/****************************************************** * * dmxout - implementation file * * copyleft (c) IOhannes m zmölnig * * 0603:forum::für::umläute:2008 * * institute of electronic music and acoustics (iem) * ****************************************************** * * license: GNU General Public License v.2 * ******************************************************/ #include "dmx4pd.h" #include #include #include #include #include static t_class *dmxout_class; typedef struct _dmxout { t_object x_obj; t_inlet *x_portinlet; int x_device; t_float x_port; } t_dmxout; static void dmxout_doout(t_dmxout*x, short port, unsigned char value) { dmx_t buffer[1] = {value}; if(x->x_device<=0) { pd_error(x, "no DMX universe found"); return; } lseek (x->x_device, sizeof(buffer)*port, SEEK_SET); /* set to the current channel */ write (x->x_device, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); /* write the channel */ } static void dmxout_close(t_dmxout*x) { if(x->x_device>=0) { close(x->x_device); } x->x_device=-1; } static void dmxout_open(t_dmxout*x, t_symbol*s_devname) { int argc=2; const char *args[2] = {"--dmx", s_devname->s_name}; const char**argv=args; char*devname=""; int fd; if(s_devname && s_devname->s_name) devname=s_devname->s_name; // strncpy(args[0], "--dmx", MAXPDSTRING); // strncpy(args[1], devname, MAXPDSTRING); fd = open (DMXdev(&argc, argv), O_WRONLY); if(fd!=-1) { dmxout_close(x); x->x_device=fd; } } static void dmxout_float(t_dmxout*x, t_float f) { unsigned char val=(unsigned char)f; short port = (short)x->x_port; if(f<0. || f>255.) { pd_error(x, "value %f out of bounds [0..255]", f); return; } if(x->x_port<0. || x->x_port>512.) { pd_error(x, "port %f out of bounds [0..512]", x->x_port); return; } dmxout_doout(x, port, val); } static void *dmxout_new(t_symbol*s, int argc, t_atom*argv) { t_dmxout *x = (t_dmxout *)pd_new(dmxout_class); t_symbol*devname=gensym(""); x->x_portinlet=floatinlet_new(&x->x_obj, &x->x_port); x->x_device=-1; x->x_port =0; switch(argc) { case 0: break; case 1: if(A_FLOAT==argv->a_type) { x->x_port=atom_getfloat(argv); } else { devname=atom_getsymbol(argv); } break; default: if((A_FLOAT==(argv+0)->a_type) && (A_SYMBOL==(argv+1)->a_type)) { x->x_port=atom_getfloat(argv+0); devname=atom_getsymbol(argv+1); } else if(A_FLOAT==(argv+1)->a_type && A_SYMBOL==(argv+0)->a_type) { x->x_port=atom_getfloat(argv+1); devname=atom_getsymbol (argv+0); } break; } dmxout_open(x, devname); return (x); } static void *dmxout_free(t_dmxout*x) { dmxout_close(x); } void dmxout_setup(void) { dmxout_class = class_new(gensym("dmxout"), (t_newmethod)dmxout_new, (t_method)dmxout_free, sizeof(t_dmxout), 0, A_GIMME, A_NULL); class_addfloat(dmxout_class, dmxout_float); #ifdef DMX4PD_POSTBANNER DMX4PD_POSTBANNER #endif }