#N canvas 204 154 602 360 10; #X text 79 120 Your [instances] abstraction needs two inlets and two outlets. First argument will be the voice index number starting from 0 \, second argument will be the total number of voices. Four more arguments can be passed as arguments to [polypoly] and will be passed on to the custom abstraction.; #X text 80 35 instances-template is a basic patch here only to illustrate what a patch designed for [instance] looks like. Feel free to use it as a template for your own patches for [instances].; #X obj 111 233 instances-template 1 8 four more arguments possible; #X text 48 255 message-out; #X text 52 212 message-in; #X text 328 255 message-out; #X text 332 212 message-in;