#N struct 1026-data-s float x float y array 1026-array-s 1026-element ; #N struct 1026-element float y; #N struct 1061-data-s float x float y array 1061-array-s 1061-element ; #N struct 1061-element float y; #N struct 1064-data-s float x float y array 1064-array-s 1064-element ; #N struct 1064-element float y; #N canvas 35 130 444 495 10; #X text 12 472 Released under the BSD License; #X text 11 455 (C) 2009 Joćo Pais - jmmmpais@googlemail.com; #X text 316 238 Arguments; #X obj 63 203 sliders; #X text 19 183 [sliders] - automatically 16 channels \, normally routed ; #X text 19 263 [sliders 16 aaa] - 16 channels \, string aaa; #X text 19 343 [sliders 5 bbb] - 5 channels \, string bbb; #X text 11 10 [sliders] - GUI for incoming midi data; #X text 316 258 - Number of sliders; #X text 316 278 - Identity string; #X text 11 30 [sliders] creates as many sliders you want (max 511) to display incoming midi data.; #X text 21 163 Compare these 3 settings with your midi mixer:; #X text 12 126 If you don't specify any parameters \, 16 channels are created \, with normal routing.; #X text 11 56 The identity string reads the routing list defined in the file slider-i.txt (leave it somewhere reachable). To define a routing table \, just write in sequencial order the midi channels to be displayed in the GUI sliders. E.g. "1 2 4 5" displays these channels in the first four sliders (all other channels are ignored).; #X text 316 318 - slider-i.txt; #X text 316 298 Index file; #X text 12 422 Related objects: [m-i] [mk]; #X obj 63 283 sliders 16 aaa; #X obj 63 363 sliders 5 bbb;