/* Copyright (c) 2003 krzYszcz and others. * For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL * WARRANTIES, see the file, "LICENSE.txt," in this distribution. */ /* CHECKME undocumented: readbinbuf, writebinbuf (a clipboard-like thing?) */ #include #include #include #include "m_pd.h" #include "shared.h" #include "common/loud.h" #include "hammer/file.h" #define MTR_DEBUG #define MTR_C74MAXTRACKS 32 #define MTR_FILEBUFSIZE 4096 #define MTR_FILEMAXCOLUMNS 78 enum { MTR_STEPMODE, MTR_RECMODE, MTR_PLAYMODE }; typedef struct _mtrack { t_pd tr_pd; struct _mtr *tr_owner; int tr_id; int tr_listed; int tr_mode; int tr_muted; int tr_restarted; t_atom *tr_atdelta; int tr_ixnext; t_binbuf *tr_binbuf; float tr_tempo; double tr_clockdelay; double tr_prevtime; t_clock *tr_clock; t_outlet *tr_trackout; t_outlet *tr_mainout; t_hammerfile *tr_filehandle; } t_mtrack; typedef void (*t_mtrackfn)(t_mtrack *tp); typedef struct _mtr { t_object x_ob; t_glist *x_glist; int x_ntracks; t_mtrack **x_tracks; t_hammerfile *x_filehandle; } t_mtr; static t_class *mtrack_class; static t_class *mtr_class; static void mtrack_donext(t_mtrack *tp) { if (tp->tr_ixnext < 0) goto endoftrack; while (1) { int natoms = binbuf_getnatom(tp->tr_binbuf); int ixmess = tp->tr_ixnext; t_atom *atmess; if (ixmess >= natoms) goto endoftrack; atmess = binbuf_getvec(tp->tr_binbuf) + ixmess; while (atmess->a_type == A_SEMI) { if (++ixmess >= natoms) goto endoftrack; atmess++; } if (!tp->tr_atdelta && atmess->a_type == A_FLOAT) { /* delta atom */ float delta = atmess->a_w.w_float; if (delta < 0.) delta = 0.; tp->tr_atdelta = atmess; tp->tr_ixnext = ixmess + 1; if (tp->tr_mode == MTR_PLAYMODE) { clock_delay(tp->tr_clock, tp->tr_clockdelay = delta * tp->tr_tempo); tp->tr_prevtime = clock_getlogicaltime(); } else if (ixmess < 2) /* LATER rethink */ continue; /* CHECKED first delta skipped */ else { /* CHECKED this is not blocked with the muted flag */ t_atom at[2]; SETFLOAT(&at[0], tp->tr_id); SETFLOAT(&at[1], delta); outlet_list(tp->tr_mainout, 0, 2, at); } return; } else { /* message beginning */ int wasrestarted = tp->tr_restarted; /* LATER rethink */ int ixnext = ixmess + 1; t_atom *atnext = atmess + 1; while (ixnext < natoms && atnext->a_type != A_SEMI) ixnext++, atnext++; tp->tr_restarted = 0; if (!tp->tr_muted) { int ac = ixnext - ixmess; if (ac > 1) { if (atmess->a_type == A_FLOAT) outlet_list(tp->tr_trackout, &s_list, ac, atmess); else if (atmess->a_type == A_SYMBOL) outlet_anything(tp->tr_trackout, atmess->a_w.w_symbol, ac-1, atmess+1); } else if (atmess->a_type == A_FLOAT) outlet_float(tp->tr_trackout, atmess->a_w.w_float); else if (atmess->a_type == A_SYMBOL) outlet_symbol(tp->tr_trackout, atmess->a_w.w_symbol); } tp->tr_atdelta = 0; tp->tr_ixnext = ixnext; if (tp->tr_restarted) return; tp->tr_restarted = wasrestarted; } } endoftrack: if (tp->tr_mode == MTR_PLAYMODE) tp->tr_ixnext = 0; /* CHECKED ready to go in step mode after play */ else { if (tp->tr_ixnext > 0) { t_atom at[2]; SETFLOAT(&at[0], tp->tr_id); SETFLOAT(&at[1], -1.); /* CHECKED eot marker */ outlet_list(tp->tr_mainout, 0, 2, at); } tp->tr_ixnext = -1; /* CHECKED no loop-over */ } tp->tr_atdelta = 0; tp->tr_prevtime = 0.; tp->tr_mode = MTR_STEPMODE; } static void mtrack_tick(t_mtrack *tp) { if (tp->tr_mode == MTR_PLAYMODE) { tp->tr_prevtime = 0.; mtrack_donext(tp); } } static void mtrack_setmode(t_mtrack *tp, int newmode) { if (tp->tr_mode == MTR_PLAYMODE) { clock_unset(tp->tr_clock); tp->tr_ixnext = 0; } switch (tp->tr_mode = newmode) { case MTR_STEPMODE: break; case MTR_RECMODE: binbuf_clear(tp->tr_binbuf); tp->tr_prevtime = clock_getlogicaltime(); break; case MTR_PLAYMODE: tp->tr_atdelta = 0; tp->tr_ixnext = 0; tp->tr_prevtime = 0.; mtrack_donext(tp); break; default: bug("mtrack_setmode"); } } static void mtrack_doadd(t_mtrack *tp, int ac, t_atom *av) { if (tp->tr_prevtime > 0.) { t_binbuf *bb = tp->tr_binbuf; t_atom at; float elapsed = clock_gettimesince(tp->tr_prevtime); SETFLOAT(&at, elapsed); binbuf_add(bb, 1, &at); binbuf_add(bb, ac, av); SETSEMI(&at); binbuf_add(bb, 1, &at); tp->tr_prevtime = clock_getlogicaltime(); } } static void mtrack_float(t_mtrack *tp, t_float f) { if (tp->tr_mode == MTR_RECMODE) { t_atom at; SETFLOAT(&at, f); mtrack_doadd(tp, 1, &at); } } static void mtrack_symbol(t_mtrack *tp, t_symbol *s) { if (tp->tr_mode == MTR_RECMODE) { t_atom at; SETSYMBOL(&at, s); mtrack_doadd(tp, 1, &at); } } static void mtrack_list(t_mtrack *tp, t_symbol *s, int ac, t_atom *av) { if (tp->tr_mode == MTR_RECMODE) mtrack_doadd(tp, ac, av); } static void mtrack_record(t_mtrack *tp) { mtrack_setmode(tp, MTR_RECMODE); } static void mtrack_play(t_mtrack *tp) { mtrack_setmode(tp, MTR_PLAYMODE); } static void mtrack_stop(t_mtrack *tp) { mtrack_setmode(tp, MTR_STEPMODE); } static void mtrack_next(t_mtrack *tp) { if (tp->tr_mode == MTR_STEPMODE) mtrack_donext(tp); } static void mtrack_rewind(t_mtrack *tp) { if (tp->tr_mode == MTR_STEPMODE) { tp->tr_atdelta = 0; tp->tr_ixnext = 0; } } /* CHECKED step and play mode */ static void mtrack_mute(t_mtrack *tp) { tp->tr_muted = 1; } /* CHECKED step and play mode */ static void mtrack_unmute(t_mtrack *tp) { tp->tr_muted = 0; } static void mtrack_clear(t_mtrack *tp) { binbuf_clear(tp->tr_binbuf); } static t_atom *mtrack_getdelay(t_mtrack *tp) { int natoms = binbuf_getnatom(tp->tr_binbuf); if (natoms) { t_atom *ap = binbuf_getvec(tp->tr_binbuf); while (natoms--) { if (ap->a_type == A_FLOAT) return (ap); ap++; } bug("mtrack_getdelay"); } return (0); } static void mtrack_delay(t_mtrack *tp, t_floatarg f) { t_atom *ap = mtrack_getdelay(tp); if (ap) ap->a_w.w_float = f; } static void mtrack_first(t_mtrack *tp, t_floatarg f) { mtrack_delay(tp, f); /* CHECKED */ } static void mtr_doread(t_mtr *x, t_mtrack *target, t_symbol *fname); static void mtr_dowrite(t_mtr *x, t_mtrack *source, t_symbol *fname); static void mtrack_readhook(t_pd *z, t_symbol *fname, int ac, t_atom *av) { t_mtrack *tp = (t_mtrack *)z; mtr_doread(tp->tr_owner, tp, fname); } static void mtrack_writehook(t_pd *z, t_symbol *fname, int ac, t_atom *av) { t_mtrack *tp = (t_mtrack *)z; mtr_dowrite(tp->tr_owner, tp, fname); } static void mtrack_read(t_mtrack *tp, t_symbol *s) { if (s && s != &s_) mtr_doread(tp->tr_owner, tp, s); else /* CHECKED no default */ hammerpanel_open(tp->tr_filehandle); } static void mtrack_write(t_mtrack *tp, t_symbol *s) { if (s && s != &s_) mtr_dowrite(tp->tr_owner, tp, s); else /* CHECKED no default */ hammerpanel_save(tp->tr_filehandle, canvas_getdir(tp->tr_owner->x_glist), 0); } static void mtrack_tempo(t_mtrack *tp, t_floatarg f) { float newtempo; static int warned = 0; if (!warned) { loud_incompatible(mtr_class, "no 'tempo' control in Max"); warned = 1; } if (f < 1e-20) f = 1e-20; else if (f > 1e20) f = 1e20; newtempo = 1. / f; if (tp->tr_prevtime > 0.) { tp->tr_clockdelay -= clock_gettimesince(tp->tr_prevtime); tp->tr_clockdelay *= newtempo / tp->tr_tempo; if (tp->tr_clockdelay < 0.) tp->tr_clockdelay = 0.; clock_delay(tp->tr_clock, tp->tr_clockdelay); tp->tr_prevtime = clock_getlogicaltime(); } tp->tr_tempo = newtempo; } static void mtr_calltracks(t_mtr *x, t_mtrackfn fn, t_symbol *s, int ac, t_atom *av) { int ntracks = x->x_ntracks; t_mtrack **tpp = x->x_tracks; if (ac) { /* FIXME: CHECKED tracks called in the order of being mentioned (without duplicates) */ while (ntracks--) (*tpp++)->tr_listed = 0; while (ac--) { /* CHECKED silently ignoring out-of-bounds and non-ints */ if (av->a_type == A_FLOAT) { int id = (int)av->a_w.w_float - 1; /* CHECKED 1-based */ if (id >= 0 && id < x->x_ntracks) x->x_tracks[id]->tr_listed = 1; } av++; } ntracks = x->x_ntracks; tpp = x->x_tracks; while (ntracks--) { if ((*tpp)->tr_listed) fn(*tpp); tpp++; } } else while (ntracks--) fn(*tpp++); } static void mtr_record(t_mtr *x, t_symbol *s, int ac, t_atom *av) { mtr_calltracks(x, mtrack_record, s, ac, av); } static void mtr_play(t_mtr *x, t_symbol *s, int ac, t_atom *av) { mtr_calltracks(x, mtrack_play, s, ac, av); } static void mtr_stop(t_mtr *x, t_symbol *s, int ac, t_atom *av) { mtr_calltracks(x, mtrack_stop, s, ac, av); } static void mtr_next(t_mtr *x, t_symbol *s, int ac, t_atom *av) { mtr_calltracks(x, mtrack_next, s, ac, av); } static void mtr_rewind(t_mtr *x, t_symbol *s, int ac, t_atom *av) { mtr_calltracks(x, mtrack_rewind, s, ac, av); } static void mtr_mute(t_mtr *x, t_symbol *s, int ac, t_atom *av) { mtr_calltracks(x, mtrack_mute, s, ac, av); } static void mtr_unmute(t_mtr *x, t_symbol *s, int ac, t_atom *av) { mtr_calltracks(x, mtrack_unmute, s, ac, av); } static void mtr_clear(t_mtr *x, t_symbol *s, int ac, t_atom *av) { mtr_calltracks(x, mtrack_clear, s, ac, av); } static void mtr_delay(t_mtr *x, t_floatarg f) { int ntracks = x->x_ntracks; t_mtrack **tpp = x->x_tracks; while (ntracks--) mtrack_delay(*tpp++, f); } static void mtr_first(t_mtr *x, t_floatarg f) { int ntracks = x->x_ntracks; t_mtrack **tpp = x->x_tracks; float delta = SHARED_FLT_MAX; if (f < 0.) f = 0.; while (ntracks--) { t_atom *ap = mtrack_getdelay(*tpp); if (ap) { if (delta > ap->a_w.w_float) delta = ap->a_w.w_float; (*tpp)->tr_listed = 1; } else (*tpp)->tr_listed = 0; tpp++; } ntracks = x->x_ntracks; tpp = x->x_tracks; delta -= f; while (ntracks--) { if ((*tpp)->tr_listed) { t_atom *ap = mtrack_getdelay(*tpp); if (ap) ap->a_w.w_float -= delta; } tpp++; } } static void mtr_doread(t_mtr *x, t_mtrack *target, t_symbol *fname) { char path[MAXPDSTRING]; FILE *fp; if (x->x_glist) canvas_makefilename(x->x_glist, fname->s_name, path, MAXPDSTRING); else { strncpy(path, fname->s_name, MAXPDSTRING); path[MAXPDSTRING-1] = 0; } /* CHECKED no global message */ sys_bashfilename(path, path); if (fp = fopen(path, "r")) { t_mtrack *tp = 0; char linebuf[MTR_FILEBUFSIZE]; t_binbuf *bb = binbuf_new(); while (fgets(linebuf, MTR_FILEBUFSIZE, fp)) { char *line = linebuf; int linelen; while (*line && (*line == ' ' || *line == '\t')) line++; if (linelen = strlen(line)) { if (tp) { if (!strncmp(line, "end;", 4)) { post("ok"); tp = 0; } else { int ac; binbuf_text(bb, line, linelen); if (ac = binbuf_getnatom(bb)) { t_atom *ap = binbuf_getvec(bb); if (!binbuf_getnatom(tp->tr_binbuf)) { if (ap->a_type != A_FLOAT) { t_atom at; SETFLOAT(&at, 0.); binbuf_add(tp->tr_binbuf, 1, &at); } else if (ap->a_w.w_float < 0.) ap->a_w.w_float = 0.; } binbuf_add(tp->tr_binbuf, ac, ap); } } } else if (!strncmp(line, "track ", 6)) { int id = strtol(line + 6, 0, 10); startpost("Track %d... ", id); if (id < 1 || id > x->x_ntracks) post("no such track"); /* LATER rethink */ else if (target) { if (id == target->tr_id) tp = target; post("skipped"); /* LATER rethink */ } else tp = x->x_tracks[id - 1]; if (tp) { binbuf_clear(tp->tr_binbuf); } } } } fclose(fp); binbuf_free(bb); } else { /* CHECKED no complaint, open dialog not presented... */ /* LATER rethink */ hammerpanel_open(target ? target->tr_filehandle : x->x_filehandle); } } static int mtr_writetrack(t_mtr *x, t_mtrack *tp, FILE *fp) { int natoms = binbuf_getnatom(tp->tr_binbuf); if (natoms) /* CHECKED empty tracks not stored */ { char sbuf[MTR_FILEBUFSIZE], *bp = sbuf, *ep = sbuf + MTR_FILEBUFSIZE; int ncolumn = 0; t_atom *ap = binbuf_getvec(tp->tr_binbuf); fprintf(fp, "track %d;\n", tp->tr_id); for (; natoms--; ap++) { int length; /* from binbuf_write(): ``estimate how many characters will be needed. Printing out symbols may need extra characters for inserting backslashes.'' */ if (ap->a_type == A_SYMBOL || ap->a_type == A_DOLLSYM) length = 80 + strlen(ap->a_w.w_symbol->s_name); else length = 40; if (bp > sbuf && ep - bp < length) { if (fwrite(sbuf, bp - sbuf, 1, fp) < 1) return (1); bp = sbuf; } if (ap->a_type == A_SEMI) { *bp++ = ';'; *bp++ = '\n'; ncolumn = 0; } else if (ap->a_type == A_COMMA) { *bp++ = ','; ncolumn++; } else { if (ncolumn) { *bp++ = ' '; ncolumn++; } atom_string(ap, bp, (ep - bp) - 2); length = strlen(bp); if (ncolumn && ncolumn + length > MTR_FILEMAXCOLUMNS) { bp[-1] = '\n'; ncolumn = length; } else ncolumn += length; bp += length; } } if (bp > sbuf && fwrite(sbuf, bp - sbuf, 1, fp) < 1) return (1); fputs("end;\n", fp); post("Track %d done", tp->tr_id); /* CHECKED (0-based: not emulated) */ } return (0); } /* CHECKED empty sequence stored as an empty file */ static void mtr_dowrite(t_mtr *x, t_mtrack *source, t_symbol *fname) { int failed = 0; char path[MAXPDSTRING]; FILE *fp; if (x->x_glist) canvas_makefilename(x->x_glist, fname->s_name, path, MAXPDSTRING); else { strncpy(path, fname->s_name, MAXPDSTRING); path[MAXPDSTRING-1] = 0; } /* CHECKED no global message */ sys_bashfilename(path, path); if (fp = fopen(path, "w")) { /* CHECKED single-track writing does not seem to work (a bug?) */ if (source) failed = mtr_writetrack(x, source, fp); else { int id; t_mtrack **tpp; for (id = 0, tpp = x->x_tracks; id < x->x_ntracks; id++, tpp++) if (failed = mtr_writetrack(x, *tpp, fp)) break; } if (failed) sys_unixerror(path); /* LATER rethink */ fclose(fp); } else { sys_unixerror(path); /* LATER rethink */ failed = 1; } if (failed) loud_error((t_pd *)x, "writing text file \"%s\" failed", path); } static void mtr_readhook(t_pd *z, t_symbol *fname, int ac, t_atom *av) { mtr_doread((t_mtr *)z, 0, fname); } static void mtr_writehook(t_pd *z, t_symbol *fname, int ac, t_atom *av) { mtr_dowrite((t_mtr *)z, 0, fname); } static void mtr_read(t_mtr *x, t_symbol *s) { if (s && s != &s_) mtr_doread(x, 0, s); else /* CHECKED no default */ hammerpanel_open(x->x_filehandle); } static void mtr_write(t_mtr *x, t_symbol *s) { if (s && s != &s_) mtr_dowrite(x, 0, s); else /* CHECKED no default */ hammerpanel_save(x->x_filehandle, canvas_getdir(x->x_glist), 0); } static void mtr_tempo(t_mtr *x, t_floatarg f) { int ntracks = x->x_ntracks; t_mtrack **tpp = x->x_tracks; while (ntracks--) mtrack_tempo(*tpp++, f); } #ifdef MTR_DEBUG static void mtr_debug(t_mtr *x) { int ntracks = x->x_ntracks; t_mtrack **tpp = x->x_tracks; while (ntracks--) { post("------- Track %d -------", (*tpp)->tr_id); binbuf_print((*tpp++)->tr_binbuf); } } #endif static void mtr_free(t_mtr *x) { if (x->x_tracks) { int ntracks = x->x_ntracks; t_mtrack **tpp = x->x_tracks; while (ntracks--) { t_mtrack *tp = *tpp++; if (tp->tr_binbuf) binbuf_free(tp->tr_binbuf); if (tp->tr_clock) clock_free(tp->tr_clock); pd_free((t_pd *)tp); } freebytes(x->x_tracks, x->x_ntracks * sizeof(*x->x_tracks)); } } static void *mtr_new(t_floatarg f) { t_mtr *x = 0; int ntracks = (int)f; t_mtrack **tracks; if (ntracks < 1) ntracks = 1; if (tracks = getbytes(ntracks * sizeof(*tracks))) { int i; t_mtrack **tpp; for (i = 0, tpp = tracks; i < ntracks; i++, tpp++) { if (!(*tpp = (t_mtrack *)pd_new(mtrack_class)) || !((*tpp)->tr_binbuf = binbuf_new()) || !((*tpp)->tr_clock = clock_new(*tpp, (t_method)mtrack_tick))) { if (*tpp) pd_free((t_pd *)*tpp); if ((*tpp)->tr_binbuf) binbuf_free((*tpp)->tr_binbuf); while (i--) { tpp--; binbuf_free((*tpp)->tr_binbuf); clock_free((*tpp)->tr_clock); pd_free((t_pd *)*tpp); } return (0); } } if (x = (t_mtr *)pd_new(mtr_class)) { int id; t_outlet *mainout = outlet_new((t_object *)x, &s_list); x->x_glist = canvas_getcurrent(); x->x_filehandle = hammerfile_new((t_pd *)x, 0, mtr_readhook, mtr_writehook, 0); if (ntracks > MTR_C74MAXTRACKS) loud_incompatible_max(mtr_class, MTR_C74MAXTRACKS, "tracks"); x->x_ntracks = ntracks; x->x_tracks = tracks; for (id = 1; id <= ntracks; id++, tracks++) /* CHECKED 1-based */ { t_mtrack *tp = *tracks; inlet_new((t_object *)x, (t_pd *)tp, 0, 0); tp->tr_trackout = outlet_new((t_object *)x, &s_); tp->tr_mainout = mainout; tp->tr_owner = x; tp->tr_id = id; tp->tr_listed = 0; tp->tr_filehandle = /* LATER rethink */ hammerfile_new((t_pd *)tp, 0, mtrack_readhook, mtrack_writehook, 0); tp->tr_mode = MTR_STEPMODE; tp->tr_muted = 0; tp->tr_restarted = 0; tp->tr_atdelta = 0; tp->tr_ixnext = 0; tp->tr_tempo = 1.; tp->tr_clockdelay = 0.; tp->tr_prevtime = 0.; } } } return (x); } void mtr_setup(void) { mtrack_class = class_new(gensym("_mtrack"), 0, 0, sizeof(t_mtrack), CLASS_PD | CLASS_NOINLET, 0); class_addfloat(mtrack_class, mtrack_float); class_addsymbol(mtrack_class, mtrack_symbol); class_addlist(mtrack_class, mtrack_list); class_addmethod(mtrack_class, (t_method)mtrack_record, gensym("record"), 0); class_addmethod(mtrack_class, (t_method)mtrack_play, gensym("play"), 0); class_addmethod(mtrack_class, (t_method)mtrack_stop, gensym("stop"), 0); class_addmethod(mtrack_class, (t_method)mtrack_next, gensym("next"), 0); class_addmethod(mtrack_class, (t_method)mtrack_rewind, gensym("rewind"), 0); class_addmethod(mtrack_class, (t_method)mtrack_mute, gensym("mute"), 0); class_addmethod(mtrack_class, (t_method)mtrack_unmute, gensym("unmute"), 0); class_addmethod(mtrack_class, (t_method)mtrack_clear, gensym("clear"), 0); class_addmethod(mtrack_class, (t_method)mtrack_delay, gensym("delay"), A_FLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(mtrack_class, (t_method)mtrack_first, gensym("first"), A_FLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(mtrack_class, (t_method)mtrack_read, gensym("read"), A_DEFSYM, 0); class_addmethod(mtrack_class, (t_method)mtrack_write, gensym("write"), A_DEFSYM, 0); class_addmethod(mtrack_class, (t_method)mtrack_tempo, gensym("tempo"), A_FLOAT, 0); mtr_class = class_new(gensym("mtr"), (t_newmethod)mtr_new, (t_method)mtr_free, sizeof(t_mtr), 0, A_DEFFLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(mtr_class, (t_method)mtr_record, gensym("record"), A_GIMME, 0); class_addmethod(mtr_class, (t_method)mtr_play, gensym("play"), A_GIMME, 0); class_addmethod(mtr_class, (t_method)mtr_stop, gensym("stop"), A_GIMME, 0); class_addmethod(mtr_class, (t_method)mtr_next, gensym("next"), A_GIMME, 0); class_addmethod(mtr_class, (t_method)mtr_rewind, gensym("rewind"), A_GIMME, 0); class_addmethod(mtr_class, (t_method)mtr_mute, gensym("mute"), A_GIMME, 0); class_addmethod(mtr_class, (t_method)mtr_unmute, gensym("unmute"), A_GIMME, 0); class_addmethod(mtr_class, (t_method)mtr_clear, gensym("clear"), A_GIMME, 0); class_addmethod(mtr_class, (t_method)mtr_delay, gensym("delay"), A_FLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(mtr_class, (t_method)mtr_first, gensym("first"), A_FLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(mtr_class, (t_method)mtr_read, gensym("read"), A_DEFSYM, 0); class_addmethod(mtr_class, (t_method)mtr_write, gensym("write"), A_DEFSYM, 0); class_addmethod(mtr_class, (t_method)mtr_tempo, gensym("tempo"), A_FLOAT, 0); #ifdef MTR_DEBUG class_addmethod(mtr_class, (t_method)mtr_debug, gensym("debug"), 0); #endif hammerfile_setup(mtr_class, 0); }