/* Copyright (c) 2002-2005 krzYszcz and others. * For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL * WARRANTIES, see the file, "LICENSE.txt," in this distribution. */ /* This is a modified version of Joseph A. Sarlo's code. The most important changes are listed in "pd-lib-notes.txt" file. */ #include "m_pd.h" #include "common/loud.h" #include "common/fitter.h" //#define CYCLE_USEEVENTNO #define CYCLE_MINOUTS 1 #define CYCLE_C74MAXOUTS 100 /* CHECKED */ #define CYCLE_DEFOUTS 1 typedef struct _cycle { t_object x_ob; int x_eventmode; #ifdef CYCLE_USEEVENTNO int x_lastevent; #else double x_lastevent; #endif int x_index; int x_nouts; t_outlet **x_outs; } t_cycle; static t_class *cycle_class; static int cycle_isnextevent(t_cycle *x) { #ifdef CYCLE_USEEVENTNO int nextevent = sys_geteventno(); #else double nextevent = clock_getlogicaltime(); #endif if (x->x_lastevent == nextevent) return (0); else { x->x_lastevent = nextevent; return (1); } } static void cycle_bang(t_cycle *x) { /* CHECKED: bangs ignored (but message 'bang' is an error -- why?) */ } static void cycle_float(t_cycle *x, t_float f) { if ((x->x_eventmode && cycle_isnextevent(x)) || x->x_index >= x->x_nouts) x->x_index = 0; outlet_float(x->x_outs[x->x_index++], f); } static void cycle_symbol(t_cycle *x, t_symbol *s) { if ((x->x_eventmode && cycle_isnextevent(x)) || x->x_index >= x->x_nouts) x->x_index = 0; outlet_symbol(x->x_outs[x->x_index++], s); } /* LATER gpointer */ static void cycle_list(t_cycle *x, t_symbol *s, int ac, t_atom *av) { if ((x->x_eventmode && cycle_isnextevent(x)) || x->x_index >= x->x_nouts) x->x_index = 0; while (ac--) { if (av->a_type == A_FLOAT) outlet_float(x->x_outs[x->x_index], av->a_w.w_float); else if (av->a_type == A_SYMBOL) outlet_symbol(x->x_outs[x->x_index], av->a_w.w_symbol); av++; if (++(x->x_index) >= x->x_nouts) x->x_index = 0; } } static void cycle_anything(t_cycle *x, t_symbol *s, int ac, t_atom *av) { if (s && s != &s_) cycle_symbol(x, s); /* CHECKED */ cycle_list(x, 0, ac, av); } static void cycle_set(t_cycle *x, t_floatarg f) { int i = (int)f; if (i >= 0 && i < x->x_nouts) x->x_index = i; } static void cycle_thresh(t_cycle *x, t_floatarg f) { if (x->x_eventmode = (f != 0)) #ifdef CYCLE_USEEVENTNO x->x_lastevent = sys_geteventno(); #else x->x_lastevent = clock_getlogicaltime(); #endif } static void cycle_free(t_cycle *x) { if (x->x_outs) freebytes(x->x_outs, x->x_nouts * sizeof(*x->x_outs)); } static void *cycle_new(t_floatarg f1, t_floatarg f2) { t_cycle *x; int i, nouts = (int)f1; t_outlet **outs; if (nouts < CYCLE_MINOUTS) nouts = CYCLE_DEFOUTS; if (nouts > CYCLE_C74MAXOUTS) { fittermax_rangewarning(cycle_class, CYCLE_C74MAXOUTS, "outlets"); /* CHECKED: max clips with an error: ``perhaps you were trying to make an oscillator?'' */ } if (!(outs = (t_outlet **)getbytes(nouts * sizeof(*outs)))) return (0); x = (t_cycle *)pd_new(cycle_class); x->x_nouts = nouts; x->x_outs = outs; x->x_index = 0; for (i = 0; i < nouts; i++) x->x_outs[i] = outlet_new((t_object *)x, &s_anything); cycle_thresh(x, f2); return (x); } void cycle_setup(void) { cycle_class = class_new(gensym("cycle"), (t_newmethod)cycle_new, (t_method)cycle_free, sizeof(t_cycle), 0, A_DEFFLOAT, A_DEFFLOAT, 0); class_addbang(cycle_class, cycle_bang); class_addfloat(cycle_class, cycle_float); class_addsymbol(cycle_class, cycle_symbol); class_addlist(cycle_class, cycle_list); class_addanything(cycle_class, cycle_anything); class_addmethod(cycle_class, (t_method)cycle_set, gensym("set"), A_FLOAT, 0); /* CHECKED: arg required */ class_addmethod(cycle_class, (t_method)cycle_thresh, gensym("thresh"), A_FLOAT, 0); fitter_setup(cycle_class, 0, 0); }