/* Copyright (c) 2002-2005 krzYszcz and others. * For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL * WARRANTIES, see the file, "LICENSE.txt," in this distribution. */ /* This is an entirely rewritten version of Joseph A. Sarlo's code. The most important changes are listed in "pd-lib-notes.txt" file. */ /* Beware -- the max reference manual page for the counter object reflects mostly opcode max features. Apparently counter works differently in cycling max (e.g. inlets 3 and 4). But I am sick of checking -- I will not bother, until there is some feedback. */ #include "m_pd.h" #include "common/loud.h" #include "common/fitter.h" #define COUNTER_UP 0 #define COUNTER_DOWN 1 #define COUNTER_UPDOWN 2 #define COUNTER_DEFMAX 0x7fffffff /* CHECKED (man says otherwise) */ typedef struct _counter { t_object x_ob; int x_count; int x_maxcount; int x_dir; int x_inc; int x_min; int x_max; int x_carrybang; int x_minhitflag; int x_maxhitflag; t_pd *x_proxies[4]; t_outlet *x_out2; t_outlet *x_out3; t_outlet *x_out4; } t_counter; typedef struct _counter_proxy { t_object p_ob; t_counter *p_master; void (*p_bangmethod)(t_counter *x); void (*p_floatmethod)(t_counter *x, t_float f); } t_counter_proxy; static t_class *counter_class; static t_class *counter_proxy_class; static void counter_up(t_counter *x) { x->x_dir = COUNTER_UP; x->x_inc = 1; } static void counter_down(t_counter *x) { /* CHECKED: no explicit minimum needed */ x->x_dir = COUNTER_DOWN; x->x_inc = -1; } static void counter_updown(t_counter *x) { /* CHECKED: neither explicit maximum, nor minimum needed */ x->x_dir = COUNTER_UPDOWN; /* CHECKED: x->x_inc unchanged (continuation) */ } static void counter_dir(t_counter *x, t_floatarg f) { switch ((int)f) { case COUNTER_UP: counter_up(x); break; case COUNTER_DOWN: counter_down(x); break; case COUNTER_UPDOWN: counter_updown(x); break; default: counter_up(x); /* CHECKED: invalid == default */ /* CHECKED: no warning */ } } static void counter_dobang(t_counter *x, int notjam) { int offmin = 0, offmax = 0, onmin = 0, onmax = 0; /* CHECKED: carry-off is not sent if min >= max */ /* LATER rethink (this is a hack) */ if (x->x_min < x->x_max) offmin = x->x_minhitflag, offmax = x->x_maxhitflag; x->x_minhitflag = x->x_maxhitflag = 0; if (x->x_count < x->x_min) { if (x->x_inc == 1) { /* min has changed, which should imply x->x_count == x->x_min */ loudbug_bug("counter_dobang (count < min)"); } else if (x->x_dir == COUNTER_UPDOWN) { x->x_inc = 1; if ((x->x_count = x->x_min + 1) > x->x_max) x->x_count = x->x_min; } else if ((x->x_count = x->x_max) < x->x_min) x->x_count = x->x_min; } else if (x->x_count > x->x_max) { if (x->x_inc == -1) { /* CHECKED: ignored */ } else if (x->x_dir == COUNTER_UPDOWN) { x->x_inc = -1; if ((x->x_count = x->x_max - 1) < x->x_min) x->x_count = x->x_min; } else x->x_count = x->x_min; } if (x->x_count == x->x_min && x->x_inc == -1) { /* CHECKED: 'jam' inhibits middle outlets (unless carry-off) carry-on is never sent if max < min, but sent if max == min */ if (notjam && x->x_min <= x->x_max) /* LATER rethink (this is a hack) */ onmin = 1; } else if (x->x_count == x->x_max && x->x_inc == 1) { /* CHECKED: this counter is never reset (and goes up to INT_MAX) -- neither after dir change, nor after max change */ x->x_maxcount++; /* CHECKED: 'jam' does the increment */ outlet_float(x->x_out4, x->x_maxcount); /* CHECKED: 'jam' inhibits middle outlets (unless carry-off) carry-on is never sent if max < min, but sent if max == min */ if (notjam && x->x_min <= x->x_max) /* LATER rethink (this is a hack) */ onmax = 1; } /* CHECKED: outlets deliver in right-to-left order */ if (onmax) { if (x->x_carrybang) outlet_bang(x->x_out3); else { outlet_float(x->x_out3, 1); x->x_maxhitflag = 1; } } else if (offmax) outlet_float(x->x_out3, 0); else if (onmin) { if (x->x_carrybang) outlet_bang(x->x_out2); else { outlet_float(x->x_out2, 1); x->x_minhitflag = 1; } } else if (offmin) outlet_float(x->x_out2, 0); outlet_float(((t_object *)x)->ob_outlet, x->x_count); } static void counter_bang(t_counter *x) { x->x_count += x->x_inc; counter_dobang(x, 1); } static void counter_float(t_counter *x, t_float dummy) { counter_bang(x); } /* CHECKED: out-of-range values are ignored */ /* CHECKED: 'down, set 3, up, bang' gives 5 */ static void counter_set(t_counter *x, t_floatarg f) { int i = (int)f; if (i >= x->x_min && i <= x->x_max) x->x_count = i - x->x_inc; } /* CHECKED: out-of-range values are ignored */ static void counter_jam(t_counter *x, t_floatarg f) { int i = (int)f; if (i >= x->x_min && i <= x->x_max) { x->x_count = i; counter_dobang(x, 0); } } /* CHECKED: sends max carry on/off in any mode */ static void counter_inc(t_counter *x) { int tempdir = x->x_dir; int tempinc = x->x_inc; counter_up(x); counter_bang(x); x->x_dir = tempdir; x->x_inc = tempinc; } /* CHECKED: sends min carry on/off in any mode */ static void counter_dec(t_counter *x) { int tempdir = x->x_dir; int tempinc = x->x_inc; counter_down(x); counter_bang(x); x->x_dir = tempdir; x->x_inc = tempinc; } /* CHECKED: min can be set over max */ static void counter_min(t_counter *x, t_floatarg f) { /* CHECKED: min change always sets count to min and bangs */ /* do not use counter_jam() here -- avoid range checking */ x->x_count = x->x_min = (int)f; counter_dobang(x, 0); } /* CHECKED: max can be set below min */ static void counter_max(t_counter *x, t_floatarg f) { x->x_max = (int)f; } static void counter_carrybang(t_counter *x) { x->x_carrybang = 1; } static void counter_carryint(t_counter *x) { x->x_carrybang = 0; } /* CHECKED: up/down switch */ static void counter_bang1(t_counter *x) { if (x->x_dir == COUNTER_UP) counter_down(x); else if (x->x_dir == COUNTER_DOWN) counter_up(x); else x->x_inc = -x->x_inc; /* CHECKED */ } /* CHECKED */ static void counter_bang2(t_counter *x) { counter_set(x, x->x_min); } /* CHECKED: out-of-range values are accepted (LATER rethink) */ /* CHECKED: no resetting of min, nor of max (contrary to the man) */ /* CHECKED: 'down, float2 3, up, bang' gives 3 (LATER rethink) */ static void counter_float2(t_counter *x, t_floatarg f) { counter_set(x, f); /* FIXME */ } /* CHECKED */ static void counter_bang3(t_counter *x) { counter_jam(x, x->x_min); } /* CHECKED: out-of-range values are accepted (LATER rethink) */ /* CHECKED: no resetting of min, nor of max (contrary to the man) */ static void counter_float3(t_counter *x, t_floatarg f) { counter_jam(x, f); /* FIXME */ } /* CHECKED */ static void counter_bang4(t_counter *x) { counter_set(x, x->x_max); } static void counter_proxy_bang(t_counter_proxy *x) { x->p_bangmethod(x->p_master); } static void counter_proxy_float(t_counter_proxy *x, t_float f) { x->p_floatmethod(x->p_master, f); } static void counter_free(t_counter *x) { int i; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) if (x->x_proxies[i]) pd_free(x->x_proxies[i]); } static void *counter_new(t_floatarg f1, t_floatarg f2, t_floatarg f3) { t_counter *x = (t_counter *)pd_new(counter_class); t_counter_proxy **pp = (t_counter_proxy **)x->x_proxies; int i1 = (int)f1; int i2 = (int)f2; int i3 = (int)f3; int i; static int warned = 0; if (fittermax_get() && !warned) { post("warning: counter is not fully compatible,\ please report differences"); warned = 1; } x->x_dir = COUNTER_UP; x->x_inc = 1; /* previous value required by counter_dir() */ x->x_min = 0; x->x_max = COUNTER_DEFMAX; if (i3) x->x_dir = i1, x->x_min = i2, x->x_max = i3; else if (i2) x->x_min = i1, x->x_max = i2; else if (i1) x->x_max = i1; x->x_carrybang = 0; /* CHECKED */ x->x_minhitflag = x->x_maxhitflag = 0; x->x_maxcount = 0; counter_dir(x, x->x_dir); /* CHECKED: [counter 1 ] starts from */ x->x_count = (x->x_dir == COUNTER_DOWN ? x->x_max : x->x_min); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { x->x_proxies[i] = pd_new(counter_proxy_class); ((t_counter_proxy *)x->x_proxies[i])->p_master = x; inlet_new((t_object *)x, x->x_proxies[i], 0, 0); } (*pp)->p_bangmethod = counter_bang1; (*pp++)->p_floatmethod = counter_dir; /* CHECKED: same as dir */ (*pp)->p_bangmethod = counter_bang2; (*pp++)->p_floatmethod = counter_float2; (*pp)->p_bangmethod = counter_bang3; (*pp++)->p_floatmethod = counter_float3; (*pp)->p_bangmethod = counter_bang4; (*pp++)->p_floatmethod = counter_max; /* CHECKED: same as max */ outlet_new((t_object *)x, &s_float); x->x_out2 = outlet_new((t_object *)x, &s_anything); /* float/bang */ x->x_out3 = outlet_new((t_object *)x, &s_anything); /* float/bang */ x->x_out4 = outlet_new((t_object *)x, &s_float); return (x); } void counter_setup(void) { counter_class = class_new(gensym("counter"), (t_newmethod)counter_new, (t_method)counter_free, sizeof(t_counter), 0, A_DEFFLOAT, A_DEFFLOAT, A_DEFFLOAT, 0); class_addbang(counter_class, counter_bang); class_addfloat(counter_class, counter_float); class_addmethod(counter_class, (t_method)counter_bang, gensym("next"), 0); class_addmethod(counter_class, (t_method)counter_set, gensym("set"), A_FLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(counter_class, (t_method)counter_set, gensym("goto"), A_FLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(counter_class, (t_method)counter_jam, gensym("jam"), A_FLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(counter_class, (t_method)counter_up, gensym("up"), 0); class_addmethod(counter_class, (t_method)counter_down, gensym("down"), 0); class_addmethod(counter_class, (t_method)counter_updown, gensym("updown"), 0); class_addmethod(counter_class, (t_method)counter_inc, gensym("inc"), 0); class_addmethod(counter_class, (t_method)counter_dec, gensym("dec"), 0); class_addmethod(counter_class, (t_method)counter_min, gensym("min"), A_FLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(counter_class, (t_method)counter_max, gensym("max"), A_FLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(counter_class, (t_method)counter_carrybang, gensym("carrybang"), 0); class_addmethod(counter_class, (t_method)counter_carryint, gensym("carryint"), 0); counter_proxy_class = class_new(gensym("_counter_proxy"), 0, 0, sizeof(t_counter_proxy), CLASS_PD | CLASS_NOINLET, 0); class_addbang(counter_proxy_class, counter_proxy_bang); class_addfloat(counter_proxy_class, counter_proxy_float); fitter_setup(counter_class, 0, 0); }