[wiimote] %s", s.c_str());
+ }
+ void state(void) {
+ t_atom atom;
+ SETFLOAT(&atom, m_connected);
+ outlet_anything(m_statusOut, gensym("open"), 1, &atom);
+ };
+ void state(bool connected) {
+ m_connected=connected;
+ state();
+ };
+ void data(const std::string&id, std::vector<t_float>&d) {
+ const unsigned int len=d.size();
+ t_atom*atoms=new t_atom[len];
+ unsigned int i=0;
+ for(i=0; i<len; i++) {
+ SETFLOAT(atoms+i, d[i]);
+ }
+ outlet_anything(m_dataOut, gensym(id.c_str()), len, atoms);
+ delete[]atoms;
+ };
+ void data(const std::string id, t_float f) {
+ t_atom atom;
+ SETFLOAT(&atom, f);
+ outlet_anything(m_dataOut, gensym(id.c_str()), 1, &atom);
+ }
+ void data(const std::string id, t_float f0, t_float f1) {
+ t_atom atoms[2];
+ SETFLOAT(atoms+0, f0);
+ SETFLOAT(atoms+1, f1);
+ outlet_anything(m_dataOut, gensym(id.c_str()), 2, atoms);
+ }
+ void data(const std::string id, t_float f0, t_float f1, t_float f2) {
+ t_atom atoms[3];
+ SETFLOAT(atoms+0, f0);
+ SETFLOAT(atoms+1, f1);
+ SETFLOAT(atoms+2, f2);
+ outlet_anything(m_dataOut, gensym(id.c_str()), 3, atoms);
+ }
+ void Disconnect(void) {
+ wiimote::Disconnect();
+ state(false);
+ }
+ void Connect(unsigned wiimote_index = FIRST_AVAILABLE) {
+ m_connected=IsConnected();
+ if(m_connected) {
+ error("already connected to WiiMote");
+ state();
+ return;
+ }
+ post("discovering WiiMote");
+ m_connected=wiimote::Connect( wiimote_index );
+ if(!m_connected) {
+ error("could not find any wiimotes. Please ensure that your WiiMote is associated with your system");
+ }
+ post("total connected WiiMotes: %d", TotalConnected());
+ state();
+ }
+ void updateReport(void) {
+#if 0
+ m_reportAccel(false), m_reportIR(false),
+ m_reportNunchuk(false), m_reportClassic(false), m_reportBalance(false), m_reportMPlus(false), m_reportExt(false)
+ IN_BUTTONS = 0x30,
+ IN_BUTTONS_ACCEL = 0x31, 001
+ IN_BUTTONS_ACCEL_IR = 0x33, 011 // reports IR EXTENDED data (dot sizes)
+ IN_BUTTONS_ACCEL_EXT = 0x35, 101
+ IN_BUTTONS_ACCEL_IR_EXT = 0x37, 111 // reports IR BASIC data (no dot sizes)
+ IN_BUTTONS_BALANCE_BOARD = 0x32, 010 // must use this for the balance board
+ input_report reportmode=wiimote::IN_BUTTONS;
+ if(m_reportNunchuk || m_reportClassic || m_reportMPlus || m_reportExt || m_reportBalance) {
+ error("Extension reporting currently not supported");
+ }
+ if(m_reportIR && !m_reportAccel) {
+ post("cannot report IR without acceleration");
+ }
+ if(m_reportAccel && m_reportIR)
+ reportmode=wiimote::IN_BUTTONS_ACCEL_IR_EXT;
+ else if(m_reportAccel)
+ reportmode=wiimote::IN_BUTTONS_ACCEL;
+ SetReportType(reportmode);
+ }
+ void report(const std::string id, bool state) {
+ if(!id.compare("acceleration"))m_reportAccel=state;
+ else if(!id.compare("acceleration"))m_reportAccel=state;
+ else if(!id.compare("ir"))m_reportIR=state;
+ else if(!id.compare("nunchuk"))m_reportNunchuk=state;
+ else if(!id.compare("classic"))m_reportClassic=state;
+ else if(!id.compare("balance"))m_reportBalance=state;
+ else if(!id.compare("motionplus"))m_reportMPlus=state;
+ else if(!id.compare("ext"))m_reportExt=state;
+ //else if(!id.compare("state"))m_reportState=state;
+ //else if(!id.compare("button"))m_reportButton=state;
+ else {
+ std::string err="unknown report mode '";
+ err+=id;
+ err+="'";
+ error(err);
+ }
+ updateReport();
+ }
+ inline void lock(void) {
+ EnterCriticalSection(&DataLock);
+ }
+ inline void unlock(void) {
+ LeaveCriticalSection(&DataLock);
+ }
+ virtual void ChangedNotifier (state_change_flags changed,
+ const wiimote_state &new_state) {
+#define ADDvMSG(VEC, id) do {datavec dv; dv.first=id; dv.second=v; VEC.push_back(dv); v.clear();} while(0)
+ // merge the new changed set with the cached one
+ lock();
+ bool pristine=(m_changed==false);
+ m_changed = true;
+ std::vector<t_float>v;
+ // Wiimote specific) {
+ if(changed & CONNECTION_LOST) {
+ v.push_back(0);
+ ADDvMSG(m_data, "state");
+ } if(changed & CONNECTED) {
+ v.push_back(1);
+ ADDvMSG(m_data, "state");
+ } if(changed & BATTERY_CHANGED || changed & BATTERY_DRAINED) {
+ v.push_back(new_state.BatteryPercent * 0.01f);
+ ADDvMSG(m_data, "battery");
+ } if(changed & BUTTONS_CHANGED) {
+ unsigned char but1 = (new_state.Button.Bits & 0xFF00)>>8;
+ unsigned char but2 = (new_state.Button.Bits & 0x00FF);
+ v.push_back(but2);
+ v.push_back(but1);
+ ADDvMSG(m_data, "button");
+ } if(changed & ACCEL_CHANGED) {
+ v.push_back(new_state.Acceleration.X);
+ v.push_back(new_state.Acceleration.Y);
+ v.push_back(new_state.Acceleration.Z);
+ ADDvMSG(m_data, "acceleration");
+#if 0
+ } if(changed & ORIENTATION_CHANGED) {
+ // this is a cooked version of ACCEL
+ } if(changed & LEDS_CHANGED) {
+ // they won't change on their own, would they?
+ } if(changed & IR_CHANGED) {
+ unsigned int i;
+ for(i=0; i<4; i++) {
+ const wiimote_state::ir::dot &dot = new_state.IR.Dot[i];
+ if(dot.bVisible) {
+ v.push_back(i);
+ v.push_back(dot.RawX);
+ v.push_back(dot.RawY);
+ v.push_back(dot.Size);
+ ADDvMSG(m_data, "ir");
+ }
+ }
+ // - Extensions -
+ // Nunchuk
+#if 0
+ } if(changed & NUNCHUK_CONNECTED) {
+ } if(changed & NUNCHUK_BUTTONS_CHANGED) {
+ } if(changed & NUNCHUK_ACCEL_CHANGED) {
+ } if(changed & NUNCHUK_JOYSTICK_CHANGED) {
+ // Classic Controller (inc. Guitars etc)
+ } if(changed & CLASSIC_CONNECTED) {
+ } if(changed & CLASSIC_BUTTONS_CHANGED) {
+ } if(changed & CLASSIC_JOYSTICK_L_CHANGED) {
+ } if(changed & CLASSIC_JOYSTICK_R_CHANGED) {
+ } if(changed & CLASSIC_TRIGGERS_CHANGED) {
+ // Balance Board
+ } if(changed & BALANCE_CONNECTED) {
+ } if(changed & BALANCE_WEIGHT_CHANGED) {
+ // Motion Plus
+ } if(changed & MOTIONPLUS_DETECTED) {
+ } if(changed & MOTIONPLUS_ENABLED) {
+ } if(changed & MOTIONPLUS_SPEED_CHANGED) {
+ }
+ unlock();
+ if(pristine) {
+ sys_lock();
+ clock_delay(m_clock, 0);
+ sys_unlock();
+ }
+ }
+ void tick(void) {
+ lock();
+ m_changed=false;
+ unsigned int i;
+ for(i=0; i<m_data.size(); i++) {
+ datavec dv=m_data[i];
+ data(dv.first, dv.second);
+ }
+ m_data.clear();
+ unlock();
+ }
+ bool array2sample(const std::string&arrayname, wiimote_sample&result, const speaker_freq freq=FREQ_3130HZ) {
+ t_garray *a = (t_garray *)pd_findbyclass(gensym(arrayname.c_str()), garray_class);
+ if(!a) {
+ std::string err="no such array";
+ err+=": '";
+ err+=arrayname;
+ err+="'";
+ error(err);
+ return false;
+ }
+ int length=0;
+ t_word *vec=NULL;
+ if(!garray_getfloatwords(a, &length, &vec)) {
+ std::string err="bad template for array";
+ err+=": '";
+ err+=arrayname;
+ err+="'";
+ error(err);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(length<1 || NULL==vec) return false;
+ signed short *samples=new signed short[length];
+ int i;
+ for(i=0; i<length; i++) {
+ signed short s=static_cast<signed short>(32768.*vec[i].w_float);
+ samples[i]=s;
+ }
+ bool res=Convert16bitMonoSamples (samples, true, length, freq, result);
+ delete[]samples;
+ return res;
+ }
+ wiimote_sample m_sample;
+ void play(const std::string&arrayname) {
+ bool res=array2sample(arrayname, m_sample);
+ res=PlaySample(m_sample);
+ }
+static t_class *wiimote_class;
+typedef struct _wiimote
+ t_object x_obj; // standard pd object (must be first in struct)
+ wiimote4pd*x_wiimote;
+ t_outlet*x_dataOut,*x_statusOut;
+} t_wiimote;
+static void wiimote_ctor(t_wiimote*x){
+ if(!x->x_wiimote) {
+ try {
+ x->x_wiimote=new wiimote4pd(&x->x_obj, x->x_dataOut, x->x_statusOut);
+ } catch (int fourtytwo) {
+ error("ouch! wiimote allocation failed fatally");
+ }
+ }
+static void wiimote_dtor(t_wiimote*x){
+ if(x->x_wiimote) {
+ delete x->x_wiimote;
+ }
+static void wiimote_report(t_wiimote*x, t_symbol*s, t_float f)
+ if(!x->x_wiimote)return;
+ x->x_wiimote->report(s->s_name, f>=0.5);
+#if 0
+ int flag=-1;
+ if(gensym("status")==s) flag=CWIID_RPT_STATUS;
+ else if(gensym("button")==s) flag=CWIID_RPT_BTN;
+ else if(gensym("acceleration")==s) flag=CWIID_RPT_ACC;
+ else if(gensym("ir")==s) flag=CWIID_RPT_IR;
+ else if(gensym("nunchuk")==s) flag=CWIID_RPT_NUNCHUK;
+ else if(gensym("classic")==s) flag=CWIID_RPT_CLASSIC;
+ else if(gensym("balance")==s) flag=CWIID_RPT_BALANCE;
+ else if(gensym("motionplus")==s) flag=CWIID_RPT_MOTIONPLUS;
+ else if(gensym("ext")==s) flag=CWIID_RPT_EXT;
+ else {
+ pd_error(x, "unknown report mode '%s'", s->s_name);
+ }
+ if(flag!=-1) {
+ if(onoff) {
+ x->reportMode |= flag;
+ } else {
+ x->reportMode &= ~flag;
+ }
+ }
+ wiimote_resetReportMode(x);
+static void wiimote_reportAcceleration(t_wiimote *x, t_floatarg f)
+ if(!x->x_wiimote)return;
+ x->x_wiimote->report("acceleration", f>=0.5);
+static void wiimote_reportIR(t_wiimote *x, t_floatarg f)
+ if(!x->x_wiimote)return;
+ x->x_wiimote->report("ir", f>=0.5);
+static void wiimote_reportNunchuk(t_wiimote *x, t_floatarg f)
+ if(!x->x_wiimote)return;
+ x->x_wiimote->report("nunchuk", f>=0.5);
+static void wiimote_reportMotionplus(t_wiimote *x, t_floatarg f)
+ if(!x->x_wiimote)return;
+ x->x_wiimote->report("motionplus", f>=0.5);
+static void wiimote_setReportMode(t_wiimote*x, t_floatarg r) {
+ if(!x->x_wiimote)return;
+ x->x_wiimote->error("setReportMode not implemented");
+static void wiimote_setLED(t_wiimote *x, t_floatarg f)
+ if(!x->x_wiimote)return;
+ x->x_wiimote->SetLEDs(static_cast<unsigned char>(f));
+static void wiimote_setRumble(t_wiimote *x, t_floatarg f)
+ if(!x->x_wiimote)return;
+ x->x_wiimote->SetRumble(f > 0.5f);
+// ==============================================================
+// The following function attempts to discover a wiimote. It requires
+// that the user puts the wiimote into 'discoverable' mode before being
+// called. This is done by pressing the red button under the battery
+// cover, or by pressing buttons 1 and 2 simultaneously.
+// TODO: Without pressing the buttons, I get a segmentation error. So far, I don't know why.
+static void wiimote_discover(t_wiimote *x)
+ wiimote_ctor(x);
+ x->x_wiimote->Connect();
+static void wiimote_disconnect(t_wiimote *x)
+ if(!x->x_wiimote)return;
+ x->x_wiimote->Disconnect();
+ delete x->x_wiimote;x->x_wiimote=NULL;
+static void wiimote_play(t_wiimote* x, t_symbol*s) {
+ if(!x->x_wiimote)return;
+ x->x_wiimote->play(s->s_name);
+static void wiimote_bang(t_wiimote *x)
+ if(!x->x_wiimote)return;
+ x->x_wiimote->tick();
+// ==============================================================
+// ==============================================================
+static void *wiimote_new(t_symbol*s, int argc, t_atom *argv)
+ t_wiimote *x = NULL;
+ x=(t_wiimote *)pd_new(wiimote_class);
+ x->x_wiimote = NULL;
+ x->x_dataOut =outlet_new(&x->x_obj, 0);
+ x->x_statusOut=outlet_new(&x->x_obj, 0);
+ wiimote_ctor(x);
+ return (x);
+static void wiimote_free(t_wiimote* x)
+ delete x->x_wiimote;
+ x->x_wiimote=NULL;
+ outlet_free(x->x_dataOut ); x->x_dataOut = NULL;
+ outlet_free(x->x_statusOut); x->x_statusOut= NULL;
+extern "C" {
+ WIIEXTERN void wiimote_setup(void) {
+ wiimote_class = class_new(gensym("wiimote"), (t_newmethod)wiimote_new, (t_method)wiimote_free, sizeof(t_wiimote), CLASS_DEFAULT, A_GIMME, 0);
+#if 0
+ class_addmethod(wiimote_class, (t_method) wiimote_debug, gensym("debug"), 0);
+ class_addmethod(wiimote_class, (t_method) wiimote_status, gensym("status"), 0);
+ /* connection settings */
+ // class_addmethod(wiimote_class, (t_method) wiimote_doConnect, gensym("connect"), A_DEFSYMBOL, A_DEFSYMBOL, 0);
+ /* query data */
+ //...
+ class_addbang(wiimote_class, (t_method) wiimote_bang);
+ /* connection handling */
+ class_addmethod(wiimote_class, (t_method) wiimote_disconnect, gensym("disconnect"), A_NULL);
+ class_addmethod(wiimote_class, (t_method) wiimote_discover, gensym("discover"), A_NULL);
+ /* activate WiiMote stuff */
+ class_addmethod(wiimote_class, (t_method) wiimote_setLED, gensym("setLED"), A_FLOAT, 0);
+ class_addmethod(wiimote_class, (t_method) wiimote_setRumble, gensym("setRumble"), A_FLOAT, 0);
+ /* report modes */
+ class_addmethod(wiimote_class, (t_method) wiimote_report, gensym("report"), A_SYMBOL, A_FLOAT, 0);
+ /* legacy report modes */
+ class_addmethod(wiimote_class, (t_method) wiimote_setReportMode, gensym("setReportMode"), A_FLOAT, 0);
+ class_addmethod(wiimote_class, (t_method) wiimote_reportAcceleration, gensym("reportAcceleration"), A_FLOAT, 0);
+ class_addmethod(wiimote_class, (t_method) wiimote_reportIR, gensym("reportIR"), A_FLOAT, 0);
+ class_addmethod(wiimote_class, (t_method) wiimote_reportNunchuk, gensym("reportNunchuck"), A_FLOAT, 0);
+ class_addmethod(wiimote_class, (t_method) wiimote_reportNunchuk, gensym("reportNunchuk"), A_FLOAT, 0);
+ class_addmethod(wiimote_class, (t_method) wiimote_reportMotionplus, gensym("reportMotionplus"), A_FLOAT, 0);
+ /* play a sample */
+ class_addmethod(wiimote_class, (t_method) wiimote_play, gensym("play"), A_SYMBOL, 0);
+ post("[wiimote]: reading data from the Wii remote controller");
+ post(" (c) 2011 IOhannes m zmölnig");
+#ifdef VERSION
+ post(" version " VERSION " published under the GNU General Public License");
+ post(" published under the GNU General Public License");
+ post("contains WiiYourself! wiimote code by gl.tter http://gl.tter.org");
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file