path: root/cyclone/sickle/Scope.c
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2011-09-26added all-lower-case aliases to all objects since Max/MSP 4.6 converted to al...Hans-Christoph Steiner
2011-08-01replace .x%x 32-bit only canvas id with .x%lx canvas id which supports 32-bit...Hans-Christoph Steiner
2007-10-31fixed problems with the classname stuff I just added:Hans-Christoph Steiner
2007-10-29Following this thread:Hans-Christoph Steiner
2005-01-27cyclone alpha52 and toxy alpha15 (see notes.txt for cyclone, toxy and shared)N.N.
2005-01-11svf~: args parsing; prepend/Append: bang handling; seq: pause, continue, goto...N.N.
2004-12-10restricted debug garbage to krzYszcz, few fixes in toxyN.N.
2003-09-05*** empty log message ***N.N.
2003-09-01#ifdef'ed out struct members to make it compile with pd 0.37Hans-Christoph Steiner
2003-05-23This commit was generated by cvs2svn to compensate for changes in r647,svn2git-rootN.N.