Abstractions from Jo�o Pais (c) 2005-9 Jo�o Pais - jmmmpais@googlemail.com Released under the BSD license (more information in each abstraction). This package has several base utilities that make coding a bit easier. It is composed of the following abstractions: array-edit - edit properties of arrays and populate them following several formulas but - Monochrome bang button clock - Chronometer with display in seconds dacm~ - Mono dac~ for lazy people datei-o - Sends the message "open ../../" datei-r - Sends the message "read ../../" datei-w - Sends the message "write ../../" dsp01 - DSP switch f+ - Counter with variable increment gui-edit - edit standard GUI objects fast lbang - loadbang which can be triggered more often liner~ - practical implementation of [line~] liner+~ - practical implementation of signal envelopping mat~ - Level meter with amplitude control maat~ - Level meter with amplitude control, stereo met~ - Level meter with amplitude control (with VU, too CPU expensive for me) metrum - Metro with GUI m-i - Automatic conversion of MIDI controller mk - shows the controller number and MIDI value oscD - Counts received OSC messages oscS - Interface for sendOSC pd-colors - Pd color palettes (Data Structures + Tcl/Tk) rec-name - Automatic naming for a record/playback engine sguigot - spigot GUI implementation snaps~ - snapshot~ GUI implementation spectrogram~ - Spectrogram with 512 bins resolution stoppuhr - Chronometer with two layers tastin - Gate for keyboard input uhr - Shows the time It is recomended to use these abstractions with Pd-extended, since I don't keep track of which externals are used. Some abstractions use other ones of this package, so it is also better to have always the whole package in one place. 2009.01.30 Non-working or discarded abstractions: aufnahme~ - Multichannel audio recorder (1 to 8 channels) bcf2000 - Store and recall presets for Behringer BCF2000 -dsp - replaced by dsp01 datei-l - replaced with datei-o