/* TODO add reset method for cursor icons, this should probably be done in pd.tk, or cursor reset method could be done in help patch */ #include #include #include #include #include #define POLLTIME 10 static t_symbol *button_symbol; static t_symbol *mousewheel_symbol; static t_symbol *motion_symbol; static t_symbol *x_symbol; static t_symbol *y_symbol; static t_symbol *cursor_receive_symbol; t_int cursor_instance_count; t_int cursor_instances_polling; static t_class *cursor_class; typedef struct _cursor { t_object x_obj; t_int am_polling; t_clock *x_clock; t_symbol *receive_symbol; t_canvas *parent_canvas; t_outlet *data_outlet; // t_outlet *status_outlet; // not used (yet?) } t_cursor; static void create_namespace(void) { sys_gui("if { [namespace exists ::hcs_cursor_class]} {\n"); sys_gui(" puts stderr {WARNING: ::hcs_cursor_class namespace exists!}\n"); sys_gui("} else {\n"); sys_gui(" namespace eval ::hcs_cursor_class {\n"); sys_gui(" variable last_x 0\n"); sys_gui(" variable last_y 0\n"); sys_gui(" }\n"); sys_gui("}\n"); } static void create_proc_test(void) { sys_gui ("if {[info commands ::hcs_cursor_class::proc_test] eq {::hcs_cursor_class::proc_test}} {"); sys_gui(" puts stderr {WARNING: ::hcs_cursor_class::proc_test exists!}\n"); sys_gui("} else {\n"); sys_gui(" proc ::hcs_cursor_class::proc_test {proc_name} {\n"); sys_gui(" if {[info commands ::hcs_cursor_class::$proc_name] eq $proc_name} {\n"); sys_gui(" puts stderr {WARNING: ::hcs_cursor_class::$proc_name exists!}\n"); sys_gui(" return 1\n"); sys_gui(" } else {\n"); sys_gui(" return 0\n"); sys_gui(" }\n"); sys_gui(" }\n"); sys_gui("}\n"); } /* idea from #tcl for a Tcl unbind */ static void create_unbind (void) { sys_gui("if { ! [::hcs_cursor_class::proc_test unbind]} {"); sys_gui(" proc ::hcs_cursor_class::unbind {tag event script} {\n"); sys_gui(" set bind {}\n"); sys_gui(" foreach x [split [bind $tag $event] \"\n\"] {\n"); sys_gui(" if {$x != $script} {\n"); sys_gui(" lappend bind $x\n"); sys_gui(" }\n"); sys_gui(" }\n"); sys_gui(" bind $tag $event {}\n"); sys_gui(" foreach x $bind {bind $tag $event $x}\n"); sys_gui(" }\n"); sys_gui("}\n"); } static void create_button_proc(void) { sys_gui ("if { ! [::hcs_cursor_class::proc_test button]} {"); sys_gui (" proc ::hcs_cursor_class::button {button state} {\n"); sys_vgui(" pd [concat %s button $button $state \\;]\n", cursor_receive_symbol->s_name); sys_gui (" }\n"); sys_gui ("}\n"); } static void create_mousewheel_proc(void) { sys_gui ("if { ! [::hcs_cursor_class::proc_test mousewheel]} {"); sys_gui (" proc ::hcs_cursor_class::mousewheel {delta} {\n"); sys_vgui(" pd [concat %s mousewheel $delta \\;]\n", cursor_receive_symbol->s_name); sys_gui (" }\n"); sys_gui ("}\n"); } static void create_motion_proc(void) { /* create proc and bind it, if it doesn't exist */ sys_gui("if { ![::hcs_cursor_class::proc_test motion]} {\n"); sys_gui (" proc ::hcs_cursor_class::motion {x y} {\n"); // sys_gui (" if { $x != $::hcs_cursor_class::last_x \\\n"); // sys_gui (" || $y != $::hcs_cursor_class::last_y} {\n"); sys_vgui(" pd [concat %s motion $x $y \\;]\n", cursor_receive_symbol->s_name); // sys_gui (" }\n"); sys_gui (" }\n"); sys_gui ("}\n"); } static void cursor_setmethod(t_cursor *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) { sys_vgui("set cursor_%s \"%s\"\n", s->s_name, atom_getsymbol(argv)->s_name); canvas_setcursor(x->parent_canvas, 0); /* hack to refresh the cursor */ } static void cursor_bang(t_cursor *x) { sys_vgui("pd [concat %s motion [winfo pointerxy .] \\;]\n", x->receive_symbol->s_name); if(x->am_polling) clock_delay(x->x_clock, POLLTIME); } static void cursor_float(t_cursor *x, t_float f) { if(f == 0) { // TODO unbind from the global cursor receive symbol pd_unbind(&x->x_obj.ob_pd, cursor_receive_symbol); if (x->am_polling) cursor_instances_polling--; x->am_polling = 0; clock_unset(x->x_clock); /* if no more objects are listening, stop sending the events */ post("subtract cursor_instances_polling %d", cursor_instances_polling); if (cursor_instances_polling == 0) { sys_gui("::hcs_cursor_class::unbind all {::hcs_cursor_class::button %b 1}\n"); sys_gui("::hcs_cursor_class::unbind all {::hcs_cursor_class::button %b 0}\n"); sys_gui("::hcs_cursor_class::unbind all {::hcs_cursor_class::mousewheel %D}\n"); // sys_gui("::hcs_cursor_class::unbind all {::hcs_cursor_class::motion %x %y}\n"); } } else { // TODO make sure the procs are setup // TODO bind to the global cursor receive symbol pd_bind(&x->x_obj.ob_pd, cursor_receive_symbol); if ( ! x->am_polling) cursor_instances_polling++; x->am_polling = 1; clock_delay(x->x_clock, POLLTIME); /* if this is the first instance to start polling, set up the bind */ post("add cursor_instances_polling %d", cursor_instances_polling); if (cursor_instances_polling == 1) { sys_gui("bind all {+::hcs_cursor_class::button %b 1}\n"); sys_gui("bind all {+::hcs_cursor_class::button %b 0}\n"); sys_gui("bind all {+::hcs_cursor_class::mousewheel %D}\n"); // sys_gui("bind all {+::hcs_cursor_class::motion %x %y}\n"); } } } static void cursor_button_callback(t_cursor *x, t_float button, t_float state) { t_atom output_atoms[2]; SETFLOAT(output_atoms, button); SETFLOAT(output_atoms + 1, state); outlet_anything(x->data_outlet, button_symbol, 2, output_atoms); } static void cursor_motion_callback(t_cursor *x, t_float x_position, t_float y_position) { t_atom output_atoms[2]; SETSYMBOL(output_atoms, x_symbol); SETFLOAT(output_atoms + 1, x_position); outlet_anything(x->data_outlet, motion_symbol, 2, output_atoms); SETSYMBOL(output_atoms, y_symbol); SETFLOAT(output_atoms + 1, y_position); outlet_anything(x->data_outlet, motion_symbol, 2, output_atoms); } static void cursor_mousewheel_callback(t_cursor *x, t_float f) { t_atom output_atom; SETFLOAT(&output_atom, f); outlet_anything(x->data_outlet, mousewheel_symbol, 1, &output_atom); } static void cursor_free(t_cursor *x) { cursor_float(x, 0); /* TODO free the "bind all" somehow so that the tcl procs aren't * continuing to work even tho no cursor objects are receiving the data */ cursor_instance_count--; clock_free(x->x_clock); } static void *cursor_new(void) { char buf[MAXPDSTRING]; t_cursor *x = (t_cursor *)pd_new(cursor_class); x->parent_canvas = canvas_getcurrent(); sprintf(buf, "#%lx", (t_int)x); x->receive_symbol = gensym(buf); pd_bind(&x->x_obj.ob_pd, x->receive_symbol); x->data_outlet = outlet_new(&x->x_obj, 0); //x->status_outlet = outlet_new(&x->x_obj, 0); x->am_polling = 0; x->x_clock = clock_new(x, (t_method)cursor_bang); cursor_instance_count++; return(x); } void cursor_setup(void) { cursor_class = class_new(gensym("cursor"), (t_newmethod)cursor_new, (t_method)cursor_free, sizeof(t_cursor), 0, 0); class_addbang(cursor_class, (t_method)cursor_bang); class_addfloat(cursor_class, (t_method)cursor_float); button_symbol = gensym("button"); mousewheel_symbol = gensym("mousewheel"); motion_symbol = gensym("motion"); x_symbol = gensym("x"); y_symbol = gensym("y"); //status_symbol = gensym("status"); cursor_receive_symbol = gensym("#hcs_cursor_class_receive"); class_addmethod(cursor_class, (t_method)cursor_button_callback, button_symbol, A_DEFFLOAT, A_DEFFLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(cursor_class, (t_method)cursor_motion_callback, motion_symbol, A_DEFFLOAT, A_DEFFLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(cursor_class, (t_method)cursor_mousewheel_callback, mousewheel_symbol, A_DEFFLOAT, 0); /* methods for setting the cursor icon */ class_addmethod(cursor_class, (t_method)cursor_setmethod, gensym("runmode_nothing"), A_GIMME, 0); class_addmethod(cursor_class, (t_method)cursor_setmethod, gensym("runmode_clickme"), A_GIMME, 0); class_addmethod(cursor_class, (t_method)cursor_setmethod, gensym("runmode_thicken"), A_GIMME, 0); class_addmethod(cursor_class, (t_method)cursor_setmethod, gensym("runmode_addpoint"), A_GIMME, 0); class_addmethod(cursor_class, (t_method)cursor_setmethod, gensym("editmode_nothing"), A_GIMME, 0); class_addmethod(cursor_class, (t_method)cursor_setmethod, gensym("editmode_connect"), A_GIMME, 0); class_addmethod(cursor_class, (t_method)cursor_setmethod, gensym("editmode_disconnect"), A_GIMME, 0); create_namespace(); create_proc_test(); create_unbind(); create_motion_proc(); create_mousewheel_proc(); create_button_proc(); }