/* Copyright (c) 2002-2004 krzYszcz and others. * For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL * WARRANTIES, see the file, "LICENSE.txt," in this distribution. */ /* CHECKED no sharing of data among seq objects having the same creation arg */ #include #include #include #include "m_pd.h" #include "shared.h" #include "common/loud.h" #include "common/grow.h" #include "common/mifi.h" #include "unstable/forky.h" #include "hammer/file.h" #define SEQ_DEBUG #define SEQ_INISEQSIZE 256 /* LATER rethink */ #define SEQ_INITEMPOMAPSIZE 128 /* LATER rethink */ #define SEQ_EOM 255 /* end of message marker, LATER rethink */ #define SEQ_TICKSPERSEC 48 #define SEQ_MINTICKDELAY 1. /* LATER rethink */ #define SEQ_TICKEPSILON ((double).0001) enum { SEQ_IDLEMODE, SEQ_RECMODE, SEQ_PLAYMODE, SEQ_SLAVEMODE }; typedef struct _seqevent { double e_delta; unsigned char e_bytes[4]; } t_seqevent; typedef struct _seqtempo { double t_scoretime; /* score ticks from start */ double t_sr; /* score ticks per second */ } t_seqtempo; typedef struct _seq { t_object x_ob; t_canvas *x_canvas; t_symbol *x_defname; t_hammerfile *x_filehandle; int x_mode; int x_playhead; float x_timescale; float x_newtimescale; double x_prevtime; double x_slaveprevtime; double x_clockdelay; unsigned char x_status; int x_evelength; int x_expectedlength; int x_eventreadhead; int x_seqsize; /* as allocated */ int x_nevents; /* as used */ t_seqevent *x_sequence; t_seqevent x_seqini[SEQ_INISEQSIZE]; int x_temporeadhead; int x_tempomapsize; /* as allocated */ int x_ntempi; /* as used */ t_seqtempo *x_tempomap; t_seqtempo x_tempomapini[SEQ_INITEMPOMAPSIZE]; t_clock *x_clock; t_clock *x_slaveclock; t_outlet *x_bangout; } t_seq; static t_class *seq_class; static void seq_doclear(t_seq *x, int dofree) { if (dofree) { if (x->x_sequence != x->x_seqini) { freebytes(x->x_sequence, x->x_seqsize * sizeof(*x->x_sequence)); x->x_sequence = x->x_seqini; x->x_seqsize = SEQ_INISEQSIZE; } if (x->x_tempomap != x->x_tempomapini) { freebytes(x->x_tempomap, x->x_tempomapsize * sizeof(*x->x_tempomap)); x->x_tempomap = x->x_tempomapini; x->x_tempomapsize = SEQ_INITEMPOMAPSIZE; } } x->x_nevents = 0; x->x_ntempi = 0; } static int seq_dogrowing(t_seq *x, int nevents, int ntempi) { if (nevents > x->x_seqsize) { int nrequested = nevents; #ifdef SEQ_DEBUG post("growing for %d events...", nevents); #endif x->x_sequence = grow_nodata(&nrequested, &x->x_seqsize, x->x_sequence, SEQ_INISEQSIZE, x->x_seqini, sizeof(*x->x_sequence)); if (nrequested < nevents) { x->x_nevents = 0; x->x_ntempi = 0; return (0); } } if (ntempi > x->x_tempomapsize) { int nrequested = ntempi; #ifdef SEQ_DEBUG post("growing for %d tempi...", ntempi); #endif x->x_tempomap = grow_nodata(&nrequested, &x->x_tempomapsize, x->x_tempomap, SEQ_INITEMPOMAPSIZE, x->x_tempomapini, sizeof(*x->x_tempomap)); if (nrequested < ntempi) { x->x_ntempi = 0; return (0); } } x->x_nevents = nevents; x->x_ntempi = ntempi; return (1); } static void seq_complete(t_seq *x) { if (x->x_evelength < x->x_expectedlength) { /* CHECKED no warning if no data after status byte requiring data */ if (x->x_evelength > 1) post("seq: truncated midi message"); /* CHECKED */ /* CHECKED nothing stored */ } else { t_seqevent *ep = &x->x_sequence[x->x_nevents]; ep->e_delta = clock_gettimesince(x->x_prevtime); x->x_prevtime = clock_getlogicaltime(); if (x->x_evelength < 4) ep->e_bytes[x->x_evelength] = SEQ_EOM; x->x_nevents++; if (x->x_nevents >= x->x_seqsize) { int nexisting = x->x_seqsize; /* store-ahead scheme, LATER consider using x_currevent */ int nrequested = x->x_nevents + 1; #ifdef SEQ_DEBUG post("growing..."); #endif x->x_sequence = grow_withdata(&nrequested, &nexisting, &x->x_seqsize, x->x_sequence, SEQ_INISEQSIZE, x->x_seqini, sizeof(*x->x_sequence)); if (nrequested <= x->x_nevents) x->x_nevents = 0; } } x->x_evelength = 0; } static void seq_checkstatus(t_seq *x, unsigned char c) { if (x->x_status && x->x_evelength > 1) /* LATER rethink */ seq_complete(x); if (c < 192) x->x_expectedlength = 3; else if (c < 224) x->x_expectedlength = 2; else if (c < 240) x->x_expectedlength = 3; else if (c < 248) { /* FIXME */ x->x_expectedlength = -1; } else { x->x_sequence[x->x_nevents].e_bytes[0] = c; x->x_evelength = x->x_expectedlength = 1; seq_complete(x); return; } x->x_status = x->x_sequence[x->x_nevents].e_bytes[0] = c; x->x_evelength = 1; } static void seq_addbyte(t_seq *x, unsigned char c, int docomplete) { x->x_sequence[x->x_nevents].e_bytes[x->x_evelength++] = c; if (x->x_evelength == x->x_expectedlength) { seq_complete(x); if (x->x_status) { x->x_sequence[x->x_nevents].e_bytes[0] = x->x_status; x->x_evelength = 1; } } else if (x->x_evelength == 4) { if (x->x_status != 240) bug("seq_addbyte"); /* CHECKED sysex is broken into 4-byte packets marked with the actual delta time of last byte received in a packet */ seq_complete(x); } else if (docomplete) seq_complete(x); } static void seq_endofsysex(t_seq *x) { seq_addbyte(x, 247, 1); x->x_status = 0; } static void seq_stoprecording(t_seq *x) { if (x->x_status == 240) { post("seq: incomplete sysex"); /* CHECKED */ seq_endofsysex(x); /* CHECKED 247 added implicitly */ } else if (x->x_status) seq_complete(x); /* CHECKED running status used in recording, but not across recordings */ x->x_status = 0; } static void seq_stopplayback(t_seq *x) { /* FIXME */ /* CHECKED "seq: incomplete sysex" at playback stop, 247 added implicitly */ /* CHECKME resetting controllers, etc. */ /* CHECKED bang not sent if playback stopped early */ clock_unset(x->x_clock); x->x_playhead = 0; } static void seq_stopslavery(t_seq *x) { /* FIXME */ clock_unset(x->x_clock); clock_unset(x->x_slaveclock); x->x_playhead = 0; } static void seq_startrecording(t_seq *x, int modechanged) { x->x_prevtime = clock_getlogicaltime(); x->x_status = 0; x->x_evelength = 0; x->x_expectedlength = -1; /* LATER rethink */ } /* CHECKED running status not used in playback */ static void seq_startplayback(t_seq *x, int modechanged) { /* CHECKED bang not sent if sequence is empty */ if (x->x_nevents) { if (modechanged) { x->x_playhead = 0; /* playback data never sent within the scheduler event of a start message (even for the first delta <= 0), LATER rethink */ x->x_clockdelay = x->x_sequence->e_delta * x->x_newtimescale; } else { /* CHECKED timescale change */ x->x_clockdelay -= clock_gettimesince(x->x_prevtime); x->x_clockdelay *= x->x_newtimescale / x->x_timescale; } if (x->x_clockdelay < 0.) x->x_clockdelay = 0.; clock_delay(x->x_clock, x->x_clockdelay); x->x_prevtime = clock_getlogicaltime(); x->x_timescale = x->x_newtimescale; } else x->x_mode = SEQ_IDLEMODE; } static void seq_startslavery(t_seq *x, int modechanged) { if (x->x_nevents) { x->x_playhead = 0; x->x_prevtime = 0.; x->x_slaveprevtime = 0.; } else x->x_mode = SEQ_IDLEMODE; } static void seq_setmode(t_seq *x, int newmode) { int changed = (x->x_mode != newmode); if (changed) { switch (x->x_mode) { case SEQ_IDLEMODE: break; case SEQ_RECMODE: seq_stoprecording(x); break; case SEQ_PLAYMODE: seq_stopplayback(x); break; case SEQ_SLAVEMODE: seq_stopslavery(x); break; default: bug("seq_setmode (old)"); return; } x->x_mode = newmode; } switch (newmode) { case SEQ_IDLEMODE: break; case SEQ_RECMODE: seq_startrecording(x, changed); break; case SEQ_PLAYMODE: seq_startplayback(x, changed); break; case SEQ_SLAVEMODE: seq_startslavery(x, changed); break; default: bug("seq_setmode (new)"); } } static void seq_settimescale(t_seq *x, float newtimescale) { if (newtimescale < 1e-20) x->x_newtimescale = 1e-20; else if (newtimescale > 1e20) x->x_newtimescale = 1e20; else x->x_newtimescale = newtimescale; } static void seq_clocktick(t_seq *x) { if (x->x_mode == SEQ_PLAYMODE || x->x_mode == SEQ_SLAVEMODE) { t_seqevent *ep = &x->x_sequence[x->x_playhead++]; unsigned char *bp = ep->e_bytes; nextevent: outlet_float(((t_object *)x)->ob_outlet, *bp++); if (*bp != SEQ_EOM) { outlet_float(((t_object *)x)->ob_outlet, *bp++); if (*bp != SEQ_EOM) { outlet_float(((t_object *)x)->ob_outlet, *bp++); if (*bp != SEQ_EOM) outlet_float(((t_object *)x)->ob_outlet, *bp++); } } if (x->x_mode != SEQ_PLAYMODE && x->x_mode != SEQ_SLAVEMODE) return; /* protecting against outlet -> 'stop' etc. */ if (x->x_playhead < x->x_nevents) { ep++; if (ep->e_delta < SEQ_TICKEPSILON) /* continue output in the same scheduler event, LATER rethink */ { x->x_playhead++; bp = ep->e_bytes; goto nextevent; } else { x->x_clockdelay = ep->e_delta * x->x_timescale; if (x->x_clockdelay < 0.) x->x_clockdelay = 0.; clock_delay(x->x_clock, x->x_clockdelay); x->x_prevtime = clock_getlogicaltime(); } } else { seq_setmode(x, SEQ_IDLEMODE); /* CHECKED bang sent immediately _after_ last byte */ outlet_bang(x->x_bangout); /* LATER think about reentrancy */ } } } /* timeout handler ('tick' is late) */ static void seq_slaveclocktick(t_seq *x) { if (x->x_mode == SEQ_SLAVEMODE) clock_unset(x->x_clock); } /* LATER dealing with self-invokation (outlet -> 'tick') */ static void seq_tick(t_seq *x) { if (x->x_mode == SEQ_SLAVEMODE) { if (x->x_slaveprevtime > 0) { double elapsed = clock_gettimesince(x->x_slaveprevtime); if (elapsed < SEQ_MINTICKDELAY) return; clock_delay(x->x_slaveclock, elapsed); seq_settimescale(x, (float)(elapsed * (SEQ_TICKSPERSEC / 1000.))); if (x->x_prevtime > 0) { x->x_clockdelay -= clock_gettimesince(x->x_prevtime); x->x_clockdelay *= x->x_newtimescale / x->x_timescale; } else x->x_clockdelay = x->x_sequence[x->x_playhead].e_delta * x->x_newtimescale; if (x->x_clockdelay < 0.) x->x_clockdelay = 0.; clock_delay(x->x_clock, x->x_clockdelay); x->x_prevtime = clock_getlogicaltime(); x->x_slaveprevtime = x->x_prevtime; x->x_timescale = x->x_newtimescale; } else { x->x_clockdelay = 0.; /* redundant */ x->x_prevtime = 0.; /* redundant */ x->x_slaveprevtime = clock_getlogicaltime(); x->x_timescale = 1.; /* redundant */ } } } /* CHECKED bang does the same as 'start 1024', not 'start ' (also if already in SEQ_PLAYMODE) */ static void seq_bang(t_seq *x) { seq_settimescale(x, 1.); seq_setmode(x, SEQ_PLAYMODE); /* CHECKED 'bang' stops recording */ } static void seq_float(t_seq *x, t_float f) { if (x->x_mode == SEQ_RECMODE) { /* CHECKED noninteger and out of range silently truncated */ unsigned char c = (unsigned char)f; if (c < 128) { if (x->x_status) seq_addbyte(x, c, 0); } else if (c != 254) /* CHECKED active sensing ignored */ { if (x->x_status == 240) { if (c == 247) seq_endofsysex(x); else { /* CHECKED rt bytes alike */ post("seq: unterminated sysex"); /* CHECKED */ seq_endofsysex(x); /* CHECKED 247 added implicitly */ seq_checkstatus(x, c); } } else if (c != 247) seq_checkstatus(x, c); } } } static void seq_symbol(t_seq *x, t_symbol *s) { loud_nomethod((t_pd *)x, &s_symbol); /* CHECKED */ } static void seq_list(t_seq *x, t_symbol *s, int ac, t_atom *av) { if (ac && av->a_type == A_FLOAT) seq_float(x, av->a_w.w_float); /* CHECKED anything else/more silently ignored */ } static void seq_record(t_seq *x) { /* CHECKED 'record' stops playback, resets recording */ seq_doclear(x, 0); seq_setmode(x, SEQ_RECMODE); } static void seq_append(t_seq *x) { /* CHECKED 'append' stops playback */ /* CHECKED if in SEQ_RECMODE, 'append' resets the timer */ seq_setmode(x, SEQ_RECMODE); } static void seq_start(t_seq *x, t_floatarg f) { if (f < 0) { /* FIXME */ seq_setmode(x, SEQ_SLAVEMODE); } else { seq_settimescale(x, (f == 0 ? 1. : 1024. / f)); seq_setmode(x, SEQ_PLAYMODE); /* CHECKED 'start' stops recording */ } } static void seq_stop(t_seq *x) { seq_setmode(x, SEQ_IDLEMODE); } /* CHECKED first delta time is set permanently (it is stored in a file) */ static void seq_delay(t_seq *x, t_floatarg f) { if (x->x_nevents) /* CHECKED signed/unsigned bug (not emulated) */ x->x_sequence->e_delta = (f > SEQ_TICKEPSILON ? f : 0.); } /* CHECKED all delta times are set permanently (they are stored in a file) */ static void seq_hook(t_seq *x, t_floatarg f) { int nevents; if (nevents = x->x_nevents) { t_seqevent *ev = x->x_sequence; if (f < 0) f = 0; /* CHECKED signed/unsigned bug (not emulated) */ while (nevents--) ev++->e_delta *= f; } } static int seq_eventcomparehook(const void *e1, const void *e2) { return (((t_seqevent *)e1)->e_delta > ((t_seqevent *)e2)->e_delta ? 1 : -1); } static int seq_tempocomparehook(const void *t1, const void *t2) { return (((t_seqtempo *)t1)->t_scoretime > ((t_seqtempo *)t2)->t_scoretime ? 1 : -1); } static int seq_mrhook(t_mifiread *mr, void *hookdata, int evtype) { t_seq *x = (t_seq *)hookdata; double scoretime = mifiread_getscoretime(mr); if (evtype >= 0xf0) { } else if (evtype >= 0x80) { if (x->x_eventreadhead < x->x_nevents) { t_seqevent *sev = &x->x_sequence[x->x_eventreadhead++]; int status = mifiread_getstatus(mr); sev->e_delta = scoretime; sev->e_bytes[0] = status | mifiread_getchannel(mr); sev->e_bytes[1] = mifiread_getdata1(mr); if (MIFI_ONEDATABYTE(status)) sev->e_bytes[2] = SEQ_EOM; else { sev->e_bytes[2] = mifiread_getdata2(mr); sev->e_bytes[3] = SEQ_EOM; } } else if (x->x_eventreadhead == x->x_nevents) { bug("seq_mrhook 1"); x->x_eventreadhead++; } } else if (evtype == MIFIMETA_TEMPO) { if (x->x_temporeadhead < x->x_ntempi) { t_seqtempo *stm = &x->x_tempomap[x->x_temporeadhead++]; stm->t_scoretime = scoretime; stm->t_sr = mifiread_gettempo(mr); #ifdef SEQ_DEBUG post("tempo %g at %g", stm->t_sr, scoretime); #endif } else if (x->x_temporeadhead == x->x_ntempi) { bug("seq_mrhook 2"); x->x_temporeadhead++; } } return (1); } /* apply tempo and fold */ static void seq_foldtime(t_seq *x, double deftempo) { t_seqevent *sev; t_seqtempo *stm = x->x_tempomap; double coef = 1000. / deftempo; int ex, tx = 0; double prevscoretime = 0.; while (tx < x->x_ntempi && stm->t_scoretime < SEQ_TICKEPSILON) tx++, coef = 1000. / stm++->t_sr; for (ex = 0, sev = x->x_sequence; ex < x->x_nevents; ex++, sev++) { double clockdelta = 0.; while (tx < x->x_ntempi && stm->t_scoretime <= sev->e_delta) { clockdelta += (stm->t_scoretime - prevscoretime) * coef; prevscoretime = stm->t_scoretime; tx++; coef = 1000. / stm++->t_sr; } clockdelta += (sev->e_delta - prevscoretime) * coef; prevscoretime = sev->e_delta; sev->e_delta = clockdelta; } } static int seq_mfread(t_seq *x, char *path) { int result = 0; t_mifiread *mr = mifiread_new((t_pd *)x); if (!mifiread_open(mr, path, "", 0)) goto mfreadfailed; #ifdef SEQ_DEBUG startpost("midifile (format %d): %d tracks, %d ticks", mifiread_getformat(mr), mifiread_gethdtracks(mr), mifiread_getbeatticks(mr)); if (mifiread_getnframes(mr)) post(" (%d smpte frames)", mifiread_getnframes(mr)); else post(" per beat"); #endif if (!seq_dogrowing(x, mifiread_getnevents(mr), mifiread_getntempi(mr))) goto mfreadfailed; x->x_eventreadhead = 0; x->x_temporeadhead = 0; if (mifiread_doit(mr, seq_mrhook, x) != MIFIREAD_EOF) goto mfreadfailed; if (x->x_eventreadhead < x->x_nevents) { bug("seq_mfread 1"); post("declared %d events, got %d", x->x_nevents, x->x_eventreadhead); x->x_nevents = x->x_eventreadhead; } if (x->x_nevents) qsort(x->x_sequence, x->x_nevents, sizeof(*x->x_sequence), seq_eventcomparehook); if (x->x_temporeadhead < x->x_ntempi) { bug("seq_mfread 2"); post("declared %d tempi, got %d", x->x_ntempi, x->x_temporeadhead); x->x_ntempi = x->x_temporeadhead; } if (x->x_ntempi) qsort(x->x_tempomap, x->x_ntempi, sizeof(*x->x_tempomap), seq_tempocomparehook); seq_foldtime(x, mifiread_getdeftempo(mr)); #ifdef SEQ_DEBUG post("seq: got %d events from midi file", x->x_nevents); #endif result = 1; mfreadfailed: mifiread_free(mr); return (result); } static int seq_mfwrite(t_seq *x, char *path) { int result = 0; t_seqevent *sev = x->x_sequence; int nevents = x->x_nevents; t_mifiwrite *mw = mifiwrite_new((t_pd *)x); if (!mifiwrite_open(mw, path, "", 1, 1)) goto mfwritefailed; if (!mifiwrite_opentrack(mw, "seq-track", 1)) goto mfwritefailed; while (nevents--) { unsigned char *bp = sev->e_bytes; unsigned status = *bp & 0xf0; if (status > 127 && status < 240) { if (!mifiwrite_channelevent(mw, sev->e_delta, status, *bp & 0x0f, bp[1], bp[2])) /* SEQ_EOM ignored */ { loud_error((t_pd *)x, "cannot write channel event %d", status); goto mfwritefailed; } } /* FIXME system, sysex (first, and continuation) */ sev++; } if (!mifiwrite_closetrack(mw, 0., 1)) goto mfwritefailed; mifiwrite_close(mw); result = 1; mfwritefailed: if (!result) loud_errand((t_pd *)x, "while saving sequence into midi file \"%s\"", path); mifiwrite_free(mw); return (result); } /* FIXME */ /* CHECKED absolute timestamps, semi-terminated, verified */ static int seq_frombinbuf(t_seq *x, t_binbuf *bb) { int nevents = 0; int ac = binbuf_getnatom(bb); t_atom *av = binbuf_getvec(bb); while (ac--) if (av++->a_type == A_SEMI) /* FIXME parsing */ nevents++; if (nevents) { t_seqevent *ep; float prevtime = 0; int i = -1; if (!seq_dogrowing(x, nevents, 0)) return (0); nevents = 0; ac = binbuf_getnatom(bb); av = binbuf_getvec(bb); ep = x->x_sequence; while (ac--) { if (av->a_type == A_FLOAT) { if (i < 0) { ep->e_delta = av->a_w.w_float - prevtime; prevtime = av->a_w.w_float; i = 0; } else if (i < 4) ep->e_bytes[i++] = av->a_w.w_float; /* CHECKME else */ } else if (av->a_type == A_SEMI && i > 0) { if (i < 4) ep->e_bytes[i] = SEQ_EOM; nevents++; ep++; i = -1; } /* CHECKME else */ av++; } x->x_nevents = nevents; } return (nevents); } static void seq_tobinbuf(t_seq *x, t_binbuf *bb) { int nevents = x->x_nevents; t_seqevent *ep = x->x_sequence; t_atom at[5]; float timestamp = 0; while (nevents--) { unsigned char *bp = ep->e_bytes; int i; t_atom *ap = at; timestamp += ep->e_delta; SETFLOAT(ap, timestamp); /* CHECKED same for sysex continuation */ ap++; SETFLOAT(ap, *bp); for (i = 0, ap++, bp++; i < 3 && *bp != SEQ_EOM; i++, ap++, bp++) SETFLOAT(ap, *bp); binbuf_add(bb, i + 2, at); binbuf_addsemi(bb); ep++; } } static void seq_textread(t_seq *x, char *path) { t_binbuf *bb; bb = binbuf_new(); if (binbuf_read(bb, path, "", 0)) { /* CHECKED no complaint, open dialog presented */ hammerpanel_open(x->x_filehandle, 0); /* LATER rethink */ } else { int nlines = seq_frombinbuf(x, bb); if (nlines < 0) /* CHECKED "bad MIDI file (truncated)" alert, even if a text file */ loud_error((t_pd *)x, "bad text file (truncated)"); else if (nlines == 0) { /* CHECKED no complaint, sequence erased, LATER rethink */ } } binbuf_free(bb); } static void seq_textwrite(t_seq *x, char *path) { t_binbuf *bb; bb = binbuf_new(); seq_tobinbuf(x, bb); /* CHECKED empty sequence stored as an empty file */ if (binbuf_write(bb, path, "", 0)) { /* CHECKME complaint and FIXME */ loud_error((t_pd *)x, "error writing text file"); } binbuf_free(bb); } static void seq_doread(t_seq *x, t_symbol *fn, int creation) { char buf[MAXPDSTRING]; /* FIXME use open_via_path() */ if (x->x_canvas) canvas_makefilename(x->x_canvas, fn->s_name, buf, MAXPDSTRING); else { strncpy(buf, fn->s_name, MAXPDSTRING); buf[MAXPDSTRING-1] = 0; } if (creation) { /* loading during object creation -- CHECKED no warning if a file specified with an arg does not exist, LATER rethink */ FILE *fp; char path[MAXPDSTRING]; sys_bashfilename(buf, path); if (!(fp = fopen(path, "r"))) return; fclose(fp); } /* CHECKED all cases: arg or not, message and creation */ post("seq: reading %s", fn->s_name); if (!seq_mfread(x, buf)) seq_textread(x, buf); } static void seq_dowrite(t_seq *x, t_symbol *fn) { char buf[MAXPDSTRING], *dotp; if (x->x_canvas) canvas_makefilename(x->x_canvas, fn->s_name, buf, MAXPDSTRING); else { strncpy(buf, fn->s_name, MAXPDSTRING); buf[MAXPDSTRING-1] = 0; } post("seq: writing %s", fn->s_name); /* CHECKED arg or not */ /* save as text for any extension other then ".mid" */ if ((dotp = strrchr(fn->s_name, '.')) && strcmp(dotp + 1, "mid")) seq_textwrite(x, buf); else /* save as mf for ".mid" (FIXME ignore case?) or no extension at all, LATER rethink */ seq_mfwrite(x, buf); } static void seq_readhook(t_pd *z, t_symbol *fn, int ac, t_atom *av) { seq_doread((t_seq *)z, fn, 0); } static void seq_writehook(t_pd *z, t_symbol *fn, int ac, t_atom *av) { seq_dowrite((t_seq *)z, fn); } static void seq_read(t_seq *x, t_symbol *s) { if (s && s != &s_) seq_doread(x, s, 0); else /* CHECKED no default */ hammerpanel_open(x->x_filehandle, 0); } static void seq_write(t_seq *x, t_symbol *s) { if (s && s != &s_) seq_dowrite(x, s); else /* CHECKED creation arg is a default */ hammerpanel_save(x->x_filehandle, canvas_getdir(x->x_canvas), x->x_defname); } static void seq_eventstring(t_seq *x, char *buf, t_seqevent *ep) { unsigned char *bp = ep->e_bytes; int i; if (*bp < 128 || *bp == 247) sprintf(buf, "(%g)->", ep->e_delta); else sprintf(buf, "(%g)", ep->e_delta); buf += strlen(buf); sprintf(buf, " %g", (float)*bp); for (i = 0, bp++; i < 3 && *bp != SEQ_EOM; i++, bp++) { buf += strlen(buf); sprintf(buf, " %g", (float)*bp); } } static void seq_print(t_seq *x) { int nevents = x->x_nevents; startpost("midiseq:"); /* CHECKED */ if (nevents) { t_seqevent *ep = x->x_sequence; char buf[MAXPDSTRING+2]; int truncated; if (nevents > 16) nevents = 16, truncated = 1; else truncated = 0; endpost(); while (nevents--) { /* CHECKED bytes are space-separated, no semi */ seq_eventstring(x, buf, ep); post(buf); ep++; } if (truncated) post("..."); /* CHECKED */ } else post(" no sequence"); /* CHECKED */ } static void seq_properties(t_gobj *z, t_glist *glist) { t_seq *x = (t_seq *)z; t_seqevent *ep = x->x_sequence; int nevents = x->x_nevents; char buf[MAXPDSTRING+2]; sprintf(buf, "seq: %s", (x->x_defname && x->x_defname != &s_ ? x->x_defname->s_name : "")); hammereditor_open(x->x_filehandle, buf); while (nevents--) { seq_eventstring(x, buf, ep); strcat(buf, "\n"); hammereditor_append(x->x_filehandle, buf); ep++; } } static void seq_free(t_seq *x) { if (x->x_clock) clock_free(x->x_clock); if (x->x_slaveclock) clock_free(x->x_slaveclock); if (x->x_filehandle) hammerfile_free(x->x_filehandle); if (x->x_sequence != x->x_seqini) freebytes(x->x_sequence, x->x_seqsize * sizeof(*x->x_sequence)); if (x->x_tempomap != x->x_tempomapini) freebytes(x->x_tempomap, x->x_tempomapsize * sizeof(*x->x_tempomap)); } static void *seq_new(t_symbol *s) { t_seq *x = (t_seq *)pd_new(seq_class); static int warned = 0; if (!warned) { loud_warning((t_pd *)x, 0, "seq is not ready yet"); warned = 1; } x->x_canvas = canvas_getcurrent(); x->x_filehandle = hammerfile_new((t_pd *)x, 0, seq_readhook, seq_writehook, 0); x->x_timescale = 1.; x->x_newtimescale = 1.; x->x_prevtime = 0.; x->x_slaveprevtime = 0.; x->x_seqsize = SEQ_INISEQSIZE; x->x_nevents = 0; x->x_sequence = x->x_seqini; x->x_tempomapsize = SEQ_INITEMPOMAPSIZE; x->x_ntempi = 0; x->x_tempomap = x->x_tempomapini; outlet_new((t_object *)x, &s_anything); x->x_bangout = outlet_new((t_object *)x, &s_bang); if (s && s != &s_) { x->x_defname = s; /* CHECKME if 'read' changes this */ seq_doread(x, s, 1); } else x->x_defname = &s_; x->x_clock = clock_new(x, (t_method)seq_clocktick); x->x_slaveclock = clock_new(x, (t_method)seq_slaveclocktick); return (x); } void seq_setup(void) { seq_class = class_new(gensym("seq"), (t_newmethod)seq_new, (t_method)seq_free, sizeof(t_seq), 0, A_DEFSYM, 0); class_addbang(seq_class, seq_bang); class_addfloat(seq_class, seq_float); /* CHECKED symbol rejected */ class_addsymbol(seq_class, seq_symbol); /* CHECKED 1st atom of a list accepted if a float, ignored if a symbol */ class_addlist(seq_class, seq_list); class_addmethod(seq_class, (t_method)seq_record, gensym("record"), 0); class_addmethod(seq_class, (t_method)seq_append, gensym("append"), 0); class_addmethod(seq_class, (t_method)seq_start, gensym("start"), A_DEFFLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(seq_class, (t_method)seq_stop, gensym("stop"), 0); class_addmethod(seq_class, (t_method)seq_tick, gensym("tick"), 0); class_addmethod(seq_class, (t_method)seq_delay, gensym("delay"), A_FLOAT, 0); /* CHECKED arg obligatory */ class_addmethod(seq_class, (t_method)seq_hook, gensym("hook"), A_FLOAT, 0); /* CHECKED arg obligatory */ class_addmethod(seq_class, (t_method)seq_read, gensym("read"), A_DEFSYM, 0); class_addmethod(seq_class, (t_method)seq_write, gensym("write"), A_DEFSYM, 0); class_addmethod(seq_class, (t_method)seq_print, gensym("print"), 0); forky_setpropertiesfn(seq_class, seq_properties); hammerfile_setup(seq_class, 0); }