path: root/wiiremote/wiiremote.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'wiiremote/wiiremote.c')
1 files changed, 543 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/wiiremote/wiiremote.c b/wiiremote/wiiremote.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13b1ea6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wiiremote/wiiremote.c
@@ -0,0 +1,543 @@
+// wiiremote.c
+// Copyright by Masayuki Akamatsu
+// Based on "DarwiinRemote" by Hiroaki Kimura
+#include "wiiremote.h"
+// this type is used a lot (data array):
+typedef unsigned char darr[];
+#define kTrial 10
+static WiiRemoteRec gWiiRemote;
+WiiRemoteRef wiiremote_init(void)
+ gWiiRemote.inquiry = nil;
+ gWiiRemote.device = nil;
+ gWiiRemote.ichan = nil;
+ gWiiRemote.cchan = nil;
+ gWiiRemote.accX = 0x10;
+ gWiiRemote.accY = 0x10;
+ gWiiRemote.accZ = 0x10;
+ gWiiRemote.buttonData = 0;
+ gWiiRemote.leftPoint = -1;
+ gWiiRemote.tracking = false;
+ gWiiRemote.batteryLevel = 0;
+ gWiiRemote.isIRSensorEnabled = false;
+ gWiiRemote.isMotionSensorEnabled = false;
+ gWiiRemote.isVibrationEnabled = false;
+ gWiiRemote.isExpansionPortUsed = false;
+ gWiiRemote.isLED1Illuminated = false;
+ gWiiRemote.isLED2Illuminated = false;
+ gWiiRemote.isLED3Illuminated = false;
+ gWiiRemote.isLED4Illuminated = false;
+ return &gWiiRemote;
+void checkDevice(IOBluetoothDeviceRef device)
+ CFStringRef myString;
+ myString = IOBluetoothDeviceGetName(device);
+ if (CFStringCompare(myString, CFSTR("Nintendo RVL-CNT-01"), 0) == kCFCompareEqualTo)
+ {
+ gWiiRemote.device = IOBluetoothObjectRetain(device);
+ }
+IOBluetoothDeviceInquiryDeviceFoundCallback myFoundFunc(void *refCon, IOBluetoothDeviceInquiryRef inquiry, IOBluetoothDeviceRef device)
+ checkDevice(device);
+IOBluetoothDeviceInquiryDeviceNameUpdatedCallback myUpdatedFunc(void *refCon, IOBluetoothDeviceInquiryRef inquiry, IOBluetoothDeviceRef device, uint32_t devicesRemaining)
+ checkDevice(device);
+IOBluetoothDeviceInquiryCompleteCallback myCompleteFunc(void *refCon, IOBluetoothDeviceInquiryRef inquiry, IOReturn error, Boolean aborted)
+ IOReturn result;
+ if (aborted) return; // called by stop ;)
+ if (error != kIOReturnSuccess)
+ {
+ wiiremote_stopsearch();
+ return;
+ }
+Boolean wiiremote_search(void)
+ IOReturn ret;
+ if (gWiiRemote.inquiry != nil)
+ return true;
+ gWiiRemote.inquiry = IOBluetoothDeviceInquiryCreateWithCallbackRefCon(nil);
+ IOBluetoothDeviceInquirySetDeviceFoundCallback(gWiiRemote.inquiry, myFoundFunc);
+ IOBluetoothDeviceInquirySetDeviceNameUpdatedCallback(gWiiRemote.inquiry, myUpdatedFunc);
+ IOBluetoothDeviceInquirySetCompleteCallback(gWiiRemote.inquiry, myCompleteFunc);
+ ret = IOBluetoothDeviceInquiryStart(gWiiRemote.inquiry);
+ if (ret != kIOReturnSuccess)
+ {
+ IOBluetoothDeviceInquiryDelete(gWiiRemote.inquiry);
+ gWiiRemote.inquiry = nil;
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+Boolean wiiremote_stopsearch(void)
+ IOReturn ret;
+ if (gWiiRemote.inquiry == nil)
+ {
+ return true; // already stopped
+ }
+ ret = IOBluetoothDeviceInquiryStop(gWiiRemote.inquiry);
+ if (ret != kIOReturnSuccess && ret != kIOReturnNotPermitted)
+ {
+ // kIOReturnNotPermitted is if it's already stopped
+ }
+ IOBluetoothDeviceInquiryDelete(gWiiRemote.inquiry);
+ gWiiRemote.inquiry = nil;
+ return (ret==kIOReturnSuccess);
+ IOBluetoothL2CAPChannelIncomingDataListener myDataListener(IOBluetoothL2CAPChannelRef channel, void *data, UInt16 length, void *refCon)
+ unsigned char *dp = (unsigned char*)data;
+ if (dp[1] == 0x20 && length >= 8)
+ {
+ gWiiRemote.batteryLevel = (double)dp[7];
+ gWiiRemote.batteryLevel /= (double)0xC0;
+ gWiiRemote.isExpansionPortUsed = (dp[4] & 0x02) != 0;
+ gWiiRemote.isLED1Illuminated = (dp[4] & 0x10) != 0;
+ gWiiRemote.isLED2Illuminated = (dp[4] & 0x20) != 0;
+ gWiiRemote.isLED3Illuminated = (dp[4] & 0x40) != 0;
+ gWiiRemote.isLED4Illuminated = (dp[4] & 0x80) != 0;
+ //have to reset settings (vibration, motion, IR and so on...)
+ wiiremote_irsensor(gWiiRemote.isIRSensorEnabled);
+ }
+ if ((dp[1]&0xF0) == 0x30)
+ {
+ gWiiRemote.buttonData = ((short)dp[2] << 8) + dp[3];
+ if (dp[1] & 0x01)
+ {
+ gWiiRemote.accX = dp[4];
+ gWiiRemote.accY = dp[5];
+ gWiiRemote.accZ = dp[6];
+ gWiiRemote.lowZ = gWiiRemote.lowZ * .9 + gWiiRemote.accZ * .1;
+ gWiiRemote.lowX = gWiiRemote.lowX * .9 + gWiiRemote.accX * .1;
+ float absx = abs(gWiiRemote.lowX - 128);
+ float absz = abs(gWiiRemote.lowZ - 128);
+ if (gWiiRemote.orientation == 0 || gWiiRemote.orientation == 2) absx -= 5;
+ if (gWiiRemote.orientation == 1 || gWiiRemote.orientation == 3) absz -= 5;
+ if (absz >= absx)
+ {
+ if (absz > 5)
+ gWiiRemote.orientation = (gWiiRemote.lowZ > 128) ? 0 : 2;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (absx > 5)
+ gWiiRemote.orientation = (gWiiRemote.lowX > 128) ? 3 : 1;
+ }
+ //printf("orientation: %d\n", orientation);
+ }
+ if (dp[1] & 0x02)
+ {
+ int i;
+ for(i=0 ; i<4 ; i++)
+ {
+ gWiiRemote.irData[i].x = dp[7 + 3*i];
+ gWiiRemote.irData[i].y = dp[8 + 3*i];
+ gWiiRemote.irData[i].s = dp[9 + 3*i];
+ gWiiRemote.irData[i].x += (gWiiRemote.irData[i].s & 0x30) << 4;
+ gWiiRemote.irData[i].y += (gWiiRemote.irData[i].s & 0xC0) << 2;
+ gWiiRemote.irData[i].s &= 0x0F;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ float ox, oy;
+ if (gWiiRemote.irData[0].s < 0x0F && gWiiRemote.irData[1].s < 0x0F)
+ {
+ int l = gWiiRemote.leftPoint, r;
+ if (gWiiRemote.leftPoint == -1)
+ {
+ // printf("Tracking.\n");
+ switch (gWiiRemote.orientation)
+ {
+ case 0: l = (gWiiRemote.irData[0].x < gWiiRemote.irData[1].x) ? 0 : 1; break;
+ case 1: l = (gWiiRemote.irData[0].y > gWiiRemote.irData[1].y) ? 0 : 1; break;
+ case 2: l = (gWiiRemote.irData[0].x > gWiiRemote.irData[1].x) ? 0 : 1; break;
+ case 3: l = (gWiiRemote.irData[0].y < gWiiRemote.irData[1].y) ? 0 : 1; break;
+ }
+ gWiiRemote.leftPoint = l;
+ }
+ r = 1-l;
+ float dx = gWiiRemote.irData[r].x - gWiiRemote.irData[l].x;
+ float dy = gWiiRemote.irData[r].y - gWiiRemote.irData[l].y;
+ float d = sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy);
+ dx /= d;
+ dy /= d;
+ float cx = (gWiiRemote.irData[l].x+gWiiRemote.irData[r].x)/1024.0 - 1;
+ float cy = (gWiiRemote.irData[l].y+gWiiRemote.irData[r].y)/1024.0 - .75;
+ gWiiRemote.angle = atan2(dy, dx);
+ ox = -dy*cy-dx*cx;
+ oy = -dx*cy+dy*cx;
+ //printf("x:%5.2f; y: %5.2f; angle: %5.1f\n", ox, oy, angle*180/M_PI);
+ gWiiRemote.tracking = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // printf("Not tracking.\n");
+ ox = oy = -100;
+ gWiiRemote.leftPoint = -1;
+ gWiiRemote.tracking = false;
+ }
+ gWiiRemote.posX = ox;
+ gWiiRemote.posY = oy;
+IOBluetoothL2CAPChannelIncomingEventListener myEventListener(IOBluetoothL2CAPChannelRef channel, void *refCon, IOBluetoothL2CAPChannelEvent *event)
+ switch (event->eventType)
+ {
+ case kIOBluetoothL2CAPChannelEventTypeData:
+ // In thise case:
+ // event->u.newData.dataPtr is a pointer to the block of data received.
+ // event->u.newData.dataSize is the size of the block of data.
+ myDataListener(channel, event->u.data.dataPtr, event->u.data.dataSize, refCon);
+ break;
+ case kIOBluetoothL2CAPChannelEventTypeClosed:
+ // In this case:
+ // event->u.terminatedChannel is the channel that was terminated. It can be converted in an IOBluetoothL2CAPChannel
+ // object with [IOBluetoothL2CAPChannel withL2CAPChannelRef:]. (see below).
+ break;
+ }
+IOBluetoothUserNotificationCallback myDisconnectedFunc(void * refCon, IOBluetoothUserNotificationRef inRef, IOBluetoothObjectRef objectRef)
+ wiiremote_disconnect();
+Boolean wiiremote_connect(void)
+ IOReturn result;
+ short i;
+ if (gWiiRemote.device == nil)
+ return false;
+ // connect the device
+ for (i=0; i<kTrial; i++)
+ {
+ if (IOBluetoothDeviceOpenConnection(gWiiRemote.device, nil, nil) == kIOReturnSuccess)
+ break;
+ usleep(10000); // wait 10ms
+ }
+ if (i==kTrial) return false;
+ gWiiRemote.disconnectNotification = IOBluetoothDeviceRegisterForDisconnectNotification(gWiiRemote.device, myDisconnectedFunc, 0);
+ // performs an SDP query
+ for (i=0; i<kTrial; i++)
+ {
+ if (IOBluetoothDevicePerformSDPQuery(gWiiRemote.device, nil, nil) == kIOReturnSuccess)
+ break;
+ usleep(10000); // wait 10ms
+ }
+ if (i==kTrial) return false;
+ // open L2CAPChannel : BluetoothL2CAPPSM = 17
+ for (i=0; i<kTrial; i++)
+ {
+ if (IOBluetoothDeviceOpenL2CAPChannelSync(gWiiRemote.device, &(gWiiRemote.cchan), 17, myEventListener, nil) == kIOReturnSuccess)
+ break;
+ usleep(10000); // wait 10ms
+ }
+ if (i==kTrial)
+ {
+ gWiiRemote.cchan = nil;
+ IOBluetoothDeviceCloseConnection(gWiiRemote.device);
+ return false;
+ }
+ // open L2CAPChannel : BluetoothL2CAPPSM = 19
+ for (i=0; i<kTrial; i++)
+ {
+ if (IOBluetoothDeviceOpenL2CAPChannelSync(gWiiRemote.device, &(gWiiRemote.ichan), 19, myEventListener, nil) == kIOReturnSuccess)
+ break;
+ usleep(10000); // wait 10ms
+ }
+ if (i==kTrial)
+ {
+ gWiiRemote.ichan = nil;
+ IOBluetoothL2CAPChannelCloseChannel(gWiiRemote.cchan);
+ IOBluetoothDeviceCloseConnection(gWiiRemote.device);
+ return false;
+ }
+ wiiremote_motionsensor(true);
+ wiiremote_irsensor(false);
+ wiiremote_vibration(false);
+ wiiremote_led(false, false, false, false);
+ return true;
+Boolean wiiremote_disconnect(void)
+ short i;
+ if (gWiiRemote.disconnectNotification != nil)
+ {
+ IOBluetoothUserNotificationUnregister(gWiiRemote.disconnectNotification);
+ gWiiRemote.disconnectNotification = nil;
+ }
+ if (gWiiRemote.cchan && IOBluetoothDeviceIsConnected(gWiiRemote.device))
+ {
+ for (i=0; i<kTrial; i++)
+ {
+ if (IOBluetoothL2CAPChannelCloseChannel(gWiiRemote.cchan) == kIOReturnSuccess)
+ {
+ gWiiRemote.cchan = nil;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (i==kTrial) return false;
+ }
+ if (gWiiRemote.ichan && IOBluetoothDeviceIsConnected(gWiiRemote.device))
+ {
+ for (i=0; i<kTrial; i++)
+ {
+ if (IOBluetoothL2CAPChannelCloseChannel(gWiiRemote.ichan) == kIOReturnSuccess)
+ {
+ gWiiRemote.ichan = nil;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (i==kTrial) return false;
+ }
+ if (gWiiRemote.device && IOBluetoothDeviceIsConnected(gWiiRemote.device))
+ {
+ for (i=0; i<kTrial; i++)
+ {
+ if (IOBluetoothDeviceCloseConnection(gWiiRemote.device) == kIOReturnSuccess)
+ {
+ gWiiRemote.device = nil;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (i==kTrial) return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+Boolean sendCommand(unsigned char *data, size_t length)
+ unsigned char buf[40];
+ IOReturn ret;
+ int i;
+ memset(buf,0,40);
+ buf[0] = 0x52;
+ memcpy(buf+1, data, length);
+ if (buf[1] == 0x16)
+ length=23;
+ else
+ length++;
+ for (i = 0; i<kTrial; i++)
+ {
+ ret = IOBluetoothL2CAPChannelWriteSync(gWiiRemote.cchan, buf, length);
+ if (ret == kIOReturnSuccess)
+ break;
+ usleep(10000);
+ }
+ return (ret==kIOReturnSuccess);
+Boolean writeData(const unsigned char *data, unsigned long address, size_t length)
+ unsigned char cmd[22];
+ int i;
+ for(i=0 ; i<length ; i++) cmd[i+6] = data[i];
+ for(;i<16 ; i++) cmd[i+6]= 0;
+ cmd[0] = 0x16;
+ cmd[1] = (address>>24) & 0xFF;
+ cmd[2] = (address>>16) & 0xFF;
+ cmd[3] = (address>> 8) & 0xFF;
+ cmd[4] = (address>> 0) & 0xFF;
+ cmd[5] = length;
+ // and of course the vibration flag, as usual
+ if (gWiiRemote.isVibrationEnabled) cmd[1] |= 0x01;
+ data = cmd;
+ return sendCommand(cmd, 22);
+Boolean wiiremote_motionsensor(Boolean enabled)
+ gWiiRemote.isMotionSensorEnabled = enabled;
+ unsigned char cmd[] = {0x12, 0x00, 0x30};
+ if (gWiiRemote.isVibrationEnabled) cmd[1] |= 0x01;
+ if (gWiiRemote.isMotionSensorEnabled) cmd[2] |= 0x01;
+ if (gWiiRemote.isIRSensorEnabled) cmd[2] |= 0x02;
+ return sendCommand(cmd, 3);
+Boolean wiiremote_irsensor(Boolean enabled)
+ IOReturn ret;
+ gWiiRemote.isIRSensorEnabled = enabled;
+ // set register 0x12 (report type)
+ if (ret = wiiremote_motionsensor(gWiiRemote.isMotionSensorEnabled)) return ret;
+ // set register 0x13 (ir enable/vibe)
+ if (ret = wiiremote_vibration(gWiiRemote.isVibrationEnabled)) return ret;
+ // set register 0x1a (ir enable 2)
+ unsigned char cmd[] = {0x1a, 0x00};
+ if (enabled) cmd[1] |= 0x04;
+ if (ret = sendCommand(cmd, 2)) return ret;
+ if(enabled){
+ // based on marcan's method, found on wiili wiki:
+ // tweaked to include some aspects of cliff's setup procedure in the hopes
+ // of it actually turning on 100% of the time (was seeing 30-40% failure rate before)
+ // the sleeps help it it seems
+ usleep(10000);
+ if (ret = writeData((darr){0x01}, 0x04B00030, 1)) return ret;
+ usleep(10000);
+ if (ret = writeData((darr){0x08}, 0x04B00030, 1)) return ret;
+ usleep(10000);
+ if (ret = writeData((darr){0x90}, 0x04B00006, 1)) return ret;
+ usleep(10000);
+ if (ret = writeData((darr){0xC0}, 0x04B00008, 1)) return ret;
+ usleep(10000);
+ if (ret = writeData((darr){0x40}, 0x04B0001A, 1)) return ret;
+ usleep(10000);
+ if (ret = writeData((darr){0x33}, 0x04B00033, 1)) return ret;
+ usleep(10000);
+ if (ret = writeData((darr){0x08}, 0x04B00030, 1)) return ret;
+ }else{
+ // probably should do some writes to power down the camera, save battery
+ // but don't know how yet.
+ //bug fix #1614587
+ wiiremote_motionsensor(gWiiRemote.isMotionSensorEnabled);
+ wiiremote_vibration(gWiiRemote.isVibrationEnabled);
+ }
+ return true;
+Boolean wiiremote_vibration(Boolean enabled)
+ gWiiRemote.isVibrationEnabled = enabled;
+ unsigned char cmd[] = {0x13, 0x00};
+ if (gWiiRemote.isVibrationEnabled) cmd[1] |= 0x01;
+ if (gWiiRemote.isIRSensorEnabled) cmd[1] |= 0x04;
+ return sendCommand(cmd, 2);;
+Boolean wiiremote_led(Boolean enabled1, Boolean enabled2, Boolean enabled3, Boolean enabled4)
+ unsigned char cmd[] = {0x11, 0x00};
+ if (gWiiRemote.isVibrationEnabled) cmd[1] |= 0x01;
+ if (enabled1) cmd[1] |= 0x10;
+ if (enabled2) cmd[1] |= 0x20;
+ if (enabled3) cmd[1] |= 0x40;
+ if (enabled4) cmd[1] |= 0x80;
+ gWiiRemote.isLED1Illuminated = enabled1;
+ gWiiRemote.isLED2Illuminated = enabled2;
+ gWiiRemote.isLED3Illuminated = enabled3;
+ gWiiRemote.isLED4Illuminated = enabled4;
+ return sendCommand(cmd, 2);
+void wiiremote_getstatus(void)
+ unsigned char cmd[] = {0x15, 0x00};
+ sendCommand(cmd, 2);