/* * Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Mark Danks. * For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL * WARRANTIES, see the file, "GEM.LICENSE.TERMS" in this distribution. */ #include "m_pd.h" /* -------------------------- alternate ------------------------------ */ /* instance structure */ static t_class *alternate_class; typedef struct _alternate { t_object x_obj; /* obligatory object header */ int a_which; /* which outlet to go out 0 = left, 1 = right */ t_outlet *t_out1; /* the outlet */ t_outlet *t_out2; /* the other outlet */ } t_alternate; static void alternate_list(t_alternate *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) { static t_symbol *listSym = NULL; if (!listSym) listSym = gensym("list"); if (!x->a_which) outlet_list(x->t_out1, listSym, argc, argv); else outlet_list(x->t_out2, listSym, argc, argv); x->a_which++; x->a_which = (x->a_which > 1) ? 0 : x->a_which; } static void alternate_float(t_alternate *x, t_floatarg n) { if (!x->a_which) outlet_float(x->t_out1, n); else outlet_float(x->t_out2, n); x->a_which++; x->a_which = (x->a_which > 1) ? 0 : x->a_which; } static void alternate_bang(t_alternate *x) { if (!x->a_which) outlet_bang(x->t_out1); else outlet_bang(x->t_out2); x->a_which++; x->a_which = (x->a_which > 1) ? 0 : x->a_which; } static void alternate_reset(t_alternate *x) { x->a_which = 0; } static void *alternate_new(t_symbol *s) /* init vals in struc */ { t_alternate *x = (t_alternate *)pd_new(alternate_class); x->t_out1 = outlet_new(&x->x_obj, 0); x->t_out2 = outlet_new(&x->x_obj, 0); x->a_which = 0; return (x); } void alternate_setup(void) { alternate_class = class_new(gensym("alternate"), (t_newmethod)alternate_new, 0, sizeof(t_alternate), 0, A_NULL); class_addfloat(alternate_class, (t_method)alternate_float); class_addbang(alternate_class, (t_method)alternate_bang); class_addmethod(alternate_class, (t_method)alternate_reset, gensym("reset"), A_NULL); class_addmethod(alternate_class, (t_method)alternate_list, gensym("list"), A_GIMME, A_NULL); #if PD_MINOR_VERSION < 37 class_sethelpsymbol(alternate_class, gensym("alternate-help.pd")); #endif }