/* Copyright (c) 2002-2003 krzYszcz and others. * For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL * WARRANTIES, see the file, "LICENSE.txt," in this distribution. */ #include #include "m_pd.h" #include "common/grow.h" #define CLIP_INISIZE 32 /* LATER rethink */ #define CLIP_MAXSIZE 256 typedef struct _clip { t_object x_ob; float x_f1; float x_f2; int x_size; /* as allocated */ t_atom *x_message; t_atom x_messini[CLIP_INISIZE]; int x_entered; } t_clip; static t_class *clip_class; /* CHECKED case of f1 > f2: x <= f2 => f1, x > f2 => f2 (Pd implementation of clip has it the other way around) */ static void clip_float(t_clip *x, t_float f) { outlet_float(((t_object *)x)->ob_outlet, (f > x->x_f2 ? x->x_f2 : (f < x->x_f1 ? x->x_f1 : f))); } static void clip_list(t_clip *x, t_symbol *s, int ac, t_atom *av) { if (ac) { int docopy = 0; int i; t_atom *ap; t_float f1 = x->x_f1; t_float f2 = x->x_f2; for (i = 0, ap = av; i < ac; i++, ap++) { t_float f; if (ap->a_type == A_FLOAT) f = ap->a_w.w_float; else { docopy = 1; /* CHECKED: symbols inside lists are converted to zeros */ f = 0; } if (f < f1 || f > f2) docopy = 1; } if (docopy) { t_atom *buf; t_atom *bp; int reentered = x->x_entered; int prealloc = !reentered; x->x_entered = 1; if (prealloc && ac > x->x_size) { if (ac > CLIP_MAXSIZE) prealloc = 0; else x->x_message = grow_nodata(&ac, &x->x_size, x->x_message, CLIP_INISIZE, x->x_messini, sizeof(*x->x_message)); } if (prealloc) buf = x->x_message; else /* LATER consider using the stack if ntotal <= MAXSTACK */ buf = getbytes(ac * sizeof(*buf)); if (buf) { for (i = 0, ap = av, bp = buf; i < ac; i++, ap++, bp++) { t_float f = (ap->a_type == A_FLOAT ? ap->a_w.w_float : 0); if (f < f1) f = f1; else if (f > f2) f = f2; SETFLOAT(bp, f); } outlet_list(((t_object *)x)->ob_outlet, &s_list, ac, buf); if (buf != x->x_message) freebytes(buf, ac * sizeof(*buf)); } if (!reentered) { x->x_entered = 0; } } else outlet_list(((t_object *)x)->ob_outlet, &s_list, ac, av); } } static void clip_set(t_clip *x, t_symbol *s, int ac, t_atom *av) { x->x_f1 = 0; x->x_f2 = 0; if (ac) /* CHECKED: 'set' without arguments sets both values to 0 */ { if (av->a_type == A_FLOAT) /* CHECKED: symbol is converted to 0 */ x->x_f1 = av->a_w.w_float; av++; if (--ac) { if (av->a_type == A_FLOAT) x->x_f2 = av->a_w.w_float; } else x->x_f2 = x->x_f1; /* CHECKED */ } } static void clip_free(t_clip *x) { if (x->x_message != x->x_messini) freebytes(x->x_message, x->x_size * sizeof(*x->x_message)); } static void *clip_new(t_symbol *s, int ac, t_atom *av) { t_clip *x = (t_clip *)pd_new(clip_class); x->x_f1 = 0; x->x_f2 = 0; x->x_size = CLIP_INISIZE; x->x_message = x->x_messini; x->x_entered = 0; floatinlet_new((t_object *)x, &x->x_f1); floatinlet_new((t_object *)x, &x->x_f2); outlet_new(&x->x_ob, &s_anything); clip_set(x, 0, ac, av); return (x); } void Clip_setup(void) { clip_class = class_new(gensym("Clip"), (t_newmethod)clip_new, (t_method)clip_free, sizeof(t_clip), 0, A_GIMME, 0); class_addcreator((t_newmethod)clip_new, gensym("clip"), A_GIMME, 0); class_addfloat(clip_class, clip_float); class_addlist(clip_class, clip_list); class_addmethod(clip_class, (t_method)clip_set, gensym("set"), A_GIMME, 0); } void clip_setup(void) { Clip_setup(); }