path: root/chord.c
diff options
authorHans-Christoph Steiner <eighthave@users.sourceforge.net>2010-04-26 03:10:47 +0000
committerIOhannes m zmölnig <zmoelnig@iem.at>2015-10-14 13:53:22 +0200
commit8b0873392ad0db55fdb9d0cdfc670366bc96a9c9 (patch)
treedfc09d2f2d60aac05d656906c3729348344da9d7 /chord.c
parent534b4462f8efc240b8b3d76d56613f38d9a9fef4 (diff)
converted maxlib to use libdir template, in preparations for debianizing it
svn path=/trunk/externals/maxlib/; revision=13476
Diffstat (limited to 'chord.c')
1 files changed, 1822 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chord.c b/chord.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1839d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chord.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1822 @@
+/* ------------------------- chord ------------------------------------------ */
+/* */
+/* Tries to detect a chord (or any harmonic relations) of incoming notes. */
+/* Written by Olaf Matthes (olaf.matthes@gmx.de) */
+/* Get source at http://www.akustische-kunst.org/puredata/maxlib/ */
+/* */
+/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or */
+/* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License */
+/* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 */
+/* of the License, or (at your option) any later version. */
+/* */
+/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
+/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
+/* GNU General Public License for more details. */
+/* */
+/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
+/* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
+/* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
+/* */
+/* Based on PureData by Miller Puckette and others. */
+/* */
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#include "m_pd.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#ifndef _WIN32
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#define MAX_POLY 32 /* maximum number of notes played at a time */
+#define kUnison 0
+#define kMaj 1
+#define kMin 2
+#define kDim 3
+#define kAug 4
+#define kMaj7 5
+#define kDom7 6
+#define kMin7 7
+#define kHalfDim7 8
+#define kDim7 9
+#define kMinMaj7 10
+#define kMaj7s5 11
+#define kMaj7b5 12
+#define kDom7s5 13
+#define kDom7b5 14
+#define kDomb9 15
+#define kMaj9 16
+#define kDom9 17
+#define kMin9 18
+#define kHalfDim9 19
+#define kMinMaj9 20
+#define kDimMaj9 21
+#define kMaj9b5 22
+#define kDom9b5 23
+#define kDom9b13 24
+#define kMin9s11 25
+#define kmM9b11 26
+#define kMaj7b9 27
+#define kMaj7s5b9 28
+#define kDom7b9 29
+#define kMin7b9 30
+#define kMinb9s11 31
+#define kHalfDimb9 32
+#define kDim7b9 33
+#define kMinMajb9 34
+#define kDimMajb9 35
+#define kMaj7s9 36
+#define kDom7s9 37
+#define kMaj7s11 38
+#define kMs9s11 39
+#define kHDimb11 40
+#define kMaj11 41
+#define kDom11 42
+#define kMin11 43
+#define kHalfDim11 44
+#define kDim11 45
+#define kMinMaj11 46
+#define kDimMaj11 47
+#define kMaj11b5 48
+#define kMaj11s5 49
+#define kMaj11b9 50
+#define kMaj11s9 51
+#define kMaj11b13 52
+#define kMaj11s13 53
+#define kM11b5b9 54
+#define kDom11b5 55
+#define kDom11b9 56
+#define kDom11s9 57
+#define kHalfDim11b9 58
+#define kDom7s11 59
+#define kMin7s11 60
+#define kDom13s11 61
+#define kM7b913 62
+#define kMaj7s13 63
+#define kMaj9s13 64
+#define kM7b9s13 65
+#define kDom7b13 66
+#define kChrom 67
+#define kNone 68
+#define kXX -1
+static char *version = "chord v0.2, written by Olaf Matthes <olaf.matthes@gmx.de>";
+static char* pitch_class[13] = {"C ", "Db ", "D ", "Eb ", "E ", "F ", "Gb ", "G ", "Ab ", "A ", "Bb ", "B ", "no root "};
+static char name_class[7] = {'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'A', 'B'};
+typedef struct {
+ int type;
+ int rootMember;
+} t_type_root;
+typedef struct chord
+ t_object x_ob;
+ t_outlet *x_outchordval; /* chord as MIDI note number of base note */
+ t_outlet *x_outchordclass; /* class of chord's bass note */
+ t_outlet *x_outchordname; /* chord name, e.g. "Cmajor7" */
+ t_outlet *x_outchordinversion; /* inversion of the chord (root = 0, 1st = 1, 2nd = 2) */
+ t_outlet *x_outchordnotes; /* list with note numbers belonging to the chord */
+ t_int x_pitch;
+ t_int x_pc[12]; /* pitch class array */
+ t_int x_abs_pc[12]; /* pitch class array: absolute MIDI note numbers */
+ t_int x_velo;
+ t_int x_alloctable[MAX_POLY]; /* a table used to store all playing notes */
+ t_int x_poly; /* number of notes currently playing */
+ t_atom x_chordlist[12]; /* list that stores the note numbers for output */
+ t_int x_split; /* highes note number to process */
+ t_int x_chord_type; /* chord's type (number between 0 and 68) */
+ t_int x_chord_root; /* chord's root (pitch class) */
+ t_int x_chord_bass; /* chord's bass note (MIDI note number) */
+ t_int x_chord_inversion; /* chord's state of inversion (root, 1st, 2nd) */
+} t_chord;
+/* functions */
+static void chord_kick_out_member(t_chord *x, t_int number, t_int *members);
+static void chord_chord_finder(t_chord *x, t_int num_pcs);
+static void chord_draw_chord_type(t_chord *x, t_int num_pcs);
+static void chord_unison(t_chord *x)
+ int i;
+ int member = 0;
+ for(i = 0; i < 12; i++)
+ if(x->x_pc[i])
+ {
+ member = i; // find pitch class
+ break;
+ }
+ x->x_chord_type = 0;
+ x->x_chord_root = member;
+ chord_draw_chord_type(x, 1); // output onto the screen
+static void chord_dyad(t_chord *x)
+ static t_type_root dyads[11] =
+ {{ kMaj7, 1 }, { kDom7, 1 }, { kMin, 0 }, { kMaj, 0 }, { kMaj, 1 },
+ { kDom7 , 0 }, { kMaj, 0 }, { kMaj, 1 }, { kMin, 1 }, { kDom7, 0 }, { kMaj7, 0 }};
+ register t_type_root* t;
+ int members[2];
+ int i, j = 0;
+ int interval1;
+ for(i = 0; i < 12; i++)
+ if(x->x_pc[i]) members[j++] = i; /* load members array with chord pitch classes */
+ interval1 = members[1] - members[0]; /* calculate interval between first two members */
+ interval1 = interval1 - 1; /* reduce interval1 to start at zero */
+ t = &(dyads[interval1]); /* find TypeRoot struct for this interval */
+ x->x_chord_type = t->type;
+ if (interval1 == 5)
+ x->x_chord_root = (members[0]+8)%12;
+ else
+ x->x_chord_root = members[t->rootMember];
+ x->x_chord_inversion = t->rootMember; /* get state of inversion */
+ chord_draw_chord_type(x, 2); /* output results */
+static void chord_triad(t_chord *x)
+ static t_type_root triads[10][10] =
+ {/* interval1 is a half step */
+ {{ kMaj7b9, 1 }, { kMaj9, 1 }, { kMinMaj7, 1 }, { kMaj7, 1 }, { kDom7s11,2 },
+ { kDomb9 , 0 }, { kMaj7, 1 }, { kMaj7s5, 1 }, { kMin9, 2 }, { kMaj7b9, 0 }},
+ /* interval1 is a whole step */
+ {{ kMin9, 0 }, { kDom9, 0 }, { kMin7, 1 }, { kDom7, 1 }, { kDom9, 0 },
+ { kHalfDim7, 1 }, { kDom7, 1 }, { kDom9, 0 }, { kMaj9, 0 }},
+ /* interval1 is a minor third */
+ {{ kMaj7s5, 2 }, { kDom7, 2 }, { kDim, 0 }, { kMin, 0 }, { kMaj, 2 },
+ { kDim, 2 }, { kMin7, 0 }, { kMinMaj7, 0 }},
+ /* interval1 is a major third */
+ {{ kMaj7, 2 }, { kHalfDim7, 2 }, { kMaj, 0 }, { kAug, 0 }, { kMin, 2 },
+ { kDom7, 0 }, { kMaj7, 0 }},
+ /* interval1 is a perfect fourth */
+ {{ kDomb9, 1 }, { kDom9, 1 }, { kMin, 1 }, { kMaj, 1 }, { kDom9, 2 },
+ { kDom7s11, 1 }},
+ /* interval1 is an augmented fourth */
+ {{ kDom7s11, 0 }, { kDom7, 2 }, { kDim, 1 }, { kHalfDim7, 0 }, { kDomb9, 2 }},
+ /* interval1 is a perfect fifth */
+ {{ kMaj7, 2 }, { kMin7, 2 }, { kDom7, 0 }, { kMaj7, 0 }},
+ /* interval1 is a minor sixth */
+ {{ kMinMaj7, 2 }, { kDom9, 1 }, { kMaj7s5, 0 }},
+ /* interval1 is a major sixth */
+ {{ kMaj9, 2 }, { kMin9, 1 }},
+ /* interval1 is a minor seventh */
+ {{ kMaj7b9, 2 }}
+ };
+ register t_type_root* t;
+ int members[3];
+ int i, j = 0;
+ int interval1, interval2;
+ for(i = 0; i < 12; i++)
+ if(x->x_pc[i]) members[j++] = i; /* load members array with chord pitch classes */
+ interval1 = members[1] - members[0]; /* calculate interval between first two members */
+ interval2 = members[2] - members[0]; /* calculate interval between first and third */
+ interval2 = interval2 - interval1 - 1; /* reduce interval2 to start at zero */
+ interval1 = interval1 - 1; /* reduce interval1 to start at zero */
+ t = &(triads[interval1][interval2]); /* find TypeRoot struct for this interval vector */
+ x->x_chord_type = t->type;
+ x->x_chord_root = members[t->rootMember];
+ switch(t->rootMember) { /* get state of inversion */
+ case 0:
+ x->x_chord_inversion = 0;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ x->x_chord_inversion = 2;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ x->x_chord_inversion = 1;
+ }
+ chord_draw_chord_type(x, 3); /* output onto the screen */
+static void chord_quartad(t_chord *x)
+ static t_type_root quartads[9][9][9] =
+ {
+ {/* interval1 is a half step */
+ {/* interval2 is a whole step */
+ { kM7b9s13, 2 }, { kMinMajb9,1 }, { kMaj7b9, 1 }, { kMaj7s13, 2 }, { kDimMajb9, 1 },
+ { kMaj7b9, 1 }, { kMaj7s13, 2 }, { kM7b913, 1 }, { kM7b9s13, 1 }},
+ {/* interval2 is a minor third */
+ { kMinMaj9, 1 }, { kMaj9, 1 }, { kHalfDimb9,0 }, { kMin7b9, 0 }, { kMaj9, 1 },
+ { kDim7b9, 0 }, { kMin7b9, 0 }, { kMinMajb9, 0 }},
+ {/* interval2 is a major third */
+ { kMaj7s9, 1 }, { kDom7s11, 3 }, { kDomb9, 0 }, { kMinMaj7, 1 }, { kDom7s9, 3 },
+ { kDomb9, 0 }, { kMaj7b9, 0 }},
+ {/* interval2 is a perfect fourth */
+ { kMaj11, 1 }, { kMaj7b5, 1 }, { kMaj7, 1 }, { kMaj7s5, 1 }, { kMin9, 3 },
+ { kMaj7s13, 1 }},
+ {/* interval2 is a tritone */
+ { kDimMaj9, 3 }, { kDom11, 3 }, { kDim7b9, 0 }, { kHalfDimb9,0 }, { kDimMajb9, 0 }},
+ {/* interval2 is a perfect fifth */
+ { kMaj11, 3 }, { kDom7s9, 3 }, { kDomb9, 0 }, { kMaj7b9, 0 }},
+ {/* interval2 is a minor sixth */
+ { kMaj7s9, 3 }, { kMin9, 3 }, { kMaj7s13, 1 }},
+ {/* interval2 is a major sixth */
+ { kMinMaj9, 3 }, { kM7b913, 0 }},
+ {/* interval2 is a minor seventh */
+ { kM7b9s13, 0 }}
+ },
+ {/* interval1 is a whole step */
+ {/* interval2 is a minor third */
+ { kM7b913, 2 }, { kMin7b9, 1 }, { kDomb9, 1 }, { kMin9, 0 }, { kHalfDimb9,1 },
+ { kDomb9, 1 }, { kMin9, 0 }, { kMinMaj9, 0 }},
+ {/* interval2 is a major third */
+ { kMin9, 1 }, { kDom9, 1 }, { kDom9, 0 }, { kDom7s5, 2 }, { kDom9, 1 },
+ { kDom9, 0 }, { kMaj9, 0 }},
+ {/* interval2 is a perfect fourth */
+ { kDom7s9, 1 }, { kDom11, 3 }, { kHalfDim7, 1 }, { kMin7, 1 }, { kDom9, 3 },
+ { kHalfDimb9,3 }},
+ {/* interval2 is a tritone */
+ { kDom11, 1 }, { kDom7b5, 3 }, { kDom7, 1 }, { kDom7s5, 1 }, { kMin7b9, 3 }},
+ {/* interval2 is a perfect fifth */
+ { kMaj7b5, 3 }, { kDom11, 1 }, { kDom9, 0 }, { kMaj9, 0 }},
+ {/* interval2 is a minor sixth */
+ { kDom7s11, 1 }, { kDom9, 3 }, { kDim7b9, 3 }},
+ {/* interval2 is a major sixth */
+ { kMaj9, 3 }, { kMin7b9, 3 }},
+ {/* interval2 is a minor seventh */
+ { kMinMajb9, 3 }}
+ },
+ {/* interval1 is a minor third */
+ {/* interval2 is a major third */
+ { kMaj7s13, 3 }, { kDim7b9, 1 }, { kDom7s9, 0 }, { kMaj7s5, 2 }, { kDim7b9, 1 },
+ { kDom7s9, 0 }, { kMaj7s9, 0 }},
+ {/* interval2 is a perfect fourth */
+ { kDomb9, 2 }, { kDom9, 2 }, { kMin7, 2 }, { kDom7, 2 }, { kDom11, 2 },
+ { kDom7s11, 2 }},
+ {/* interval2 is a tritone */
+ { kDim7b9, 2 }, { kDom7, 3 }, { kDim7, 0 }, { kHalfDim7, 0 }, { kDomb9, 3 }},
+ {/* interval2 is a perfect fifth */
+ { kMaj7, 3 }, { kHalfDim7,3 }, { kMin7, 0 }, { kMinMaj7, 0 }},
+ {/* interval2 is a minor sixth */
+ { kDomb9, 2 }, { kDom9, 2 }, { kDom7s9, 2 }},
+ {/* interval2 is a major sixth */
+ { kHalfDimb9,2 }, { kDomb9, 3 }},
+ {/* interval2 is a minor seventh */
+ { kMaj7b9, 3 }}
+ },
+ {/* interval1 is a major third */
+ {/* interval2 is a perfect fourth */
+ { kMaj7b9, 2 }, { kMaj9, 2 }, { kMinMaj7, 2 }, { kMaj7, 2 }, { kDom11, 0 },
+ { kMaj11, 0 }},
+ {/* interval2 is a tritone */
+ { kHalfDimb9,2 }, { kDom7s5, 3 }, { kHalfDim7, 2 }, { kDom7b5, 0 }, { kMaj7b5, 0 }},
+ {/* interval2 is a perfect fifth */
+ { kMaj7s5, 3 }, { kMin7, 3 }, { kDom7, 0 }, { kMaj7, 0 }},
+ {/* interval2 is a minor sixth */
+ { kMinMaj7, 3 }, { kDom7s5, 0 }, { kMaj7s5, 0 }},
+ {/* interval2 is a major sixth */
+ { kMin7b9, 2 }, { kMin9, 2 }},
+ {/* interval2 is a minor seventh */
+ { kMaj7s13, 0 }}
+ },
+ {/* interval1 is a perfect fourth */
+ {/* interval2 is a tritone */
+ { kDimMajb9, 2 }, { kMin7b9, 1 }, { kDomb9, 1 }, { kMaj7b5, 2 }, { kDimMaj9, 0 }},
+ {/* interval2 is a perfect fifth */
+ { kMin9, 1 }, { kDom9, 1 }, { kDom11, 0 }, { kDom11, 2 }},
+ {/* interval2 is a minor sixth */
+ { kDom7s9, 1 }, { kDom9, 3 }, { kDim7b9, 3 }},
+ {/* interval2 is a major sixth */
+ { kMaj9, 3 }, { kHalfDimb9,3 }},
+ {/* interval2 is a minor seventh */
+ { kDimMajb9, 3 }}
+ },
+ {/* interval1 is a tritone */
+ {/* interval2 is a perfect fifth */
+ { kMaj7s13, 3 }, { kHalfDimb9,1 }, { kDom7s11, 0 }, { kMaj11, 2 }},
+ {/* interval2 is a minor sixth */
+ { kDomb9, 2 }, { kDom9, 2 }, { kDom7s9, 2 }},
+ {/* interval2 is a major sixth */
+ { kDim7b9, 2 }, { kDomb9, 3 }},
+ {/* interval2 is a minor seventh */
+ { kMaj7b9, 3 }}
+ },
+ {/* interval1 is a perfect fifth */
+ {/* interval2 is a minor sixth */
+ { kMaj7b9, 2 }, { kMaj9, 2 }, { kMaj7s9, 2 }},
+ {/* interval2 is a major sixth */
+ { kMin7b9, 2 }, { kMin9, 2 }},
+ {/* interval2 is a minor seventh */
+ { kMaj7s13, 0 }}
+ },
+ {/* interval1 is a minor sixth */
+ {/* interval2 is a major sixth */
+ { kMinMajb9, 2 }, { kMinMaj9, 2 }},
+ {/* interval2 is a minor seventh */
+ { kM7b913, 3 }}
+ },
+ {/* interval1 is a major sixth */
+ {/* interval2 is a minor seventh */
+ { kM7b9s13, 2 }}
+ }
+ };
+ register t_type_root* t;
+ int members[4];
+ int interval1, interval2, interval3;
+ int i, j = 0;
+ for (i=0; i<12; i++)
+ if (x->x_pc[i]) members[j++] = i; /* load members array with chord pitch classes */
+ interval1 = members[1] - members[0]; /* calculate interval between first two members */
+ interval2 = members[2] - members[0]; /* calculate interval between first and third */
+ interval3 = members[3] - members[0]; /* calculate interval between first and third */
+ interval3 = interval3 - interval2 - 1; /* reduce interval3 to start at zero */
+ interval2 = interval2 - interval1 - 1; /* reduce interval2 to start at zero */
+ interval1 = interval1 - 1; /* reduce interval1 to start at zero */
+ /* find TypeRoot struct for this interval set */
+ t = &(quartads[interval1][interval2][interval3]);
+ x->x_chord_type = t->type;
+ x->x_chord_root = members[t->rootMember];
+ switch(t->rootMember) { /* get state of inversion */
+ case 0:
+ x->x_chord_inversion = 0;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ x->x_chord_inversion = 2;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ x->x_chord_inversion = 2;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ x->x_chord_inversion = 1;
+ }
+ chord_draw_chord_type(x, 4); /* output results */
+static void chord_fatal_error(char* s1, char* s2)
+ post("chord: error: %s : %s", s1, s2);
+static void chord_quintad(t_chord *x)
+ static int initialized = 0;
+ static t_type_root quintads[8][8][8][8];
+ register int i, j, k, l;
+ register t_type_root *t;
+ t_int members[5];
+ int interval1, interval2, interval3, interval4;
+ int *st;
+ int maj9[5][4] = {{1,1,2,3}, {0,1,1,2}, {3,0,1,1}, {2,3,0,1}, {1,2,3,0}};
+ int dom9[5][4] = {{1,1,2,2}, {1,1,1,2}, {2,1,1,1}, {2,2,1,1}, {1,2,2,1}};
+ int min9[5][4] = {{1,0,3,2}, {1,1,0,3}, {2,1,1,0}, {3,2,1,1}, {0,3,2,1}};
+ int had9[5][4] = {{1,0,2,3}, {1,1,0,2}, {3,1,1,0}, {2,3,1,1}, {0,2,3,1}};
+ int miM9[5][4] = {{1,0,3,3}, {0,1,0,3}, {3,0,1,0}, {3,3,0,1}, {0,3,3,0}};
+ int diM9[5][4] = {{1,0,2,4}, {0,1,0,2}, {4,0,1,0}, {2,4,0,1}, {0,2,4,0}};
+ int M9b5[5][4] = {{1,1,1,4}, {0,1,1,1}, {4,0,1,1}, {1,4,0,1}, {1,1,4,0}};
+ int D9b5[5][4] = {{1,1,1,3}, {1,1,1,1}, {3,1,1,1}, {1,3,1,1}, {1,1,3,1}};
+ int mM91[5][4] = {{1,0,0,6}, {0,1,0,0}, {6,0,1,0}, {0,6,0,1}, {0,0,6,0}};
+ int M7b9[5][4] = {{0,2,2,3}, {0,0,2,2}, {3,0,0,2}, {2,3,0,0}, {2,2,3,0}};
+ int M5b9[5][4] = {{0,2,3,2}, {0,0,2,3}, {2,0,0,2}, {3,2,0,0}, {2,3,2,0}};
+ int D7b9[5][4] = {{0,2,2,2}, {1,0,2,2}, {2,1,0,2}, {2,2,1,0}, {2,2,2,1}};
+ int m7b9[5][4] = {{0,1,3,2}, {1,0,1,3}, {2,1,0,1}, {3,2,1,0}, {1,3,2,1}};
+ int mb51[5][4] = {{0,1,2,0}, {4,0,1,2}, {0,4,0,1}, {2,0,4,0}, {1,2,0,4}};
+ int d7b9[5][4] = {{0,1,2,3}, {1,0,1,2}, {3,1,0,1}, {2,3,1,0}, {1,2,3,1}};
+ int mMb9[5][4] = {{0,1,3,3}, {0,0,1,3}, {3,0,0,1}, {3,3,0,0}, {1,3,3,0}};
+ int dMb9[5][4] = {{0,1,2,4}, {0,0,1,2}, {4,0,0,1}, {2,4,0,0}, {1,2,4,0}};
+ int dib9[5][4] = {{0,1,2,2}, {2,0,1,2}, {2,2,0,1}, {2,2,2,0}, {1,2,2,2}};
+ int M7s9[5][4] = {{2,0,2,3}, {0,2,0,2}, {3,0,2,0}, {2,3,0,2}, {0,2,3,0}};
+ int D7s9[5][4] = {{2,0,2,2}, {1,2,0,2}, {2,1,2,0}, {2,2,1,2}, {0,2,2,1}};
+ int M7s1[5][4] = {{3,1,0,3}, {0,3,1,0}, {3,0,3,1}, {0,3,0,3}, {1,0,3,0}};
+ int d9b3[5][4] = {{1,1,2,0}, {3,1,1,2}, {0,3,1,1}, {2,0,3,1}, {1,2,0,3}};
+ int M9s3[5][4] = {{1,4,2,0}, {0,1,4,2}, {0,0,1,4}, {2,0,0,1}, {4,2,0,0}};
+ int M9st[5][4] = {{1,1,5,0}, {0,1,1,5}, {0,0,1,1}, {5,0,0,1}, {1,5,0,0}};
+ int s9s1[5][4] = {{2,0,1,0}, {4,2,0,1}, {0,4,2,0}, {1,0,4,2}, {0,1,0,4}};
+ int h7b1[5][4] = {{2,0,1,3}, {1,2,0,1}, {3,1,2,0}, {1,3,1,2}, {0,1,3,1}};
+ int M711[5][4] = {{3,0,1,3}, {0,3,0,1}, {3,0,3,0}, {1,3,0,3}, {0,1,3,0}};
+ int M115[5][4] = {{1,1,0,5}, {0,1,1,0}, {5,0,1,1}, {0,5,0,1}, {1,0,5,0}};
+ int d711[5][4] = {{3,0,1,2}, {1,3,0,1}, {2,1,3,0}, {1,2,1,3}, {0,1,2,1}};
+ int d712[5][4] = {{1,1,0,1}, {4,1,1,0}, {1,4,1,1}, {0,1,4,1}, {1,0,1,4}};
+ int d713[5][4] = {{1,1,0,4}, {1,1,1,0}, {4,1,1,1}, {0,4,1,1}, {1,0,4,1}};
+ int m711[5][4] = {{2,1,1,2}, {1,2,1,1}, {2,1,2,1}, {1,2,1,2}, {1,1,2,1}};
+ int m712[5][4] = {{1,0,1,1}, {4,1,0,1}, {1,4,1,0}, {1,1,4,1}, {0,1,1,4}};
+ int di11[5][4] = {{1,0,1,0}, {5,1,0,1}, {0,5,1,0}, {1,0,5,1}, {0,1,0,5}};
+ int mM11[5][4] = {{2,1,1,3}, {0,2,1,1}, {3,0,2,1}, {1,3,0,2}, {1,1,3,0}};
+ int dM11[5][4] = {{2,1,0,4}, {0,2,1,0}, {4,0,2,1}, {0,4,0,2}, {1,0,4,0}};
+ int Meb5[5][4] = {{3,0,0,4}, {0,3,0,0}, {4,0,3,0}, {0,4,0,3}, {0,0,4,0}};
+ int Mes5[5][4] = {{3,0,2,2}, {0,3,0,2}, {2,0,3,0}, {2,2,0,3}, {0,2,2,0}};
+ int Meb9[5][4] = {{0,2,0,5}, {0,0,2,0}, {5,0,0,2}, {0,5,0,0}, {2,0,5,0}};
+ int Mes9[5][4] = {{2,0,0,5}, {0,2,0,0}, {5,0,2,0}, {0,5,0,2}, {0,0,5,0}};
+ int Deb5[5][4] = {{3,0,0,3}, {1,3,0,0}, {3,1,3,0}, {0,3,1,3}, {0,0,3,1}};
+ int Mes3[5][4] = {{3,0,4,0}, {0,3,0,4}, {0,0,3,0}, {4,0,0,3}, {0,4,0,0}};
+ int Deb9[5][4] = {{0,2,0,4}, {1,0,2,0}, {4,1,0,2}, {0,4,1,0}, {2,0,4,1}};
+ int De91[5][4] = {{0,2,0,1}, {4,0,2,0}, {1,4,0,2}, {0,1,4,0}, {2,0,1,4}};
+ int Des9[5][4] = {{2,0,0,4}, {1,2,0,0}, {4,1,2,0}, {0,4,1,2}, {0,0,4,1}};
+ int Ds11[5][4] = {{3,1,0,2}, {1,3,1,0}, {2,1,3,1}, {0,2,1,3}, {1,0,2,1}};
+ int m7s1[5][4] = {{2,2,0,2}, {1,2,2,0}, {2,1,2,2}, {0,2,1,2}, {2,0,2,1}};
+ int D3s1[5][4] = {{5,0,1,0}, {1,5,0,1}, {0,1,5,0}, {1,0,1,5}, {0,1,0,1}};
+ int Mb9s[5][4] = {{0,2,5,0}, {0,0,2,5}, {0,0,0,2}, {5,0,0,0}, {2,5,0,0}};
+ int D7b3[5][4] = {{3,2,0,1}, {1,3,2,0}, {1,1,3,2}, {0,1,1,3}, {2,0,1,1}};
+ if (!initialized) {
+ for (i=0; i<8; i++)
+ for (j=0; j<8; j++)
+ for (k=0; k<8; k++)
+ for (l=0; l<8; l++) {
+ quintads[i][j][k][l].type = kNone;
+ quintads[i][j][k][l].rootMember = kXX;
+ }
+ // major ninths
+ for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
+ st = maj9[i];
+ t = &(quintads[st[0]][st[1]][st[2]][st[3]]);
+ t->type = kMaj9;
+ t->rootMember = i;
+ }
+ // dominant ninths
+ for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
+ st = dom9[i];
+ t = &(quintads[st[0]][st[1]][st[2]][st[3]]);
+ if (t->type != kNone) chord_fatal_error("redefining chord", "dom9");
+ t->type = kDom9;
+ t->rootMember = i;
+ }
+ // minor ninths
+ for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
+ st = min9[i];
+ t = &(quintads[st[0]][st[1]][st[2]][st[3]]);
+ if (t->type != kNone) chord_fatal_error("redefining chord", "min9");
+ t->type = kMin9;
+ t->rootMember = i;
+ }
+ // half diminished ninths
+ for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
+ st = had9[i];
+ t = &(quintads[st[0]][st[1]][st[2]][st[3]]);
+ if (t->type != kNone) chord_fatal_error("redefining chord", "had9");
+ t->type = kHalfDim9;
+ t->rootMember = i;
+ }
+ // minor/major ninths
+ for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
+ st = miM9[i];
+ t = &(quintads[st[0]][st[1]][st[2]][st[3]]);
+ if (t->type != kNone) chord_fatal_error("redefining chord", "miM9");
+ t->type = kMinMaj9;
+ t->rootMember = i;
+ }
+ // diminished/major ninths
+ for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
+ st = diM9[i];
+ t = &(quintads[st[0]][st[1]][st[2]][st[3]]);
+ if (t->type != kNone) chord_fatal_error("redefining chord", "diM9");
+ t->type = kDimMaj9;
+ t->rootMember = i;
+ }
+ // major ninth flat 5
+ for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
+ st = M9b5[i];
+ t = &(quintads[st[0]][st[1]][st[2]][st[3]]);
+ if (t->type != kNone) chord_fatal_error("redefining chord", "M9b5");
+ t->type = kMaj9b5;
+ t->rootMember = i;
+ }
+ // dominant ninth flat 5
+ for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
+ st = D9b5[i];
+ t = &(quintads[st[0]][st[1]][st[2]][st[3]]);
+ if (t->type != kNone) chord_fatal_error("redefining chord", "D9b5");
+ t->type = kDom9b5;
+ t->rootMember = i;
+ }
+ // minor/major ninth flat 11
+ for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
+ st = mM91[i];
+ t = &(quintads[st[0]][st[1]][st[2]][st[3]]);
+ if (t->type != kNone) chord_fatal_error("redefining chord", "mM91");
+ t->type = kmM9b11;
+ t->rootMember = i;
+ }
+ // major seventh flat nine
+ for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
+ st = M7b9[i];
+ t = &(quintads[st[0]][st[1]][st[2]][st[3]]);
+ if (t->type != kNone) chord_fatal_error("redefining chord", "M7b9");
+ t->type = kMaj7b9;
+ t->rootMember = i;
+ }
+ // major seventh sharp five flat nine
+ for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
+ st = M5b9[i];
+ t = &(quintads[st[0]][st[1]][st[2]][st[3]]);
+ if (t->type != kNone) chord_fatal_error("redefining chord", "M5b9");
+ t->type = kMaj7s5b9;
+ t->rootMember = i;
+ }
+ // dominant seventh flat nine
+ for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
+ st = D7b9[i];
+ t = &(quintads[st[0]][st[1]][st[2]][st[3]]);
+ if (t->type != kNone) chord_fatal_error("redefining chord", "D7b9");
+ t->type = kDom7b9;
+ t->rootMember = i;
+ }
+ // minor seventh flat nine
+ for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
+ t = &(quintads[m7b9[i][0]][m7b9[i][1]][m7b9[i][2]][m7b9[i][3]]);
+ if (t->type != kNone) chord_fatal_error("redefining chord", "m7b9");
+ t->type = kMin7b9;
+ t->rootMember = i;
+ }
+ // minor flat nine sharp eleventh
+ for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
+ st = mb51[i];
+ t = &(quintads[st[0]][st[1]][st[2]][st[3]]);
+ if (t->type != kNone) chord_fatal_error("redefining chord", "mb51");
+ t->type = kMinb9s11;
+ t->rootMember = i;
+ }
+ // half diminished seventh flat nine
+ for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
+ st = d7b9[i];
+ t = &(quintads[st[0]][st[1]][st[2]][st[3]]);
+ if (t->type != kNone) chord_fatal_error("redefining chord", "d7b9");
+ t->type = kHalfDimb9;
+ t->rootMember = i;
+ }
+ // minor/major seventh flat nine
+ for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
+ st = mMb9[i];
+ t = &(quintads[st[0]][st[1]][st[2]][st[3]]);
+ if (t->type != kNone) chord_fatal_error("redefining chord", "mMb9");
+ t->type = kMinMajb9;
+ t->rootMember = i;
+ }
+ // diminished major seventh flat nine
+ for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
+ st = dMb9[i];
+ t = &(quintads[st[0]][st[1]][st[2]][st[3]]);
+ if (t->type != kNone) chord_fatal_error("redefining chord", "dMb9");
+ t->type = kDimMajb9;
+ t->rootMember = i;
+ }
+ // diminished seventh flat nine
+ for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
+ t = &(quintads[dib9[i][0]][dib9[i][1]][dib9[i][2]][dib9[i][3]]);
+ if (t->type != kNone) chord_fatal_error("redefining chord", "dib9");
+ t->type = kDim7b9;
+ t->rootMember = i;
+ }
+ // major seventh sharp nine
+ for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
+ t = &(quintads[M7s9[i][0]][M7s9[i][1]][M7s9[i][2]][M7s9[i][3]]);
+ if (t->type != kNone) chord_fatal_error("redefining chord", "M7s9");
+ t->type = kMaj7s9;
+ t->rootMember = i;
+ }
+ // dominant seventh sharp nine
+ for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
+ t = &(quintads[D7s9[i][0]][D7s9[i][1]][D7s9[i][2]][D7s9[i][3]]);
+ if (t->type != kNone) chord_fatal_error("redefining chord", "D7s9");
+ t->type = kDom7s9;
+ t->rootMember = i;
+ }
+ // major seventh sharp eleventh
+ for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
+ t = &(quintads[M7s1[i][0]][M7s1[i][1]][M7s1[i][2]][M7s1[i][3]]);
+ if (t->type != kNone) chord_fatal_error("redefining chord", "M7s1");
+ t->type = kMaj7s11;
+ t->rootMember = i;
+ }
+ // dominant ninth flat thirteenth
+ for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
+ st = d9b3[i];
+ t = &(quintads[st[0]][st[1]][st[2]][st[3]]);
+ if (t->type != kNone) chord_fatal_error("redefining chord", "d9b3");
+ t->type = kDom9b13;
+ t->rootMember = i;
+ }
+ // major ninth sharp thirteenth
+ for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
+ st = M9s3[i];
+ t = &(quintads[st[0]][st[1]][st[2]][st[3]]);
+ if (t->type != kNone) chord_fatal_error("redefining chord", "M9s3");
+ t->type = kMaj9s13;
+ t->rootMember = i;
+ }
+ // major ninth sharp thirteenth
+ for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
+ t = &(quintads[M9st[i][0]][M9st[i][1]][M9st[i][2]][M9st[i][3]]);
+ if (t->type != kNone) chord_fatal_error("redefining chord", "M9st");
+ t->type = kMaj9s13;
+ t->rootMember = i;
+ }
+ // major chord sharp ninth sharp eleventh
+ for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
+ st = s9s1[i];
+ t = &(quintads[st[0]][st[1]][st[2]][st[3]]);
+ if (t->type != kNone) chord_fatal_error("redefining chord", "s9s1");
+ t->type = kMs9s11;
+ t->rootMember = i;
+ }
+ // half diminished seven flat 11
+ for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
+ st = h7b1[i];
+ t = &(quintads[st[0]][st[1]][st[2]][st[3]]);
+ if (t->type != kNone) chord_fatal_error("redefining chord", "h7b1");
+ t->type = kHDimb11;
+ t->rootMember = i;
+ }
+ // major eleventh
+ for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
+ t = &(quintads[M711[i][0]][M711[i][1]][M711[i][2]][M711[i][3]]);
+ if (t->type != kNone) chord_fatal_error("redefining chord", "M711");
+ t->type = kMaj11;
+ t->rootMember = i;
+ }
+ // major eleventh
+ for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
+ t = &(quintads[M115[i][0]][M115[i][1]][M115[i][2]][M115[i][3]]);
+ if (t->type != kNone) chord_fatal_error("redefining chord", "M711");
+ t->type = kMaj11;
+ t->rootMember = i;
+ }
+ // dominant eleventh
+ for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
+ t = &(quintads[d711[i][0]][d711[i][1]][d711[i][2]][d711[i][3]]);
+ if (t->type != kNone) chord_fatal_error("redefining chord", "d711");
+ t->type = kDom11;
+ t->rootMember = i;
+ }
+ // dominant eleventh
+ for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
+ t = &(quintads[d712[i][0]][d712[i][1]][d712[i][2]][d712[i][3]]);
+ if (t->type != kNone) chord_fatal_error("redefining chord", "d712");
+ t->type = kDom11;
+ t->rootMember = i;
+ }
+ // dominant eleventh
+ for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
+ st = d713[i];
+ t = &(quintads[st[0]][st[1]][st[2]][st[3]]);
+ if (t->type != kNone) chord_fatal_error("redefining chord", "d713");
+ t->type = kDom11;
+ t->rootMember = i;
+ }
+ // minor eleventh
+ for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
+ t = &(quintads[m711[i][0]][m711[i][1]][m711[i][2]][m711[i][3]]);
+ if (t->type != kNone) chord_fatal_error("redefining chord", "m711");
+ t->type = kMin11;
+ t->rootMember = i;
+ }
+ // minor eleventh
+ for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
+ t = &(quintads[m712[i][0]][m712[i][1]][m712[i][2]][m712[i][3]]);
+ if (t->type != kNone) chord_fatal_error("redefining chord", "m712");
+ t->type = kMin11;
+ t->rootMember = i;
+ }
+ // diminished eleventh
+ for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
+ st = di11[i];
+ t = &(quintads[st[0]][st[1]][st[2]][st[3]]);
+ if (t->type != kNone) chord_fatal_error("redefining chord", "di11");
+ t->type = kDim11;
+ t->rootMember = i;
+ }
+ // minor/major eleventh
+ for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
+ st = mM11[i];
+ t = &(quintads[st[0]][st[1]][st[2]][st[3]]);
+ if (t->type != kNone) chord_fatal_error("redefining chord", "mM11");
+ t->type = kMinMaj11;
+ t->rootMember = i;
+ }
+ // diminished major eleventh
+ for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
+ st = dM11[i];
+ t = &(quintads[st[0]][st[1]][st[2]][st[3]]);
+ if (t->type != kNone) chord_fatal_error("redefining chord", "dM11");
+ t->type = kDimMaj11;
+ t->rootMember = i;
+ }
+ // major eleventh flat fifth
+ for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
+ st = Meb5[i];
+ t = &(quintads[st[0]][st[1]][st[2]][st[3]]);
+ if (t->type != kNone) chord_fatal_error("redefining chord", "Meb5");
+ t->type = kMaj11b5;
+ t->rootMember = i;
+ }
+ // major eleventh sharp fifth
+ for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
+ st = Mes5[i];
+ t = &(quintads[st[0]][st[1]][st[2]][st[3]]);
+ if (t->type != kNone) chord_fatal_error("redefining chord", "Mes5");
+ t->type = kMaj11s5;
+ t->rootMember = i;
+ }
+ // major eleventh flat ninth
+ for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
+ st = Meb9[i];
+ t = &(quintads[st[0]][st[1]][st[2]][st[3]]);
+ if (t->type != kNone) chord_fatal_error("redefining chord", "Meb9");
+ t->type = kMaj11b9;
+ t->rootMember = i;
+ }
+ // major eleventh sharp ninth
+ for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
+ st = Mes9[i];
+ t = &(quintads[st[0]][st[1]][st[2]][st[3]]);
+ if (t->type != kNone) chord_fatal_error("redefining chord", "Mes9");
+ t->type = kMaj11s9;
+ t->rootMember = i;
+ }
+ // major eleventh sharp thirteenth
+ for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
+ st = Mes3[i];
+ t = &(quintads[st[0]][st[1]][st[2]][st[3]]);
+ if (t->type != kNone) chord_fatal_error("redefining chord", "Mes3");
+ t->type = kMaj11s13;
+ t->rootMember = i;
+ }
+ // dominant eleventh flat fifth
+ for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
+ st = Deb5[i];
+ t = &(quintads[st[0]][st[1]][st[2]][st[3]]);
+ if (t->type != kNone) chord_fatal_error("redefining chord", "Deb5");
+ t->type = kDom11b5;
+ t->rootMember = i;
+ }
+ // dominant eleventh flat ninth
+ for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
+ st = Deb9[i];
+ t = &(quintads[st[0]][st[1]][st[2]][st[3]]);
+ if (t->type != kNone) chord_fatal_error("redefining chord", "Deb9");
+ t->type = kDom11b9;
+ t->rootMember = i;
+ }
+ // dominant eleventh flat ninth
+ for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
+ st = De91[i];
+ t = &(quintads[st[0]][st[1]][st[2]][st[3]]);
+ if (t->type != kNone) chord_fatal_error("redefining chord", "De91");
+ t->type = kDom11b9;
+ t->rootMember = i;
+ }
+ // dominant eleventh sharp ninth
+ for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
+ st = Des9[i];
+ t = &(quintads[st[0]][st[1]][st[2]][st[3]]);
+ if (t->type != kNone) chord_fatal_error("redefining chord", "Des9");
+ t->type = kDom11s9;
+ t->rootMember = i;
+ }
+ // dominant seventh sharp eleventh
+ for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
+ st = Ds11[i];
+ t = &(quintads[st[0]][st[1]][st[2]][st[3]]);
+ if (t->type != kNone) chord_fatal_error("redefining chord", "Ds11");
+ t->type = kDom7s11;
+ t->rootMember = i;
+ }
+ // minor seventh sharp eleventh
+ for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
+ st = m7s1[i];
+ t = &(quintads[st[0]][st[1]][st[2]][st[3]]);
+ if (t->type != kNone) chord_fatal_error("redefining chord", "m7s1");
+ t->type = kMin7s11;
+ t->rootMember = i;
+ }
+ // dominant thirteenth sharp eleventh
+ for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
+ st = D3s1[i];
+ t = &(quintads[st[0]][st[1]][st[2]][st[3]]);
+ if (t->type != kNone) chord_fatal_error("redefining chord", "D3s1");
+ t->type = kDom13s11;
+ t->rootMember = i;
+ }
+ // major seventh flat ninth sharp thirteenth
+ for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
+ st = Mb9s[i];
+ t = &(quintads[st[0]][st[1]][st[2]][st[3]]);
+ if (t->type != kNone) chord_fatal_error("redefining chord", "Mb9s");
+ t->type = kM7b9s13;
+ t->rootMember = i;
+ }
+ // dominant seventh flat thirteenth
+ for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
+ st = D7b3[i];
+ t = &(quintads[st[0]][st[1]][st[2]][st[3]]);
+ if (t->type != kNone) chord_fatal_error("redefining chord", "D7b3");
+ t->type = kDom7b13;
+ t->rootMember = i;
+ }
+ initialized = 1;
+ return;
+ }
+ j = 0;
+ for (i=0; i<12; i++)
+ if (x->x_pc[i]) members[j++] = i; /* load members array with chord pitch classes */
+ interval1 = members[1] - members[0]; /* calculate interval between first two members */
+ interval2 = members[2] - members[0]; /* calculate interval between first and third */
+ interval3 = members[3] - members[0]; /* calculate interval between first and third */
+ interval4 = members[4] - members[0]; /* calculate interval between first and fourth */
+ interval4 = interval4 - interval3 - 1; /* reduce interval4 to start at zero */
+ interval3 = interval3 - interval2 - 1; /* reduce interval3 to start at zero */
+ interval2 = interval2 - interval1 - 1; /* reduce interval2 to start at zero */
+ interval1 = interval1 - 1; /* reduce interval1 to start at zero */
+ // find TypeRoot struct for this interval set
+ t = &(quintads[interval1][interval2][interval3][interval4]);
+ if (t->rootMember != kXX)
+ {
+ x->x_chord_type = t->type;
+ x->x_chord_root = members[t->rootMember];
+ switch(t->rootMember) { /* get state of inversion */
+ case 0:
+ x->x_chord_inversion = 0;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ x->x_chord_inversion = 2;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ x->x_chord_inversion = 2;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ x->x_chord_inversion = 2;
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ x->x_chord_inversion = 1;
+ }
+ chord_draw_chord_type(x, 5); /* output result */
+ } else
+ chord_kick_out_member(x, 5, members);
+static void chord_sextad(t_chord *x)
+ static int initialized = 0;
+ static t_type_root sextads[7][7][7][7][7];
+ register int i, j, k, l, m;
+ register t_type_root *t;
+ register int* st;
+ t_int members[6];
+ int interval1, interval2, interval3, interval4, interval5;
+ int D9b3[6][5] =
+ {{1,1,2,0,1}, {1,1,1,2,0}, {1,1,1,1,2}, {0,1,1,1,1}, {2,0,1,1,1}, {1,2,0,1,1}};
+ int m9s1[6][5] =
+ {{1,0,2,0,2}, {1,1,0,2,0}, {2,1,1,0,2}, {0,2,1,1,0}, {2,0,2,1,1}, {0,2,0,2,1}};
+ int M711[6][5] =
+ {{1,1,0,1,3}, {0,1,1,0,1}, {3,0,1,1,0}, {1,3,0,1,1}, {0,1,3,0,1}, {1,0,1,3,0}};
+ int D711[6][5] =
+ {{1,1,0,1,2}, {1,1,1,0,1}, {2,1,1,1,0}, {1,2,1,1,1}, {0,1,2,1,1}, {1,0,1,2,1}};
+ int hd11[6][5] =
+ {{1,0,1,0,3}, {1,1,0,1,0}, {3,1,1,0,1}, {0,3,1,1,0}, {1,0,3,1,1}, {0,1,0,3,1}};
+ int M1b5[6][5] =
+ {{1,1,0,0,4}, {0,1,1,0,0}, {4,0,1,1,0}, {0,4,0,1,1}, {0,0,4,0,1}, {1,0,0,4,0}};
+ int M159[6][5] =
+ {{0,2,0,0,4}, {0,0,2,0,0}, {4,0,0,2,0}, {0,4,0,0,2}, {0,0,4,0,0}, {2,0,0,4,0}};
+ int M1s3[6][5] =
+ {{1,1,0,4,0}, {0,1,1,0,4}, {0,0,1,1,0}, {4,0,0,1,1}, {0,4,0,0,1}, {1,0,4,0,0}};
+ int hd19[6][5] =
+ {{0,1,1,0,3}, {1,0,1,1,0}, {3,1,0,1,1}, {0,3,1,0,1}, {1,0,3,1,0}, {1,1,0,3,1}};
+ int M1b3[6][5] =
+ {{3,0,1,0,2}, {0,3,0,1,0}, {2,0,3,0,1}, {0,2,0,3,0}, {1,0,2,0,3}, {0,1,0,2,0}};
+ int D1b5[6][5] =
+ {{1,1,0,0,3}, {1,1,1,0,0}, {3,1,1,1,0}, {0,3,1,1,1}, {0,0,3,1,1}, {1,0,0,3,1}};
+ int D1s9[6][5] =
+ {{2,0,0,1,2}, {1,2,0,0,1}, {2,1,2,0,0}, {1,2,1,2,0}, {0,1,2,1,2}, {0,0,1,2,1}};
+ int m791[6][5] =
+ {{0,1,2,0,2}, {1,0,1,2,0}, {2,1,0,1,2}, {0,2,1,0,1}, {2,0,2,1,0}, {1,2,0,2,1}};
+ int d7s1[6][5] =
+ {{1,1,1,0,2}, {1,1,1,1,0}, {2,1,1,1,1}, {0,2,1,1,1}, {1,0,2,1,1}, {1,1,0,2,1}};
+ int d3s1[6][5] =
+ {{3,1,0,1,0}, {1,3,1,0,1}, {0,1,3,1,0}, {1,0,1,3,1}, {0,1,0,1,3}, {1,0,1,0,1}};
+ if (!initialized) {
+ for (i=0; i<7; i++)
+ for (j=0; j<7; j++)
+ for (k=0; k<7; k++)
+ for (l=0; l<7; l++)
+ for (m=0; m<7; m++) {
+ sextads[i][j][k][l][m].type = kNone;
+ sextads[i][j][k][l][m].rootMember = kXX;
+ }
+ // dominant ninth flat thirteen
+ for (i=0; i<6; i++) {
+ st = D9b3[i];
+ t = &(sextads[st[0]][st[1]][st[2]][st[3]][st[4]]);
+ if (t->type != kNone) chord_fatal_error("redefining chord", "D9b3");
+ t->type = kDom9b13;
+ t->rootMember = i;
+ }
+ // minor ninth sharp eleventh
+ for (i=0; i<6; i++) {
+ st = m9s1[i];
+ t = &(sextads[st[0]][st[1]][st[2]][st[3]][st[4]]);
+ if (t->type != kNone) chord_fatal_error("redefining chord", "m9s1");
+ t->type = kMin9s11;
+ t->rootMember = i;
+ }
+ // major eleventh
+ for (i=0; i<6; i++) {
+ st = M711[i];
+ t = &(sextads[st[0]][st[1]][st[2]][st[3]][st[4]]);
+ if (t->type != kNone) chord_fatal_error("redefining chord", "M711");
+ t->type = kMaj11;
+ t->rootMember = i;
+ }
+ // dominant eleventh
+ for (i=0; i<6; i++) {
+ st = D711[i];
+ t = &(sextads[st[0]][st[1]][st[2]][st[3]][st[4]]);
+ if (t->type != kNone) chord_fatal_error("redefining chord", "D711");
+ t->type = kDom11;
+ t->rootMember = i;
+ }
+ // half diminished eleventh
+ for (i=0; i<6; i++) {
+ st = hd11[i];
+ t = &(sextads[st[0]][st[1]][st[2]][st[3]][st[4]]);
+ if (t->type != kNone) chord_fatal_error("redefining chord", "hd11");
+ t->type = kHalfDim11;
+ t->rootMember = i;
+ }
+ // major eleventh flat 5
+ for (i=0; i<6; i++) {
+ st = M1b5[i];
+ t = &(sextads[st[0]][st[1]][st[2]][st[3]][st[4]]);
+ if (t->type != kNone) chord_fatal_error("redefining chord", "M1b5");
+ t->type = kMaj11b5;
+ t->rootMember = i;
+ }
+ // major eleventh flat 5 flat 9
+ for (i=0; i<6; i++) {
+ st = M159[i];
+ t = &(sextads[st[0]][st[1]][st[2]][st[3]][st[4]]);
+ if (t->type != kNone) chord_fatal_error("redefining chord", "M159");
+ t->type = kM11b5b9;
+ t->rootMember = i;
+ }
+ // major eleventh sharp 13
+ for (i=0; i<6; i++) {
+ st = M1s3[i];
+ t = &(sextads[st[0]][st[1]][st[2]][st[3]][st[4]]);
+ if (t->type != kNone) chord_fatal_error("redefining chord", "M1s3");
+ t->type = kMaj11s13;
+ t->rootMember = i;
+ }
+ // half diminished eleventh flat 9
+ for (i=0; i<6; i++) {
+ st = hd19[i];
+ t = &(sextads[st[0]][st[1]][st[2]][st[3]][st[4]]);
+ if (t->type != kNone) chord_fatal_error("redefining chord", "hd19");
+ t->type = kHalfDim11b9;
+ t->rootMember = i;
+ }
+ // major eleventh flat 13
+ for (i=0; i<6; i++) {
+ st = M1b3[i];
+ t = &(sextads[st[0]][st[1]][st[2]][st[3]][st[4]]);
+ if (t->type != kNone) chord_fatal_error("redefining chord", "M1b3");
+ t->type = kMaj11b13;
+ t->rootMember = i;
+ }
+ // dominant eleventh flat five
+ for (i=0; i<6; i++) {
+ st = D1b5[i];
+ t = &(sextads[st[0]][st[1]][st[2]][st[3]][st[4]]);
+ if (t->type != kNone) chord_fatal_error("redefining chord", "D1b5");
+ t->type = kDom11b5;
+ t->rootMember = i;
+ }
+ // dominant eleventh sharp nine
+ for (i=0; i<6; i++) {
+ st = D1s9[i];
+ t = &(sextads[st[0]][st[1]][st[2]][st[3]][st[4]]);
+ if (t->type != kNone) chord_fatal_error("redefining chord", "D1s9");
+ t->type = kDom11s9;
+ t->rootMember = i;
+ }
+ // minor seventh flat 9 sharp 11
+ for (i=0; i<6; i++) {
+ st = m791[i];
+ t = &(sextads[st[0]][st[1]][st[2]][st[3]][st[4]]);
+ if (t->type != kNone) chord_fatal_error("redefining chord", "m791");
+ t->type = kMinb9s11;
+ t->rootMember = i;
+ }
+ // dominant seventh sharp 11
+ for (i=0; i<6; i++) {
+ st = d7s1[i];
+ t = &(sextads[st[0]][st[1]][st[2]][st[3]][st[4]]);
+ if (t->type != kNone) chord_fatal_error("redefining chord", "d7s1");
+ t->type = kDom7s11;
+ t->rootMember = i;
+ }
+ // dominant thirteenth sharp 11
+ for (i=0; i<6; i++) {
+ st = d3s1[i];
+ t = &(sextads[st[0]][st[1]][st[2]][st[3]][st[4]]);
+ if (t->type != kNone) chord_fatal_error("redefining chord", "d3s1");
+ t->type = kDom13s11;
+ t->rootMember = i;
+ }
+ initialized = 1;
+ return;
+ }
+ j = 0;
+ for (i=0; i<12; i++)
+ if (x->x_pc[i]) members[j++] = i; // load members array with chord pitch classes
+ interval1 = members[1] - members[0]; // calculate interval between first two members
+ interval2 = members[2] - members[0]; // calculate interval between first and third
+ interval3 = members[3] - members[0]; // calculate interval between first and third
+ interval4 = members[4] - members[0]; // calculate interval between first and fourth
+ interval5 = members[5] - members[0]; // calculate interval between first and fifth
+ interval5 = interval5 - interval4 - 1; // reduce interval5 to start at zero
+ interval4 = interval4 - interval3 - 1; // reduce interval4 to start at zero
+ interval3 = interval3 - interval2 - 1; // reduce interval3 to start at zero
+ interval2 = interval2 - interval1 - 1; // reduce interval2 to start at zero
+ interval1 = interval1 - 1; // reduce interval1 to start at zero
+ // find TypeRoot struct for this interval set
+ t = &(sextads[interval1][interval2][interval3][interval4][interval5]);
+ if (t->rootMember != kXX) {
+ x->x_chord_type = t->type;
+ x->x_chord_root = members[t->rootMember];
+ switch(t->rootMember) { /* get state of inversion */
+ case 0:
+ x->x_chord_inversion = 0;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ x->x_chord_inversion = 2;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ x->x_chord_inversion = 2;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ x->x_chord_inversion = 2;
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ x->x_chord_inversion = 2;
+ break;
+ case 5: x->x_chord_inversion = 1;
+ }
+ chord_draw_chord_type(x, 6); // output onto the screen
+ } else
+ chord_kick_out_member(x, 6, members);
+static int chord_accidental(t_int pc)
+ switch (pc) {
+ case 0:
+ case 2:
+ case 4:
+ case 5:
+ case 7:
+ case 9:
+ case 11: return 0;
+ case 1:
+ case 3:
+ case 6:
+ case 8:
+ case 10:
+ default: return 1;
+ }
+static int chord_name_third(t_chord *x, char* chord, int c, int rootName)
+ int third = (x->x_chord_root+4)%12; // look for major third
+ if (x->x_pc[third]) { // if one is there
+ x->x_pc[third] = 0; // erase from pcs array
+ chord[c++] = name_class[(rootName+2)%7];
+ if (chord_accidental(third)) { // if it has an chord_accidental
+ // make it a flat if the root also has an chord_accidental
+ if (chord_accidental(x->x_chord_root))
+ chord[c++] = 'b';
+ // otherwise make it a sharp
+ else
+ chord[c++] = '#';
+ }
+ chord[c++] = ' ';
+ return c; // return if major third found
+ }
+ third = (x->x_chord_root+3)%12; // no major, look for minor third
+ if (x->x_pc[third]) { // if one is there
+ x->x_pc[third] = 0; // erase from pcs array
+ chord[c++] = name_class[(rootName+2)%7];
+ if (chord_accidental(third)) // if it has an chord_accidental
+ chord[c++] = 'b'; else // make it a flat
+ if (chord_accidental(x->x_chord_root)) { // if the root has an chord_accidental
+ chord[c++] = 'b'; // make the third a flat
+ if (chord[0] == 'G') // if the root is Gb
+ chord[c++] = 'b'; // this must be Bbb
+ }
+ chord[c++] = ' ';
+ return c;
+ }
+ return c; // if we get here there was no third
+static int chord_name_fifth(t_chord *x, char* chord, int c, int rootName)
+ int fifth = (x->x_chord_root+7)%12;
+ if (x->x_pc[fifth]) {
+ x->x_pc[fifth] = 0;
+ chord[c++] = name_class[(rootName+4)%7];
+ if (chord_accidental(fifth)) {
+ if (chord_accidental(x->x_chord_root)) chord[c++] = 'b';
+ else chord[c++] = '#';
+ }
+ chord[c++] = ' ';
+ return c;
+ }
+ fifth = (x->x_chord_root+6)%12;
+ if (x->x_pc[fifth]) {
+ x->x_pc[fifth] = 0;
+ chord[c++] = name_class[(rootName+4)%7];
+ if (chord[0] != 'B') chord[c++] = 'b';
+ if (chord_accidental(x->x_chord_root)) chord[c++] = 'b';
+ chord[c++] = ' ';
+ return c;
+ }
+ fifth = (x->x_chord_root+8)%12;
+ if (x->x_pc[fifth]) {
+ x->x_pc[fifth] = 0;
+ chord[c++] = name_class[(rootName+4)%7];
+ if (chord_accidental(fifth)) chord[c++] = '#'; else
+ if (!chord_accidental(x->x_chord_root)) {
+ chord[c++] = '#';
+ if (chord[0] == 'B')
+ chord[c++] = '#';
+ }
+ chord[c++] = ' ';
+ return c;
+ }
+ return c;
+static int chord_name_seventh(t_chord *x, char* chord, int c, int rootName)
+ int seventh = (x->x_chord_root+11)%12;
+ if (x->x_pc[seventh]) {
+ x->x_pc[seventh] = 0;
+ chord[c++] = name_class[(rootName+6)%7];
+ if (chord_accidental(seventh)) chord[c++] = '#';
+ chord[c++] = ' ';
+ return c;
+ }
+ seventh = (x->x_chord_root+10)%12;
+ if (x->x_pc[seventh]) {
+ x->x_pc[seventh] = 0;
+ chord[c++] = name_class[(rootName+6)%7];
+ if (chord_accidental(seventh) || chord_accidental(x->x_chord_root))
+ chord[c++] = 'b';
+ chord[c++] = ' ';
+ return c;
+ }
+ seventh = (x->x_chord_root+9)%12;
+ if (x->x_pc[seventh]) {
+ x->x_pc[seventh] = 0;
+ chord[c++] = name_class[(rootName+6)%7];
+ chord[c++] = 'b';
+ if (chord_accidental(x->x_chord_root)) chord[c++] = 'b'; else
+ if (chord_accidental((seventh+1)%12)) chord[c++] = 'b';
+ chord[c++] = ' ';
+ return c;
+ }
+ return c;
+static int chord_name_ninth(t_chord *x, char* chord, int c, int rootName)
+ int ninth = (x->x_chord_root+2)%12;
+ if (x->x_pc[ninth]) {
+ x->x_pc[ninth] = 0;
+ chord[c++] = name_class[(rootName+1)%7];
+ if (chord_accidental(ninth)) {
+ if (chord_accidental(x->x_chord_root)) chord[c++] = 'b';
+ else chord[c++] = '#';
+ }
+ chord[c++] = ' ';
+ return c;
+ }
+ ninth = (x->x_chord_root+1)%12;
+ if (x->x_pc[ninth]) {
+ x->x_pc[ninth] = 0;
+ chord[c++] = name_class[(rootName+1)%7];
+ if (chord_accidental(ninth)) chord[c++] = 'b';
+ else {
+ if (chord_accidental(x->x_chord_root)) {
+ chord[c++] = 'b';
+ if ((x->x_chord_root == 1) || (x->x_chord_root == 6) || (x->x_chord_root == 8))
+ chord[c++] = 'b';
+ }
+ }
+ chord[c++] = ' ';
+ return c;
+ }
+ ninth = (x->x_chord_root+3)%12;
+ if (x->x_pc[ninth]) {
+ x->x_pc[ninth] = 0;
+ chord[c++] = name_class[(rootName+1)%7];
+ if (chord_accidental(ninth)) chord[c++] = '#'; else
+ if (!chord_accidental(x->x_chord_root)) {
+ chord[c++] = '#';
+ if (chord_accidental((x->x_chord_root+2)%12))
+ chord[c++] = '#';
+ }
+ chord[c++] = ' ';
+ return c;
+ }
+ return c;
+static int chord_name_eleventh(t_chord *x, char* chord, int c, int rootName)
+ int eleventh = (x->x_chord_root+5)%12;
+ if (x->x_pc[eleventh]) {
+ x->x_pc[eleventh] = 0;
+ chord[c++] = name_class[(rootName+3)%7];
+ if (chord_accidental(eleventh)) chord[c++] = 'b'; else
+ if (chord_accidental(x->x_chord_root)) chord[c++] = 'b';
+ chord[c++] = ' ';
+ return c;
+ }
+ eleventh = (x->x_chord_root+6)%12;
+ if (x->x_pc[eleventh]) {
+ x->x_pc[eleventh] = 0;
+ chord[c++] = name_class[(rootName+3)%7];
+ if (chord_accidental(eleventh)) chord[c++] = '#'; else
+ if ((!chord_accidental(x->x_chord_root)) && (x->x_chord_root == 11))
+ chord[c++] = '#';
+ chord[c++] = ' ';
+ return c;
+ }
+ return c;
+static int chord_name_thirteenth(t_chord *x, char* chord, int c, int rootName)
+ int thirteenth = (x->x_chord_root+9)%12;
+ if (x->x_pc[thirteenth]) {
+ x->x_pc[thirteenth] = 0;
+ chord[c++] = name_class[(rootName+5)%7];
+ if (chord_accidental(thirteenth)) {
+ if (chord_accidental(x->x_chord_root))
+ chord[c++] = 'b';
+ else
+ chord[c++] = '#';
+ }
+ chord[c++] = ' ';
+ return c;
+ }
+ thirteenth = (x->x_chord_root+10)%12;
+ if (x->x_pc[thirteenth]) {
+ x->x_pc[thirteenth] = 0;
+ chord[c++] = name_class[(rootName+5)%7];
+ if (chord_accidental(thirteenth)) chord[c++] = '#'; else
+ if (!chord_accidental(x->x_chord_root)) {
+ chord[c++] = '#';
+ if (chord_accidental((x->x_chord_root+9)%12))
+ chord[c++] = '#';
+ }
+ chord[c++] = ' ';
+ return c;
+ }
+ thirteenth = (x->x_chord_root+8)%12;
+ if (x->x_pc[thirteenth]) {
+ x->x_pc[thirteenth] = 0;
+ chord[c++] = name_class[(rootName+5)%7];
+ if (chord_accidental(thirteenth)) chord[c++] = 'b'; else
+ if (chord_accidental(x->x_chord_root)) {
+ chord[c++] = 'b';
+ if (chord_accidental(x->x_chord_root+9)%12)
+ chord[c++] = 'b';
+ }
+ chord[c++] = ' ';
+ return c;
+ }
+ return c;
+static void chord_spell_chord(t_chord *x, char *chord, t_int num_pcs)
+ int rootName = 0; // keep index of root name class
+ int c = 0; // pointer to current character
+ int named = 0; // how many members have been named
+ int mark;
+ int i;
+ // use chordRoot to set rootName index and store characters for name
+ switch (x->x_chord_root)
+ {
+ case 0: chord[c++] = name_class[rootName=0]; break;
+ case 1: chord[c++] = name_class[rootName=1];
+ chord[c++] = 'b'; break;
+ case 2: chord[c++] = name_class[rootName=1]; break;
+ case 3: chord[c++] = name_class[rootName=2];
+ chord[c++] = 'b'; break;
+ case 4: chord[c++] = name_class[rootName=2]; break;
+ case 5: chord[c++] = name_class[rootName=3]; break;
+ case 6: chord[c++] = name_class[rootName=4];
+ chord[c++] = 'b'; break;
+ case 7: chord[c++] = name_class[rootName=4]; break;
+ case 8: chord[c++] = name_class[rootName=5];
+ chord[c++] = 'b'; break;
+ case 9: chord[c++] = name_class[rootName=5]; break;
+ case 10: chord[c++] = name_class[rootName=6];
+ chord[c++] = 'b'; break;
+ case 11: chord[c++] = name_class[rootName=6]; break;
+ default: break;
+ }
+ x->x_pc[x->x_chord_root] = 0; /* set this member to zero */
+ chord[c++] = ' '; // insert space
+ if (++named == num_pcs) { // if everything is named
+ chord[c] = '\0'; // terminate the string
+ return; // and return
+ }
+ mark = c; // use mark to see if new names are added
+ for (i=0; i<6; i++) {
+ // advance search by thirds
+ switch (i) {
+ case 0: mark = chord_name_third (x, chord, c, rootName); break;
+ case 1: mark = chord_name_fifth (x, chord, c, rootName); break;
+ case 2: mark = chord_name_seventh (x, chord, c, rootName); break;
+ case 3: mark = chord_name_ninth (x, chord, c, rootName); break;
+ case 4: mark = chord_name_eleventh (x, chord, c, rootName); break;
+ case 5: mark = chord_name_thirteenth(x, chord, c, rootName); break;
+ }
+ if (mark != c) { // if new name is added
+ ++named; // increment count of named members
+ c = mark; // update character pointer
+ }
+ if (named == num_pcs) { // if everything is named
+ chord[c] = '\0'; // terminate the string
+ return; // and return
+ }
+ }
+ chord[c] = '\0';
+static void chord_draw_chord_type(t_chord *x, t_int num_pcs)
+ char chord[255]; /* output string */
+ int i, j;
+ /* get members of chord */
+ j = 0;
+ for(i = 0; i < 12; i++)
+ {
+ if(x->x_pc[i])
+ {
+ SETFLOAT(x->x_chordlist+j, x->x_abs_pc[i]);
+ j++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (x->x_chord_type != kNone)
+ {
+ chord_spell_chord(x, chord, num_pcs); /* spell chord members */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ post("going...");
+ chord[0] = '\0';
+ for(i = 0; i < 12; i++)
+ if (x->x_pc[i])
+ strcat(chord, pitch_class[i]); /* output single notes */
+ post("did it");
+ }
+ strcat(chord, ": ");
+ strcat(chord, pitch_class[x->x_chord_root]);
+ /* append name of chord type */
+ switch (x->x_chord_type) {
+ case kUnison: strcat(chord, "unison"); break;
+ case kMaj: strcat(chord, "major"); break;
+ case kMin: strcat(chord, "minor"); break;
+ case kDim: strcat(chord, "diminished"); break;
+ case kAug: strcat(chord, "augmented"); break;
+ case kMaj7: strcat(chord, "major 7th"); break;
+ case kDom7: strcat(chord, "dominant 7th"); break;
+ case kMin7: strcat(chord, "minor 7th"); break;
+ case kHalfDim7: strcat(chord, "half diminished 7th"); break;
+ case kDim7: strcat(chord, "diminished 7th"); break;
+ case kMinMaj7: strcat(chord, "minor/major 7th"); break;
+ case kMaj7s5: strcat(chord, "major 7th #5"); break;
+ case kMaj7b5: strcat(chord, "major 7th b5"); break;
+ case kDom7s5: strcat(chord, "dominant 7th #5"); break;
+ case kDom7b5: strcat(chord, "dominant 7th b5"); break;
+ case kDomb9: strcat(chord, "dominant b9"); break;
+ case kMaj9: strcat(chord, "major 9th"); break;
+ case kDom9: strcat(chord, "dominant 9th"); break;
+ case kMin9: strcat(chord, "minor 9th"); break;
+ case kHalfDim9: strcat(chord, "half diminished 9th"); break;
+ case kMinMaj9: strcat(chord, "minor major 9th"); break;
+ case kDimMaj9: strcat(chord, "diminished major 9th");break;
+ case kMaj9b5: strcat(chord, "major 9th b5"); break;
+ case kDom9b5: strcat(chord, "dominant 9th b5"); break;
+ case kDom9b13: strcat(chord, "dominant 9th b13"); break;
+ case kMin9s11: strcat(chord, "minor 9th #11"); break;
+ case kmM9b11: strcat(chord, "minor/maj 9th b11"); break;
+ case kMaj7b9: strcat(chord, "major 7th b9"); break;
+ case kMaj7s5b9: strcat(chord, "major 7th #5 b9"); break;
+ case kDom7b9: strcat(chord, "dominant 7th b9"); break;
+ case kMin7b9: strcat(chord, "minor 7th b9"); break;
+ case kMinb9s11: strcat(chord, "minor b9 #11"); break;
+ case kHalfDimb9:strcat(chord, "half diminished b9"); break;
+ case kDim7b9: strcat(chord, "diminished b9"); break;
+ case kMinMajb9: strcat(chord, "minor/major b9"); break;
+ case kDimMajb9: strcat(chord, "diminished M7 b9"); break;
+ case kMaj7s9: strcat(chord, "major 7th #9"); break;
+ case kDom7s9: strcat(chord, "dominant #9"); break;
+ case kMaj7s11: strcat(chord, "major 7th #11"); break;
+ case kMaj9s13: strcat(chord, "major 9th #13"); break;
+ case kMs9s11: strcat(chord, "major #9 #11"); break;
+ case kHDimb11: strcat(chord, "half diminished b11"); break;
+ case kMaj11: strcat(chord, "major 11th"); break;
+ case kDom11: strcat(chord, "dominant 11th"); break;
+ case kMin11: strcat(chord, "minor 11th"); break;
+ case kHalfDim11:strcat(chord, "half diminished 11th");break;
+ case kDim11: strcat(chord, "diminished 11th"); break;
+ case kMinMaj11: strcat(chord, "minor/major 11th"); break;
+ case kDimMaj11: strcat(chord, "diminished maj 11th"); break;
+ case kMaj11b5: strcat(chord, "major 11th b5"); break;
+ case kMaj11s5: strcat(chord, "major 11th #5"); break;
+ case kMaj11b9: strcat(chord, "major 11th b9"); break;
+ case kMaj11s9: strcat(chord, "major 11th #9"); break;
+ case kMaj11b13: strcat(chord, "major 11th b13"); break;
+ case kMaj11s13: strcat(chord, "major 11th #13"); break;
+ case kM11b5b9: strcat(chord, "major 11th b5 b9"); break;
+ case kDom11b5: strcat(chord, "dominant 11th b5"); break;
+ case kDom11b9: strcat(chord, "dominant 11th b9"); break;
+ case kDom11s9: strcat(chord, "dominant 11th #9"); break;
+ case kHalfDim11b9:strcat(chord, "half dim 11th b9"); break;
+ case kDom7s11: strcat(chord, "dominant #11"); break;
+ case kMin7s11: strcat(chord, "minor 7th #11"); break;
+ case kDom13s11: strcat(chord, "dominant 13th #11"); break;
+ case kM7b913: strcat(chord, "major 7 b9 13"); break;
+ case kMaj7s13: strcat(chord, "major 7th #13"); break;
+ case kM7b9s13: strcat(chord, "major 7 b9 #13"); break;
+ case kDom7b13: strcat(chord, "dominant 7th b13"); break;
+ case kChrom: strcat(chord, "chromatic"); break;
+ case kNone:
+ default: strcat(chord, "unknown"); break;
+ }
+ x->x_chord_bass = x->x_abs_pc[x->x_chord_root]; /* get MIDI note number of bass */
+ /* output results */
+ outlet_list(x->x_outchordnotes, NULL, j, x->x_chordlist);
+ outlet_float(x->x_outchordinversion, x->x_chord_inversion);
+ outlet_symbol(x->x_outchordname, gensym(chord));
+ outlet_float(x->x_outchordclass, x->x_chord_root);
+ outlet_float(x->x_outchordval, x->x_chord_bass);
+static void chord_kick_out_member(t_chord *x, t_int number, t_int *members)
+ int *distances;
+ int minDistance = 1000;
+ int badMember = 0;
+ int i, j, interval;
+ distances = getbytes(number*sizeof(int));
+ for (i=0; i<number; i++) {
+ // initialize total distance to zero
+ distances[i] = 0;
+ for (j=0; j<number; j++)
+ if (j != i) {
+ // get absolute value of interval size
+ interval = abs(members[i] - members[j]);
+ // make inversions of intervals equivalent
+ if (interval > 6) interval = 12 - interval;
+ // add absolute interval size to total
+ distances[i] += interval;
+ }
+ // if this is the smallest total distance
+ if (distances[i] < minDistance) {
+ // remember it
+ minDistance = distances[i];
+ badMember = i;
+ }
+ }
+ freebytes(distances, number * sizeof(int));
+ x->x_pc[members[badMember]] = 0; // cancel out most dissonant member
+ chord_chord_finder(x, number-1); // call chord finder again without it
+ x->x_pc[members[badMember]] = 1; // replace most dissonant member
+static void chord_chord_finder(t_chord *x, t_int num_pcs)
+ int i;
+ x->x_chord_type = kNone;
+ x->x_chord_root = kXX; /* none */
+ switch (num_pcs) {
+ case 1: chord_unison(x); break;
+ case 2: chord_dyad(x); break;
+ case 3: chord_triad(x); break;
+ case 4: chord_quartad(x); break;
+ case 5: chord_quintad(x); break;
+ case 6: chord_sextad(x); break;
+ default: x->x_chord_type = kChrom;
+ for(i = 0; i < 12; i++) // 12 was num_pcs !?
+ {
+ if(x->x_pc[i])
+ {
+ x->x_chord_root = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static void chord_float(t_chord *x, t_floatarg f)
+ t_int velo = x->x_velo;
+ t_int allloc = 0;
+ t_int num_pc = 0; /* number of pitch classes present */
+ int i, j, k, l;
+ x->x_pitch = (t_int)f;
+ if(x->x_pitch <= x->x_split)
+ {
+ /* first we need to put the note into the allocation table */
+ if(velo == 0) /* got note-off: remove from allocation table */
+ {
+ if(x->x_poly > 0)x->x_poly--; /* polyphony has decreased by one */
+ for(i = 0; i < MAX_POLY; i++) /* search for voice allocation number */
+ {
+ /* search for corresponding alloc number */
+ if(x->x_alloctable[i] == x->x_pitch)
+ {
+ x->x_alloctable[i] = -1; /* free the alloc number */
+ break;
+ }
+ /* couldn't find it ? */
+ if(i == MAX_POLY - 1)
+ {
+ post("chord: no corresponding note-on found (ignored)");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ return; /* no need to look for chord */
+ }
+ else /* we got a note-on message */
+ {
+ if(x->x_poly == MAX_POLY)
+ {
+ post("chord: too many note-on messages (ignored)");
+ return;
+ }
+ x->x_poly++; /* number of currently playing notes has increased */
+ /* assign a voice allocation number */
+ for(i = 0; i < MAX_POLY; i++)
+ {
+ /* search for free alloc number */
+ if(x->x_alloctable[i] == -1)
+ {
+ x->x_alloctable[i] = x->x_pitch; /* ... and store pitch */
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* copy all notes into the pitch class array */
+ for(i = 0; i < 12; i++)
+ {
+ x->x_pc[i] = 0; /* empty pitch class */
+ x->x_abs_pc[i] = -1; /* empty absolute values */
+ }
+ for(i = 0; i < MAX_POLY; i++)
+ {
+ /* check for presence of pitch class */
+ if(x->x_alloctable[i] != -1)
+ {
+ if(!x->x_pc[x->x_alloctable[i]%12]) /* a new pitch class */
+ {
+ x->x_abs_pc[x->x_alloctable[i]%12] = x->x_alloctable[i];
+ }
+ else if(x->x_abs_pc[x->x_alloctable[i]%12] > x->x_alloctable[i]) /* remember lowest pitch */
+ {
+ x->x_abs_pc[x->x_alloctable[i]%12] = x->x_alloctable[i];
+ }
+ x->x_pc[x->x_alloctable[i]%12] = 1; /* indicate presence of pc */
+ }
+ }
+ /* count number of pitch classes */
+ for(i = 0; i < 12; i++)
+ {
+ num_pc += x->x_pc[i];
+ }
+ // post("%d pitch classes", num_pc);
+ }
+ }
+ chord_chord_finder(x, num_pc);
+static void chord_ft1(t_chord *x, t_floatarg f)
+ x->x_velo = (t_int)f;
+static t_class *chord_class;
+static void *chord_new(t_floatarg f)
+ int i;
+ t_chord *x = (t_chord *)pd_new(chord_class);
+ inlet_new(&x->x_ob, &x->x_ob.ob_pd, gensym("float"), gensym("ft1"));
+ x->x_outchordval = outlet_new(&x->x_ob, gensym("float"));
+ x->x_outchordclass = outlet_new(&x->x_ob, gensym("float"));
+ x->x_outchordname = outlet_new(&x->x_ob, gensym("symbol"));
+ x->x_outchordinversion = outlet_new(&x->x_ob, gensym("float"));
+ x->x_outchordnotes = outlet_new(&x->x_ob, gensym("float"));
+ x->x_split = (t_int)f;
+ if(x->x_split == 0)x->x_split = 128;
+ for(i = 0; i < MAX_POLY; i++)x->x_alloctable[i] = -1;
+ return (void *)x;
+#ifndef MAXLIB
+void chord_setup(void)
+ chord_class = class_new(gensym("chord"), (t_newmethod)chord_new,
+ 0, sizeof(t_chord), 0, A_DEFFLOAT, 0);
+void maxlib_chord_setup(void)
+ chord_class = class_new(gensym("maxlib_chord"), (t_newmethod)chord_new,
+ 0, sizeof(t_chord), 0, A_DEFFLOAT, 0);
+ class_addfloat(chord_class, chord_float);
+ class_addmethod(chord_class, (t_method)chord_ft1, gensym("ft1"), A_FLOAT, 0);
+#ifndef MAXLIB
+ post(version);
+ class_addcreator((t_newmethod)chord_new, gensym("chord"), A_DEFFLOAT, 0);
+ class_sethelpsymbol(chord_class, gensym("maxlib/chord-help.pd"));