#N canvas 1083 45 723 488 10; #X obj -186 358 DMXUSBPro; #X msg -185 176 devices; #X msg -146 198 devicename /dev/ttyUSB0; #X text -200 77 tags: hardware; #X text -200 100 contact/bugs/comments: mrtoftrash@gmail.com; #X text -201 43 description: DMXUSBPro is an abstraction for the control of the DMX USB Pro by Enttec.; #X msg -40 310 132 543 237 174; #X text 67 308 Sending a list will output that DMX value to the channel matching the position of the element in the list. So the first element is mapped to channel 1 \, the second to channel 2 and son on.; #X msg -102 233 close; #X msg -81 254 open 1; #X text -63 232 Close Serial port; #X text -34 253 Open serial port by number; #X text 6 197 open the serial port by name; #X text -129 173 print available devices (wait for it...); #X text -191 131 For now \, only DMX output is supported.; #X connect 1 0 0 0; #X connect 2 0 0 0; #X connect 6 0 0 0; #X connect 8 0 0 0; #X connect 9 0 0 0;