/* this code only works for Linux kernels */ #ifdef __linux__ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "hid.h" #define DEBUG(x) //#define DEBUG(x) x /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * from evtest.c from the ff-utils package */ #define BITS_PER_LONG (sizeof(long) * 8) #define NBITS(x) ((((x)-1)/BITS_PER_LONG)+1) #define OFF(x) ((x)%BITS_PER_LONG) #define BIT(x) (1UL<> OFF(bit)) & 1) /* * from an email from Vojtech: * * The application reading the device is supposed to queue all events up to * the SYN_REPORT event, and then process them, so that a mouse pointer * will move diagonally instead of following the sides of a rectangle, * which would be very annoying. */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* LINUX-SPECIFIC SUPPORT FUNCTIONS */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* JMZ: i changed the convert functions (and the get-event function too!) to return * t_symbol* instead of writing into a fixed-sized buffer (which was way too * small and those made this object crash) * in order to change as little lines as possible the callback functions to the * hid-object still use (char*): so we convert a char[] into a symbol and then * extract the (char*) out of it to make it a symbol again * LATER: use t_symbol's all over, since it is very flexible (with respect to length) * and sooner or later the strings are converted to t_symbol anyhow... * * Why? bug-fixing */ t_symbol* hid_convert_linux_buttons_to_numbers(__u16 linux_code) { char hid_code[10]; if(linux_code >= 0x100) { if(linux_code < BTN_MOUSE) sprintf(hid_code,"btn_%d",linux_code - BTN_MISC); /* numbered buttons */ else if(linux_code < BTN_JOYSTICK) sprintf(hid_code,"btn_%d",linux_code - BTN_MOUSE); /* mouse buttons */ else if(linux_code < BTN_GAMEPAD) sprintf(hid_code,"btn_%d",linux_code - BTN_JOYSTICK); /* joystick buttons */ else if(linux_code < BTN_DIGI) sprintf(hid_code,"btn_%d",linux_code - BTN_GAMEPAD); /* gamepad buttons */ else if(linux_code < BTN_WHEEL) sprintf(hid_code,"btn_%d",linux_code - BTN_DIGI); /* tablet buttons */ else if(linux_code < KEY_OK) sprintf(hid_code,"btn_%d",linux_code - BTN_WHEEL); /* wheel buttons */ else return 0; } return gensym(hid_code); } /* Georg Holzmann: implementation of the keys */ /* JMZ: use t_symbol instead of char[] (s.a.) AND * appended "key_" in the array so we don't have to append it each time AND * made the table static */ t_symbol* hid_convert_linux_keys(__u16 linux_code) { if(linux_code > 226) return 0; /* quick hack to get the keys */ /* (in future this should be auto-generated) */ static char key_names[227][20] = { "key_reserved", "key_esc", "key_1", "key_2", "key_3", "key_4", "key_5", "key_6", "key_7", "key_8", "key_9", "key_0", "key_minus", "key_equal", "key_backspace", "key_tab", "key_q", "key_w", "key_e", "key_r", "key_t", "key_y", "key_u", "key_i", "key_o", "key_p", "key_leftbrace", "key_rightbrace", "key_enter", "key_leftctrl", "key_a", "key_s", "key_d", "key_f", "key_g", "key_h", "key_j", "key_k", "key_l", "key_semicolon", "key_apostrophe", "key_grave", "key_leftshift", "key_backslash", "key_z", "key_x", "key_c", "key_v", "key_b", "key_n", "key_m", "key_comma", "key_dot", "key_slash", "key_rightshift", "key_kpasterisk", "key_leftalt", "key_space", "key_capslock", "key_f1", "key_f2", "key_f3", "key_f4", "key_f5", "key_f6", "key_f7", "key_f8", "key_f9", "key_f10", "key_numlock", "key_scrolllock", "key_kp7", "key_kp8", "key_kp9", "key_kpminus", "key_kp4", "key_kp5", "key_kp6", "key_kpplus", "key_kp1", "key_kp2", "key_kp3", "key_kp3", "key_kpdot", "key_103rd", "key_f13", "key_102nd", "key_f11", "key_f12", "key_f14", "key_f15", "key_f16", "key_f17", "key_f18", "key_f19", "key_f20", "key_kpenter", "key_rightctrl", "key_kpslash", "key_sysrq", "key_rightalt", "key_linefeed", "key_home", "key_up", "key_pageup", "key_left", "key_right", "key_end", "key_down", "key_pagedown", "key_insert", "key_delete", "key_macro", "key_mute", "key_volumedown", "key_volumeup", "key_power", "key_kpequal", "key_kpplusminus", "key_pause", "key_f21", "key_f22", "key_f23", "key_f24", "key_kpcomma", "key_leftmeta", "key_rightmeta", "key_compose", "key_stop", "key_again", "key_props", "key_undo", "key_front", "key_copy", "key_open", "key_paste", "key_find", "key_cut", "key_help", "key_menu", "key_calc", "key_setup", "key_sleep", "key_wakeup", "key_file", "key_sendfile", "key_deletefile", "key_xfer", "key_prog1", "key_prog2", "key_www", "key_msdos", "key_coffee", "key_direction", "key_cyclewindows", "key_mail", "key_bookmarks", "key_computer", "key_back", "key_forward", "key_colsecd", "key_ejectcd", "key_ejectclosecd", "key_nextsong", "key_playpause", "key_previoussong", "key_stopcd", "key_record", "key_rewind", "key_phone", "key_iso", "key_config", "key_homepage", "key_refresh", "key_exit", "key_move", "key_edit", "key_scrollup", "key_scrolldown", "key_kpleftparen", "key_kprightparen", "key_intl1", "key_intl2", "key_intl3", "key_intl4", "key_intl5", "key_intl6", "key_intl7", "key_intl8", "key_intl9", "key_lang1", "key_lang2", "key_lang3", "key_lang4", "key_lang5", "key_lang6", "key_lang7", "key_lang8", "key_lang9", "key_playcd", "key_pausecd", "key_prog3", "key_prog4", "key_suspend", "key_close", "key_play", "key_fastforward", "key_bassboost", "key_print", "key_hp", "key_camera", "key_sound", "key_question", "key_email", "key_chat", "key_search", "key_connect", "key_finance", "key_sport", "key_shop", "key_alterase", "key_cancel", "key_brightnessdown", "key_brightnessup", "key_media" }; return gensym(key_names[linux_code]); } void hid_print_element_list(t_hid *x) { debug_print(LOG_DEBUG,"hid_print_element_list"); unsigned long bitmask[EV_MAX][NBITS(KEY_MAX)]; // char event_type_string[256]; // char event_code_string[256]; char *event_type_name = ""; t_int i, j; /* counts for various event types */ t_int syn_count,key_count,rel_count,abs_count,msc_count,led_count,snd_count,rep_count,ff_count,pwr_count,ff_status_count; /* get bitmask representing supported events (axes, keys, etc.) */ memset(bitmask, 0, sizeof(bitmask)); ioctl(x->x_fd, EVIOCGBIT(0, EV_MAX), bitmask[0]); post("\nSupported events:"); /* init all count vars */ syn_count = key_count = rel_count = abs_count = msc_count = led_count = 0; snd_count = rep_count = ff_count = pwr_count = ff_status_count = 0; /* cycle through all possible event types * i = i j = j */ for (i = 1; i < EV_MAX; i++) { if (test_bit(i, bitmask[0])) { /* make pretty names for event types */ switch(i) { // case EV_SYN: event_type_name = "Synchronization"; break; case EV_KEY: event_type_name = "Keys/Buttons"; break; case EV_REL: event_type_name = "Relative Axis"; break; case EV_ABS: event_type_name = "Absolute Axis"; break; case EV_MSC: event_type_name = "Miscellaneous"; break; case EV_LED: event_type_name = "LEDs"; break; case EV_SND: event_type_name = "System Sounds"; break; case EV_REP: event_type_name = "Autorepeat Values"; break; case EV_FF: event_type_name = "Force Feedback"; break; case EV_PWR: event_type_name = "Power"; break; case EV_FF_STATUS: event_type_name = "Force Feedback Status"; break; default: event_type_name = "UNSUPPORTED"; } /* get bitmask representing supported button types */ ioctl(x->x_fd, EVIOCGBIT(i, KEY_MAX), bitmask[i]); post(""); post(" TYPE\tCODE\tEVENT NAME"); post("-----------------------------------------------------------"); /* cycle through all possible event codes (axes, keys, etc.) * testing to see which are supported. * i = i j = j */ for (j = 0; j < KEY_MAX; j++) { if (test_bit(j, bitmask[i])) { if ((i == EV_KEY) && (j >= BTN_MISC) && (j < KEY_OK) ) { t_symbol*hid_codesym=hid_convert_linux_buttons_to_numbers(j); if(hid_codesym){ post(" %s\t%s\t%s", ev[i] ? ev[i] : "?", hid_codesym->s_name, event_names[i] ? (event_names[i][j] ? event_names[i][j] : "?") : "?"); } } else if (i != EV_SYN) { post(" %s\t%s\t%s", ev[i] ? ev[i] : "?", event_names[i][j] ? event_names[i][j] : "?", event_type_name); /* post(" Event code %d (%s)", j, names[i] ? (names[i][j] ? names[i][j] : "?") : "?"); */ } switch(i) { /* * the API changed at some point... EV_SYN seems to be the new name * from "Reset" events to "Syncronization" events */ /* #ifdef EV_RST */ /* case EV_RST: syn_count++; break; */ /* #else */ /* case EV_SYN: syn_count++; break; */ /* #endif */ case EV_KEY: key_count++; break; case EV_REL: rel_count++; break; case EV_ABS: abs_count++; break; case EV_MSC: msc_count++; break; case EV_LED: led_count++; break; case EV_SND: snd_count++; break; case EV_REP: rep_count++; break; case EV_FF: ff_count++; break; case EV_PWR: pwr_count++; break; case EV_FF_STATUS: ff_status_count++; break; } } } } } post("\nDetected:"); // if (syn_count > 0) post (" %d Synchronization types",syn_count); if (key_count > 0) post (" %d Key/Button types",key_count); if (rel_count > 0) post (" %d Relative Axis types",rel_count); if (abs_count > 0) post (" %d Absolute Axis types",abs_count); if (msc_count > 0) post (" %d Misc types",msc_count); if (led_count > 0) post (" %d LED types",led_count); if (snd_count > 0) post (" %d System Sound types",snd_count); if (rep_count > 0) post (" %d Key Repeat types",rep_count); if (ff_count > 0) post (" %d Force Feedback types",ff_count); if (pwr_count > 0) post (" %d Power types",pwr_count); if (ff_status_count > 0) post (" %d Force Feedback types",ff_status_count); } void hid_print_device_list(void) { debug_print(LOG_DEBUG,"hid_print_device_list"); int i,fd; char device_output_string[256] = "Unknown"; char dev_handle_name[20] = "/dev/input/event0"; post(""); for (i=0;i<128;++i) { sprintf(dev_handle_name,"/dev/input/event%d",i); if (dev_handle_name) { /* open the device read-only, non-exclusive */ fd = open (dev_handle_name, O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK); /* test if device open */ if (fd < 0 ) { fd = -1; } else { /* get name of device */ ioctl(fd, EVIOCGNAME(sizeof(device_output_string)), device_output_string); post("Device %d: '%s' on '%s'", i, device_output_string, dev_handle_name); close (fd); } } } post(""); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* FORCE FEEDBACK FUNCTIONS */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* cross-platform force feedback functions */ t_int hid_ff_autocenter( t_hid *x, t_float value ) { return ( 0 ); } t_int hid_ff_gain( t_hid *x, t_float value ) { return ( 0 ); } t_int hid_ff_motors( t_hid *x, t_float value ) { return ( 0 ); } t_int hid_ff_continue( t_hid *x ) { return ( 0 ); } t_int hid_ff_pause( t_hid *x ) { return ( 0 ); } t_int hid_ff_reset( t_hid *x ) { return ( 0 ); } t_int hid_ff_stopall( t_hid *x ) { return ( 0 ); } // these are just for testing... t_int hid_ff_fftest ( t_hid *x, t_float value) { return ( 0 ); } void hid_ff_print( t_hid *x ) { } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* Pd [hid] FUNCTIONS */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ t_int hid_get_events(t_hid *x) { debug_print(LOG_DEBUG,"hid_get_events"); /* for debugging, counts how many events are processed each time hid_read() is called */ DEBUG(t_int event_counter = 0;); t_symbol*hid_code=0; /* this will go into the generic read function declared in hid.h and * implemented in hid_linux.c */ struct input_event hid_input_event; if (x->x_fd < 0) return 0; while( read (x->x_fd, &(hid_input_event), sizeof(struct input_event)) > -1 ) { hid_code=0; if( hid_input_event.type == EV_KEY ) { /* JMZ: originally both functions were called, the latter evtl. overwriting * the former; now i only call the latter if the former does not return * a valid result */ if(!(hid_code=hid_convert_linux_buttons_to_numbers(hid_input_event.code))) hid_code=hid_convert_linux_keys(hid_input_event.code); } else if( hid_input_event.type == EV_SYN ) { // filter out EV_SYN events, they are currently unused } else if( event_names[hid_input_event.type][hid_input_event.code] != NULL ) { hid_code=gensym(event_names[hid_input_event.type][hid_input_event.code]); } else { hid_code=gensym("unknown"); } if( hid_code && hid_input_event.type != EV_SYN ) hid_output_event(x, gensym(ev[hid_input_event.type]), hid_code, (t_float)hid_input_event.value); DEBUG(++event_counter;); } DEBUG( //if (event_counter > 0) //post("output %d events",event_counter); ); return (0); } void hid_print(t_hid* x) { hid_print_device_list(); hid_print_element_list(x); } t_int hid_open_device(t_hid *x, t_int device_number) { debug_print(LOG_DEBUG,"hid_open_device"); char device_name[256] = "Unknown"; char dev_handle_name[20] = "/dev/input/event0"; struct input_event hid_input_event; x->x_fd = -1; x->x_device_number = device_number; sprintf(dev_handle_name,"/dev/input/event%d",(int)x->x_device_number); if (dev_handle_name) { /* open the device read-only, non-exclusive */ x->x_fd = open(dev_handle_name, O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK); /* test if device open */ if (x->x_fd < 0 ) { error("[hid] open %s failed",dev_handle_name); x->x_fd = -1; return 1; } } /* read input_events from the HID_DEVICE stream * It seems that is just there to flush the input event queue */ while (read (x->x_fd, &(hid_input_event), sizeof(struct input_event)) > -1); /* get name of device */ ioctl(x->x_fd, EVIOCGNAME(sizeof(device_name)), device_name); post ("[hid] opened device %d (%s): %s", x->x_device_number,dev_handle_name,device_name); return (0); } /* * Under GNU/Linux, the device is a filehandle */ t_int hid_close_device(t_hid *x) { debug_print(LOG_DEBUG,"hid_close_device"); if (x->x_fd <0) return 0; else return (close(x->x_fd)); } void hid_build_device_list(void) { debug_print(LOG_DEBUG,"hid_build_device_list"); /* the device list should be refreshed here */ /* * since in GNU/Linux the device list is the input event devices * (/dev/input/event?), nothing needs to be done as of yet to refresh * the device list. Once the device name can be other things in addition * the current t_float, then this will probably need to be changed. */ } void hid_platform_specific_free(t_hid *x) { /* nothing to be done here on GNU/Linux */ } /* device info on the status outlet */ void hid_platform_specific_info(t_hid* x) { struct input_id my_id; char device_name[256] = "Unknown"; char vendor_id_string[7]; char product_id_string[7]; t_symbol *output_symbol; t_atom *output_atom = getbytes(sizeof(t_atom)); ioctl(x->x_fd, EVIOCGID); sprintf(vendor_id_string,"0x%04x", my_id.vendor); SETSYMBOL(output_atom, gensym(vendor_id_string)); outlet_anything( x->x_status_outlet, gensym("vendorID"), 1, output_atom); sprintf(product_id_string,"0x%04x", my_id.product); SETSYMBOL(output_atom, gensym(product_id_string)); outlet_anything( x->x_status_outlet, gensym("productID"), 1, output_atom); ioctl(x->x_fd, EVIOCGNAME(sizeof(device_name)), device_name); SETSYMBOL(output_atom, gensym(device_name)); outlet_anything( x->x_status_outlet, gensym("name"), 1, output_atom); freebytes(output_atom,sizeof(t_atom)); } t_int get_device_number_by_id(unsigned short vendor_id, unsigned short product_id) { return -1; } t_int get_device_number_from_usage_list(t_int device_number, unsigned short usage_page, unsigned short usage) { return -1; } #endif /* #ifdef __linux__ */