/* Copyright (c) 2003-2005 krzYszcz and others. * For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL * WARRANTIES, see the file, "LICENSE.txt," in this distribution. */ /* Never use forked calls in shadow code... */ /* LATER support multi-atom dir ('cd' message), and fn ('import' message) (same in maxmode, hammer and sickle) */ #include "m_pd.h" #include "common/loud.h" #include "common/port.h" #include "hammer/file.h" #include "unstable/fragile.h" #include "unstable/loader.h" #include "shadow.h" #include "../build_counter" typedef struct _cyclone { t_object x_ob; t_symbol *x_dir; t_symbol *x_canvasdir; t_hammerfile *x_filehandle; } t_cyclone; static t_class *cyclone_class; static int cyclone_hammerndx; static int cyclone_sicklendx; static int cyclone_nettlesndx; static int cyclone_lastndx; static void cyclone_readhook(t_pd *z, t_symbol *fn, int ac, t_atom *av) { import_max(fn->s_name, ""); } static void cyclone_doimport(t_cyclone *x, t_symbol *fn, t_symbol *dir) { if (!dir || dir == &s_) dir = x->x_dir; if (fn && fn != &s_) import_max(fn->s_name, (dir && dir != &s_) ? dir->s_name : ""); else hammerpanel_open(x->x_filehandle, dir); } static void cyclone_click(t_cyclone *x, t_floatarg xpos, t_floatarg ypos, t_floatarg shift, t_floatarg ctrl, t_floatarg alt) { cyclone_doimport(x, 0, 0); } static void cyclone_import(t_cyclone *x, t_symbol *fn) { cyclone_doimport(x, fn, 0); } static void cyclone_cd(t_cyclone *x, t_symbol *dir) { /* LATER hammerfile interface for relative jumps, etc. */ x->x_dir = (dir && dir != &s_ ? dir : x->x_canvasdir); } static void cyclone_pwd(t_cyclone *x) { outlet_symbol(((t_object *)x)->ob_outlet, x->x_dir); } static void cyclone_bang(t_cyclone *x) { if (cyclone_hammerndx && cyclone_sicklendx) { fragile_class_printnames("hammer classes are: ", cyclone_hammerndx, cyclone_sicklendx - 1); fragile_class_printnames("sickle classes are: ", cyclone_sicklendx, cyclone_nettlesndx - 1); } fragile_class_printnames("nettles are: ", cyclone_nettlesndx, cyclone_lastndx - 1); } static void cyclone_free(t_cyclone *x) { hammerfile_free(x->x_filehandle); } static void *cyclone_new(void) { t_cyclone *x = (t_cyclone *)pd_new(cyclone_class); x->x_filehandle = hammerfile_new((t_pd *)x, 0, cyclone_readhook, 0, 0); x->x_canvasdir = canvas_getdir(x->x_filehandle->f_canvas); x->x_dir = x->x_canvasdir; outlet_new((t_object *)x, &s_symbol); return (x); } void cyclone_setup(void) { int hresult, sresult; hresult = sresult = LOADER_OK; if (zgetfn(&pd_objectmaker, gensym("cyclone"))) { loud_error(0, "cyclone is already loaded"); return; } post("this is cyclone %s, %s %s build", CYCLONE_VERSION, loud_ordinal(CYCLONE_BUILD), CYCLONE_RELEASE); cyclone_class = class_new(gensym("cyclone"), (t_newmethod)cyclone_new, (t_method)cyclone_free, sizeof(t_cyclone), 0, 0); class_addbang(cyclone_class, cyclone_bang); class_addmethod(cyclone_class, (t_method)cyclone_cd, gensym("cd"), A_DEFSYM, 0); class_addmethod(cyclone_class, (t_method)cyclone_pwd, gensym("pwd"), 0); class_addmethod(cyclone_class, (t_method)cyclone_import, gensym("import"), A_DEFSYM, 0); class_addmethod(cyclone_class, (t_method)cyclone_click, gensym("click"), A_FLOAT, A_FLOAT, A_FLOAT, A_FLOAT, A_FLOAT, 0); hammerfile_setup(cyclone_class, 0); if (canvas_getcurrent()) { /* Loading hammer and sickle by cyclone object creation is banned, because of a danger of having some of the classes already loaded. */ loud_warning(0, "cyclone", "creating cyclone object without loading cyclone components"); cyclone_hammerndx = cyclone_sicklendx = 0; } else { cyclone_hammerndx = fragile_class_count(); if (zgetfn(&pd_objectmaker, gensym("hammer"))) loud_warning(0, "cyclone", "hammer is already loaded"); else hresult = unstable_load_lib("", "hammer"); cyclone_sicklendx = fragile_class_count(); if (zgetfn(&pd_objectmaker, gensym("sickle"))) loud_warning(0, "cyclone", "sickle is already loaded"); else sresult = unstable_load_lib("", "sickle"); } cyclone_nettlesndx = fragile_class_count(); allnettles_setup(); cyclone_lastndx = fragile_class_count() - 1; if (hresult == LOADER_NOFILE) loud_error(0, "hammer library is missing"); else if (sresult == LOADER_NOFILE) loud_error(0, "sickle library is missing"); else if (cyclone_hammerndx && (!zgetfn(&pd_objectmaker, gensym("hammer")) || !zgetfn(&pd_objectmaker, gensym("sickle")))) { loud_error(0, "version mismatch"); loud_errand(0, "use a more recent Pd release (or recompile the cyclone)."); } }