AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2010-09-13added copyright info for headers included via the patchHans-Christoph Steiner
2010-09-13changed paths to reflect puredata-import package nameHans-Christoph Steiner
2010-09-13corrected versionHans-Christoph Steiner
2010-09-13add required headers in a patchHans-Christoph Steiner
2010-09-13removed stuff taken from headers and put #includes back inHans-Christoph Steiner
2010-09-13debianized importHans-Christoph Steiner
2010-09-13removed text to README.txt and set versionHans-Christoph Steiner
2010-09-13created first sketch of import for 'puredata'svn2git-rootHans-Christoph Steiner