/* Copyright (c) 2003 krzYszcz and others. * For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL * WARRANTIES, see the file, "LICENSE.txt," in this distribution. */ /* This is Pd's lop~ with signal-controlled cutoff. */ /* CHECKED scalar case: input preserved (not coefs) after changing mode */ /* CHECKME if creation arg (or a default) restored after signal disconnection */ #include #include "m_pd.h" #include "shared.h" #include "sickle/sic.h" #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(MACOSX) /* cf pd/src/x_arithmetic.c */ #define sinf sin #endif #define ONEPOLE_HZ 0 #define ONEPOLE_LINEAR 1 #define ONEPOLE_RADIANS 2 #define ONEPOLE_MINB0 .0001 /* CHECKED 1st term of ir for b0=0 */ #define ONEPOLE_MAXB0 .99 /* CHECKED 1st term of ir for b0=1 */ #define ONEPOLE_MINOMEGA 0. /* CHECKME */ #define ONEPOLE_MAXOMEGA (SHARED_PI * .5) /* CHECKME */ typedef struct _onepole { t_sic x_sic; int x_mode; float x_srcoef; float x_ynm1; } t_onepole; static t_class *onepole_class; static t_symbol *ps_hz; static t_symbol *ps_linear; static t_symbol *ps_radians; static void onepole_clear(t_onepole *x) { x->x_ynm1 = 0.; } static void onepole_hz(t_onepole *x) { x->x_mode = ONEPOLE_HZ; } static void onepole_linear(t_onepole *x) { x->x_mode = ONEPOLE_LINEAR; } static void onepole_radians(t_onepole *x) { x->x_mode = ONEPOLE_RADIANS; } /* LATER make ready for optional audio-rate modulation (separate scalar case routine, use sic_makecostable(), etc.) */ static t_int *onepole_perform(t_int *w) { t_onepole *x = (t_onepole *)(w[1]); int nblock = (int)(w[2]); t_float *xin = (t_float *)(w[3]); t_float fin0 = *(t_float *)(w[4]); t_float *out = (t_float *)(w[5]); int mode = x->x_mode; float ynm1 = x->x_ynm1; /* CHECKME sampled once per block */ float b0; if (mode == ONEPOLE_HZ) { float omega = fin0 * x->x_srcoef; if (omega < ONEPOLE_MINOMEGA) omega = ONEPOLE_MINOMEGA; else if (omega > ONEPOLE_MAXOMEGA) omega = ONEPOLE_MAXOMEGA; /* The actual solution for a half-power cutoff is: b0 = sqrt(sqr(2-cos(omega))-1) + cos(omega) - 1. The sin(omega) below is only slightly better approximation than Miller's b0=omega, except for the two highest octaves (or so), where it is much better (but far from good). */ b0 = sinf(omega); } else if (mode == ONEPOLE_LINEAR) b0 = sinf(fin0 * (SHARED_PI * .5)); /* CHECKME actual range of fin0 */ else b0 = fin0; if (b0 < ONEPOLE_MINB0) b0 = ONEPOLE_MINB0; else if (b0 > ONEPOLE_MAXB0) b0 = ONEPOLE_MAXB0; /* b0 is the standard 1-|a1| (where |a1| is pole's radius), specifically: a1=b0-1 => a1 in [-.9999 .. -.01] => lowpass (stable) */ while (nblock--) *out++ = ynm1 = b0 * (*xin++ - ynm1) + ynm1; x->x_ynm1 = (PD_BIGORSMALL(ynm1) ? 0. : ynm1); return (w + 6); } static void onepole_dsp(t_onepole *x, t_signal **sp) { x->x_srcoef = SHARED_2PI / sp[0]->s_sr; onepole_clear(x); dsp_add(onepole_perform, 5, x, sp[0]->s_n, sp[0]->s_vec, sp[1]->s_vec, sp[2]->s_vec); } static void *onepole_new(t_symbol *s, t_floatarg f) { t_onepole *x = (t_onepole *)pd_new(onepole_class); x->x_srcoef = SHARED_2PI / sys_getsr(); /* CHECKED no int-to-float conversion (any int bashed to 0.) */ sic_newinlet((t_sic *)x, f); outlet_new((t_object *)x, &s_signal); onepole_clear(x); if (s == ps_linear) x->x_mode = ONEPOLE_LINEAR; else if (s == ps_radians) x->x_mode = ONEPOLE_RADIANS; else { x->x_mode = ONEPOLE_HZ; if (s && s != &s_ && s != ps_hz && s != gensym("Hz")) { /* CHECKED no warning */ } } return (x); } void onepole_tilde_setup(void) { ps_hz = gensym("hz"); ps_linear = gensym("linear"); ps_radians = gensym("radians"); onepole_class = class_new(gensym("onepole~"), (t_newmethod)onepole_new, 0, sizeof(t_onepole), 0, A_DEFFLOAT, A_DEFSYM, 0); sic_setup(onepole_class, onepole_dsp, SIC_FLOATTOSIGNAL); class_addmethod(onepole_class, (t_method)onepole_clear, gensym("clear"), 0); class_addmethod(onepole_class, (t_method)onepole_hz, ps_hz, 0); class_addmethod(onepole_class, (t_method)onepole_hz, gensym("Hz"), 0); class_addmethod(onepole_class, (t_method)onepole_linear, ps_linear, 0); class_addmethod(onepole_class, (t_method)onepole_radians, ps_radians, 0); }