/* --------------------------- beat ------------------------------------------ */ /* */ /* Detect the beats per minute of a MIDI stream. */ /* Written by Olaf Matthes (olaf.matthes@gmx.de) */ /* Based on code written by Robert Rowe. */ /* Get source at http://www.akustische-kunst.org/puredata/maxlib/ */ /* */ /* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or */ /* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License */ /* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 */ /* of the License, or (at your option) any later version. */ /* */ /* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */ /* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */ /* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the */ /* GNU General Public License for more details. */ /* */ /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */ /* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */ /* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /* */ /* Based on PureData by Miller Puckette and others. */ /* */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "m_pd.h" #include #include #include #define BEAT_LONG 1500 /* longest time we take into concideration (40 bpm) */ #define BEAT_SHORT 300 /* shortest time we take into concideration (200 bpm) */ static char *version = "beat v0.1, written by Olaf Matthes "; typedef struct { t_int points; /* number of points assigned to this theory */ double expect; /* time of next expected hit */ t_int onbeat; /* whether (1) or not (0) it was on the beat */ } beat_theory; typedef struct /* used for sorting theories */ { t_int points; t_int theory; } beat_sort_record; typedef struct beat { t_object x_ob; t_clock *x_clock; t_outlet *x_outbpm; /* beat as MIDI note number */ t_outlet *x_outms; /* beat in milliseconds */ t_outlet *x_outbeat; /* send a bang whenever beat is 'on beat' */ t_int x_print; /* switch printing to console window on / off */ t_int x_num_beats; /* number of beats we've received */ double x_beat_period; /* time in ms until next expected beat / beat pulse */ beat_theory x_beats[BEAT_LONG]; double x_beatexpect; /* expected time for next beat */ t_int x_on_beat; /* indicate if last event was on beat */ t_int x_band_percent; t_int x_pitch; t_int x_velo; /* helpers needed to do the time calculations */ double x_this_input; double x_last_input; double x_lasttime; double x_lastlasttime; } t_beat; /* ---------------- mathematical functions to work with doubles -------------- */ static double double_abs(double value) { if(value < 0) return (value * -1); else return (value); } /* --------------- beat stuff ------------------------------------------------ */ /* evaluate results: find theory that is the most likely one and print out internal data to console window if print is enabled */ static int beat_evaluate(t_beat *x) { int i, j, K; char string[256]; char info[40]; beat_sort_record theories[BEAT_LONG], *sortp, R; int value; /* the result of the sorting */ for (i = 0; i < BEAT_LONG; i++) { /* prepare sort records */ sortp = &(theories[i]); sortp->points = x->x_beats[i].points; sortp->theory = i; } for (j = 2; j < BEAT_LONG; j++) { /* sort */ i = j - 1; K = theories[j].points; R = theories[j]; while (i > 0) { if (K >= theories[i].points) { theories[i+1] = R; break; } else { theories[i+1] = theories[i]; i -= 1; } } if (i==0) theories[i+1] = R; } /* get leading result */ sortp = &(theories[BEAT_LONG - 1]); value = sortp->theory; /* get our resulting theory */ if(x->x_print) { post(" 0 1 2 3 4 R E"); *string = '\0'; /* print out five leading theories */ sprintf(info, "%4g", x->x_this_input); strcat(string, info); for(i = 1; i < 6; i++) { sortp = &(theories[BEAT_LONG - i]); sprintf(info, " %4d[%3d]", sortp->theory, sortp->points); strcat(string, info); } sprintf(info, " %g %g", clock_getlogicaltime(), x->x_beatexpect); strcat(string, info); post(string); } return value; } /* reduce duration to fit into our processing window */ /* some sort of 'double modulo'... */ static double beat_reduce_offset(double duration) { double temp = duration; int divisor = 2; /* first try dividing by two */ while (temp > BEAT_LONG) /* while duration is too long */ temp = duration / divisor++; /* divide by progressively higher divisors */ return temp; /* return a value in bounds */ } /* * beat_eligible: determine whether an event is eligible for consideration * as a beat theory */ static int beat_eligible(double candidate, int* offsets, int num_offsets) { double diff; int i; if (candidate >= BEAT_LONG) /* if too long try subharmonics */ candidate = beat_reduce_offset(candidate); /* if candidate is close to one already found */ for(i = 0; i < num_offsets; i++) { diff = double_abs((candidate - offsets[i])); if (diff < offsets[i]/20) { if (candidate > offsets[i]) ++offsets[i]; else /* pull existing one */ if (candidate < offsets[i]) /* toward new candidate */ --offsets[i]; return 0; /* declare candidate ineligible */ } } return candidate; /* otherwise return legal candidate */ } static void beat_float(t_beat *x, t_floatarg f) { t_int velo = x->x_velo; int i, j, indx; int num_offsets, candidate; int low_limit, high_limit, width, deviation; int points, band, center_offset, period; beat_theory* t; int offsets[7]; static int factors[10] = { 200, 50, 300, 150, 66, 400, 600, 133, 33, 75 }; double now = clock_getlogicaltime(); t_float outvalue; x->x_pitch = (t_int)f; x->x_this_input = clock_gettimesince(x->x_last_input); if(velo != 0) /* note-on received */ { if(++x->x_num_beats == 1) { goto time; /* only one event, no beats yet */ } num_offsets = 0; candidate = beat_eligible(x->x_this_input, offsets, num_offsets); if(candidate) offsets[num_offsets++] = candidate; /* offset[0] set to incoming offset */ if(x->x_num_beats > 2) { /* if three events */ /* check previous for eligibility */ candidate = beat_eligible(x->x_lasttime, offsets, num_offsets); if (candidate) offsets[num_offsets++] = candidate; candidate = x->x_this_input + x->x_lasttime; /* add current and previous offsets */ candidate = beat_eligible(candidate, offsets, num_offsets); if (candidate) /* add to list if eligible */ offsets[num_offsets++] = candidate; } if(x->x_num_beats > 3) { candidate = beat_eligible(x->x_lastlasttime, offsets, num_offsets); if (candidate) offsets[num_offsets++] = candidate; candidate += x->x_lasttime; candidate = beat_eligible(candidate, offsets, num_offsets); if (candidate) offsets[num_offsets++] = candidate; } indx = 0; for(i = num_offsets; i < 7; i++) { offsets[i] = 0; if (indx >= 10) break; candidate = 0; while ((indx < 10) && (!candidate)) candidate = beat_eligible((x->x_this_input * factors[indx++])/100, offsets, num_offsets); if (candidate) offsets[num_offsets++] = candidate; } for(i = 0; i < num_offsets; i++) { band = offsets[i] * x->x_band_percent / 100; if ((low_limit = offsets[i] - band) < 0) /* add points in a critical band */ low_limit = 0; /* around calculated offset */ if ((high_limit = offsets[i] + band) > BEAT_LONG) high_limit = BEAT_LONG; center_offset = offsets[i]; /* midpoint of increment */ points = 0; for (j = low_limit; j < high_limit; j++) { if ((points = x->x_beats[j].points) > 0) { /* if there is already activation */ deviation = j - center_offset; /* record deviation from midpoint */ x->x_beats[j].points = 0; if (deviation < 0) { /* if there is activation below midpoint */ t = &(x->x_beats[j+1]); /* take theory one above prior */ } else if (deviation > 0) { /* if there is activation above midpoint */ t = &(x->x_beats[j-1]); /* take theory one below prior */ } else t = &(x->x_beats[j]); /* landed right on it */ t->points = points + (num_offsets-i); break; } } if (!points) x->x_beats[center_offset].points = num_offsets - i; } /* boost hits, and suppress theories with missed beats */ period = 0; points = 0; for (i = BEAT_SHORT; i < BEAT_LONG; i++) { t = &(x->x_beats[i]); width = 5 > (t->expect / 7) ? 5 : (t->expect / 7); t->expect -= x->x_this_input; t->onbeat = 0; if(double_abs(t->expect) <= width) /* lies within range */ { t->expect = i; t->onbeat = 1; if (t->points > 0) t->points += 4; /* add 4 points */ } else if(t->expect < 0) { t->points -= 8; t->expect = i; } if (t->points < 0) t->points = 0; else if (t->points > 200) t->points = 200; if (t->points > points) { points = t->points; period = i; } } x->x_beat_period = (double)period; t = &(x->x_beats[period]); x->x_beatexpect = now + (double)t->expect; x->x_on_beat = t->onbeat; time: x->x_lastlasttime = x->x_lasttime; x->x_lasttime = x->x_this_input; //now; x->x_last_input = now; if(x->x_on_beat)outlet_bang(x->x_outbeat); outvalue = (t_float)beat_evaluate(x); outlet_float(x->x_outms, outvalue); if(x->x_beat_period)outlet_float(x->x_outbpm, (t_float)(60000.0 / outvalue)); } return; } static void beat_ft1(t_beat *x, t_floatarg f) { x->x_velo = (t_int)f; } /* toggle printing on/off */ static void beat_print(t_beat *x) { if(x->x_print)x->x_print = 0; else x->x_print = 1; } static void beat_reset(t_beat *x) { int i; for(i = 0; i < BEAT_LONG; i++) { x->x_beats[i].points = 0; x->x_beats[i].expect = i; x->x_beats[i].onbeat = 0; } x->x_lastlasttime = 0; x->x_lasttime = 0; x->x_num_beats = 0; x->x_beat_period = 0; x->x_on_beat = 0; } static t_class *beat_class; static void beat_free(t_beat *x) { /* nothing to do */ } static void *beat_new(t_floatarg f) { t_beat *x = (t_beat *)pd_new(beat_class); inlet_new(&x->x_ob, &x->x_ob.ob_pd, gensym("float"), gensym("ft1")); x->x_outbpm = outlet_new(&x->x_ob, gensym("float")); x->x_outms = outlet_new(&x->x_ob, gensym("float")); x->x_outbeat = outlet_new(&x->x_ob, gensym("bang")); beat_reset(x); x->x_band_percent = 4; /* allow 4% 'jitter' by default */ if(f)x->x_band_percent = (t_int)f; #ifndef MAXLIB post(version); #endif post("beat: band percentage set to %d", x->x_band_percent); return (void *)x; } void beat_setup(void) { beat_class = class_new(gensym("beat"), (t_newmethod)beat_new, (t_method)beat_free, sizeof(t_beat), 0, A_DEFFLOAT, 0); class_addcreator((t_newmethod)beat_new, gensym("max.beat"), A_DEFFLOAT, 0); class_addfloat(beat_class, beat_float); class_addmethod(beat_class, (t_method)beat_ft1, gensym("ft1"), A_FLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(beat_class, (t_method)beat_reset, gensym("reset"), 0); class_addmethod(beat_class, (t_method)beat_print, gensym("print"), 0); }