path: root/hidio_linux.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'hidio_linux.c')
1 files changed, 20 insertions, 75 deletions
diff --git a/hidio_linux.c b/hidio_linux.c
index 5af76f9..3b3f53a 100644
--- a/hidio_linux.c
+++ b/hidio_linux.c
@@ -55,90 +55,28 @@
t_symbol* hidio_convert_linux_buttons_to_numbers(__u16 linux_code)
- char hidio_code[MAXPDSTRING];
+ char hidio_code[MAXPDSTRING] = "\0";
if(linux_code >= 0x100)
if(linux_code < BTN_MOUSE) /* numbered buttons */
- snprintf(hidio_code, MAXPDSTRING,"btn_%d",linux_code - BTN_MISC);
+ snprintf(hidio_code, MAXPDSTRING,"button_%d",linux_code - BTN_MISC);
else if(linux_code < BTN_JOYSTICK) /* mouse buttons */
- snprintf(hidio_code, MAXPDSTRING,"btn_%d",linux_code - BTN_MOUSE);
+ snprintf(hidio_code, MAXPDSTRING,"button_%d",linux_code - BTN_MOUSE);
else if(linux_code < BTN_GAMEPAD) /* joystick buttons */
- snprintf(hidio_code, MAXPDSTRING,"btn_%d",linux_code - BTN_JOYSTICK);
+ snprintf(hidio_code, MAXPDSTRING,"button_%d",linux_code - BTN_JOYSTICK);
else if(linux_code < BTN_DIGI) /* gamepad buttons */
- snprintf(hidio_code, MAXPDSTRING,"btn_%d",linux_code - BTN_GAMEPAD);
+ snprintf(hidio_code, MAXPDSTRING,"button_%d",linux_code - BTN_GAMEPAD);
else if(linux_code < BTN_WHEEL) /* tablet buttons */
- snprintf(hidio_code, MAXPDSTRING,"btn_%d",linux_code - BTN_DIGI);
+ snprintf(hidio_code, MAXPDSTRING,"button_%d",linux_code - BTN_DIGI);
else if(linux_code < KEY_OK) /* wheel buttons */
- snprintf(hidio_code, MAXPDSTRING,"btn_%d",linux_code - BTN_WHEEL);
- else return 0;
+ snprintf(hidio_code, MAXPDSTRING,"button_%d",linux_code - BTN_WHEEL);
+ else
+ return gensym("?");
- return gensym(*hidio_code ? hidio_code : "?");
-/* Georg Holzmann: implementation of the keys */
-/* JMZ: use t_symbol instead of char[] (s.a.) AND
- * appended "key_" in the array so we don't have to append it each time AND
- * made the table static
- */
-t_symbol* hidio_convert_linux_keys(__u16 linux_code)
- if(linux_code > 226)
- return 0;
- static char key_names[227][32] =
- {
- "key_reserved", "key_esc", "key_1", "key_2", "key_3", "key_4",
- "key_5", "key_6", "key_7", "key_8", "key_9", "key_0", "key_minus",
- "key_equal", "key_backspace", "key_tab", "key_q", "key_w",
- "key_e", "key_r", "key_t", "key_y", "key_u", "key_i", "key_o",
- "key_p","key_leftbrace", "key_rightbrace", "key_enter",
- "key_leftctrl", "key_a","key_s", "key_d", "key_f", "key_g",
- "key_h", "key_j", "key_k", "key_l", "key_semicolon",
- "key_apostrophe", "key_grave", "key_leftshift", "key_backslash",
- "key_z","key_x", "key_c", "key_v", "key_b", "key_n", "key_m",
- "key_comma", "key_dot", "key_slash","key_rightshift",
- "key_kpasterisk", "key_leftalt", "key_space", "key_capslock",
- "key_f1", "key_f2", "key_f3", "key_f4", "key_f5", "key_f6",
- "key_f7", "key_f8", "key_f9", "key_f10","key_numlock",
- "key_scrolllock", "key_kp7", "key_kp8", "key_kp9", "key_kpminus",
- "key_kp4", "key_kp5", "key_kp6", "key_kpplus", "key_kp1", "key_kp2",
- "key_kp3", "key_kp3", "key_kpdot","key_103rd", "key_f13",
- "key_102nd", "key_f11", "key_f12", "key_f14", "key_f15", "key_f16",
- "key_f17", "key_f18", "key_f19", "key_f20", "key_kpenter",
- "key_rightctrl", "key_kpslash","key_sysrq", "key_rightalt",
- "key_linefeed", "key_home", "key_up", "key_pageup", "key_left",
- "key_right", "key_end", "key_down", "key_pagedown", "key_insert",
- "key_delete", "key_macro","key_mute", "key_volumedown",
- "key_volumeup", "key_power", "key_kpequal", "key_kpplusminus",
- "key_pause", "key_f21", "key_f22", "key_f23", "key_f24",
- "key_kpcomma", "key_leftmeta","key_rightmeta", "key_compose",
- "key_stop", "key_again", "key_props", "key_undo", "key_front",
- "key_copy", "key_open","key_paste", "key_find","key_cut","key_help",
- "key_menu", "key_calc", "key_setup", "key_sleep", "key_wakeup",
- "key_file", "key_sendfile", "key_deletefile","key_xfer","key_prog1",
- "key_prog2", "key_www","key_msdos", "key_coffee", "key_direction",
- "key_cyclewindows", "key_mail", "key_bookmarks","key_computer",
- "key_back", "key_forward", "key_colsecd", "key_ejectcd",
- "key_ejectclosecd","key_nextsong","key_playpause","key_previoussong",
- "key_stopcd", "key_record","key_rewind", "key_phone", "key_iso",
- "key_config", "key_homepage", "key_refresh", "key_exit","key_move",
- "key_edit", "key_scrollup", "key_scrolldown", "key_kpleftparen",
- "key_kprightparen","key_intl1", "key_intl2", "key_intl3","key_intl4",
- "key_intl5", "key_intl6", "key_intl7","key_intl8", "key_intl9",
- "key_lang1", "key_lang2", "key_lang3", "key_lang4", "key_lang5",
- "key_lang6", "key_lang7", "key_lang8", "key_lang9", "key_playcd",
- "key_pausecd", "key_prog3","key_prog4", "key_suspend", "key_close",
- "key_play", "key_fastforward", "key_bassboost","key_print", "key_hp",
- "key_camera", "key_sound", "key_question", "key_email", "key_chat",
- "key_search", "key_connect", "key_finance", "key_sport", "key_shop",
- "key_alterase","key_cancel", "key_brightnessdown", "key_brightnessup",
- "key_media"
- };
- return gensym(key_names[linux_code]); // TODO: this should just return the char *
+ return gensym(hidio_code);
void hidio_elements(t_hidio *x)
@@ -352,6 +290,7 @@ static void hidio_build_element_list(t_hidio *x)
new_element->linux_code = j;
if((i == EV_KEY) && (j >= BTN_MISC) && (j < KEY_OK) )
+ new_element->type = ps_button;
new_element->name = hidio_convert_linux_buttons_to_numbers(j);
@@ -462,13 +401,19 @@ t_int hidio_open_device(t_hidio *x, short device_number)
char device_name[MAXPDSTRING] = "Unknown";
- char block_device[MAXPDSTRING] = "/dev/input/event0";
+ char block_device[FILENAME_MAX] = "/dev/input/event0";
struct input_event hidio_input_event;
x->x_fd = -1;
+ if(device_number < 0)
+ {
+ pd_error(x,"[hidio] invalid device number: %d", device_number);
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
x->x_device_number = device_number;
- snprintf(block_device,MAXPDSTRING,"/dev/input/event%d",x->x_device_number);
+ snprintf(block_device, FILENAME_MAX, "/dev/input/event%d", x->x_device_number);