path: root/test/toxy
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/toxy')
4 files changed, 237 insertions, 44 deletions
diff --git a/test/toxy/kb-test.pd b/test/toxy/kb-test.pd
index 22df275..df6fdef 100644
--- a/test/toxy/kb-test.pd
+++ b/test/toxy/kb-test.pd
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-#N canvas 354 116 645 486 12;
+#N canvas 238 92 749 477 12;
#X obj 37 59 widget kb k1;
#X floatatom 37 160 5 0 0 0 - - -;
-#X obj 37 310 widget kb k2 #oct 10 #size 0.35 -bg red;
-#X floatatom 37 369 5 0 0 0 - - -;
+#X obj 37 310 widget kb k2 #oct 10 #size 0.5 -bg red;
+#X floatatom 37 402 5 0 0 0 - - -;
#X floatatom 120 237 5 0 0 0 - - -;
#X floatatom 37 24 5 0 0 0 - - -;
#X msg 114 24 bang;
@@ -10,8 +10,39 @@
#X floatatom 205 237 5 0 0 0 - - -;
#X msg 205 271 #size \$1;
#X msg 120 271 #oct \$1;
+#X msg 180 24 redefine;
+#X msg 374 196 redefine;
+#X obj 111 160 unpack;
+#X floatatom 154 196 5 0 0 0 - - -;
+#X obj 108 402 unpack;
+#X floatatom 151 437 5 0 0 0 - - -;
+#X obj 214 160 print;
+#X obj 309 271 print;
+#X msg 284 24 clear;
+#X obj 309 233 tow . kb k2;
+#X msg 309 196 bang;
+#N canvas 126 77 407 234 out 0;
+#X obj 119 28 inlet;
+#X obj 119 65 unpack;
+#X obj 119 185 s sf2in;
+#X obj 119 145 pack;
+#X obj 217 28 inlet;
+#X obj 119 103 + 24;
#X connect 0 0 1 0;
+#X connect 1 0 5 0;
+#X connect 1 1 3 1;
+#X connect 3 0 2 0;
+#X connect 4 0 5 1;
+#X connect 5 0 3 0;
+#X restore 382 271 pd out;
+#X floatatom 425 233 5 0 0 0 - - -;
+#X msg 474 196 clear;
+#X obj 483 233 tow . kb k1;
+#X connect 0 0 1 0;
+#X connect 0 0 13 0;
+#X connect 0 0 17 0;
#X connect 2 0 3 0;
+#X connect 2 0 15 0;
#X connect 4 0 10 0;
#X connect 5 0 0 0;
#X connect 6 0 0 0;
@@ -19,3 +50,14 @@
#X connect 8 0 9 0;
#X connect 9 0 2 0;
#X connect 10 0 2 0;
+#X connect 11 0 0 0;
+#X connect 12 0 20 0;
+#X connect 13 1 14 0;
+#X connect 15 1 16 0;
+#X connect 19 0 0 0;
+#X connect 20 0 18 0;
+#X connect 20 0 22 0;
+#X connect 21 0 20 0;
+#X connect 23 0 22 1;
+#X connect 24 0 20 0;
+#X connect 25 0 22 0;
diff --git a/test/toxy/kb.wid b/test/toxy/kb.wid
index 8a081d7..901db15 100644
--- a/test/toxy/kb.wid
+++ b/test/toxy/kb.wid
@@ -1,3 +1,68 @@
+proc ::toxy::kbout {path target remote oldchord newchord} {
+ foreach key $oldchord {
+ pd [concat $target _cb [lindex $key 0] 0 \;]
+ if {$remote != "."} {
+ pd [concat $remote [lindex $key 0] 0 \;]
+ }
+ }
+ foreach key $newchord {
+ pd [concat $target _cb [lindex $key 0] [lindex $key 1] \;]
+ if {$remote != "."} {
+ pd [concat $remote [lindex $key 0] [lindex $key 1] \;]
+ }
+ }
+proc ::toxy::kbput {path target remote keys appendmode doout} {
+ set oldchord {}
+ set newchord {}
+ if {$appendmode} {
+ foreach key $keys {
+ set ndx [lindex $key 0]
+# FIXME upper limit
+ if {$ndx >= 0} {
+ if {$appendmode == 1} {
+ set found \
+ [lsearch $::toxy::kbchord($target) [concat $ndx *]]
+ } else { set found -1 }
+ if {$found < 0} {
+ $path itemconfig $path.$ndx -fill grey
+ lappend newchord $key
+ lappend ::toxy::kbchord($target) $key
+ } else {
+ $path itemconfig $path.$ndx \
+ -fill [lindex [$path gettags $path.$ndx] 2]
+ lappend oldchord $key
+ set ::toxy::kbchord($target) \
+ [lreplace $::toxy::kbchord($target) $found $found]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# FIXME oldchord
+ set ::toxy::kbchord($target) \
+ [lsort -unique -integer -index 0 $::toxy::kbchord($target)]
+ } else {
+ set oldchord $::toxy::kbchord($target)
+ foreach key $::toxy::kbchord($target) {
+ set ndx [lindex $key 0]
+ $path itemconfig $path.$ndx \
+ -fill [lindex [$path gettags $path.$ndx] 2]
+ }
+ foreach key $keys {
+ set ndx [lindex $key 0]
+# FIXME upper limit
+ if {$ndx >= 0} {
+ $path itemconfig $path.$ndx -fill grey
+ lappend newchord $key
+ }
+ }
+ set ::toxy::kbchord($target) [lsort -unique -integer -index 0 $newchord]
+ }
+ if {$doout} {
+ ::toxy::kbout $path $target $remote $oldchord $newchord
+ }
proc ::toxy::kb {path target remote noctaves size} {
# guard against BadAlloc crashes
if {$size > 10} {set size 10}
@@ -11,55 +76,143 @@ proc ::toxy::kb {path target remote noctaves size} {
$path config -height [expr {$bot + $top}] \
-width [expr {$dx * ($noctaves * 7 + 1) + $lft * 2 - 1}]
+ bind $path <Enter> +[concat ::toxy::kbenter $path $target]
+ bind $path <Leave> +[concat ::toxy::kbleave $path $target]
+ bind $path <B1-Motion> \
+ +[concat ::toxy::kbdrag $path $target $remote %X %Y 0]
+ bind $path <B1-Shift-Motion> \
+ +[concat ::toxy::kbdrag $path $target $remote %X %Y 1]
+ bind $path <B1-Control-Motion> \
+ +[concat ::toxy::kbdrag $path $target $remote %X %Y 2]
for {set octave 0} {$octave <= $noctaves} {incr octave} {
set prevkey 0
foreach key {0 2 4 5 7 9 11} {
set ndx [expr $octave * 12 + $key]
- set id [$path create rect $lft $top \
- [expr {$lft + $wid}] $bot -fill white -tags $path.$ndx]
- $path bind $id <1> [concat ::toxy::kbset \
- $path $target $remote $ndx]
+ set id [$path create rect $lft $top [expr {$lft + $wid}] $bot \
+ -fill white -tags "$ndx $path.$ndx white"]
+ $path bind $id <1> \
+ [concat ::toxy::kbpress $path $target $remote $ndx %y 0]
+ $path bind $id <Shift-1> \
+ [concat ::toxy::kbpress $path $target $remote $ndx %y 1]
+ $path bind $id <Control-1> \
+ [concat ::toxy::kbcontrolon $path $target $remote $ndx %y]
+ $path bind $id <Control-ButtonRelease> \
+ [concat ::toxy::kbcontroloff $path $target $remote $ndx]
if {$key - $prevkey > 1} {
incr ndx -1
set x [expr {$lft - $wid * .22}]
set id [$path create rect $x $top [expr {$x + $wid * .44}] \
- $blbot -fill black -tags $path.$ndx]
- $path bind $id <1> [concat ::toxy::kbset \
- $path $target $remote $ndx]
+ $blbot -fill black -tags "$ndx $path.$ndx black"]
+ $path bind $id <1> \
+ [concat ::toxy::kbpress $path $target $remote $ndx %y 0]
+ $path bind $id <Shift-1> \
+ [concat ::toxy::kbpress $path $target $remote $ndx %y 1]
+ $path bind $id <Control-1> \
+ [concat ::toxy::kbcontrolon $path $target $remote $ndx %y]
+ $path bind $id <Control-ButtonRelease> \
+ [concat ::toxy::kbcontroloff $path $target $remote $ndx]
set prevkey $key
incr lft $dx
if {$octave == $noctaves && $key == 0} break
- set ::toxy::kbval($target) 0
- set ::toxy::kbcol($target) white
- $path itemconfig $path.0 -fill grey
+ set ::toxy::kbisinside($target) 0
+ set chord $::toxy::kbchord($target)
+ set ::toxy::kbchord($target) {}
+ ::toxy::kbput $path $target $remote $chord 0 0
-proc ::toxy::kbout {path target remote} {
- pd [concat $target _cb $::toxy::kbval($target) \;]
- if {$remote != "."} {
- pd [concat $remote $::toxy::kbval($target) \;]
+proc ::toxy::kbgetvel {path ndx y} {
+ set g [$path coords $path.$ndx]
+ set top [lindex $g 1]
+ set bot [lindex $g 3]
+ set vel [expr 100.0 - 99.0 * ($top - $y) / ($top - $bot)]
+ if {$vel < 1.0} {set vel 1.0} elseif {$vel > 100.0} {set vel 100.0}
+ return $vel
+proc ::toxy::kbcontrolon {path target remote ndx y} {
+ if {[$path cget -state] == "normal"} {
+ $path itemconfig $path.$ndx -fill red
+ ::toxy::kbout $path $target $remote {} \
+ [list [concat $ndx [::toxy::kbgetvel $path $ndx $y]]]
-proc ::toxy::kbset {path target remote value} {
- $path itemconfig $path.$::toxy::kbval($target) \
- -fill $::toxy::kbcol($target)
- set ::toxy::kbval($target) $value
- set ::toxy::kbcol($target) [lindex [$path itemconfig $path.$value -fill] 4]
- $path itemconfig $path.$value -fill grey
- ::toxy::kbout $path $target $remote
+proc ::toxy::kbcontroloff {path target remote ndx} {
+ if {[$path cget -state] == "normal"} {
+ if {[lsearch $::toxy::kbchord($target) [concat $ndx *]] < 0} {
+ $path itemconfig $path.$ndx \
+ -fill [lindex [$path gettags $path.$ndx] 2]
+ } else {
+ $path itemconfig $path.$ndx -fill grey
+ }
+ ::toxy::kbout $path $target $remote [list [concat $ndx 0]] {}
+ }
+proc ::toxy::kbpress {path target remote ndx y shift} {
+ if {[$path cget -state] == "normal"} {
+ ::toxy::kbput $path $target $remote \
+ [list [concat $ndx [::toxy::kbgetvel $path $ndx $y]]] $shift 1
+ }
+proc ::toxy::kbdrag {path target remote rx ry shift} {
+ if {$shift <= 1 && $::toxy::kbisinside($target) && \
+ [$path cget -state] == "normal"} {
+ set x [expr $rx - [winfo rootx $path]]
+ set y [expr $ry - [winfo rooty $path]]
+ set ndx [lindex [$path gettags [$path find closest $x $y]] 0]
+ if {[lsearch $::toxy::kbchord($target) [concat $ndx *]] < 0} {
+ ::toxy::kbput $path $target $remote \
+ [list [concat $ndx [::toxy::kbgetvel $path $ndx $y]]] $shift 1
+ }
+ }
+proc ::toxy::kbenter {path target} {
+ set ::toxy::kbisinside($target) 1
+proc ::toxy::kbleave {path target} {
+ set ::toxy::kbisinside($target) 0
+proc ::toxy::kbbang {path target remote} {
+ ::toxy::kbout $path $target $remote {} $::toxy::kbchord($target)
+proc ::toxy::kbfloat {path target remote ndx} {
+ ::toxy::kbput $path $target $remote [list [concat $ndx 50.0]] 0 1
+proc ::toxy::kblist {path target remote args} {
+# LATER (::toxy::kbput ... 1)
+proc ::toxy::kbset {path target remote args} {
+# LATER (::toxy::kbput ... 0)
#> kb canvas
#. -bg yellow -cursor hand1
#. #oct 4 #size .75
-#. @bang ::toxy::kbout .- .| .
-#. @float ::toxy::kbset .- .| . .#1
+#. @bang ::toxy::kbbang .- .| .
+#. @float ::toxy::kbfloat .- .| . .#1
+#. @list ::toxy::kblist .- .| . .#args
+#. @set ::toxy::kbset .- .| . .#args
+#. @clear ::toxy::kbput .- .| . {} 0 1
::toxy::kb .- .| . .#oct .#size
# undo the "bind Canvas <1> {+focus %W}" from the setup.wid
bind .- <FocusIn> {focus .^.c}
+#@ new
+set ::toxy::kbchord(.|) {}
+#@ free
+unset ::toxy::kbchord(.|)
diff --git a/test/toxy/multiscale.wid b/test/toxy/multiscale.wid
index 18f5603..bff9c4f 100644
--- a/test/toxy/multiscale.wid
+++ b/test/toxy/multiscale.wid
@@ -35,7 +35,8 @@ proc ::toxy::multiscale {path cvpath target remote count lo hi res dx dy bg} {
set id [$path create window $px $py -width $dx -height $dy \
-anchor nw -window $path.s$ndx -tags $path.s$ndx]
- ::toxy::master $path.s$ndx $path $cvpath $target
+# ::toxy::master $path.s$ndx $path $cvpath $target
+ ::toxy::master $path.s$ndx $cvpath $target
incr px $dx
diff --git a/test/toxy/setup.wid b/test/toxy/setup.wid
index 3ae0a70..98fe7fb 100644
--- a/test/toxy/setup.wid
+++ b/test/toxy/setup.wid
@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
-# LATER transfer the `standard' toxy setup definitions into a tcl package
+package provide toxywidgets
+# LATER keep standard widget setup in a .tcl file (transfered into a .wiq), and
+# glue separate .wid files with standard widget definitions into another .wiq
# LATER think about using a slave interpreter, and a toxy-specific connection
# LATER gather aqua incompatibilities, and decide, if there is no other
# way than branching (different meaning of -bg, -borderwidth trouble,
@@ -116,11 +119,9 @@ proc ::toxy::item_visconfig {path target name varname cvpath px py} {
- if {[info exists ::toxy::masterinit]} {
- set failed [catch {eval $::toxy::masterinit} res]
- unset ::toxy::masterinit
- if {$failed} { error [concat in ::toxy::masterinit: $res] }
- }
+ set failed [catch {::toxy::master $path $cvpath $target} res]
+ if {$failed} { error [concat in ::toxy::master: $res] }
if {[info exists ::toxy::typeinit]} {
set failed [catch {eval $::toxy::typeinit} res]
unset ::toxy::typeinit
@@ -183,7 +184,7 @@ proc ::toxy::master_motion {target cvpath x y} {
[$cvpath canvasy [expr {$y - [winfo rooty $cvpath]}]] 0 \;
-proc ::toxy::master {path toppath cvpath target} {
+proc ::toxy::master {path cvpath target} {
# FIXME subitem handling in megawidgets
bind $path <ButtonRelease> "::toxy::master_release $target $cvpath %X %Y %b"
bind $path <1> "::toxy::item_click $target $cvpath %X %Y %b 0"
@@ -198,10 +199,13 @@ proc ::toxy::master {path toppath cvpath target} {
bind $path <3> "::toxy::item_click $target $cvpath %X %Y %b 8"
bind $path <Motion> "::toxy::master_motion $target $cvpath %X %Y"
+ bind $path <B1-Motion> "::toxy::master_motion $target $cvpath %X %Y"
bind $path <Enter> "::toxy::item_inout $target 1"
bind $path <Leave> "::toxy::item_inout $target 0"
+# standard widget types, LATER move to separate .wid files
proc ::toxy::scale_command {target sel v} {
if {$::toxy::scale_isactive} {
@@ -242,16 +246,6 @@ proc ::toxy::popup {path target remote entries args} {
} else { error [concat in ::toxy::popup: $err] }
-# master initializer
-#> master
-::toxy::master .- .- .^.c .|
-set ::toxy::scale_isactive 1
-# standard widget types
#> bang button
#. -image ::toxy::img::empty -command .<.>
#. -bg pink -activebackground red -width 50 -height 50
@@ -263,6 +257,9 @@ set ::toxy::scale_isactive 1
#. @float .- set .#1
#. @vset ::toxy::scale_doset .- .#1
+set ::toxy::scale_isactive 1
#> symbol entry
#. -bg pink -font .(helvetica 24.) -width 16
#. @symbol .- delete 0 end .: .- insert 0 .#1