/* Copyright (c) 2002-2003 krzYszcz and others. * For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL * WARRANTIES, see the file, "LICENSE.txt," in this distribution. */ #include "m_pd.h" #include "common/loud.h" #define SWITCH_MININLETS 2 /* LATER consider using 1 (with a warning) */ #define SWITCH_C74MAXINLETS 100 #define SWITCH_DEFINLETS 2 typedef struct _switch { t_object x_ob; int x_open; int x_ninlets; /* not counting left one */ int x_nproxies; /* as requested (and allocated) */ t_pd **x_proxies; } t_switch; typedef struct _switch_proxy { t_object p_ob; t_switch *p_master; int p_id; } t_switch_proxy; static t_class *switch_class; static t_class *switch_proxy_class; static void switch_proxy_bang(t_switch_proxy *x) { t_switch *master = x->p_master; if (master->x_open == x->p_id) outlet_bang(((t_object *)master)->ob_outlet); } static void switch_proxy_float(t_switch_proxy *x, t_float f) { t_switch *master = x->p_master; if (master->x_open == x->p_id) outlet_float(((t_object *)master)->ob_outlet, f); } static void switch_proxy_symbol(t_switch_proxy *x, t_symbol *s) { t_switch *master = x->p_master; if (master->x_open == x->p_id) outlet_symbol(((t_object *)master)->ob_outlet, s); } static void switch_proxy_pointer(t_switch_proxy *x, t_gpointer *gp) { t_switch *master = x->p_master; if (master->x_open == x->p_id) outlet_pointer(((t_object *)master)->ob_outlet, gp); } static void switch_proxy_list(t_switch_proxy *x, t_symbol *s, int ac, t_atom *av) { t_switch *master = x->p_master; if (master->x_open == x->p_id) outlet_list(((t_object *)master)->ob_outlet, s, ac, av); } static void switch_proxy_anything(t_switch_proxy *x, t_symbol *s, int ac, t_atom *av) { t_switch *master = x->p_master; if (master->x_open == x->p_id) outlet_anything(((t_object *)master)->ob_outlet, s, ac, av); } static void switch_float(t_switch *x, t_float f) { int i = (int)f; if (i < 0) i = -i; if (i > x->x_ninlets) i = x->x_ninlets; x->x_open = i; } static void switch_bang(t_switch *x) { outlet_float(((t_object *)x)->ob_outlet, x->x_open); } static void switch_free(t_switch *x) { if (x->x_proxies) { int i = x->x_ninlets; while (i--) pd_free(x->x_proxies[i]); freebytes(x->x_proxies, x->x_nproxies * sizeof(*x->x_proxies)); } } static void *switch_new(t_floatarg f1, t_floatarg f2) { t_switch *x; int i, ninlets, nproxies = (int)f1; t_pd **proxies; if (nproxies < SWITCH_MININLETS) nproxies = SWITCH_DEFINLETS; if (nproxies > SWITCH_C74MAXINLETS) loud_incompatible_max(switch_class, SWITCH_C74MAXINLETS, "inlets"); if (!(proxies = (t_pd **)getbytes(nproxies * sizeof(*proxies)))) return (0); for (ninlets = 0; ninlets < nproxies; ninlets++) if (!(proxies[ninlets] = pd_new(switch_proxy_class))) break; if (ninlets < SWITCH_MININLETS) { int i = ninlets; while (i--) pd_free(proxies[i]); freebytes(proxies, nproxies * sizeof(*proxies)); return (0); } x = (t_switch *)pd_new(switch_class); x->x_ninlets = ninlets; x->x_nproxies = nproxies; x->x_proxies = proxies; for (i = 0; i < ninlets; i++) { t_switch_proxy *y = (t_switch_proxy *)proxies[i]; y->p_master = x; y->p_id = i + 1; inlet_new((t_object *)x, (t_pd *)y, 0, 0); } outlet_new((t_object *)x, &s_anything); switch_float(x, (f2 > 0 ? f2 : 0)); /* CHECKED */ return (x); } void switch_setup(void) { switch_class = class_new(gensym("switch"), (t_newmethod)switch_new, (t_method)switch_free, sizeof(t_switch), 0, A_DEFFLOAT, A_DEFFLOAT, 0); class_addfloat(switch_class, switch_float); class_addbang(switch_class, switch_bang); switch_proxy_class = class_new(gensym("_switch_proxy"), 0, 0, sizeof(t_switch_proxy), CLASS_PD | CLASS_NOINLET, 0); class_addfloat(switch_proxy_class, switch_proxy_float); class_addbang(switch_proxy_class, switch_proxy_bang); class_addsymbol(switch_proxy_class, switch_proxy_symbol); class_addpointer(switch_proxy_class, switch_proxy_pointer); class_addlist(switch_proxy_class, switch_proxy_list); class_addanything(switch_proxy_class, switch_proxy_anything); }