#N canvas 71 205 407 362 10; #X text 12 327 Released under the BSD License; #X text 12 277 Related objects: [maat~] [mat~] [dacm~]; #X text 11 8 [dacm~] - Mono dac~ for lazy people; #X text 220 155 Inlets; #X text 220 175 - Audio signal; #X text 220 205 Arguments; #X text 220 225 - Number of channels; #X text 11 40 Connects the audio input to how many dac channels you specify \, making a mono output.; #X obj 76 196 dacm~ 4; #X text 11 70 In case you don't give any arguments \, it assumes that you work with 2 channels. So \, [dacm~] == [dacm~ 2].; #X text 11 100 Only inconvenient: if you use more than one object \, the console will report some "connection failed" messages. But everything will work.; #X text 12 307 (C) 2009 Joćo Pais - jmmmpais@googlemail.com; #X text 28 171 look inside to make sure; #X coords 0 0 1 1 31 130 0;