#N canvas 0 0 777 523 10; #X obj 36 199 rec-name; #X text 410 230 Inlets; #X text 410 300 Outlets; #X text 410 370 GUI; #X text 410 250 - Bang / Toggle (Recording); #X text 410 320 - message to writesf~; #X text 410 340 - message to readsf~; #X text 410 390 - Click on the either toggle to start/stop recording or playback; #X obj 36 155 bng 13 250 50 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 8 -262144 -1 -1; #X obj 52 155 tgl 13 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 8 -262144 -1 -1 0 1 ; #X obj 119 175 bng 13 250 50 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 8 -262144 -1 -1; #X obj 135 175 tgl 13 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 8 -262144 -1 -1 0 1; #X obj 36 229 print REC; #X obj 119 249 print PLAY; #X obj 36 366 writesf~ 2; #X obj 119 366 readsf~ 2; #X obj 119 386 dac~; #X obj 36 336 rec-name; #X text 16 437 NOTE: needs [time] \, [date] and [makesymbol] from Zexy ; #X text 13 6 [rec-name] - Automatic naming for a record/playback engine. ; #X text 12 467 (C) 2007 Joćo Pais - jmmmpais@googlemail.com; #X text 70 152 Bang or Toggle: creates a file and starts recording ; #X text 153 173 Bang or Toggle: playback the file that was just recorded ; #X text 13 36 [rec-name] automatically creates the string *DATE*_*TIME*.wav. This string can be connected with the writesf~ and readsf~ objects. ; #X text 37 296 One example of a complete recording / playback circuit. (only the audio inputs are missing); #X text 410 270 - Bang / Toggle (Playback) / Sample playback index ; #X text 13 76 This abstraction can be quite useful when making several recordings (or takes) one after the other. The files are named automatically \, avoiding the constant inputting of a filename.; #X text 12 487 Released under the BSD License; #X connect 0 0 12 0; #X connect 0 1 13 0; #X connect 8 0 0 0; #X connect 9 0 0 0; #X connect 10 0 0 1; #X connect 11 0 0 1; #X connect 15 0 16 0; #X connect 15 1 16 1; #X connect 17 0 14 0; #X connect 17 1 15 0;