/* Copyright (c) 2002-2003 krzYszcz and others. * For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL * WARRANTIES, see the file, "LICENSE.txt," in this distribution. */ #include #include #include "m_pd.h" #include "g_canvas.h" #include "common/loud.h" #include "hammer/file.h" /* FIXME sort -1 -1, sort 1 crashes in pd large */ /* FIXME sort crashes after (corrupt?) transfers from the editor */ /* LATER make sure that ``reentrancy protection hack'' is really working... */ /* CHECKME default fname for 'write' -- c_filename, x_name, nothing? */ #define COLL_DEBUG typedef struct _collelem { int e_hasnumkey; int e_numkey; t_symbol *e_symkey; struct _collelem *e_prev; struct _collelem *e_next; int e_size; t_atom *e_data; } t_collelem; typedef struct _collcommon { t_pd c_pd; struct _coll *c_refs; /* used in read-banging and dirty flag handling */ int c_increation; int c_volatile; int c_selfmodified; int c_entered; /* a counter, LATER rethink */ int c_embedflag; /* common field (CHECKED in 'TEXT' files) */ t_symbol *c_filename; t_canvas *c_lastcanvas; t_hammerfile *c_filehandle; t_collelem *c_first; t_collelem *c_last; t_collelem *c_ahead; t_collelem *c_back; } t_collcommon; typedef struct _coll { t_object x_ob; t_canvas *x_canvas; t_symbol *x_name; t_collcommon *x_common; t_hammerfile *x_filehandle; t_outlet *x_keyout; t_outlet *x_filebangout; t_outlet *x_dumpbangout; struct _coll *x_next; } t_coll; static t_class *coll_class; static t_class *collcommon_class; static t_collelem *collelem_new(int ac, t_atom *av, int *np, t_symbol *s) { t_collelem *ep = (t_collelem *)getbytes(sizeof(*ep)); if (ep->e_hasnumkey = (np != 0)) ep->e_numkey = *np; ep->e_symkey = s; ep->e_prev = ep->e_next = 0; if (ep->e_size = ac) { t_atom *ap = getbytes(ac * sizeof(*ap)); ep->e_data = ap; if (av) while (ac--) *ap++ = *av++; else while (ac--) { SETFLOAT(ap, 0); ap++; } } else ep->e_data = 0; return (ep); } static void collelem_free(t_collelem *ep) { if (ep->e_data) freebytes(ep->e_data, ep->e_size * sizeof(*ep->e_data)); freebytes(ep, sizeof(*ep)); } /* CHECKME again... apparently c74 is not able to fix this for good */ /* result: 1 for ep1 < ep2, otherwise 0 (symbols are less then floats) */ static int collelem_less(t_collelem *ep1, t_collelem *ep2, int ndx) { if (ndx < 0) { if (ep1->e_symkey) return (ep2->e_symkey ? strcmp(ep1->e_symkey->s_name, ep2->e_symkey->s_name) < 0 : 1); /* CHECKED incompatible with 4.07, but consistent */ else if (ep2->e_symkey) return (0); /* CHECKED incompatible with 4.07, but consistent */ else return (ep1->e_numkey < ep2->e_numkey); /* CHECKED in 4.07 */ } else { t_atom *ap1 = (ndx < ep1->e_size ? ep1->e_data + ndx : ep1->e_data + ep1->e_size - 1); t_atom *ap2 = (ndx < ep2->e_size ? ep2->e_data + ndx : ep2->e_data + ep2->e_size - 1); if (ap1->a_type == A_FLOAT) { if (ap2->a_type == A_FLOAT) return (ap1->a_w.w_float < ap2->a_w.w_float); else if (ap2->a_type == A_SYMBOL) return (0); else return (1); } else if (ap1->a_type == A_SYMBOL) { if (ap2->a_type == A_FLOAT) return (1); else if (ap2->a_type == A_SYMBOL) return (strcmp(ap1->a_w.w_symbol->s_name, ap2->a_w.w_symbol->s_name) < 0); else return (1); } else return (0); } } static void collelem_post(t_collelem *ep) { if (ep->e_hasnumkey && ep->e_symkey) startpost("%d %s:", ep->e_numkey, ep->e_symkey->s_name); else if (ep->e_hasnumkey) startpost("%d:", ep->e_numkey); else if (ep->e_symkey) startpost("%s:", ep->e_symkey->s_name); else bug("collcommon_post"); postatom(ep->e_size, ep->e_data); endpost(); } static void collcommon_post(t_collcommon *cc) { t_collelem *ep; for (ep = cc->c_first; ep; ep = ep->e_next) collelem_post(ep); } static t_collelem *collcommon_numkey(t_collcommon *cc, int numkey) { t_collelem *ep; for (ep = cc->c_first; ep; ep = ep->e_next) if (ep->e_hasnumkey && ep->e_numkey == numkey) return (ep); return (0); } static t_collelem *collcommon_symkey(t_collcommon *cc, t_symbol *symkey) { t_collelem *ep; for (ep = cc->c_first; ep; ep = ep->e_next) if (ep->e_symkey == symkey) return (ep); return (0); } static void collcommon_takeout(t_collcommon *cc, t_collelem *ep) { if (ep->e_prev) ep->e_prev->e_next = ep->e_next; else cc->c_first = ep->e_next; if (ep->e_next) ep->e_next->e_prev = ep->e_prev; else cc->c_last = ep->e_prev; if (cc->c_ahead == ep) cc->c_ahead = ep->e_next; if (cc->c_back == ep) cc->c_back = ep->e_prev; } static void collcommon_modified(t_collcommon *cc, int relinked) { if (cc->c_increation) return; if (relinked) { cc->c_volatile = 1; } if (cc->c_embedflag) { t_coll *x; for (x = cc->c_refs; x; x = x->x_next) if (x->x_canvas && glist_isvisible(x->x_canvas)) canvas_dirty(x->x_canvas, 1); } } /* atomic collcommon modifiers: clearall, remove, replace, putbefore, putafter, swaplinks, swapkeys, changesymkey, renumber, sort */ static void collcommon_clearall(t_collcommon *cc) { if (cc->c_first) { t_collelem *ep1 = cc->c_first, *ep2; do { ep2 = ep1->e_next; collelem_free(ep1); } while (ep1 = ep2); cc->c_first = cc->c_last = 0; cc->c_ahead = cc->c_back = 0; collcommon_modified(cc, 1); } } static void collcommon_remove(t_collcommon *cc, t_collelem *ep) { collcommon_takeout(cc, ep); collelem_free(ep); collcommon_modified(cc, 1); } static void collcommon_replace(t_collcommon *cc, t_collelem *ep, int ac, t_atom *av, int *np, t_symbol *s) { if (ep->e_hasnumkey = (np != 0)) ep->e_numkey = *np; ep->e_symkey = s; if (ac) { int i = ac; t_atom *ap; if (ep->e_data) { if (ep->e_size != ac) ap = resizebytes(ep->e_data, ep->e_size * sizeof(*ap), ac * sizeof(*ap)); else ap = ep->e_data; } else ap = getbytes(ac * sizeof(*ap)); ep->e_data = ap; if (av) while (i --) *ap++ = *av++; else while (i --) { SETFLOAT(ap, 0); ap++; } } else { if (ep->e_data) freebytes(ep->e_data, ep->e_size * sizeof(*ep->e_data)); ep->e_data = 0; } ep->e_size = ac; collcommon_modified(cc, 0); } static void collcommon_putbefore(t_collcommon *cc, t_collelem *ep, t_collelem *next) { if (next) { ep->e_next = next; if (ep->e_prev = next->e_prev) ep->e_prev->e_next = ep; else cc->c_first = ep; next->e_prev = ep; } else if (cc->c_first || cc->c_last) bug("collcommon_putbefore"); else cc->c_first = cc->c_last = ep; collcommon_modified(cc, 1); } static void collcommon_putafter(t_collcommon *cc, t_collelem *ep, t_collelem *prev) { if (prev) { ep->e_prev = prev; if (ep->e_next = prev->e_next) ep->e_next->e_prev = ep; else cc->c_last = ep; prev->e_next = ep; } else if (cc->c_first || cc->c_last) bug("collcommon_putafter"); else cc->c_first = cc->c_last = ep; collcommon_modified(cc, 1); } /* LATER consider making it faster, if there is a real need. Now called only in the sort routine, once per sort. */ static void collcommon_swaplinks(t_collcommon *cc, t_collelem *ep1, t_collelem *ep2) { if (ep1 != ep2) { t_collelem *prev1 = ep1->e_prev, *prev2 = ep2->e_prev; if (prev1 == ep2) { collcommon_takeout(cc, ep2); collcommon_putafter(cc, ep2, ep1); } else if (prev2 == ep1) { collcommon_takeout(cc, ep1); collcommon_putafter(cc, ep1, ep2); } else if (prev1) { if (prev2) { collcommon_takeout(cc, ep1); collcommon_takeout(cc, ep2); collcommon_putafter(cc, ep1, prev2); collcommon_putafter(cc, ep2, prev1); } else { t_collelem *next2 = ep2->e_next; collcommon_takeout(cc, ep1); collcommon_takeout(cc, ep2); collcommon_putbefore(cc, ep1, next2); collcommon_putafter(cc, ep2, prev1); } } else if (prev2) { t_collelem *next1 = ep1->e_next; collcommon_takeout(cc, ep1); collcommon_takeout(cc, ep2); collcommon_putafter(cc, ep1, prev2); collcommon_putbefore(cc, ep2, next1); } else bug("collcommon_swaplinks"); } } static void collcommon_swapkeys(t_collcommon *cc, t_collelem *ep1, t_collelem *ep2) { int hasnumkey = ep2->e_hasnumkey, numkey = ep2->e_numkey; t_symbol *symkey = ep2->e_symkey; ep2->e_hasnumkey = ep1->e_hasnumkey; ep2->e_numkey = ep1->e_numkey; ep2->e_symkey = ep1->e_symkey; ep1->e_hasnumkey = hasnumkey; ep1->e_numkey = numkey; ep1->e_symkey = symkey; collcommon_modified(cc, 0); } static void collcommon_changesymkey(t_collcommon *cc, t_collelem *ep, t_symbol *s) { ep->e_symkey = s; collcommon_modified(cc, 0); } static void collcommon_renumber(t_collcommon *cc, int startkey) { t_collelem *ep; for (ep = cc->c_first; ep; ep = ep->e_next) if (ep->e_hasnumkey) ep->e_numkey = startkey++; collcommon_modified(cc, 0); } /* LATER choose a better algo, after coll's storage structures stabilize. Note, that even the simple insertion sort below (n-square) might prove better for dlls, than theoretically efficient algo (nlogn) which requires random access emulation. Avoiding recursion is not a bad idea, too. */ static void collcommon_sort(t_collcommon *cc, int asc, int ndx) { t_collelem *min = cc->c_first; t_collelem *ep; if (min && (ep = min->e_next)) { cc->c_increation = 1; /* search for a sentinel element */ do if (collelem_less(ep, min, ndx) == asc) min = ep; while (ep = ep->e_next); /* prepend it */ collcommon_swaplinks(cc, cc->c_first, min); /* sort */ ep = min->e_next->e_next; while (ep) { t_collelem *next = ep->e_next; for (min = ep->e_prev; collelem_less(ep, min, ndx) == asc; min = min->e_prev); if (ep != min->e_next) { collcommon_takeout(cc, ep); collcommon_putafter(cc, ep, min); } ep = next; } cc->c_increation = 0; collcommon_modified(cc, 1); } } static void collcommon_adddata(t_collcommon *cc, t_collelem *ep, int ac, t_atom *av) { if (ac) { t_atom *ap; int newsize = ep->e_size + ac; if (ep->e_data) ap = resizebytes(ep->e_data, ep->e_size * sizeof(*ap), newsize * sizeof(*ap)); else { ep->e_size = 0; /* redundant, hopefully */ ap = getbytes(newsize * sizeof(*ap)); } ep->e_data = ap; ap += ep->e_size; if (av) while (ac--) *ap++ = *av++; else while (ac--) { SETFLOAT(ap, 0); ap++; } ep->e_size = newsize; collcommon_modified(cc, 0); } } static t_collelem *collcommon_tonumkey(t_collcommon *cc, int numkey, int ac, t_atom *av, int replace) { t_collelem *old = collcommon_numkey(cc, numkey), *new; if (old && replace) collcommon_replace(cc, new = old, ac, av, &numkey, 0); else { new = collelem_new(ac, av, &numkey, 0); if (old) { collcommon_putbefore(cc, new, old); do if (old->e_hasnumkey) old->e_numkey++; /* LATER rethink */ while (old = old->e_next); } else { int closestkey = 0; /* LATER rethink */ t_collelem *closest = 0, *ep; for (ep = cc->c_first; ep; ep = ep->e_next) { if (ep->e_hasnumkey) { if (numkey >= closestkey && numkey <= ep->e_numkey) { collcommon_putbefore(cc, new, ep); break; } closestkey = ep->e_numkey; } closest = ep; } if (!ep) { if (numkey <= closestkey) collcommon_putbefore(cc, new, closest); else collcommon_putafter(cc, new, closest); } } } return (new); } static t_collelem *collcommon_tosymkey(t_collcommon *cc, t_symbol *symkey, int ac, t_atom *av, int replace) { t_collelem *old = collcommon_symkey(cc, symkey), *new; if (old && replace) collcommon_replace(cc, new = old, ac, av, 0, symkey); else collcommon_putafter(cc, new = collelem_new(ac, av, 0, symkey), cc->c_last); return (new); } static int collcommon_fromlist(t_collcommon *cc, int ac, t_atom *av) { int hasnumkey = 0, numkey; t_symbol *symkey = 0; int size = 0; t_atom *data = 0; int nlines = 0; cc->c_increation = 1; collcommon_clearall(cc); while (ac--) { if (data) { if (av->a_type == A_SEMI) { t_collelem *ep = collelem_new(size, data, hasnumkey ? &numkey : 0, symkey); collcommon_putafter(cc, ep, cc->c_last); hasnumkey = 0; symkey = 0; data = 0; nlines++; } if (av->a_type == A_COMMA) { /* CHECKED rejecting a comma */ collcommon_clearall(cc); /* LATER rethink */ cc->c_increation = 0; return (-nlines); } else size++; } else if (av->a_type == A_COMMA) { size = 0; data = av + 1; } else if (av->a_type == A_SYMBOL) symkey = av->a_w.w_symbol; else if (av->a_type == A_FLOAT && loud_checkint(0, av->a_w.w_float, &numkey, 0)) hasnumkey = 1; else { loud_error(0, "coll: bad atom"); collcommon_clearall(cc); /* LATER rethink */ cc->c_increation = 0; return (-nlines); } av++; } if (data) { loud_error(0, "coll: incomplete"); collcommon_clearall(cc); /* LATER rethink */ cc->c_increation = 0; return (-nlines); } cc->c_increation = 0; return (nlines); } static int collcommon_frombinbuf(t_collcommon *cc, t_binbuf *bb) { return (collcommon_fromlist(cc, binbuf_getnatom(bb), binbuf_getvec(bb))); } static void collcommon_doread(t_collcommon *cc, t_symbol *fn, t_canvas *cv) { t_binbuf *bb; int ac; t_atom *av; char buf[MAXPDSTRING]; if (!fn && !(fn = cc->c_filename)) /* !fn: 'readagain' */ return; if (cv || (cv = cc->c_lastcanvas)) /* !cv: 'read' w/o arg, 'readagain' */ canvas_makefilename(cv, fn->s_name, buf, MAXPDSTRING); else { strncpy(buf, fn->s_name, MAXPDSTRING); buf[MAXPDSTRING-1] = 0; } if (!cc->c_refs) { /* loading during object creation -- avoid binbuf_read()'s complaints, LATER rethink */ FILE *fp; char fname[MAXPDSTRING]; sys_bashfilename(buf, fname); if (!(fp = fopen(fname, "r"))) { loud_warning(&coll_class, 0, "no coll file '%s'", fname); return; } fclose(fp); } bb = binbuf_new(); if (binbuf_read(bb, buf, "", 0)) loud_error(0, "coll: error reading text file '%s'", fn->s_name); else { int nlines = collcommon_frombinbuf(cc, bb); if (nlines > 0) { t_coll *x; /* LATER consider making this more robust */ for (x = cc->c_refs; x; x = x->x_next) outlet_bang(x->x_filebangout); cc->c_lastcanvas = cv; cc->c_filename = fn; post("coll: finished reading %d lines from text file '%s'", nlines, fn->s_name); } else if (nlines < 0) loud_error(0, "coll: error in line %d of text file '%s'", 1 - nlines, fn->s_name); else loud_error(0, "coll: error reading text file '%s'", fn->s_name); if (cc->c_refs) collcommon_modified(cc, 1); } binbuf_free(bb); } static void collcommon_readhook(t_pd *z, t_symbol *fn, int ac, t_atom *av) { collcommon_doread((t_collcommon *)z, fn, 0); } static void collcommon_tobinbuf(t_collcommon *cc, t_binbuf *bb) { t_collelem *ep; t_atom at[3]; for (ep = cc->c_first; ep; ep = ep->e_next) { t_atom *ap = at; int cnt = 1; if (ep->e_hasnumkey) { SETFLOAT(ap, ep->e_numkey); ap++; cnt++; } if (ep->e_symkey) { SETSYMBOL(ap, ep->e_symkey); ap++; cnt++; } SETCOMMA(ap); binbuf_add(bb, cnt, at); binbuf_add(bb, ep->e_size, ep->e_data); binbuf_addsemi(bb); } } static void collcommon_dowrite(t_collcommon *cc, t_symbol *fn, t_canvas *cv) { t_binbuf *bb; int ac; t_atom *av; char buf[MAXPDSTRING]; if (!fn && !(fn = cc->c_filename)) /* !fn: 'writeagain' */ return; if (cv || (cv = cc->c_lastcanvas)) /* !cv: 'write' w/o arg, 'writeagain' */ canvas_makefilename(cv, fn->s_name, buf, MAXPDSTRING); else { strncpy(buf, fn->s_name, MAXPDSTRING); buf[MAXPDSTRING-1] = 0; } bb = binbuf_new(); collcommon_tobinbuf(cc, bb); if (binbuf_write(bb, buf, "", 0)) loud_error(0, "coll: error writing text file '%s'", fn->s_name); else { cc->c_lastcanvas = cv; cc->c_filename = fn; } binbuf_free(bb); } static void collcommon_writehook(t_pd *z, t_symbol *fn, int ac, t_atom *av) { collcommon_dowrite((t_collcommon *)z, fn, 0); } static void coll_embedhook(t_pd *z, t_binbuf *bb, t_symbol *bindsym) { t_coll *x = (t_coll *)z; t_collcommon *cc = x->x_common; if (cc->c_embedflag) { t_collelem *ep; t_atom at[6]; binbuf_addv(bb, "ssii;", bindsym, gensym("flags"), 1, 0); SETSYMBOL(at, bindsym); for (ep = cc->c_first; ep; ep = ep->e_next) { t_atom *ap = at + 1; int cnt; if (ep->e_hasnumkey && ep->e_symkey) { SETSYMBOL(ap, gensym("nstore")); ap++; SETSYMBOL(ap, ep->e_symkey); ap++; SETFLOAT(ap, ep->e_numkey); cnt = 4; } else if (ep->e_symkey) { SETSYMBOL(ap, gensym("store")); ap++; SETSYMBOL(ap, ep->e_symkey); cnt = 3; } else { SETFLOAT(ap, ep->e_numkey); cnt = 2; } binbuf_add(bb, cnt, at); binbuf_add(bb, ep->e_size, ep->e_data); binbuf_addsemi(bb); } } } static void collcommon_editorhook(t_pd *z, t_symbol *s, int ac, t_atom *av) { int nlines = collcommon_fromlist((t_collcommon *)z, ac, av); if (nlines < 0) loud_error(0, "coll: editing error in line %d", 1 - nlines); } static void collcommon_free(t_collcommon *cc) { t_collelem *ep1, *ep2 = cc->c_first; while (ep1 = ep2) { ep2 = ep1->e_next; collelem_free(ep1); } } static void *collcommon_new(void) { t_collcommon *cc = (t_collcommon *)pd_new(collcommon_class); cc->c_embedflag = 0; cc->c_first = cc->c_last = 0; cc->c_ahead = cc->c_back = 0; return (cc); } static t_collcommon *coll_checkcommon(t_coll *x) { if (x->x_name && x->x_common != (t_collcommon *)pd_findbyclass(x->x_name, collcommon_class)) { bug("coll_checkcommon"); return (0); } return (x->x_common); } static void coll_unbind(t_coll *x) { /* LATER consider calling coll_checkcommon(x) */ t_collcommon *cc = x->x_common; t_coll *prev, *next; if ((prev = cc->c_refs) == x) { if (!(cc->c_refs = x->x_next)) { hammerfile_free(cc->c_filehandle); collcommon_free(cc); if (x->x_name) pd_unbind(&cc->c_pd, x->x_name); pd_free(&cc->c_pd); } } else if (prev) { while (next = prev->x_next) { if (next == x) { prev->x_next = next->x_next; break; } prev = next; } } x->x_common = 0; x->x_name = 0; x->x_next = 0; } static void coll_bind(t_coll *x, t_symbol *name) { t_collcommon *cc = 0; if (name == &s_) name = 0; else if (name) cc = (t_collcommon *)pd_findbyclass(name, collcommon_class); if (!cc) { cc = (t_collcommon *)collcommon_new(); cc->c_refs = 0; cc->c_increation = 0; if (name) { pd_bind(&cc->c_pd, name); /* LATER rethink canvas unpredictability */ collcommon_doread(cc, name, x->x_canvas); } else { cc->c_filename = 0; cc->c_lastcanvas = 0; } cc->c_filehandle = hammerfile_new((t_pd *)cc, 0, collcommon_readhook, collcommon_writehook, collcommon_editorhook); } x->x_common = cc; x->x_name = name; x->x_next = cc->c_refs; cc->c_refs = x; } static int coll_rebind(t_coll *x, t_symbol *name) { t_collcommon *cc; if (name && name != &s_ && (cc = (t_collcommon *)pd_findbyclass(name, collcommon_class))) { coll_unbind(x); x->x_common = cc; x->x_name = name; x->x_next = cc->c_refs; cc->c_refs = x; return (1); } else return (0); } static void coll_dooutput(t_coll *x, int ac, t_atom *av) { if (ac > 1) { if (av->a_type == A_FLOAT) outlet_list(((t_object *)x)->ob_outlet, &s_list, ac, av); else if (av->a_type == A_SYMBOL) outlet_anything(((t_object *)x)->ob_outlet, av->a_w.w_symbol, ac-1, av+1); } else if (ac) { if (av->a_type == A_FLOAT) outlet_float(((t_object *)x)->ob_outlet, av->a_w.w_float); else if (av->a_type == A_SYMBOL) outlet_symbol(((t_object *)x)->ob_outlet, av->a_w.w_symbol); } } static void coll_keyoutput(t_coll *x, t_collelem *ep) { t_collcommon *cc = x->x_common; if (!cc->c_entered++) cc->c_selfmodified = 0; cc->c_volatile = 0; if (ep->e_hasnumkey) outlet_float(x->x_keyout, ep->e_numkey); else if (ep->e_symkey) outlet_symbol(x->x_keyout, ep->e_symkey); else outlet_float(x->x_keyout, 0); if (cc->c_volatile) cc->c_selfmodified = 1; cc->c_entered--; } static t_collelem *coll_findkey(t_coll *x, t_atom *key, t_symbol *mess) { t_collcommon *cc = x->x_common; t_collelem *ep = 0; if (key->a_type == A_FLOAT) { int numkey; if (loud_checkint((t_pd *)x, key->a_w.w_float, &numkey, mess)) ep = collcommon_numkey(cc, numkey); else mess = 0; } else if (key->a_type == A_SYMBOL) ep = collcommon_symkey(cc, key->a_w.w_symbol); else if (mess) { loud_messarg((t_pd *)x, mess); mess = 0; } if (!ep && mess) loud_error((t_pd *)x, "no such key"); return (ep); } static t_collelem *coll_tokey(t_coll *x, t_atom *key, int ac, t_atom *av, int replace, t_symbol *mess) { t_collcommon *cc = x->x_common; t_collelem *ep = 0; if (key->a_type == A_FLOAT) { int numkey; if (loud_checkint((t_pd *)x, key->a_w.w_float, &numkey, mess)) ep = collcommon_tonumkey(cc, numkey, ac, av, replace); } else if (key->a_type == A_SYMBOL) ep = collcommon_tosymkey(cc, key->a_w.w_symbol, ac, av, replace); else if (mess) loud_messarg((t_pd *)x, mess); return (ep); } static t_collelem *coll_firsttyped(t_coll *x, int ndx, t_atomtype type) { t_collcommon *cc = x->x_common; t_collelem *ep; for (ep = cc->c_first; ep; ep = ep->e_next) if (ep->e_size > ndx && ep->e_data[ndx].a_type == type) return (ep); return (0); } /* the methods */ static void coll_float(t_coll *x, t_float f) { t_collcommon *cc = x->x_common; t_collelem *ep; int numkey; if (loud_checkint((t_pd *)x, f, &numkey, &s_float) && (ep = collcommon_numkey(cc, numkey))) { coll_keyoutput(x, ep); if (!cc->c_selfmodified || (ep = collcommon_numkey(cc, numkey))) coll_dooutput(x, ep->e_size, ep->e_data); } } static void coll_symbol(t_coll *x, t_symbol *s) { t_collcommon *cc = x->x_common; t_collelem *ep; if (ep = collcommon_symkey(cc, s)) { coll_keyoutput(x, ep); if (!cc->c_selfmodified || (ep = collcommon_symkey(cc, s))) coll_dooutput(x, ep->e_size, ep->e_data); } } static void coll_list(t_coll *x, t_symbol *s, int ac, t_atom *av) { if (ac >= 2 && av->a_type == A_FLOAT) coll_tokey(x, av, ac-1, av+1, 1, &s_list); else loud_messarg((t_pd *)x, &s_list); } static void coll_anything(t_coll *x, t_symbol *s, int ac, t_atom *av) { coll_symbol(x, s); } static void coll_store(t_coll *x, t_symbol *s, int ac, t_atom *av) { if (ac >= 2) coll_tokey(x, av, ac-1, av+1, 1, s); else loud_messarg((t_pd *)x, s); } static void coll_nstore(t_coll *x, t_symbol *s, int ac, t_atom *av) { if (ac >= 3) { t_collcommon *cc = x->x_common; t_collelem *ep; int numkey; if (av->a_type == A_FLOAT && av[1].a_type == A_SYMBOL) { if (loud_checkint((t_pd *)x, av->a_w.w_float, &numkey, s)) { if (ep = collcommon_symkey(cc, av[1].a_w.w_symbol)) collcommon_remove(cc, ep); ep = collcommon_tonumkey(cc, numkey, ac-2, av+2, 1); ep->e_symkey = av[1].a_w.w_symbol; } } else if (av->a_type == A_SYMBOL && av[1].a_type == A_FLOAT) { if (loud_checkint((t_pd *)x, av[1].a_w.w_float, &numkey, s)) { if (ep = collcommon_numkey(cc, numkey)) collcommon_remove(cc, ep); ep = collcommon_tosymkey(cc, av->a_w.w_symbol, ac-2, av+2, 1); ep->e_hasnumkey = 1; ep->e_numkey = numkey; } } else loud_messarg((t_pd *)x, s); } else loud_messarg((t_pd *)x, s); } static void coll_insert(t_coll *x, t_symbol *s, int ac, t_atom *av) { if (ac >= 2 && av->a_type == A_FLOAT) coll_tokey(x, av, ac-1, av+1, 0, s); else loud_messarg((t_pd *)x, s); } static void coll_remove(t_coll *x, t_symbol *s, int ac, t_atom *av) { if (ac) { t_collelem *ep; if (ep = coll_findkey(x, av, s)) collcommon_remove(x->x_common, ep); } else loud_messarg((t_pd *)x, s); } static void coll_delete(t_coll *x, t_symbol *s, int ac, t_atom *av) { if (ac) { t_collelem *ep; if (ep = coll_findkey(x, av, s)) { if (av->a_type == A_FLOAT) { int numkey = ep->e_numkey; t_collelem *next; for (next = ep->e_next; next; next = next->e_next) if (next->e_hasnumkey && next->e_numkey > numkey) next->e_numkey--; } collcommon_remove(x->x_common, ep); } } else loud_messarg((t_pd *)x, s); } static void coll_assoc(t_coll *x, t_symbol *s, t_floatarg f) { int numkey; if (loud_checkint((t_pd *)x, f, &numkey, gensym("assoc"))) { t_collcommon *cc = x->x_common; t_collelem *ep1, *ep2; if ((ep1 = collcommon_numkey(cc, numkey)) && ep1->e_symkey != s) /* LATER rethink */ { if (ep2 = collcommon_symkey(cc, s)) collcommon_remove(cc, ep2); collcommon_changesymkey(cc, ep1, s); } } } static void coll_deassoc(t_coll *x, t_symbol *s, t_floatarg f) { int numkey; if (loud_checkint((t_pd *)x, f, &numkey, gensym("deassoc"))) { t_collcommon *cc = x->x_common; t_collelem *ep; if (ep = collcommon_numkey(cc, numkey)) collcommon_changesymkey(cc, ep, 0); } } static void coll_subsym(t_coll *x, t_symbol *s1, t_symbol *s2) { t_collelem *ep; if (s1 != s2 && (ep = collcommon_symkey(x->x_common, s2))) collcommon_changesymkey(x->x_common, ep, s1); } static void coll_renumber(t_coll *x, t_floatarg f) { int startkey; if (loud_checkint((t_pd *)x, f, &startkey, gensym("renumber"))) collcommon_renumber(x->x_common, startkey); } static void coll_merge(t_coll *x, t_symbol *s, int ac, t_atom *av) { if (ac >= 2) { t_collcommon *cc = x->x_common; t_collelem *ep; if (av->a_type == A_FLOAT) { int numkey; if (loud_checkint((t_pd *)x, av->a_w.w_float, &numkey, s)) { if (ep = collcommon_numkey(cc, numkey)) collcommon_adddata(cc, ep, ac-1, av+1); else /* LATER consider defining collcommon_toclosest() */ collcommon_tonumkey(cc, numkey, ac-1, av+1, 1); } } else if (av->a_type == A_SYMBOL) { if (ep = collcommon_symkey(cc, av->a_w.w_symbol)) collcommon_adddata(cc, ep, ac-1, av+1); else { ep = collelem_new(ac-1, av+1, 0, av->a_w.w_symbol); collcommon_putafter(cc, ep, cc->c_last); } } else loud_messarg((t_pd *)x, s); } else loud_messarg((t_pd *)x, s); } static void coll_sub(t_coll *x, t_symbol *s, int ac, t_atom *av) { if (ac) { t_collelem *ep; if (ep = coll_findkey(x, av, s)) { t_collcommon *cc = x->x_common; t_atom *key = av++; ac--; while (ac >= 2) { if (av->a_type == A_FLOAT) { int ndx; if (loud_checkint((t_pd *)x, av->a_w.w_float, &ndx, 0) && ndx >= 1 && ndx <= ep->e_size) ep->e_data[ndx-1] = av[1]; } ac -= 2; av += 2; } if (s == gensym("sub")) { coll_keyoutput(x, ep); if (!cc->c_selfmodified || (ep = coll_findkey(x, key, 0))) coll_dooutput(x, ep->e_size, ep->e_data); } } } else loud_messarg((t_pd *)x, s); } static void coll_sort(t_coll *x, t_floatarg f1, t_floatarg f2) { int dir, ndx; if (loud_checkint((t_pd *)x, f1, &dir, gensym("sort")) && loud_checkint((t_pd *)x, f2, &ndx, gensym("sort"))) collcommon_sort(x->x_common, (dir < 0 ? 1 : 0), (ndx < 0 ? -1 : (ndx ? ndx - 1 : 0))); } static void coll_clear(t_coll *x) { collcommon_clearall(x->x_common); } /* According to the refman, the data should be swapped, rather than the keys -- easy here, but apparently c74 people have chosen to avoid some effort needed in case of their implementation... */ static void coll_swap(t_coll *x, t_symbol *s, int ac, t_atom *av) { if (ac == 2) { t_collelem *ep1, *ep2; if ((ep1 = coll_findkey(x, av, s)) && (ep2 = coll_findkey(x, av + 1, s))) collcommon_swapkeys(x->x_common, ep1, ep2); } else loud_messarg((t_pd *)x, s); } static void coll_next(t_coll *x) { t_collcommon *cc = x->x_common; if (!cc->c_ahead && !(cc->c_ahead = cc->c_first)) return; coll_keyoutput(x, cc->c_ahead); if (cc->c_selfmodified && !cc->c_ahead) return; coll_dooutput(x, cc->c_ahead->e_size, cc->c_ahead->e_data); /* LATER think why c74 updates the heads prior to sendout (it seems so clumsy...) */ if (!cc->c_ahead && !(cc->c_ahead = cc->c_first)) { cc->c_back = 0; return; } if (cc->c_ahead->e_next) { cc->c_ahead = cc->c_ahead->e_next; if (!(cc->c_back = cc->c_ahead->e_prev)) /* LATER rethink */ cc->c_back = cc->c_last; } else { /* CHECKED wraping */ cc->c_back = cc->c_ahead; cc->c_ahead = 0; } } static void coll_prev(t_coll *x) { t_collcommon *cc = x->x_common; if (!cc->c_back && !(cc->c_back = cc->c_last)) return; coll_keyoutput(x, cc->c_back); if (cc->c_selfmodified && !cc->c_back) return; coll_dooutput(x, cc->c_back->e_size, cc->c_back->e_data); /* LATER think why c74 updates the heads prior to sendout (it seems so clumsy...) */ if (!cc->c_back && !(cc->c_back = cc->c_last)) { cc->c_ahead = 0; return; } if (cc->c_back->e_prev) { cc->c_back = cc->c_back->e_prev; if (!(cc->c_ahead = cc->c_back->e_next)) /* LATER rethink */ cc->c_ahead = cc->c_first; } else { /* CHECKED wraping */ cc->c_ahead = cc->c_back; cc->c_back = 0; } } static void coll_end(t_coll *x) { t_collcommon *cc = x->x_common; cc->c_back = cc->c_ahead = cc->c_last; } static void coll_goto(t_coll *x, t_symbol *s, int ac, t_atom *av) { if (ac) { t_collelem *ep = coll_findkey(x, av, s); if (ep) x->x_common->c_back = x->x_common->c_ahead = ep; } else loud_messarg((t_pd *)x, s); } static void coll_nth(t_coll *x, t_symbol *s, int ac, t_atom *av) { if (ac >= 2 && av[1].a_type == A_FLOAT) { int ndx; t_collelem *ep; if (loud_checkint((t_pd *)x, av[1].a_w.w_float, &ndx, s) && (ep = coll_findkey(x, av, s)) && ep->e_size >= ndx) { t_atom *ap = ep->e_data + --ndx; if (ap->a_type == A_FLOAT) outlet_float(((t_object *)x)->ob_outlet, ap->a_w.w_float); else if (ap->a_type == A_SYMBOL) outlet_symbol(((t_object *)x)->ob_outlet, ap->a_w.w_symbol); } } else loud_messarg((t_pd *)x, s); } static void coll_length(t_coll *x) { t_collcommon *cc = x->x_common; t_collelem *ep = cc->c_first; int result = 0; while (ep) result++, ep = ep->e_next; outlet_float(((t_object *)x)->ob_outlet, result); } static void coll_min(t_coll *x, t_floatarg f) { int ndx; if (loud_checkint((t_pd *)x, f, &ndx, gensym("min"))) { t_collelem *found; if (ndx <= 0) ndx = 0; /* LATER consider complaining, CHECKME */ else ndx--; if (found = coll_firsttyped(x, ndx, A_FLOAT)) { t_float result = found->e_data[ndx].a_w.w_float; t_collelem *ep; for (ep = found->e_next; ep; ep = ep->e_next) { if (ep->e_size > ndx && ep->e_data[ndx].a_type == A_FLOAT && ep->e_data[ndx].a_w.w_float < result) { found = ep; result = ep->e_data[ndx].a_w.w_float; } } coll_keyoutput(x, found); outlet_float(((t_object *)x)->ob_outlet, result); } } } static void coll_max(t_coll *x, t_floatarg f) { int ndx; if (loud_checkint((t_pd *)x, f, &ndx, gensym("max"))) { t_collelem *found; if (ndx <= 0) ndx = 0; /* LATER consider complaining, CHECKME */ else ndx--; if (found = coll_firsttyped(x, ndx, A_FLOAT)) { t_float result = found->e_data[ndx].a_w.w_float; t_collelem *ep; for (ep = found->e_next; ep; ep = ep->e_next) { if (ep->e_size > ndx && ep->e_data[ndx].a_type == A_FLOAT && ep->e_data[ndx].a_w.w_float > result) { found = ep; result = ep->e_data[ndx].a_w.w_float; } } coll_keyoutput(x, found); outlet_float(((t_object *)x)->ob_outlet, result); } } } static void coll_refer(t_coll *x, t_symbol *s) { if (!coll_rebind(x, s)) { /* LATER consider complaining */ } } static void coll_flags(t_coll *x, t_float f1, t_float f2) { int i1; if (loud_checkint((t_pd *)x, f1, &i1, gensym("flags"))) { t_collcommon *cc = x->x_common; cc->c_embedflag = (i1 != 0); } } static void coll_read(t_coll *x, t_symbol *s) { t_collcommon *cc = x->x_common; if (s && s != &s_) collcommon_doread(cc, s, x->x_canvas); else hammerpanel_open(cc->c_filehandle, 0); } static void coll_write(t_coll *x, t_symbol *s) { t_collcommon *cc = x->x_common; if (s && s != &s_) collcommon_dowrite(cc, s, x->x_canvas); else hammerpanel_save(cc->c_filehandle, 0, 0); /* CHECKME default name */ } static void coll_readagain(t_coll *x) { t_collcommon *cc = x->x_common; if (cc->c_filename) collcommon_doread(cc, 0, 0); else hammerpanel_open(cc->c_filehandle, 0); } static void coll_writeagain(t_coll *x) { t_collcommon *cc = x->x_common; if (cc->c_filename) collcommon_dowrite(cc, 0, 0); else hammerpanel_save(cc->c_filehandle, 0, 0); /* CHECKME default name */ } static void coll_filetype(t_coll *x, t_symbol *s) { /* dummy */ } static void coll_dump(t_coll *x) { t_collcommon *cc = x->x_common; t_collelem *ep; for (ep = cc->c_first; ep; ep = ep->e_next) { coll_keyoutput(x, ep); if (cc->c_selfmodified) break; coll_dooutput(x, ep->e_size, ep->e_data); /* FIXME dooutput() may invalidate ep as well as keyoutput()... */ } outlet_bang(x->x_dumpbangout); } static void coll_open(t_coll *x) { t_collcommon *cc = x->x_common; t_binbuf *bb = binbuf_new(); int i, natoms, newline; t_atom *ap; char buf[MAXPDSTRING]; /* LATER prepend "coll: " */ hammereditor_open(cc->c_filehandle, x->x_name ? x->x_name->s_name : "Untitled"); collcommon_tobinbuf(cc, bb); natoms = binbuf_getnatom(bb); ap = binbuf_getvec(bb); newline = 1; while (natoms--) { char *ptr = buf; if (ap->a_type != A_SEMI && ap->a_type != A_COMMA && !newline) *ptr++ = ' '; atom_string(ap, ptr, MAXPDSTRING); if (ap->a_type == A_SEMI) { strcat(buf, "\n"); newline = 1; } else newline = 0; hammereditor_append(cc->c_filehandle, buf); ap++; } binbuf_free(bb); } /* asking and storing the changes -- CHECKME close window, and 'wclose' */ static void coll_wclose(t_coll *x) { hammereditor_close(x->x_common->c_filehandle, 1); } static void coll_click(t_coll *x, t_floatarg xpos, t_floatarg ypos, t_floatarg shift, t_floatarg ctrl, t_floatarg alt) { coll_open(x); } #ifdef COLL_DEBUG static void coll_debug(t_coll *x, t_floatarg f) { t_collcommon *cc = coll_checkcommon(x); if (cc) { t_coll *x1 = cc->c_refs; t_collelem *ep, *last; int i = 0; while (x1) i++, x1 = x1->x_next; post("refcount %d", i); for (ep = cc->c_first, last = 0; ep; ep = ep->e_next) last = ep; if (last != cc->c_last) bug("coll_debug: last element"); collcommon_post(cc); } } #endif static void coll_free(t_coll *x) { hammerfile_free(x->x_filehandle); coll_unbind(x); } static void *coll_new(t_symbol *s) { t_coll *x = (t_coll *)pd_new(coll_class); x->x_canvas = canvas_getcurrent(); outlet_new((t_object *)x, &s_); x->x_keyout = outlet_new((t_object *)x, &s_); x->x_filebangout = outlet_new((t_object *)x, &s_bang); x->x_dumpbangout = outlet_new((t_object *)x, &s_bang); x->x_filehandle = hammerfile_new((t_pd *)x, coll_embedhook, 0, 0, 0); coll_bind(x, s); return (x); } void coll_setup(void) { coll_class = class_new(gensym("coll"), (t_newmethod)coll_new, (t_method)coll_free, sizeof(t_coll), 0, A_DEFSYM, 0); class_addbang(coll_class, coll_next); class_addfloat(coll_class, coll_float); class_addsymbol(coll_class, coll_symbol); class_addlist(coll_class, coll_list); class_addanything(coll_class, coll_anything); class_addmethod(coll_class, (t_method)coll_store, gensym("store"), A_GIMME, 0); class_addmethod(coll_class, (t_method)coll_nstore, gensym("nstore"), A_GIMME, 0); class_addmethod(coll_class, (t_method)coll_insert, gensym("insert"), A_GIMME, 0); class_addmethod(coll_class, (t_method)coll_remove, gensym("remove"), A_GIMME, 0); class_addmethod(coll_class, (t_method)coll_delete, gensym("delete"), A_GIMME, 0); class_addmethod(coll_class, (t_method)coll_assoc, gensym("assoc"), A_SYMBOL, A_FLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(coll_class, (t_method)coll_deassoc, gensym("deassoc"), A_SYMBOL, A_FLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(coll_class, (t_method)coll_subsym, gensym("subsym"), A_SYMBOL, A_SYMBOL, 0); class_addmethod(coll_class, (t_method)coll_renumber, gensym("renumber"), A_DEFFLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(coll_class, (t_method)coll_merge, gensym("merge"), A_GIMME, 0); class_addmethod(coll_class, (t_method)coll_sub, gensym("sub"), A_GIMME, 0); class_addmethod(coll_class, (t_method)coll_sub, gensym("nsub"), A_GIMME, 0); class_addmethod(coll_class, (t_method)coll_clear, gensym("clear"), 0); class_addmethod(coll_class, (t_method)coll_sort, gensym("sort"), A_FLOAT, A_DEFFLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(coll_class, (t_method)coll_swap, gensym("swap"), A_GIMME, 0); class_addmethod(coll_class, (t_method)coll_next, gensym("next"), 0); class_addmethod(coll_class, (t_method)coll_prev, gensym("prev"), 0); class_addmethod(coll_class, (t_method)coll_end, gensym("end"), 0); class_addmethod(coll_class, (t_method)coll_goto, gensym("goto"), A_GIMME, 0); class_addmethod(coll_class, (t_method)coll_nth, gensym("nth"), A_GIMME, 0); class_addmethod(coll_class, (t_method)coll_length, gensym("length"), 0); class_addmethod(coll_class, (t_method)coll_min, gensym("min"), A_DEFFLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(coll_class, (t_method)coll_max, gensym("max"), A_DEFFLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(coll_class, (t_method)coll_refer, gensym("refer"), A_SYMBOL, 0); class_addmethod(coll_class, (t_method)coll_flags, gensym("flags"), A_FLOAT, A_FLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(coll_class, (t_method)coll_read, gensym("read"), A_DEFSYM, 0); class_addmethod(coll_class, (t_method)coll_write, gensym("write"), A_DEFSYM, 0); class_addmethod(coll_class, (t_method)coll_readagain, gensym("readagain"), 0); class_addmethod(coll_class, (t_method)coll_writeagain, gensym("writeagain"), 0); class_addmethod(coll_class, (t_method)coll_filetype, gensym("filetype"), A_SYMBOL, 0); class_addmethod(coll_class, (t_method)coll_dump, gensym("dump"), 0); class_addmethod(coll_class, (t_method)coll_open, gensym("open"), 0); class_addmethod(coll_class, (t_method)coll_wclose, gensym("wclose"), 0); class_addmethod(coll_class, (t_method)coll_click, gensym("click"), A_FLOAT, A_FLOAT, A_FLOAT, A_FLOAT, A_FLOAT, 0); #ifdef COLL_DEBUG class_addmethod(coll_class, (t_method)coll_debug, gensym("debug"), A_DEFFLOAT, 0); #endif hammerfile_setup(coll_class, 1); collcommon_class = class_new(gensym("coll"), 0, 0, sizeof(t_collcommon), CLASS_PD, 0); /* this call is a nop (collcommon does not embed, and the hammerfile class itself has been already set up above), but it is better to have it around, just in case... */ hammerfile_setup(collcommon_class, 0); }