#N canvas 372 366 450 300 10; #X text 53 202 beeware of loadbangs when dynamically adding instances using the 3rd inlet! Everytime a new instance is created \, all instances will receive a loadbang!; #X msg 218 113 7; #X msg 185 113 3; #X msg 249 112 9; #X text 279 112 control instances; #X obj 113 138 rawpoly 5 itest; #X text 27 21 inlet0: routed to each instance based on instance number ; #X text 27 41 inlet1: connected directly to each instance; #X text 27 61 outlet~0: connected directly to each instance; #X text 27 81 outlet1: connected directly to each instance; #X connect 1 0 5 2; #X connect 2 0 5 2; #X connect 3 0 5 2;