#N canvas 273 81 439 398 10; #X text 257 131 GUI; #X text 257 281 Inlets; #X text 257 151 - Parameter Dump; #X text 257 171 - Receive / cut dataflow; #X text 257 191 - Save file; #X text 257 211 - Open file; #X text 257 251 - Show map of Behringer; #X text 257 301 - Filename (open); #X msg 15 181 datei.txt; #X text 13 40 I work with a Behringer BCF 2000 \, connected through USB. With this patch I can store and recall presets for it. The patch records only the MIDI values of the Faders/Knobs/Buttons \, and not the settings for each key (scale \, lights \, etc.). These can be changeed/stored only in the Behringer itself.; #X text 12 337 (C) 2006 Joao Miguel Pais - jmmmpais@googlemail.com ; #X text 12 357 Released under the BSD License; #X text 12 10 [bcf2000] - Store and recall presets for Behringer BCF2000 ; #X text 78 181 Load file; #X text 257 231 - Erase buffer; #X obj 15 211 bcf2000; #X connect 8 0 15 0;