path: root/test/toxy/editors
diff options
authorN.N. <krzyszcz@users.sourceforge.net>2005-05-10 18:02:20 +0000
committerN.N. <krzyszcz@users.sourceforge.net>2005-05-10 18:02:20 +0000
commitcdd23c6b9523654eb3bf03542021404888fdbcba (patch)
tree1d3c3747faecfb2453eb05cc06087d9a22a0b063 /test/toxy/editors
parentff7abbbf9d312c021f2aee9b4e73c31ab15e8e50 (diff)
toxy alpha17 and pddp alpha1 (see notes.txt for toxy, pddp and shared)
svn path=/trunk/externals/miXed/; revision=2940
Diffstat (limited to 'test/toxy/editors')
2 files changed, 237 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/toxy/editors/bpf-test.pd b/test/toxy/editors/bpf-test.pd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77fc3fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/toxy/editors/bpf-test.pd
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+#N canvas 212 48 778 592 12;
+#X obj 70 95 widget bpf f1;
+#X obj 240 321 widget bpf f1;
+#X obj 432 92 widget bpf f2;
+#X msg 77 331 redefine;
+#X obj 77 370 tow . bpf f1;
+#X msg 80 432 redefine;
+#X msg 578 336 redefine;
+#X obj 578 375 tow . bpf f2;
+#X obj 80 471 tow . bpf;
+#X connect 3 0 4 0;
+#X connect 5 0 8 0;
+#X connect 6 0 7 0;
diff --git a/test/toxy/editors/bpf.wid b/test/toxy/editors/bpf.wid
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b30646
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/toxy/editors/bpf.wid
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+catch {console show}
+::toxy::package_require BLT "e:/Tcl/bin/BLT24.dll"
+namespace eval ::toxy::bpf {}
+proc ::toxy::bpf::ondrag {path ndx} {
+ set ${path}::idrag $ndx
+ if {$ndx > 0} {
+ incr ndx -1
+ set ${path}::mindrag [${path}::xvec range $ndx $ndx]
+ incr ndx
+ } else {
+ set ${path}::mindrag 0
+ }
+ incr ndx
+ if {$ndx < [${path}::xvec length]} {
+ set ${path}::maxdrag [${path}::xvec range $ndx $ndx]
+ } else {
+ set ${path}::maxdrag [set ${path}::xmax]
+ }
+proc ::toxy::bpf::atData {path args} {
+ set cmd [lindex $args 0]
+ switch -- $cmd {
+ set {
+ set idrag [lindex $args 1]
+ set gx [lindex $args 2]
+ set gy [lindex $args 3]
+ if {[string is double -strict $idrag] &&
+ [string is double -strict $gx] &&
+ [string is double -strict $gy]} {
+ ${path}::xvec variable xvec
+ ${path}::yvec variable yvec
+ array set xvec [list $idrag $gx]
+ array set yvec [list $idrag $gy]
+ ${path}::xvec sort ${path}::yvec ${path}::zvec
+ }
+ }
+ add {
+ set gx [lindex $args 1]
+ set gy [lindex $args 2]
+ if {[string is double -strict $gx] &&
+ [string is double -strict $gy]} {
+ ${path}::xvec append $gx
+ ${path}::yvec append $gy
+ ${path}::zvec append 0
+ ${path}::xvec sort ${path}::yvec ${path}::zvec
+ set ndx [${path}::xvec search $gx]
+ if {[llength $ndx] > 1} {
+ set ndx [lindex $ndx 0]
+ } elseif {[llength $ndx] < 1} {
+ set ${path}::idrag -1
+ return
+ }
+ ::toxy::bpf::ondrag $path $ndx
+ }
+ }
+ }
+proc ::toxy::bpf::motion {path x y} {
+ if {[set ${path}::locked]} { return }
+ if {[$path element closest $x $y cl -halo 10 el]} {
+ $path config -cursor arrow
+ } else {
+ $path config -cursor crosshair
+ }
+proc ::toxy::bpf::b1motion {path x y} {
+ if {[set ${path}::locked]} { return }
+ variable ${path}::idrag
+ if {$idrag >= 0 && [$path inside $x $y]} {
+ variable ${path}::mindrag
+ variable ${path}::maxdrag
+ set gxy [$path invtransform $x $y]
+ set gx [lindex $gxy 0]
+ if {$gx < $mindrag} {
+ set gx $mindrag
+ } elseif {$gx > $maxdrag} {
+ set gx $maxdrag
+ }
+ ${path}::xvec variable xvec
+ ${path}::yvec variable yvec
+ array set xvec [list $idrag $gx]
+ array set yvec [list $idrag [lindex $gxy 1]]
+ }
+proc ::toxy::bpf::b1release {path x y} {
+ if {[set ${path}::locked]} { return }
+ variable ${path}::idrag
+ if {$idrag >= 0 && [$path inside $x $y]} {
+ variable ${path}::mindrag
+ variable ${path}::maxdrag
+ set gxy [$path invtransform $x $y]
+ set gx [lindex $gxy 0]
+ set gy [lindex $gxy 1]
+ if {$gx < $mindrag} {
+ set gx $mindrag
+ } elseif {$gx > $maxdrag} {
+ set gx $maxdrag
+ }
+ variable ${path}::target
+ pd $target.rp _data set $idrag $gx $gy \;
+ }
+ set ${path}::idrag -1
+ set ${path}::mindrag 0
+ set ${path}::maxdrag ${path}::xmax
+proc ::toxy::bpf::b1click {path x y} {
+ if {[set ${path}::locked]} { return }
+ if {[$path element closest $x $y cl -halo 10 el]} {
+ set gxy [$path invtransform $x $y]
+ set ${path}::xdrag [lindex $gxy 0]
+ set ${path}::ydrag [lindex $gxy 1]
+ ::toxy::bpf::ondrag $path $cl(index)
+ } elseif {[$path inside $x $y]} {
+ set gxy [$path invtransform $x $y]
+ set ${path}::xdrag [lindex $gxy 0]
+ set ${path}::ydrag [lindex $gxy 1]
+ variable ${path}::xdrag
+ variable ${path}::ydrag
+ variable ${path}::target
+ pd $target.rp _data add $xdrag $ydrag \;
+ } else {
+ set ${path}::idrag -1
+ }
+proc ::toxy::bpf::shiftb1click {path x y} {
+ if {[set ${path}::locked]} { return }
+ if {[$path element closest $x $y cl -halo 10 el]} {
+ set ndx $cl(index)
+ ${path}::xvec delete $ndx
+ ${path}::yvec delete $ndx
+ ${path}::zvec delete $ndx
+ }
+ set ${path}::idrag -1
+proc ::toxy::bpf::lock {path v} {
+ set ${path}::locked $v
+ if {$v} {
+ $path config -cursor hand2
+ } else {
+ $path config -cursor crosshair
+ }
+proc ::toxy::bpf::atVis {path} {
+ bind $path <Motion> +[concat ::toxy::bpf::motion %W %x %y]
+ bind $path <1> +[concat ::toxy::bpf::b1click %W %x %y]
+ bind $path <B1-Motion> +[concat ::toxy::bpf::b1motion %W %x %y]
+ bind $path <ButtonRelease> +[concat ::toxy::bpf::b1release %W %x %y]
+ bind $path <<disable>> +[concat ::toxy::bpf::lock %W 1]
+ bind $path <<enable>> +[concat ::toxy::bpf::lock %W 0]
+ $path element bind el <Shift-1> "::toxy::bpf::shiftb1click %W %x %y"
+proc ::toxy::bpf::atNew {path} {
+ variable ${path}::xmax
+ variable ${path}::ymin
+ variable ${path}::ymax
+ $path axis configure x -min 0.0 -max $xmax
+ $path axis configure y -min $ymin -max $ymax
+ $path element create el -x ${path}::xvec -y ${path}::yvec \
+ -symbol "circle" -pixels 2 -linewidth 2 -color darkgreen -hide 0
+ $path legend config -hide yes
+proc ::toxy::bpf::atFree {path} {
+ blt::vector destroy ${path}::xvec
+ blt::vector destroy ${path}::yvec
+ blt::vector destroy ${path}::zvec
+#> bpf blt::graph
+#. -width 300 -height 200 -bg lightblue -plotbackground lightgrey -halo 10
+#. #domain 1000.
+#@ vis
+# LATER reconsider calling standard procs implicitly, followed by scripts
+::toxy::bpf::atVis .-
+#@ new
+# LATER reconsider replacing this with global .- (using ::${path} in procs)
+namespace eval ::toxy::bpf::.- {
+# this might be implicit
+ set target .|
+# array interface seems broken inside namespaces
+# (cf sf.net/projects/blt bug 651993)
+ blt::vector create xvec -variable ""
+ blt::vector create yvec -variable ""
+ blt::vector create zvec -variable ""
+ set locked 0
+ set xmax .#domain
+ set ymin 0.0
+ set ymax 1.0
+ set idrag -1
+ set mindrag 0
+ set maxdrag $xmax
+ set xdrag 0
+ set ydrag 0
+::toxy::bpf::atNew .-
+#@ free
+::toxy::bpf::atFree .-
+#@ data
+::toxy::bpf::atData .- .#args